Not Yet Released
  • 0020581: [Reports] Report require focused selection
1 issue View Issues
Not Yet Released
  • 0021099: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag complete album --> crash A14A846F
  • 0021085: [Help / Docs / Localization] 'Play in MediaMonkey x' appears incorrectly in certain languages
  • 0021104: [Install/Config] Upgrades from MediaMonkey 5 don't show MediaMonkey 2024 as an app (default apps / open with)
  • 0021077: [General] MediaMonkey crashes on Windows Server (regression 5.1)
  • 0021097: [Sync] Enable iOS18 Sync
  • 0021075: [General] MediaMonkey fails to close when DbgView is running (environment specific)
  • 0021053: [General] Progress bar has invisible client somewhere after 3005
  • 0020963: [General] Multimonitor: miniplayer doesn't appear / renders incorrectly
  • 0020932: [Main Panel] Multi-monitor: Menu can open on wrong screen
  • 0021030: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Editing tags causes increasing CPU load
  • 0005924: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Framework: CUEPoint Support
  • 0021098: [Main Panel] AV A14A653E When editing Info Panel Comment
  • 0021082: [Conversion/Leveling] Add support for encoding MP4/ALAC larger than 4GB.
  • 0021036: [General] Uncaught Error - Cannot read properties of null (reading 'querySelector')
  • 0018988: [Now Playing] Make Shuffle mode display track order (and related improvements)
  • 0021019: [Now Playing] Playing panel shows blank tracks and selection gets off by 7 tracks
  • 0020991: [General] MM5 is too slow with files from Folders
  • 0021029: [Playback] Waveform bar does not allow seeking for online MP3 tracks
  • 0020962: [Main Panel] Inline edit doesn't accept keystrokes
  • 0021013: [General] Slow startup time with debug builds
  • 0020999: [Install/Config] FMemini=nil
  • 0021006: [General] Excepton: Not all close events are finished !!
  • 0020980: [Main Panel] Home view is empty after install (when MM is blocked by firewall)
  • 0020975: [Main Panel] Columns are messed up after skin switching / 'Summary' column handled inconsistently
  • 0021007: [Main Panel] Popup opens in the wrong position (regression)
  • 0021045: [Other] Weird language selection behavior
  • 0020733: [Help / Docs / Localization] Label translations based on current status
  • 0020718: [Install/Config] MediaMonkey 2024 appears as 'MediaMonkey 5' in firewall dialog
  • 0021090: [Main Panel] Window not shown (appears black) when hovering over Taskbar preview (regression)
  • 0020846: [Install/Config] Import existing database dialog shown when user already added database on first run
  • 0021092: [Other] Choosing other language in Installer doesn't start MediaMonkey in installer language
  • 0021086: [Help / Docs / Localization] Various Collection nodes are no longer localized (regression 3034)
  • 0020429: [Sync] Change in IP address breaks sync functionality until server is restarted
  • 0020857: [Main Panel] Users shouldn't be able to open multiple tabs in Party Mode
  • 0021072: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-Tag: Color of conflict/changed value for Album Artist column is not same as with rest of columns
  • 0021087: [Track Browser] Send To Email do not work in MM5
  • 0020964: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Too much Tab key presses required to cycle all controls
  • 0021061: [Main Panel] Album Artist links to Artist (Filelisting & Preview)
  • 0021080: [Now Playing] Using the context menu via the keyboard triggers playback
  • 0021062: [Main Panel] Album Artist node can include Artist albums/tracks
  • 0021084: [Codecs] replaygain_track_gain MP3 tags should be read as case insensitive
  • 0020663: [General] Click on Date in Auto-tag is changing it
  • 0020891: [Main Panel] Badge on speed button should not display two decimal digits always
  • 0021063: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] AV when closing Auto-Tag before lookup finished
  • 0021073: [Collections] Entire Library collection should be enabled by default on a new install
  • 0021079: [Now Playing] Focus is lost on track transitions (regression)
  • 0020791: [Other] White Screen crash can cause many MediaMonkey.exe
  • 0020443: [Main Panel] Preview in Advanced layout should allow moving between fields with arrow keys when Allow edits is turned on
  • 0021074: [Other] Remove "Radio Forest" from the default radio stations
  • 0021057: [Conversion/Leveling] Analyzing volume causes mouse cursor to briefly change to progress wheel and back to arrow
  • 0021001: [Main Panel] Folders node doesn't show album artwork (b3029)
  • 0019368: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-Tag: fails to detect tracks correctly even when accurate Title & Album OR Album metadata exists
  • 0021069: [Reports] Export to iTunes.xml is getting slower and slower during the process (with HDD drive only)
  • 0021067: [Now Playing] Playing: playing track not highlighted after MM is minimized
  • 0021058: [Conversion/Leveling] Massive debug output when analyzing volume
  • 0021071: [Main Panel] Artwork lookup crashes
  • 0020993: [Playback] Pressing "Next file" hotkey many times can cause freeze and/or crash
  • 0021068: [Burning / Disc Handling] Rip doesn't respect selected files [Regression 3031]
  • 0021011: [General] (De)selecting files in Convert format dialog box is problematic
  • 0021023: [Now Playing] Playing: playing track isn't in focus (regression 3031)
  • 0020946: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Opening menus immediately after running MM/switching skins triggers crash A14AFBC2
  • 0021032: [Main Panel] MM Crashes on startup ocasionally
  • 0021054: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Possible crash when navigating menus
  • 0020977: [Now Playing] After upgrade Now Playing arrow Navigation stooped working (regression)
  • 0021052: [General] Mouse cursor flickers when moving it above text boxes [regression 3032]
  • 0021055: [Sync] Hide unselected not respected when first time enabled
  • 0021009: [Main Panel] Cannot select files in popups in some cases
  • 0021048: [Main Panel] YouTube tab shows no results when Info Panel lookup is disabled
  • 0021028: [Main Panel] Accidental moving of files inside popup causes their physical moving and display of multiple files / D&D is broken (regression)
  • 0021027: [General] Dropdown list is closed during scrolling if cursor is outside of it
  • 0020965: [General] Opened dropdown list is not closed when moving dialog
  • 0020992: [Extensions (bundled)] Column # Is missing from Reports
  • 0020982: [General] libcef.dll crashes MM even on Idle
  • 0021041: [Install/Config] MediaMonkey 4 --> 2024 installations overwrite shortcuts
  • 0021044: [Other] Error on language change when network isn't connected
  • 0020958: [Playback] Quick Prev/Next in player trigger tracks overlap (Regression)
  • 0021042: [Other] Open URL or File Textbox doesn't receive focus
  • 0017638: [Other] Allow non user-initiated traffic to be disabled
  • 0021034: [Track Browser] Listview not updated when Track level is analyzed
  • 0021015: [Other] MM do not close completely in some cases
  • 0021014: [General] "Allow just one instance" is taking effect only after restart
  • 0020573: [Tracklist] Make # column movable or Hidden
  • 0020915: [Main Panel] Media Tree can be slow to expand, show results in Filelisting (when 'Analyzing volume' process is running)
  • 0020902: [General] Memory leaks on opened dialogs and menus
  • 0021016: [Main Panel] Media tree is shown with mixed icons after restart (occassionaly)
  • 0020352: [Other] Show dropdown in Addon dialog box doesn't work correctly, i.e. it empties the list
  • 0020639: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Changing criteria in auto-playlists doesn't update tracklist always
  • 0020972: [General] Crash on right-click of Tray --> Error: Window is not loaded yet!
  • 0020989: [General] Frozen program after resumption from hibernation
  • 0020976: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Extended tags containing quotation mark cause deletion of all extension tags
  • 0020668: [General] Scrollbars of disabled controls are active (now missing)
  • 0020981: [General] Program is not reloading after changing skin
  • 0020759: [Main Panel] Inaccessible files are not displayed as such in popup panels
  • 0019951: [General] Some MP3 tracks fail to cast via UPnP / Casting sometimes skips (regression?)
  • 0020677: [Install/Config] Data import from earlier versions of MediaMonkey
  • 0020554: [Tagging framework / input plugins] Add support for reading ORIGALBUM, ORIGARTIST, ORIGLYRICIST vorbis tags
  • 0020434: [Main Panel] Selecting in Grid (by Album) show duplicate tracks
  • 0020810: [General] Startup takes 10 seconds (performance)
  • 0020973: [General] Access violation at address 007264DE in module 'MediaMonkeyEngine.exe'
  • 0020966: [General] Range check error
  • 0020994: [Main Panel] Refreshing skin causes wrong tracks info in popup
  • 0021003: [Main Panel] Hide editor icon in autoplaylist editor is wrong on first opening
  • 0020945: [Tracklist] Album tracklist changes when it is being played (regression?)
  • 0021018: [General] Options > Layout > Playing list => crash [regression 3030]
  • 0020985: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] File monitor detects modified paths but fails to reflect them in the database
  • 0021008: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Switching between views for an autoplaylist --> crash A14AD961
  • 0020984: [Main Panel] Random foreground color for album pop-ups
  • 0020664: [General] (De)selecting files in Organize files dialog box is problematic
  • 0020960: [Main Panel] Crash on context menu (Regression)
  • 0020983: [Main Panel] High CPU usage in full-screen mode (in specific environments)
  • 0020309: [Main Panel] # column can't be removed from Configure View
  • 0020968: [Tracklist] YouTube: 'Show studio albums only' toggle hides all tracks
  • 0020395: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Click on popupButton in Navigation bar should display menu with folders as Explorer
  • 0020924: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: Often recommends singles instead of Albums when it shouldn't
  • 0020969: [Install/Config] Error: Could not load file ...\persistent.json
  • 0020936: [General] Uncaught Error: Cannot read properties of null
  • 0019644: [Extensions (bundled)] Player overlay doesn't work with YouTube video
  • 0020974: [General] Uncaught Error: setVisibility called on undefined element! (crash A14A1D9D)
  • 0019939: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Edit Tags options disabled in Main Menu (selection bug) [Regression]
  • 0013908: [Extensions framework] Extensions: Addons Site browsable directly from MMW
  • 0020938: [DB / Backup] AV A14A1624 Manual Backup of database/settings/Addons
  • 0020939: [Playback] Playback looping for files played from network under network load
  • 0020979: [Other] MediaMonkeyChromium folder is create unxpected in MM install folder
  • 0020305: [Install/Config] Empty white background on main panel on first run (with release build)
  • 0020757: [General] attributePopup lvPopup is very hard to skin
  • 0020796: [Main Panel] Opened and closed popups steal focus
  • 0020737: [Main Panel] Dropdown lists should be closed if Maximize window is clicked
  • 0020806: [Main Panel] List view doesn't tab into Rating when in-line editing
  • 0020887: [Main Panel] Inline Edit doesn't save
  • 0020952: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Organize Files keeps showing in Statusbar [Regression 3025]
  • 0020937: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Editing autoplaylist criteria sometimes fails (aka clicking outside an open combo box causes another combobox to open)
  • 0020948: [General] Instability with fresh portable installations and scanning (regression)
  • 0020788: [Main Panel] Artists and Albums in Browser view should have showMore/showLess icons instead of v and >
  • 0020955: [Track Browser] Using tools locks user out of other tree nodes (regression 3025)
  • 0020951: [Burning / Disc Handling] CD Drive node not removed when CD is ejected at end of Rip [Regression 3025]
  • 0020954: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Scan dialog: selection causes paths to be edited (regression)
  • 0020953: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Scanning status indicator is broken (regression 3025)
  • 0020956: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Menus or dialogs appearing behind main menu, locking the user out of MM (regression)
  • 0018418: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Add/Rescan: some entries aren't editable (and really long paths may not be viewable)
  • 0018210: [Main Panel] Allow users to customize which fields are displayed in the Summary column/Simplified List
  • 0020949: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] MediaMonkey modifies BPM when saving other tags
  • 0020947: [Tracklist] Music > Rating > 2.5 stars includes 2 star tracks
  • 0020689: [Extensions (bundled)] Exporting iTunes.xml addon (for usage with Traktor)
  • 0020351: [Other] Too much empty space on the add-on's installation dialog box
  • 0020909: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Add Cover window can be send to background
  • 0020925: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Properties > Artwork > Browse button's default path for multiple files
  • 0020926: [Install/Config] Empty roaming\MediaMonkey folder is created (Regression)
  • 0020930: [Playback] Freeze when thousands of tracks are skipped because of network/drive disconnect
  • 0020400: [General] Program doesn't cover the entire screen when maximized
  • 0020934: [Now Playing] Playing doesn't switch focus to the currently playing track when sort order |= play order
  • 0020941: [Main Panel] Clicking menus trigger crashes (regression)
  • 0020940: [General] Addons dialog doesn't show anything (b3021)
  • 0020931: [Main Panel] Crash when visualization is set to Windowed mode [regression]
  • 0014676: [Sync] Track Resync: Add ability to manually force track resync in device profiles
  • 0020920: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Unclicking '>' in the breadcrumb bar doesn't work
  • 0020935: [Main Panel] DELETE doesn't work on Playlist in Media Tree [Regression]
  • 0020564: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Drive letter mapped to local folder shows incorrect letter in Media Properties
  • 0020818: [Collections] Collection criteria is ignored when viewing the collection's Classification node
  • 0020797: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Left panel toolbar button should not get focus on Tab key
  • 0020858: [Main Panel] Minimize/maximize/close buttons do not work in some environments (regression 2803)
  • 0020824: [Burning / Disc Handling] Tagging a CD add space to default Trackxx Title value
  • 0020847: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] \ folder in Add/Rescan Files
  • 0020790: [General] Margins of Grid view cannot be skinned properly
  • 0020903: [Burning / Disc Handling] CDDBP connection to results in "Cannot create connection" (regression?)
  • 0020894: [Other] AV on startup of MediaMonkey
  • 0020895: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] .toolbutton.popupButton in navbar for Artists and Albums ">" is not consistent with other nodes
  • 0020905: [Install/Config] OS integration config: 'Play in MediaMonkey 5' should be 'Play in MediaMonkey 2024'
  • 0020911: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Trying to auto-organize files with "Bomb Rating" addon installed => crash [regression 3019]
  • 0020907: [Skinning framework] showSidebarLeft and showSidebarRight toolbar buttons should have unique classes or data attributes (opened/closed)
  • 0020910: [General] Icons don't resize well when changing size in skin
  • 0020685: [General] Album art is not alwys displayed for some tracks
  • 0020567: [Now Playing] Delete from Playing can trigger the confirmation dialog even when it's disabled [Regression]
  • 0019432: [Help / Docs / Localization] Database structure wiki doesn't exist for MMW5 database
  • 0019387: [Now Playing] Playing numerous inaccessible tracks slows UI interactions
  • 0020862: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Add "Browse..." button next to Lookup image in Properties dialog
  • 0020864: [Now Playing] Playing list: Default action is not respected (Party Mode)
  • 0020893: [Now Playing] Double click on file in Playing panel executes Default action (regression b3018)
  • 0020923: [Now Playing] Edits to Playing [List view] fail to register in Playing list panel [regression]
  • 0019698: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto Tag: Can't select value for field in dropdown
  • 0020358: [Now Playing] Adding files to Playing list causes removing of selections
  • 0020582: [Now Playing] Now Playing List mode is different than Playing List mode
  • 0020912: [Main Panel] Toggling Info Panel can cause AV A14A0B8A [regression 2019]
  • 0020919: [Tracklist] Tooltips interfere with tracklist ratings (regression)
  • 0017090: [Install/Config] New install creates Virtual CD and Previews folders
  • 0020914: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Edit Tags > Clean ID3/Update Tags dialogs have no Title
  • 0020908: [DB / Backup] AV A14AFFEA on backup of database [Regression 3019]
  • 0020896: [Burning / Disc Handling] MM indicates connection to MusicBrainz failed
  • 0020899: [Burning / Disc Handling] AV 0040A420 Start of Rip
  • 0020898: [Other] Skin options does not work in localized installations
  • 0019936: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-Tag doesn't show files sorted correctly
  • 0020886: [Main Panel] Cursor shows resize cursor despite Disable reposition enabled in Party Mode
  • 0020769: [General] MM 2024 cannot have multiple instances running
  • 0020730: [Extensions framework] clrRegular class needed (or .clrRegularText or something like that)
  • 0020798: [Main Panel] Keys to open/close popups in grid needed
  • 0020699: [General] A new icon for button to switch back from mini player to main window needed
  • 0020882: [Now Playing] Party mode: Crash when trying to show properties for multiple files
  • 0020883: [Now Playing] Playing allows Select All in Party Mode
  • 0020856: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] AV 0AF10000 on using Properties of file on Media Server
  • 0020865: [Now Playing] Disable Player controls and track reordering fails with Play Now, etc. in Party Mode isn't respected in Media tree
  • 0020801: [General] listview classes or data attributes for grid views and simplified lists needed
  • 0020802: [Main Panel] lvItems in playlist editor don't get data-keyfocused
  • 0020870: [Other] Out of memory (during sync of 50K+ files)
  • 0020657: [General] lvitem of listview in Add/Rescan dialog should not have clickable class
  • 0020728: [Skinning framework] data-control-class="Buttons" causes too wide buttons with Material Design and Flat Monkey
  • 0020879: [Main Panel] Possible crash when switching to Party Mode [regession b3015]
  • 0020853: [Now Playing] User has no control over play options in Party Mode
  • 0020880: [Main Panel] Party Mode: Clicking album popup in Grid [by Album] => crash
  • 0020844: [Now Playing] In-line edit can fail in Playing node
  • 0020745: [Main Panel] Rating stars in auto-playlist editor don't have space on the left side
  • 0020876: [Now Playing] Party mode: some options are only accessible when full-screen mode is enaled
  • 0020878: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Party Mode: 'Hide menu bar' option takes no effect
  • 0020688: [General] Files can be dragged in Tag from filename (and similar dialogs)
  • 0020868: [General] There is no space between "Stop after:" and "Current file" in tooltip
  • 0020863: [Main Panel] Party mode: It is still possible to clear Playing list (or Undo/Redo/Reverse)
  • 0020820: [General] Add-Rescan Media Type dropdown covers Delete icon
  • 0020872: [Main Panel] Auto-playlists should have autoplaylist icon in Info panel
  • 0020881: [Main Panel] Crash when popup in Grid was opened before entering Party Mode
  • 0020873: [General] Organize files button in the Properties dialog box should have organize icon
  • 0020795: [Main Panel] Click on the header of popup should give focus to it
  • 0020874: [General] All tracks node of Entire Library should be renamed to All files
  • 0020875: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Properties option of Preview panel should have properties icon
  • 0020867: [Playback] Stop after: Current file should not be reset on Pause
  • 0020736: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Artwork in file tags is listed as the last and not added to DB (regression against 5.0.4)
  • 0020860: [Playback] Disabled seekbar/waveform: progress is not visible
  • 0020799: [General] Shift + Ctrl + click doesn't work for deselecting files
  • 0020854: [Now Playing] Disable Player controls and track reordering fails with Play Now, etc. in Party Mode aren't fully respected
  • 0020851: [Extensions framework] Party Mode needs a method to hide Addons from toolbar
  • 0020850: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Exit Party Mode shown multiple times on toolbar
  • 0020852: [Conversion/Leveling] Analyze Volume is available on Context Menu in Party Mode
  • 0020829: [Playback] Playback speed indicator on Player is overlayed on Stop after
  • 0020843: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Auto-DJ in the main menu should be checkable item
  • 0020238: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Focus rectangle displayed in context search dropdown without selecting by TAB
  • 0020456: [Main Panel] List view can loose selected tracks in specific cases
  • 0019916: [Install/Config] Editing properties removes file extension from path/filename (with specific auto-organize settings)
  • 0020715: [UPnP / DLNA] Casting to MMW: deletes playing list & stop button doesn't work
  • 0020752: [General] Crash on clean portable install
  • 0020819: [Extensions framework] Addons: Add maxAppVersion compatibility field
  • 0020809: [General] MediaMonkey often crashes on close 62D60000 (regression)
  • 0020749: [Playback] Stars in Taskbar thumbnail preview are ugly
  • 0020839: [Extensions framework] setExtendedTagsAsync() allows you to input invalid JSON, which can cause crashes down the line
  • 0020836: [Burning / Disc Handling] 4A750000 on CD Properties edit
  • 0020837: [Burning / Disc Handling] AV E3DE5570 on closing Properties while editing CD
  • 0020831: [Burning / Disc Handling] A14A703F on CD insert
  • 0020828: [Playback] Enabling/Disabling Speed adjustment in Playback rules doesn't affect playback of current file
  • 0020830: [Install/Config] Playback rules settings keep changing when switching Types
  • 0020832: [Install/Config] Preview label missing from Settings
  • 0020822: [DB / Backup] MediaMonkey should have default database backup enabled
  • 0020766: [UPnP / DLNA] MM5 renderer persists visible after closed (causing issues for MMA)
  • 0020765: [Main Panel] MediaMonkey Taskbar needs to be changed to MediaMonkey 2024
  • 0020815: [Codecs] FLAC Codec should support 32bps as selection
  • 0020773: [General] Two vertical scrollbars with Lyrics view of Playing node
  • 0020800: [Main Panel] Collections show vertical scrollbar always
  • 0020785: [Main Panel] 3010 Won't Start at All (with HW acceleration disabled)
  • 0020734: [Sync] Syncing to DropBox can result in file lost when the library file is actually the DropBox file
  • 0020807: [Main Panel] Image in browser view header is sometimes in the middle.
  • 0020813: [Conversion/Leveling] Bits per sample reset when changing other conversion settings for FLAC
  • 0020814: [Conversion/Leveling] WAV uses Bit depth for Bits per sample
  • 0020528: [Main Panel] Space below files in main tracklist with Playing node doesn't accept drop of files
  • 0020787: [Main Panel] Albums truncated in Browser view
  • 0020811: [General] MM 2024 fail to lookup images and crashes in LibCef
  • 0020804: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Navigation bar shows ">" without space on its left side
  • 0020774: [Main Panel] Size of Album info in popup is inconsistent to the size of same info in grid
  • 0020782: [Main Panel] Too much space between album header and tracks in popup
  • 0020784: [Main Panel] albumImageSquare should have style="display: none;" when there is no image in popup
  • 0020783: [Main Panel] br element should not be used in popup header
  • 0020786: [Main Panel] Opening/closing of Sort by dropdown moves albums with some skins
  • 0020779: [Install/Config] Welcome page doesn't render correctly
  • 0020464: [Main Panel] Two vertical scrollbars in main tracklist with Playing node
  • 0020724: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] Gapless casting: Disabling WASAPI's Exclusive mode makes issues with some devices
  • 0020723: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] Gapless casting: End of the last track can be cut off
  • 0020772: [Tracklist] Grid view flashes regularly
  • 0020710: [General] Title in Album Art and Lyrics views should have data-id attribute
  • 0020473: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Context menus are selectively disabled for inaccessible tracks
  • 0020762: [Burning / Disc Handling] Remove 5 from Encoder String MediaMonkey writes on CD Rip
  • 0020472: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Selection fails to update when a context menu is active (regression)
  • 0020747: [Main Panel] Popup panel is not resized well
  • 0020493: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] The first row in the Playing menu with Undo/Redo buttons should have different layout
  • 0020726: [Install/Config] Languages not available to some users (regression 3005)
  • 0020743: [General] tr elements without table parent and without td children
  • 0020767: [UPnP / DLNA] Sync Server identifies as 5.0 instead of 2024.
  • 0020758: [General] Scrolling in grid view with a mouse wheel is stalling on a row containing item with opened popup
  • 0020738: [Main Panel] attributePopup background color for artists without artwork is inconsistent
  • 0020770: [General] Vertical slider in player has too much space on the right side
  • 0019606: [Help / Docs / Localization] Japanese characters don't display correctly (regression)
  • 0020771: [General] Vertical sliders in Equalizer don't have the same width
  • 0020674: [Main Panel] Changing casing of album name in tracklisting does not update album name in Albums table
  • 0020620: [Main Panel] "Play to" button added to the Player should not have checkable class.
  • 0020411: [Main Panel] plstEditSpotSplitter should be set to display:none when Playlist Editor is not opened
  • 0020364: [Skinning framework] Issues with skins when the program is inactive (a body class when the program is inactive needed)
  • 0020635: [Skinning framework] Visualization color cannot be skinned
  • 0020641: [General] lvItem div of playing track in Playlist editor should have itemNowPlaying class
  • 0020565: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Issue with duplicate drives after migration to the new PC
  • 0020540: [Main Panel] MM can freeze when doing constant inline editing
  • 0020432: [Extensions framework] Ability to read (and maybe write) registry values in JS needed
  • 0020534: [General] Vertical scrollbar in Add/Rescan displayed when it shouldn't, depending on skin
  • 0020401: [Skins] Vertical scrollbar in main filelist displayed when it shouldn't, depending on skin
  • 0017499: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Locate moved/missing files: usability tweaks
  • 0020237: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Ordering Artwork in Properties renames external Artwork
  • 0020544: [Sync] USB sync to Android device crashes to white screen for some users (regression in 2820)
  • 0020550: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] Playing to some devices (like HiFi Rose RS 520) plays only the first track and does not advance
  • 0020223: [Main Panel] Intensive artwork searching in Album grid can result in heap overflow
  • 0020203: [Burning / Disc Handling] Original date is not preserved for inserted CDs (not in the library)
  • 0020532: [General] Tabs with ampersand
  • 0020487: [General] When MMA device profile is re-created in MMW, Playlist tracks fail to download
  • 0020278: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: takes much too long (regression)
  • 0020404: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Database and/or Views fail to update on mass edit of Folders node
  • 0020359: [Sync] iPhone connection does not work in some environments [regression 2823]
  • 0020342: [Sync] iOS 15.7.9 sync can fail in some environments
  • 0020181: [Sync] Convert Artwork problems with PNG files
  • 0016622: [Now Playing] Now Playing: Unexpected behavior when Changing Sort order
  •        0020249: [Now Playing] Playing Node loses files
  • 0020707: [Main Panel] Color of the track info in Visualization should be able to skin independently of lines
  • 0019716: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] Chromecast audio is not detected in some environments
  • 0020742: [General] Font size option in Playing node / Lyrics view should resize artist / title info
  • 0020751: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] Casting: Sort available players alphabetically
  • 0020503: [Main Panel] Play on Info Panel doesn't add files shuffled when Shuffle is enabled
  • 0020690: [Hotkeys] Entering Alt + NumPad number also enters alt+value character
  • 0020630: [General] Rows on Details page in Properties dialog have inconsistent height
  • 0020598: [Help / Docs / Localization] Finalize 5.1 strings for translation
  • 0019662: [Extensions (bundled)] YouTube online content can show files twice
  • 0020725: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] mDNS service can result in high CPU usage
  • 0020244: [Main Panel] Multiple spaces not show in Filelisting
  • 0020732: [Sync] Sync-list config: Selecting 'All genres' actually selects 'whole collection'
  • 0020731: [Help / Docs / Localization] Update translation credits
  • 0020709: [Install/Config] MediaMonkey 2024 installation do not remove Old Shortcuts
  • 0020722: [Install/Config] Portable MediaMonkey 2024 installation remove Shortcuts from normal install (Regression)
  • 0020397: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Linked artwork gets duplicated on re-scan [regression 2818]
  • 0020275: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Artwork from file tag is not re-scanned for files already in database
  • 0020686: [General] Folder.jpg is not displayed, but other bitmap files from the same folder
  • 0018703: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Album Art: Image Type should be easy to specify (regression)
  • 0020716: [Main Panel] Possible crash A14AA4DF when closing dialogs
  • 0020605: [Other] Temp folders don't identify as belonging to MediaMonkey.
  • 0020676: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Artwork metadata lookup causes focus from the active app to be lost for a second
  • 0020706: [Main Panel] Phantom Tree/Preview splitters over maximized Visualization
  • 0020703: [Help / Docs / Localization] Error when switching to a downloadable language in MM 2024
  • 0020679: [General] Slider ticks are outside of their container
  • 0020702: [Sync] Sync to local folder: Re-syncing file without artwork adds extra seconds to the original file
  • 0020700: [General] Possible crash A14A6B74 on startup (build 3002)
  • 0020701: [Sync] Possible crash 87380000 during USB sync (due to Access Denied to Temp dir)
  • 0020297: [Sync] Choose highest 'quality' match in MediaMonkey when importing from streaming service
  • 0020687: [General] Current and remaining times are not updated simultaneously in player
  • 0020691: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Organize files fails to show files when triggered from Playing [Regression]
  • 0020711: [Main Panel] Inline edit of Album in Media Tree adds Album Artist to Album value
  • 0020270: [General] Chromium crash on MM Start
  • 0020498: [Main Panel] Phantom nowplayingVerticalSplitter over maximized Visualization
  • 0018913: [Main Panel] Metadata Lookup fails in Side-by-Side mode in Preview
  • 0020611: [Codecs] WAV Conversion fail
  • 0020683: [Sync] Supported Formats > Images doesn't appear to do anything
  • 0020682: [Sync] WiFi Sync: Sync profile is often lacking 'Supported formats'
  • 0020681: [Sync] Sync configuration has 'hand pointer' mouse cursor (regression)
  • 0020680: [General] Sliders on Player page have uneven height
  • 0020579: [Install/Config] MM6 Portable installation do not offer importing from MM5 only from MM4
  • 0019082: [Track Browser] Column order: Changing column order is too difficult
  • 0020665: [Main Panel] After restart Playlist editor is not staying on the same tab where it was opened
  • 0020675: [Conversion/Leveling] Album level value is calculated even for files with unknown album value
  • 0020608: [General] Getting video thumbnail for some video causes crash "Bitmap image is not valid"
  • 0020568: [Now Playing] Deleting file from Playing list [List (by Album)] takes long
  • 0020403: [Now Playing] Artwork doesn't resize with panel width in Album Art view in Playing (first time)
  • 0020580: [Main Panel] Duplicate Content is missing Views/doesn't remember columns
  • 0020585: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Reports file list do not work in some cases (regression)
  • 0020516: [General] Right click on tab should not activate it
  • 0020515: [Main Panel] Questionable pencil button in Grid (by Album) view of playlists
  • 0020571: [Main Panel] File can remain selected when navigating to different node [Regression]
  • 0020570: [Main Panel] Editing field may show in wrong value (after merging other values in Media Tree)
  • 0020575: [Main Panel] Selection is lost when 'Column filter' is enabled, sort order changed and a file tagged
  • 0020529: [General] Down arrow buttons in Add/Rescan are too much above the baseline with some skins
  • 0020574: [Playback] /PLAY command line parameter does not honor audio output settings
  • 0020530: [General] Schedule dropdown in Add/Rescan is not aligned to the parent column
  • 0020577: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Scanning endless recursion of directory structure (Stack overflow)
  • 0020588: [Other] Write lock not aquired crash in 2832
  • 0020603: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] AutoPlaylist based solely on Collection doesn't work when used in other AutoPlaylist
  • 0020606: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Custom field names can be same as tag which causes problems with (Auto-)Tag (Files)
  • 0020604: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Played = 0 Criteria excludes partially played files with Bookmarking enabled in AutoPlaylists
  • 0020591: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] Gapless playback when casting with combination of waveOut plug-in and 24-bit files results in noise
  • 0020578: [Install/Config] MM6 Portable installation creates Empty folder under roaming
  • 0020584: [Other] Change Splash screen to 2024
  • 0020671: [Playback] Analyzing volume or converting of FLAC file can lead to crash
  • 0020638: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Date = criterion in auto-playlists editor should give all files from specified year
  • 0020672: [Main Panel] Selected files in Playing panel are deselected after opening Options
  • 0020642: [General] Radio buttons in "Preview & Lyrics" and "Playing list" toggle each other
  • 0020629: [General] Timestamp in Properties dialog box should be in the same row with Channels
  • 0020460: [Main Panel] Switch to micro/mini player button should be changed on Windows 11
  • 0020356: [Now Playing] Missing files are not displayed in gray color on restart
  • 0020510: [Other] "Add location" button should have down arrow icon or ">>" on its end, not ellipsis
  • 0020627: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] "Sample rate" dropdown option in auto-playlist editor should have added unit (kHz)
  • 0020626: [Tracklist] Asc/Desc arrow icon in the tracklist header doesn't have pointer mouse cursor
  • 0020632: [General] All tag names on Basic page of Properties dialog should end with a colon
  • 0020631: [General] Values on the Details page of Properties dialog should be put into separate html elements
  • 0020619: [Main Panel] Gear and submenu icons in menus should not have the same behavior
  • 0020625: [Main Panel] Double click on tag fields in Preview panel with Allow edits should not open art dialog
  • 0020617: [Main Panel] Menus should not have their first item highlighted on opening
  • 0020640: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Playlist editor (static) doesn't show inaccessible tracks as such
  • 0020643: [Skinning framework] data-maximized should be added to maximized dialog boxes
  • 0020430: [Skinning framework] Waveform is hard to be skinned properly
  • 0020634: [General] Details page of Properties dialog messes size of controls on other pages
  • 0020651: [Skinning framework] My Rating submenu in context menu has stars that are hard for skinning
  • 0020423: [Playback] Visualization in full-screen mode briefly restores to window size on every new song
  • 0020616: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Locate Moved Missing Files has unlabeled checkbox
  • 0017779: [Conversion/Leveling] Unanalyzed volume node tweaks / improved approach to Album Volume
  • 0020095: [Playback] Crash during FLAC playback
  • 0020595: [UPnP / DLNA] DLNA playback fail at some point
  • 0020308: [Skinning framework] Improve the default skin
  • 0019356: [General] Two AVs in a row when closing MM without any network connection
  • 0020332: [Burning / Disc Handling] Case Checker changes Artist for CD with CD-Text
  • 0020298: [Main Panel] Artwork and Summary fails to show data when there is only single album in 'List (by Album)' view [regression]
  • 0019914: [Playlists] Playlist view empties when right panel is reopened
  • 0020318: [Skins] Improved customization for default skins
  • 0019217: [General] Tooltip should show up always when the item in tracklist is not fully visible
  • 0020336: [Now Playing] Play now action sometimes does not update Playing list - regression
  • 0020293: [General] Tooltips are triggered too fast in Options
  • 0020038: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] When Play/skip count is updated from Track properties then Last play date should be too
  • 0018241: [Sync] Device sync: add auto-conversion for artwork files
  • 0019553: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: fails to find tracks containing numbers
  • 0019656: [Codecs] FLAC: FLAC Lib is outdated
  • 0020459: [Playback] BT Playback can't be initialized on BT headphones and WASAPI output
  • 0020287: [General] Crash on resume from sleep: 02108314
  • 0020257: [Extensions framework] app.getAddonList().asJSON has invalid JSON
  • 0020250: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Audiobooks: Author field maps to composer
  • 0020150: [Main Panel] Multi-value split is applied on Album field
  • 0020154: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Cursor selects in drop-down [Regression]
  • 0020164: [Main Panel] Preview/Lyrics window resets scroll position when playback threshold is reached
  • 0020198: [Playback] Equalizer sometimes causes sound glitches during start of playback of some files
  • 0020078: [Extensions (bundled)] Crash when is installed over
  • 0020204: [Main Panel] Visual update tweak when creating New AutoPlaylist on parent playlist that already has children
  • 0020207: [Playlists] Properties > Classification > Playlists list can be inaccurate in some cases
  • 0016415: [Main Panel] Media servers should be sorted based on last access time
  • 0019286: [Playlists] playlist.addTracksAsync doesn't update displayed playlist always
  • 0020572: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Properties, Copy, Rename, Play, Edit tag options show enabled without files selected
  • 0020200: [General] Player Track Summary some Context menu options are unavailable - regression
  • 0011716: [UPnP / DLNA] Gapless playback / volume leveling when casting
  • 0020179: [Main Panel] Context Menu items disabled in Column Filter [Regression]
  • 0018041: [Main Panel] Files to Edit node shows Filter button (while it contains no files)
  • 0018526: [Sync] Empty playlists are not synced
  • 0019868: [General] Incorrect pairing tracks with the same name in the same folder
  • 0019451: [Extensions (bundled)] Update Refresh Skin Shortcut to use new "quick window reload" feature
  • 0019577: [Playlists] M3U/M3U8 Extended format improvement Read/Write
  • 0020560: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] File list is not greyed out when no file is selected
  • 0020553: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Properties: Original Title field is misleading since it actually usually refers to Original Album
  • 0020556: [Playback] Milkshake Visualization silently fails when Hardware Acceleration is disabled
  • 0020552: [Burning / Disc Handling] The last ripped track not showing in 'All tracks' node until you press F5
  • 0020551: [Playback] Playing a problematic stream causes MM to go BACK to the previous track
  • 0020433: [Main Panel] Click on empty area below files in main tracklist should deselect all files in it (regression 5.1.0)
  • 0020569: [Conversion/Leveling] Unable to change bitrate for auto-convert rule [regression 5.1]
  • 0020559: [Extensions (bundled)] File List addon can be uninstalled, but it is still shown in menu and can cause crash
  • 0020431: [Skinning framework] Visualizer is hard to be skinned properly
  • 0020508: [Other] Some icons in Toolbar list have diffrent width
  • 0020409: [Main Panel] Left panel menu item disappears from View menu
  • 0019484: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: images flash every time a new image is found
  • 0020514: [Main Panel] Search box unaccessible, tooltips missing, mouse wheel not working, after "Hide editor"
  • 0020531: [General] "Add location" menu is not aligned to the parent button in Add/Rescan
  • 0020499: [Now Playing] Removing file from Playing list selects wrong files
  • 0020566: [Now Playing] AV on D&D of files in Playing node
  • 0020365: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Hovering the menu scroll buttons should not show the sub-menu
  • 0020509: [Other] Controls in Add folders dialog has different right alignment
  • 0019264: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] Casting to some players (like OPPO UDP-20) can result in skipping some tracks
  • 0020538: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Some Multi CD compilation Albums fail to Auto-Tag
  • 0020536: [Other] MM crashes in some specific views
  • 0020539: [Install/Config] MM Video player Audio device selection is not persistent (Regression)
  • 0020533: [Tracklist] Error on right-click empty space below tracklist of Playing node
  • 0020518: [General] Schedule/Media Type dropdowns in Add/Rescan have text selected as editable
  • 0020520: [General] Some dialog boxes have bottom div using bgColorBase
  • 0020519: [General] Right click on read-only dropdown should not open it
  • 0020513: [Main Panel] "No results found" is under other controls with narrow tracklist
  • 0020549: [Main Panel] Paste command can crash in some views
  • 0020333: [Now Playing] Preview:Selected: Selection is lost on restart [regression 2815]
  • 0020523: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Previous Search fails to clear when new Search has no results in List (by Album) View
  • 0020548: [Playlists] Duplicate files dialog in Playlist editing misses file list - regression
  • 0020522: [Other] Split multiple-value fields dropdown shows html
  • 0020500: [Other] Zoom menu has wrong item (regression)
  • 0020486: [Main Panel] Context menu fails on Summary when in List by View
  • 0020349: [General] Minimal window size of program is too big
  • 0020491: [Main Panel] Second click on the Tree menu button selects the underlying node
  • 0020495: [Now Playing] Playling List panel shows Statusbar after restart when disabled
  • 0019571: [Tracklist] List (by Album) - Performance optimizations
  • 0020468: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Some CUE files do not import correctly
  • 0020470: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] Playback of files through NAS DLNA (Twonky) may skip files in some environments
  • 0020474: [Burning / Disc Handling] MM cuts CD Burning to around 74 Min
  • 0020444: [Main Panel] Allow edits in Preview panel is not remembered when switching skins
  • 0020463: [Main Panel] Album disappears from Grid by on Delete when No is selected
  • 0020375: [Other] Scrollbars in Options dialog box with double arrow buttons (Metro M skin)
  • 0020466: [Main Panel] Vertical scrollbar in main tracklist has double arrow buttons with Playing node, Album Art view (Metro M skin)
  • 0020453: [Main Panel] HTML in 3-dot Playing menu [Regression]
  • 0019851: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] AutoPlaylist Criteria should show selection tooltip
  • 0019551: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Hard to find old value when many results are found in Auto-Tag
  • 0020465: [Now Playing] Playing list shows selected info in the status bar when none track is selected
  • 0020462: [Main Panel] Click on the down arrow button in the Preview title bar should close opened menu
  • 0020258: [Main Panel] Mouse hover sometimes stays indefinitely
  • 0019108: [Track Browser] Context menu contain features that can't be executed on non accessible tracks
  • 0020029: [Burning / Disc Handling] BURN Process do not calculate empty space on CD but assume CD is 74 Min (Regression MM4)
  • 0020177: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] CUE is scanned into library even if it is disabled in Options
  • 0020386: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Some CUE Files do not Import or play
  • 0020414: [Other] There is no space between "when sorting by" and "Artist, Album Artist, Album"
  • 0019457: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Enhance 'Scroll to match' options
  • 0019548: [Tracklist] List (by Album) view: Updated album art fails to update in some cases (refresh problem)
  • 0020426: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] DLNA play repeats playback from bookmark instead of beginning
  • 0019885: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-Tag doesn't work as expected with multi-value separator set to |
  • 0020447: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Global search for X returns Genre without 'X' in the name
  • 0020389: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Properties drop down do not get auto selected if only one result is available
  • 0020446: [Main Panel] List jumps when clicking on Rating to select file
  • 0019445: [Now Playing] Playing View full screen mode Now playing do not render correctly
  • 0020413: [Podcasts] Some podcasts uses time tokens in URLs (resulting in expired links on attempt to download an episode)
  • 0020410: [Main Panel] "My Rating" appears as Unknown for tracks with rating = 0
  • 0020406: [Extensions (bundled)] Enable multiple custom search engines
  • 0019774: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Find more from same ends up in wrong online search result
  • 0020402: [Other] Playing time progress bar sometimes glitches
  • 0020398: [Other] Download queue not continuing
  • 0020391: [Playback] If repeat all is enabled and last track is inaccessible then MM stops playback
  • 0020227: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] FMFS Artist for tracks that are not in Library end in completely different Artist
  • 0020390: [Now Playing] Playing -> Album art sometimes results in nonsense images
  • 0020408: [Extensions (bundled)] Case Checker crashes / fails when RegEx special characters are included in custom capitalization
  • 0020405: [Main Panel] Ellipsis are not shown on fields like title/album [regression 2816]
  • 0020345: [Playback] Click action on app. tray icon is triggered multiple times - regression
  • 0020327: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] Play to state do not persist after restart
  • 0020370: [Skins] Monkey Groove has black waveform [regression 5.1]
  • 0020374: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Hitting Enter on Drop-Down sets selection to just selected value
  • 0020378: [Track Browser] Preview window:Selected - artwork displays inconsistently on node selection
  • 0020354: [Now Playing] Preview:Playing doesn't show the correct track if a track has been skipped (regression)
  • 0020341: [Extensions (bundled)] Case checker: Crash when a custom field is deselected
  • 0020377: [Main Panel] Automatic column widths functionality fails to update on window maximize
  • 0019838: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-Tag: Sometimes returns generic results (Track X / Unknown Artist)
  • 0020344: [Main Panel] Deleted files can re-appear when 'Column filter' is enabled
  • 0017432: [Skins] Skin change in some cases creates double Tray icon
  • 0017705: [Playback] WASAPI: Exclusive mode switches system sound to 100%
  • 0019995: [Other] Some tracks in Unanalyzed Files cannot be analyzed
  • 0019495: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Lyrics lookup button available in Properties, non-functional on multi-selection
  • 0019977: [Main Panel] Can't add/remove columns for newly created custom list View
  • 0020331: [Playback] Playing doesn't show first file played after MMW start [Regression 2822]
  • 0019184: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Play Counter shows Sum on multi-select in Properties
  • 0019422: [Sync] Device Profile export doesn't remember directory
  • 0019150: [Other] Add/Rescan: long paths may not be visible (was: Columns are not user customizable in Add/Rescan Files)
  • 0020337: [Now Playing] Current playing song stopps being highlighted after a current playing song is deleted
  • 0020347: [General] Tooltips in Media Tree should be displayed only when the text is not fully visible and they should cover only the related item
  • 0020315: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Changing Genres causes nodes to switch
  • 0020326: [Other] Loading large Playing list take long time - regression
  • 0020324: [Now Playing] Pressing Shuffle button before loading the Playing list causes instabilities
  • 0020304: [Install/Config] Import dialog has rendering conflicts with splash screen
  • 0020320: [Skins] Rating disappears from Player on mouse over with Material Design Skin[Regression]
  • 0020317: [Reports] 'Top x Played' and 'Ratings Played' display incorrect Length and File Sizes
  • 0017607: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Sorting selection Not persistent in some Grid views
  • 0020321: [Now Playing] Playing fails to highlight playing file [Regression]
  • 0020322: [Main Panel] Choose Columns only allows 1 column to be added and removed [Regression]
  • 0019978: [Main Panel] Saving new View fails silently when no Name is entered
  • 0019672: [Main Panel] Crash if try to use Shift+Click to select in List By Album View
  • 0019976: [Other] Add option to manually Add Paths for Local Storage in Add/Rescan Files
  • 0020314: [Now Playing] Playing set List doesn't show files on start
  • 0020259: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] It's not possible to Remap network files with broken links to a non-discoverable network path
  • 0019827: [Main Panel] Height of preview panel is not persistent on MM restart
  • 0020267: [Main Panel] Filelisting uses wrong volume setting to show Track/Album Volume offset
  • 0020285: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Year prior to 1000 not allowed in Date, Original Date
  • 0020296: [Playlists] Play button in Playlist header sometimes plays previous order
  • 0020294: [General] Command line do not work
  • 0020175: [Main Panel] D&D of Playlist Files onto Collection does nothing
  • 0020174: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Playlists selected for scan, don't scan when Playlists file types aren't enabled
  • 0019415: [Main Panel] Help Links do not point to correct help page for collection sub nodes
  • 0020299: [Other] Selection corner in grids is sometimes not removed
  • 0020300: [Playback] 'Play now' action set to 'Play selected files only' does not work correctly (regression)
  • 0020301: [Extensions framework] Some scripts causes MM5 to crash on startup [regression 2819]
  • 0020302: [Install/Config] Options > Skin configuration takes several seconds to show
  • 0019772: [General] Space issue in product name
  • 0019444: [Now Playing] Playing modes background function often end in blank image
  • 0020307: [Now Playing] Title can take up 2 rows in Playing [Regression]
  • 0020295: [Sync] Deezer: Only 25 Deezer playlists shown in MM5 interface
  • 0020283: [Main Panel] Pinning is broken for the list by Album view
  • 0020274: [Tracklist] MM crashes on switching between Music views (44A462FE)
  • 0019423: [Sync] Sync to PC updates files when no tag needs to be written
  • 0020205: [Playlists] Editing auto-playlist tweak
  • 0020161: [General] Terminology in Add/Scanning Files to Library status line
  • 0019078: [Main Panel] Ability to clear history
  • 0020173: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] D&D from Child Playlist to Child Playlist does not add files in correct position
  • 0020213: [Extensions framework] Prompt to restart MM5 is not shown after installing a new addon (regression)
  • 0018111: [Other] Custom fields numeric support
  • 0019080: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Allow folders to be Scanned based on the currently selected track(s)
  • 0020262: [DB / Backup] DB Rebuild breaks sync list
  • 0019578: [DB / Backup] Improve error handling when DB cannot be accessed
  • 0020282: [Sync] Uploading file from MMA to MM5 can result in a crash (when the resulting file path is too long)
  • 0020276: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Add/Rescan settings: auto-tag option applies to _all files_ in the scanned directories
  • 0020288: [Sync] Sync changes Playlist from Private to Public on Deezer
  • 0020279: [Main Panel] Web node doesn't work [regression 2817]
  • 0020268: [Codecs] [Security] VPx codecs need to be updated
  • 0017627: [Extensions framework] Tweak addon installation messages
  • 0017518: [Conversion/Leveling] CD Rip Error: string change
  • 0019719: [Help / Docs / Localization] Relationship between 'Play now' action and Player rules is inclear (was 'Add shortcut to Collection playback rules')
  • 0020272: [Main Panel] Menu items from one tab appear on other tabs
  • 0020261: [UPnP / DLNA] Scrobble to doesn't remember setting
  • 0019884: [Main Panel] D&D to Pinned Playlist fails
  • 0018314: [Main Panel] Unable to change View / revert to default sorts by clicking on Summary column label
  • 0020281: [Main Panel] Media tree: Nodes are not removeable (unlike MM4)
  • 0020264: [UPnP / DLNA] Target volume level value lost
  • 0020120: [Playlists] Can't save Playlist order after column sort [Regression]
  • 0020013: [General] Crash on login after running overnight
  • 0020194: [Other] Crash on resume from sleep: 0AF10000
  • 0015842: [Extensions framework] Plays from DLNA Server not scrobbled
  • 0020234: [Track Browser] Remove Playlist is available in Pinned list unlike for all other pinned items
  • 0020197: [Main Panel] Cancel Select All > AV
  • 0020055: [Sync] USB sync confirmation dialog crash (regression 5.1)
  • 0020113: [DB / Backup] Scanning is much slower in 5.1 (regression)
  • 0020243: [Burning / Disc Handling] CD Appears Used even there is no apparent reason for this
  • 0020255: [Track Browser] FMFS -> Artist prefer custom Colection instead of Entire library
  • 0020245: [Other] MM crashes apron start
  • 0020256: [Other] propertiesTab sample script broken
  • 0020252: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Main Menu doesn't show/causes AV [Regresssion]
  • 0020222: [DB / Backup] Numeric operators for custom fields doesn't work correctly for date values
  • 0020241: [Burning / Disc Handling] Editing Destination path in RIP dialog is not possible
  • 0019118: [Main Panel] Font Size for Preview only available in Advanced
  • 0020254: [Main Panel] Preview Font Size change doesn't save
  • 0019590: [Install/Config] Service install fail with "error 1069: service fail to start due to login failure"
  • 0020105: [Other] CUE causes duplication of files on rescans
  • 0019791: [Other] MMW5 crashes while running in background (A3FB7F44)
  • 0019718: [Main Panel] Drag & Drop on Year node isn't enabled
  • 0019856: [Burning / Disc Handling] CD reading/rip can freeze on CD-Text reading in some environments (and eventually eject the door)
  • 0019862: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-Complete can fail due to space
  • 0019796: [Other] Tray icon lost when explorer.exe is killed (and restarted)
  • 0019338: [Other] Artwork in grid is not sometimes updated
  • 0019710: [Playback] Volume tooltip doesn't update on change in volume
  • 0019870: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Use mood tag in MP3 as multivalue
  • 0019872: [Sync] Possible AV during sync (when storageInfo file is presented only on Internal storage)
  • 0019912: [Main Panel] Subnodes in Media Tree collapses when changing properties after "Find more from the same Title"
  • 0019770: [Main Panel] Media Tree Album Artist node doesn't update when editing Album Artist
  • 0019886: [Main Panel] Removing a Genre value from files does not remove it from Genre node in Media Tree
  • 0016781: [Main Panel] Can't re-order/sort Classification sub-nodes in the Media Tree
  • 0019736: [Now Playing] Dropping PLS file to Playing list throws errors
  • 0017640: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Deleting and then adding new artwork cause the new arwork to always be added as .thm
  • 0019685: [Sync] iOS sync: Syncing of 30.000 tracks can result in "out of memory"
  • 0019610: [Sync] Check if MM UPnP server is accessable over LAN
  • 0018342: [Extensions framework] Addons Dialog actions should be clearer
  • 0020248: [Other] Context search bar is closed if filtered album tracklist is empty
  • 0016419: [Track Browser] Images: Arist, Conductor, Composer images saved to tags should be used
  • 0020229: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] Chromecast volume not restored correctly
  • 0020226: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] CUE part fails to cast when auto-conversion is involved
  • 0020219: [Playback] Track stop time not working for a specific track
  • 0020221: [Sync] Cloud sync: Syncing empty parent playlist produces error
  • 0020218: [Now Playing] Explorer "Play in Mediamonkey 5" doesn't work anymore (when files reside on a NAS)
  • 0020215: [Main Panel] Genre categories: 'R&B' sub-genre is not shown under 'R&B and soul' genre category
  • 0020220: [DB / Backup] Rebuild database: Album ratings are lost
  • 0019106: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Properties: Dropdowns for relevant fields
  • 0020155: [Main Panel] Party Mode from Command Line shows Window buttons
  • 0020199: [Now Playing] Shuffle On/Off do not focus playing track
  • 0020210: [Install/Config] Installer creates non-functional shortcuts in Windows Start Menu
  • 0020171: [UPnP / DLNA] Vanilla MM5 2811 crashes when trying to seek track while streaming to Yamaha receiver
  • 0020153: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] Casting to Google cast group can fail after day of playing (when IP gets changed)
  • 0020190: [Hotkeys] F12 - F24 Keys are not detectable by MM
  • 0018776: [Now Playing] Automatically retain X files in Playing list does not work when Shuffle is enabled
  • 0020186: [Install/Config] dlg.getValue(...) is not a function - Crash on setup (A14AEDEC)
  • 0017058: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Make contextual search less likely to be triggered automatically OR optional
  • 0020167: [Playback] Equalizer and leveling does not work for videos - regression
  • 0017231: [Hotkeys] HotKeys: Ability to import/export Hotkeys
  • 0020182: [Playlists] Playing file from Playlist changed # value to Playing # value [Regression]
  • 0020169: [Hotkeys] Ability to delete more hotkeys at once
  • 0020176: [Playlists] Deleted Playlist shows in Recently Used section of Send To
  • 0020180: [Main Panel] Choose columns/sort has 2 # columns
  • 0020166: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Select All missing from Edit when opening other menu item first
  • 0020189: [Playback] Mouse Scrubbing Past End AV
  • 0020168: [Hotkeys] Pressing DEL when <New Hotkey...> row is selected causes crash
  • 0019790: [Codecs] Some MP3s with incorrect info fail to play
  • 0020142: [General] Registration dialog does not work - regression
  • 0019569: [Now Playing] Filters: filtering the Playing list causes the track number to change
  • 0020137: [Codecs] Some Formats are considered incompatible even they are compatible on Device
  • 0020140: [Sync] Conversion error dialog blocks sync and UI
  • 0020141: [Sync] Sync profiles may be 'hidden'
  • 0020139: [Conversion/Leveling] "This kind of audio conversion is not implemented yet" conversion error (regression)
  • 0020138: [Sync] Opening autoconversion tab --> crash C33D0000 (regression)
  • 0020130: [Sync] Some older iPod models are not detected in some environments
  • 0020128: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Inaccessible CUE files are scanned into library
  • 0020131: [Track Browser] Music > Albums [Grid] doesn't display album ratings (regression)
  • 0020145: [Now Playing] Play Now/Play shuffled commands don't work for an attribute-node that represents a single track (regression)
  • 0020106: [Codecs] WMA Codec encoding do not work anymore for some files
  • 0020126: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] F_MKV - udate to newer versions of libmatroska and libebml
  • 0020119: [Other] Clicking sort orders in Manage View dialog may result in crash
  • 0020127: [Main Panel] Parent node does not get checked when all children gets checked
  • 0019611: [Main Panel] Keyboard navigation broken when item selected in grid
  • 0020083: [Main Panel] Esc deselects selected item in Filelisting
  • 0020122: [DB / Backup] Genre Categories Improvements
  • 0020121: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] <Timestamp> creates folders for date part
  • 0020118: [Codecs] Converting AIFF files to FLAC result in file write permission fail
  • 0019982: [Extensions framework] Addons: Verbose reasons why Addons install fail
  • 0020116: [General] Crash on Close
  • 0017235: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] Fallback to internal player (when configured player is inaccessible) may be undesired
  • 0019928: [Codecs] Gain Index is wrong on completly silent tracks which influence also Album Gain
  • 0019961: [Main Panel] Dialog box covered by menu list when clicked on the gear icon of some menu commands
  • 0019997: [Playlists] iTunes import: Playlist hierarchy isn't respected
  • 0020026: [Sync] OneDrive plugin shows playlist in track listing and do not pair tracks corectly
  • 0020081: [Install/Config] "thread error (parameter 87)" when DefaultThreadPriority=255 in MediaMonkey.ini
  • 0020084: [Main Panel] Selection/Deselection of genres --> Crash C33D0000
  • 0020107: [Codecs] Changing Codec Settings numerious times ended with Crashlog
  • 0020117: [Codecs] Some AIFF Files are not Playable in MM
  • 0019830: [Other] List (by Album) view can remove custom description of album
  • 0020092: [Reports] Imported or edited playcounts are not included in Reports > Statistics
  • 0020088: [Podcasts] Podcast RSS is not completely imported
  • 0020057: [Hotkeys] 'Find more from same Title' is missing as available hotkey/toolbar action
  • 0020086: [Main Panel] Genre popup shows no albums (regression 5.1)
  • 0017996: [Main Panel] Users are not aware how to change visualization plugins
  • 0017750: [Now Playing] Add 'List (by Album)' to Playing node
  • 0019386: [Hotkeys] Hotkey to pinned items
  • 0018587: [Tracklist] Pinned nodes actions / context menus don't always work as expected
  • 0019908: [Podcasts] BBCi Player podcasts sometimes do not register all episodes
  • 0019946: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Possible freeze while scanning files (regression 5.1)
  • 0019957: [Playback] Lazy update of Now Playing list
  • 0007148: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Add 'Last Skipped' (column and auto-playlist criteria)
  • 0019996: [Now Playing] "ReferenceError: PS_ON_MOUSE_MOVE is not defined" when trying to switch Playing to full screen
  • 0019943: [Reports] CSV & XML exports fail to export complete report (regression 5.1)
  • 0020048: [Main Panel] Switch to Touch mode => Crash (regresison 5.1)
  • 0020018: [Conversion/Leveling] Analyzing volume status indicator doesn't make sense, and process often gets stuck (regression)
  • 0019806: [Main Panel] Remove in Grid removes unselected files
  • 0019340: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Sub-Options disabled when adding Cloud Storage through Add/Rescan Files
  • 0017624: [Podcasts] Podcast: Improved detection of podcast and RSS download --> Feedback re. bad podcast links
  • 0013869: [Track Browser] Preview: Add header button to switch Layout
  • 0018733: [Podcasts] Podcasts: Unsubscribe using Podcast edit
  • 0018454: [Sync] Podcast Sync options less than in MMA
  • 0015453: [Burning / Disc Handling] FreeDB: Search Dialog can be triggered twice in some cases
  • 0019839: [UPnP / DLNA] Seekbar problems with pausing when streaming to other device
  • 0019847: [UPnP / DLNA] Multi-Zone pause till past end of file skips to next file
  • 0019840: [Now Playing] Playing Context Menu show Rip/Lookup option
  • 0019829: [Burning / Disc Handling] Rip can be started multiple times on same disc
  • 0017093: [Now Playing] Comment tag not available for display in the Preview window
  • 0019813: [Other] List (by Album) view uses only small thumbnails
  • 0019692: [Main Panel] "Edit Comment" menu option is broken if no seeding obtained from Wikipedia
  • 0019754: [General] Add support for reading WebP images
  • 0018879: [Burning / Disc Handling] Audio CDs: MM incorrectly Calculate CD size
  • 0019730: [Main Panel] Failure of right-click menu to stay open
  • 0019802: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Search for ';' can't be executed for specific fields only globally
  • 0020035: [DB / Backup] Graceful handling when MM5.DB became inaccessible
  • 0020033: [Sync] Deleting folder from bi-di synch profile --> crash A14A96B4
  • 0020016: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Crash when checking/unchecking "Apply to all files in the Album/Series" then clicking Previous / Next (A14AC389)
  • 0019975: [Other] User can add local Path in Network Add/Rescan Files section
  • 0019279: [DB / Backup] Bit depth field doesn't show for users migrating from an earlier version of MediaMonkey
  • 0019867: [Main Panel] 'Suggested albums' view element is empty (regression in
  • 0019815: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Criteria: Add Album rating to be selectable as criteria
  • 0019174: [Main Panel] Find more from same / Year issues
  • 0019836: [Now Playing] When Loading of network tracks not in library in Now playing they end as grayed
  • 0019843: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] If Manual Lyrics Search fail to locate lyrics existing content is deleted
  • 0019834: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Image lookup: Apply stop working if clicked before any selection
  • 0019823: [General] Random deadlock happens for some users
  • 0019725: [Main Panel] Track listing can't be resized if Column filter enabled
  • 0019216: [General] Old chrome causes issues on some sites / Update to latest version of chrome
  • 0019472: [Playback] Player do not indicate stop after setting when track not playing
  • 0019689: [Track Browser] Entire Library album Grid view extend show incorrect Artist
  • 0017283: [Extensions framework] Addons: functionality is duplicated in 2 locations
  • 0019771: [Main Panel] Media Tree Album node doesn't update when editing Album Artist
  • 0019822: [Now Playing] Youtube: rating playing track in miniplayer --> crash A14ACB04
  • 0019825: [Main Panel] Deleting YouTube track --> crash A14A0234
  • 0019784: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Auto-Playlist/Advanced Search: Expand Selected by drop down to show whole text
  • 0019837: [Playback] Playback paused if Lookup Lyrics clicked in Playing Lyrics view
  • 0019803: [Now Playing] Using Lookup lyrics on Playing node set to Lyrics view pauses playback
  • 0019592: [General] Next & Previous buttons in Properties does not work in certain situations
  • 0019438: [Main Panel] Outside click do not close Context sub menu
  • 0019799: [Extensions (bundled)] Last.FM: add setting to not send Album Artist
  • 0019798: [Main Panel] D&D: Nodes sometimes auto-expands too early
  • 0019729: [UPnP / DLNA] Manual Adding of MM5 Server accept only IP not URL
  • 0019773: [Playlists] MM5 playlist export can't be set to use Linux paths like device sync
  • 0017234: [Playback] Improve error messaging re failed casting
  • 0019743: [Codecs] Some FLAC files crash MM
  • 0019681: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] Possible "Access Denied" error in MMA (when MM5 is terminated unexpectedly)
  • 0019680: [DB / Backup] UPnP/DLNA: Accessing certain nodes is too slow on large databases
  • 0019664: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] YouTube video fails to cast to Chromecast Audio devices
  • 0019660: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] Playback stops after the first video when casting YouTube videos to Chromecast
  • 0019849: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] Casting tracks not in the library => artwork isn't served
  • 0019131: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Add a warning preventing users to scan NAS location as DLNA server
  • 0019601: [Sync] Default device name can be confusing when drive letter changes
  • 0012161: [General] Rating zero stars incorrectly adds a non-standard tag property
  • 0018766: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Scan results shows no info on imported Playlists
  • 0019612: [Burning / Disc Handling] Destination Configuration shows wrong extension
  • 0019620: [DB / Backup] Improved DB repair mechanism
  • 0019149: [Main Panel] Drag & Drop of Artwork to Playing in List by (Album) not enabled
  • 0019584: [Main Panel] Crash when ctrl+click on artwork in List (by Album) view (regression)
  • 0019600: [Main Panel] Clicking Artwork in List by Album does not give focus to selected files
  • 0019124: [Playback] Ability to play nested playlist (m3u) files
  • 0019607: [Install/Config] persistent.json formatted in other apps can make it unreadable for MM5
  • 0017460: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Eliminate duplicate Type queries
  • 0019101: [Extensions framework] saveTextToFileAsync needs an option for saving ANSI files and UTF-8 files without BOM
  • 0019540: [Codecs] Multi Channel files do not play, convert, analyze or show waveform correctly
  • 0019186: [Main Panel] Track Summary: Ability to customize track Summary per Collection
  • 0019510: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] My rating appears active for albums even though it's disabled
  • 0019596: [Burning / Disc Handling] Trying to play tracks from disconnected external CD drive can result in AV
  • 0019593: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] Casting CD plays last CD instead
  • 0018601: [Install/Config] Config button non-functional if item not selected
  • 0019446: [Now Playing] In Playing View full screen lyrics mode player do not gets hidden
  • 0019567: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] List don't refresh when tracks are removed or deleted from filtered Playlists / Playing list
  • 0019589: [Main Panel] Column filter columns don't resize correctly after 'Set same widths' is used
  • 0019582: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Mask: Extend <Playlist> mask to support hierarchical playlist
  • 0019534: [Main Panel] Playlist in inactive tab doesn't update status bar
  • 0019435: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Improve error handling for Artwork lookup failures
  • 0019431: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Tag saving triggers Lyrics refresh
  • 0019414: [Help / Docs / Localization] Disk should be 'Disc' in reference to CDs
  • 0019449: [General] Crash: prepareWindowModeSwitching is not defined
  • 0019984: [Sync] Sync Fail is Track Type is wrong
  • 0019937: [Main Panel] Crash when adding a new View
  • 0019820: [Sync] Sync to network location fails
  • 0019905: [Track Browser] Crash on clicking Related AA in Home
  • 0019965: [Other] Some MP3 files are scanned very long time - regression
  • 0019947: [Playback] Path changes aren't saved to mediamonkey.m3u8
  • 0019935: [Main Panel] Renaming a folder jumps one node up
  • 0019576: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Tree Nodes are not updated till scan is completed
  • 0019923: [Playback] Finishing a song with a custom stop time earlier than the playcount point does not increase the playcount
  • 0019927: [Now Playing] Deleted tracks still remain in Playing list
  • 0019926: [Collections] Possible "Stack overflow" when a collection refers to an auto-playlist referring the collection
  • 0019925: [Burning / Disc Handling] Rip dialog doesn't remember column settings
  • 0019929: [General] WEB Node: Added Bookmarks can't be edited only removed.
  • 0019930: [Other] WEB node - Add bookmark does not work - regression
  • 0019920: [Burning / Disc Handling] Search lost on CD eject after Ripping
  • 0019750: [Hotkeys] Hotkeys: Add Action to open Advanced Search
  • 0019897: [Main Panel] MM crashes on delete tracks from playlist
  • 0019904: [Codecs] WAV: Some WAV files with incorrect ID3 Chunk are not playable in MM
  • 0019898: [General] Update Splash copyright info in MM 5.1 to 2023
  • 0019892: [Main Panel] Pinned always shown on Home node even if disabled
  • 0019917: [Codecs] M4A: Some M4A files served by Serviio incorrectly are not playable in MM5
  • 0019895: [Install/Config] Toolbar: Toolbar settings are not imported from normal to clean 5.1 Portable install
  • 0019918: [Main Panel] Genre values show all Library values when expanded in a Collection
  • 0019915: [Install/Config] Addons: Addons options should be also available in MM Options
  • 0019581: [Conversion/Leveling] ALAC converted to FLAC shows length one second shorter
  • 0019575: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Pressing Enter in the search bar should move focus to the resulted items
  • 0019508: [Now Playing] MiniPlayer: text should scroll in the direction of the language of the text
  • 0019448: [Now Playing] Playing view full screen Now playing list title is "Close Close"
  • 0019447: [Now Playing] Playing view full screen Now playing list can't be closed
  • 0019877: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Toolbar: Add separator Element to toolbar
  • 0019873: [Main Panel] New Folder unavailable in Folders on drive context menu
  • 0014952: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Send To: Missing Network Location
  • 0019881: [Install/Config] Language Download, install, change not detected correctly
  • 0019794: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] Casting from MMA to MMW5 renderer --> crash 62D60000
818 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
  • 0020841: [General] Update notifications from 5.0.5 to 2024.0.0.X BETA won't work
  • 0020838: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] MediaMonkey allows files to loose extension (files no longer work)
  • 0020666: [Other] Artwork lookup sometimes stops working for some users
  • 0020816: [Extensions (bundled)] New image lookup addon for MediaMonkey 5.0.4
  • 0020808: [Extensions framework] Installing addon: Compatibility checking is not working correctly
5 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
  • 0018464: [Extensions (bundled)] Allow lyric sources to be updated independently of MM5
  • 0015701: [Main Panel] Menu issues in multi-monitor environments / windowing problem
  • 0018683: [Main Panel] Multi-monitor: MediaMonkey always opens on the 'Main display' when maximized
  • 0018257: [Main Panel] Filters persist when changing nodes
  • 0018684: [Main Panel] Multi-monitor: Window can become unresizeable
  • 0019256: [Main Panel] UI issues when maximized window on non-primary display
  • 0017748: [Other] Possible AV in UPnP.dll during casting to DLNA receiver
  • 0019544: [Main Panel] iPhone playlists are shown disordered in MM interface
  • 0018261: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Year and Date are available in Auto-Tag, but Year tags date
  • 0018993: [Reports] Statistics has inconsistent statistics between Top 10 Artist or Album Played and Top 10 Genre's or Ratings played
  • 0019122: [Sync] Required changes on MM5 side (USB synchronization with Android 11)
  • 0017917: [Sync] Sync: Check connection type
  • 0019167: [Install/Config] OS integration config: String change from MediaMonkey to MediaMonkey 5
  • 0018545: [Main Panel] Add 'Artist only' node
  • 0018296: [Track Browser] Track Browser: Artwork and Summary columns are listed out of order
  • 0019067: [Tracklist] Scrolling Tracklist doesn't render correctly / displays invisibly in some cases
  • 0019274: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] MusicBrainz: Auto Downgrade to CDDB when MM fail to connect to MUzikBrainz server
  • 0017763: [Main Panel] Mouse lasso selection fails when started below the list component
  • 0017599: [General] Clicking in empty space below tracklist does not cause it to be focused
  • 0020228: [Sync] Sync: Support sync with iOS 17 devices
  • 0019377: [Sync] Clicking the ellipsis (overload menu) for a device opens the device configuration panel
  • 0019253: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Album art lookup is still executed on album nodes even it is disabled in Options
  • 0019497: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Switching tabs triggers auto-refresh of a playlist
  • 0017180: [Tagging framework / input plugins] Tagging MP3 10s before the end leads to playback loop
  • 0017898: [Skinning framework] Add a method to only reload window, to facilitate faster skin switching & addon installation without interrupting playback
  • 0019232: [Now Playing] Add option to display missing tracks in Playing list in different color when M3U file is dropped into it
  • 0019349: [Sync] Sync: Support sync with IOS 16 devices
  • 0019461: [General] Crashlog 0210000 on shutdown
  • 0019248: [UPnP / DLNA] UPnP Client: MM5 do not play from some servers
  • 0019564: [Main Panel] List by Album: Actions can be performed on tracks other than those that are selected
  • 0019573: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Contextual search causes tree navigation to open wrong node (regression)
  • 0019259: [Main Panel] Clicking cancel in the inline search it should return to previous view
  • 0019563: [Main Panel] List (by Album) views: Mouse-based drag-select (lasso) selects all tracks/no tracks (regression)
  • 0019561: [Install/Config] Allow users to upgrade from x.x to lifetime licenses
  • 0019535: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] Chromecast: Some m4a files consistently fail to cast
  • 0019494: [Conversion/Leveling] Silent failure of MP4 > WEBM auto-conversion when codec pack isn't installed
  • 0019543: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: Manual edits get applied to multiple tracks
  • 0019562: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Auto-tag: tooltips that show conflict details often obscure combo-boxes (regression)
  • 0019555: [Codecs] Some ALAC file can cause crash
  • 0019413: [Help / Docs / Localization] Localization issues with certain strings
  • 0019556: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Auto-tag: error messages are too technical and untranslated
  • 0019549: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Users don't realize that they have to enable the Toolbar
  • 0019554: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Auto-tag: 'Select all' checkbox doesn't work if horizontal scrollbar isn't all the way to the left
  • 0019552: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: Clicking the the scrollbar in a combobox closes the combobox
  • 0019285: [Now Playing] Playing list doesn't show selected info in the status bar when only one track is selected
  • 0019539: [Install/Config] Firewall exception can silently fail on clean portable install
  • 0019537: [Install/Config] Firewall prompt appears twice on Public network
  • 0019547: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: doesn't find some albums (regression 5.0.4)
  • 0017826: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Add the ability to add/configure custom items in the toolbar
  • 0019541: [Main Panel] Menu remains black after using Export > Export Subscribed Podcast
  • 0019546: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] Multi-zone playback fails when there isn't any device added to the multi-zone
  • 0019533: [Install/Config] Custom icons don't appear when importing data from an existing instance of MM
  • 0019524: [Main Panel] Welcome page should be rendered after Closing First start Wizard.
  • 0019313: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-Tag: use lookup by album for albums with less than 3 tracks
  • 0019427: [Sync] Sync to iPod Classic: Possible crash on files with specific image artwork
  • 0019419: [Extensions (bundled)] Show Links: Library (Title) does not function
  • 0019069: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Continuous monitoring of folders sometimes does not work right away
  • 0019469: [Sync] Possible JS error when configuring sync-list
  • 0019311: [Sync] Integrate Deezer service
  • 0019418: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Artwork lookup fails
  • 0019297: [DB / Backup] Date added is not imported from iTunes
  • 0019519: [Main Panel] Scan completion dialog can appear blank / Optimize Elevation & Firewall prompts
  • 0019532: [General] Laggy window management / cursor movement (Regression)
  • 0019473: [Tracklist] Tracks sometimes appear invisible
  • 0019513: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] Chromecast: false chromecast unavailable / codec unsupported message
  • 0019512: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] Casting: Invalid pointer operation
  • 0019262: [Main Panel] Playing image doesn't change
  • 0019514: [Main Panel] Holding F5 in Genre's browser view results in multiple 'Getting data' progresses
  • 0019518: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] In-place filename edits can result in tag writing error and DB deadlinks creation
  • 0019516: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-Tag stalls in some cases and enter loop
  • 0019144: [General] "Add Windows firewall exception" should not be enabled by default on install
  • 0019521: [Other] Crash during opening Options dialog
  • 0019347: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Masks: Add ability to get the POS and LAST position of String within String
  • 0019031: [Extensions framework] The help button ("?") in the title bar should be customizable for addons
  • 0018995: [Other] Consider adding HW acceleration switch to Options > Performance
  • 0019511: [General] MM5 Crash on Close (Eureka)
  • 0019499: [Main Panel] Pinned items are not showing (regression
  • 0019506: [DB / Backup] Rebuild database action can stall on debug build (when file monitor is enabled)
  • 0019483: [DB / Backup] 'DB / Tag mismatches' keeps showing some tracks with certain Extended tags
  • 0019477: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: year field fails to update / can't be edited
  • 0019492: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Using Send To from Toolbar causes AV when no file is selected
  • 0019489: [Main Panel] Using 'gear' button in menus twice does not close the menu (regression 5.0.4)
  • 0019490: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Shortcuts: Both toolbar and hotkeys assignment not consider multi-value fields
  • 0019493: [DB / Backup] Backup database crashes when Properties has been opened before
  • 0019487: [General] Auto-tag triggers playback on clean install
  • 0019395: [General] MediaMonkey grabs focus from other apps on track transition
  • 0019486: [General] MediaMonkey tray icon often remains after closing MM
  • 0019467: [General] Crash 26D30000 after playback overnight and then shutting down
  • 0019482: [Burning / Disc Handling] AV in hpCDBurn.dll when user tries to burn and there isn't any writeable drive
  • 0019481: [Main Panel] Extra scrollbar is added after maximizing/minimizing window (regression 5.0.4)
  • 0019480: [Main Panel] DB / Tag mismatches should show all compared columns by default
  • 0019479: [Tracklist] Grid view: Sorting doesn't work (regression)
  • 0019475: [Hotkeys] Contextual search shouldn't override hotkeys
  • 0019464: [Help / Docs / Localization] Service plugins distributed with MM do not have dedicated help pages
  • 0019038: [Burning / Disc Handling] Audio CD Burning functionality
  • 0019476: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: configuration options (Metadata lookup fields) aren't saved if configured via the Auto-Tag dialog
  • 0019346: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Masks: Add ability that n param can be string and not just numeric
  • 0019397: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-Organize Files sorts on Track# instead of selection order (Regression)
  • 0019463: [Other] Mini Player do not work after upgrade from 2667 (regression)
  • 0019396: [Tagging framework / input plugins] FLAC Comment/Description inconsistency with File Explorer
  • 0019470: [Main Panel] Empty extra window shown after startup
  • 0019466: [Main Panel] Switching between views --> crash A14A45D5
  • 0019468: [Playback] Auto-DJ do not respect Stop after setting
  • 0019441: [Playback] File Monitor sometimes freezes (and MM then crashes after initiating playback)
  • 0019460: [Main Panel] Contextual search causes artwork to disappear from root collection node
  • 0019421: [Sync] Device Profile export doesn't include Auto-Conversion setting
  • 0019458: [Now Playing] Popup doesn't appear for first x tracks
  • 0019391: [Main Panel] Menus hide immediately sometimes
  • 0019424: [Install/Config] 'Spanish' should be the default language for spanish users
  • 0019436: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Quoted search do not work correctly.
  • 0019380: [UPnP / DLNA] UPnP playback of certain track formats --> failure and/or crash C33DC74A
  • 0019243: [Playback] Performance/Playback issue when playing m4a tracks (regression)
  • 0018846: [Playback] Play audio --> crash 20E30000 (regression?)
  • 0019374: [Now Playing] Performance regression in when selecting track in Playing panel
  • 0019383: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Edits to read-only tracks appear to succeed if the track is playing (regression 2660)
  • 0019315: [DB / Backup] Backup UI issues
  • 0017537: [Now Playing] Visual issues with MicroPlayer
  • 0019162: [Extensions framework] navigate methods of all navigationHandlers should notify when view switch finished
  • 0019185: [Main Panel] Selection lost on use of Case Checker [Regression]
  • 0019426: [General] MediaMonkey fails to restore after interaction with the tray icon
  • 0018622: [General] MediaMonkey opens out of focus in some cases
  • 0019429: [Main Panel] Crash when configuring columns (regression in 2667)
  • 0015798: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Rebuild Database can result in loss of AutoPlaylist Criteria
  • 0019406: [Help / Docs / Localization] Overburn dialogue is not in localization mapping
  • 0019420: [Playback] Opening an MMIP restarts song playback
  • 0019393: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Filters are not restored correctly when MM is closed on the second tab
  • 0019249: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Artwork search does not return results.
  • 0019170: [Help / Docs / Localization] Auto-Tag: Auto-Tag Do not have dedicated Help Page
  • 0019381: [Main Panel] Lyrics panel often flashes
  • 0019410: [Install/Config] Spanish is missing from the installer
  • 0019324: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] DLNA player can be falsely considered as inaccessible on some occasions
  • 0019344: [General] FMFS: Open In explorer To highlight specific File when opening
  • 0019266: [Extensions framework] NowPlayingModified is not fired when track is removed or re-ordered
  • 0019227: [Playback] Last bit of a song is cut, if bookmarking is enabled.
  • 0019234: [Sync] Sync profile > File locations > Other locations re-includes folders from the Sync masks after sync
  • 0019092: [Extensions framework] app.filesystem.getFolderFromString('C:').hasSubfolders is false, but that drive has subfolders
  • 0019405: [Sync] Sync can crash due to extended tags parsing
  • 0019401: [Burning / Disc Handling] Possible freeze on CD rip initialization when a very large tracklist is in view
  • 0019404: [Sync] USB stick storage profile: Default album art filename is just '.jpg'
  • 0018729: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Shift+Tab also executes on AutoPlaylist Criteria when criteria are visible
  • 0019158: [Main Panel] Switching tabs doesn't maintain focus on last focused item
  • 0018694: [Main Panel] Ability to hide Artwork from Preview
  • 0019388: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-Organize: If empty folder is deleted MM do not refresh tree to reflect deletion
  • 0018743: [Sync] Collection Selection in Sync List confuses users
  • 0019392: [Now Playing] D&D of Folders from File Explorer on Playing/Player fails (regression 2660)
  • 0019375: [Podcasts] Podcast: Tabbed view shows no content / switching views breaks the switcher (regression
  • 0019143: [General] Caption of all buttons that open dialog boxes should end with "..."
  • 0019376: [Main Panel] <Summary> can be added to Track summary causing MM crash
  • 0019384: [Playback] Playback over the network: missing tracks stop playback (regression)
  • 0019385: [Playback] Player shows inaccessible tracks as playing.
  • 0019371: [Main Panel] ESC doesn't close the artwork window
  • 0019246: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] MusicBrainz: Album Info is failed to show even it exists
  • 0019251: [Install/Config] Custom fields settings panel not aligned properly
  • 0019193: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Custom Tags are not correctly shown in Context Menu
  • 0019103: [Extensions framework] renameFiles method should support moving any file or a list of any files, not only media files
  • 0019300: [Extensions framework] playlist/player.setTracklist() method needed
  • 0019369: [Extensions framework] Addons: There is no method to get auto-playlist's SQL
  • 0019378: [Now Playing] Enabling the lyrics window --> crash A14AB83C
  • 0019029: [General] Addons dialog box / Device configuration sizing issues
  • 0019348: [Main Panel] Episode# shown in Title for Music in Browser View
  • 0019180: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Context menu: Remove Volume leveling from Context menu
  • 0018114: [Main Panel] F5 Refresh doesn't remember position after tag edit
  • 0019287: [Extensions framework] PlaylistEntries removal methods doesn't update the player info
  • 0019335: [Playback] Playback sometimes continues after pressing pause
  • 0019339: [DB / Backup] Specifying non-existing DBPath in MediaMonkey.ini can result in stuck at splash screen
  • 0019040: [Extensions (bundled)] Case Checker - Some tracks will highlight even if no changes are suggested
  • 0019351: [General] Performance optimization: Reduce time it takes to open very large albums in Album Grid
  • 0019350: [General] Performance optimization: ListViews sometimes draw twice when they only need to draw once
  • 0019365: [Tracklist] Switching between context menus --> crash 8B580000
  • 0019353: [Hotkeys] General: Focus tracklist hotkey fails on files in Playing added by Auto-DJ
  • 0019352: [Main Panel] Mouse selection sorts when button released over Column Headers
  • 0019089: [Main Panel] Label and tracks for audio CD not updated when the drive is selected under the Folders node (upon inserting)
  • 0019100: [Extensions framework] Replacement for oFileObj.GetFile('x').ShortPath needed
  • 0019023: [Extensions framework] playlistRenamed and playlistMoved events needed
  • 0019230: [Extensions framework] app.listen(app.playlists.root, 'playlistChanged' and 'playlistAdded' should have a playlist object as argument
  • 0019229: [Extensions framework] app.listen(app.playlists.root, 'playlistChanged' ... doesn't fire when track is removed from playlist
  • 0019156: [Extensions framework] Changes made with executeQueryAsync are not reflected in the program
  • 0019119: [Extensions framework] rollbackTransaction method needed
  • 0019270: [Extensions framework] app.filesystem.getFolderOfPathAsync(...).path is sometimes wrong
  • 0019292: [General] "Access violation at address 0190D751..." error when removing files from playlists/Playing list
  • 0019041: [Extensions framework] data-maximalHeight, data-minimalHeight, data-maximalWidth and data-minimalWidth in body tag of dialogs needed
  • 0019094: [Extensions framework] drivetype property of filesystem should return the same numeric values as they are in the Medias table
  • 0019093: [Extensions framework] Method to get the list of files in a folder needed
  • 0019091: [Extensions framework] getFileInfoAsync doesn't return the same Date Mod/Cre/Acc values as Windows Explorer
  • 0019095: [Extensions framework] Methods to get/set the read-only file/folder attribute is needed
  • 0019105: [Extensions framework] File copied with app.filesystem.copyFileAsync should have the same Date Modified attribute as original
  • 0019104: [Extensions framework] app.filesystem.fileExists method doesn't exists and it is needed (synchronous)
  • 0019269: [Extensions framework] There are methods that are working only from the main window
  • 0019312: [Playback] Playback gets interrupted on analyze volume and tagging
  • 0019319: [Extensions framework] app.player.playlistPos does not update in time for 'change' event
  • 0019323: [Sync] MMW5 can't be terminated during sync process
  • 0014486: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag fields selection
  • 0019318: [General] Performance is available to be changed in Normal Version
  • 0019320: [Sync] FLAC/ALAC with sample rate above 48kHz should be autoconverted during sync to iPods
  • 0018399: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] No method to remove Auto-lookup (unsaved) Album Artwork
  • 0019325: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] MM5 should not change file timestamp for files, which are tagged only to DB
  • 0019278: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] Better handling of Google cast groups
  • 0016823: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: status displays inconsistently
  • 0019203: [Extensions (bundled)] File List reports: Sorting should not be persistent
  • 0018890: [Main Panel] Change in behaviour when changing main panel sort sequence; new behaviour is less good.
  • 0019301: [Other] Crashing of MM5 dusring startup (Regression)
  • 0017505: [Playback] Playback stutters when a large number of tracks change rating (WASAPI only?)
  • 0019168: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Newly added Playlist not created for Ripped files
  • 0018304: [Main Panel] Grid View sorts inconsistently and has no custom sort for Videos
  • 0019298: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Unsaved Artwork lost when Apply to all selected enabled
  • 0019307: [Sync] Sync list > Audiobooks config is missing nodes like Artists
  • 0019033: [Track Browser] Clicking node in Rating [Grid view] doesn't open the node
  • 0019157: [Extensions framework] Problems with deleteFolderAsync method
  • 0019296: [Main Panel] Rating set through Context Menu fails in Playing panel [Regression 2658]
  • 0019260: [General] Crash on MM Close if opennened more than 2 minutes
  • 0019263: [DB / Backup] Possible "out of memory" crash during scanning
  • 0019265: [Main Panel] Sorting a very large list in "List (by Album)" view can result in freeze
  • 0019235: [Other] Crash on close after prolonged MM5 idle state
  • 0019177: [Main Panel] Access violation with Web node when Internet is inaccessible
  • 0019261: [Playback] Multi Zone Playback: Pressing Pause on player do not pause Internal player only others in Multizone
  • 0019291: [General] Option to have old look of tooltips for items of files in lists
  • 0019273: [Main Panel] Tooltips should not disappear when mouse cursor moves within the item
  • 0019288: [General] Tooltips are not displayed after drag&drop
  • 0019252: [Track Browser] Inline edit Truncate values over 200 characters
  • 0019239: [Extensions framework] Warning: Opening already opened query that has not been closed !!!
  • 0019155: [General] Micro player not available dialog is not modal
  • 0019076: [Playlists] Certain auto-playlists imported from MM4 fails to populate and throws SQL error on sync
  • 0019233: [Playlists] Enhance sort options for auto-playlists
  • 0019231: [Playlists] Removal of tracks from playlists is wrong when they are previously reordered
  • 0019223: [Playlists] Some M3U playlists are not imported correctly
  • 0019236: [Track Browser] Image size in grid views also resize overlay image
  • 0019211: [General] Developer Mode checkbox no longer displays (regression)
  • 0018870: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Manage Search History
  • 0019220: [Now Playing] Mini Player: Delete key do not work in Mini Player
  • 0018662: [Extensions framework] Add an option to hide bundled addons
  • 0018931: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Extension is not available as Sort options for AutoPlaylists
  • 0019123: [Main Panel] Missing files should be with different color in the tracklist, as it is in MM4
  • 0019097: [General] Second click on a menu button should close its opened menu list always
  • 0019194: [General] All Menus and dialogs are over scaled and cuts off - regression
  • 0019198: [Extensions framework] Custom nodes script: Newly scanned tracks are added to the view
  • 0019112: [Main Panel] Optical drives don't have Browser view and don't show folders in the tree
  • 0019196: [Main Panel] The context menu of Playlists node contains "Playlists..." item instead of "Export Playlists..."
  • 0019171: [Hotkeys] Hotkeys: ESC Key do not work on Video playback
  • 0019189: [Other] Error Dialog: problem Error description contains duplicate information
  • 0019197: [General] The default button in dialog boxes doesn't respond on the press of Enter key (regression 5.0.4)
  • 0019192: [Extensions framework] Cannot use asJSON on an Extension object (87990000)
  • 0019214: [Playback] Playback: On playback start MM cuts part of Track (Regression)
  • 0019142: [General] Margin area around buttons should not react on click
  • 0019141: [Main Panel] When all bookmarks are deleted from the Web node then they returns after restart
  • 0019166: [Playback] Wave Seekbar: Waveform seek bar is not initially calculated with Gain correction
  • 0016782: [Install/Config] Options Hotkeys: Tweaks
  • 0016924: [Tagging framework / input plugins] Extended Tags: Extended Tags are not working on multi selection edits
  • 0019182: [Playback] Video playback is broken in 5.0.4 (regression)
  • 0019140: [General] Up/Down buttons should scroll the Collections/Views table if selected item is out of view
  • 0017906: [Main Panel] Remove Unavailable files ? string tweak
  • 0017543: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] No obvious way to configure file scanning (without initiating a scan)
  • 0019178: [DB / Backup] 'Various Artists' are not shown in dropdown auto-complete on some databases
  • 0018709: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Add/Rescan Files fails to add Playlist files when individual Playlist file is selected to be scanned
  • 0019116: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Filter is missing from pinned items
  • 0019172: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Send To: Send to Copy/Move Do not have option for New Folder only to existing
  • 0019000: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] All menu items that open dialog boxes should end with "..."
  • 0019151: [Main Panel] All Player buttons should show status in Tooltip.
  • 0019011: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Audio CD: Eject is not available
  • 0019072: [General] Change handling of extended tags to asynchronous
  • 0019146: [Playback] Play Now fails from File Explorer
  • 0019135: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Not filled disk number is sometimes saved as disk "0" to M4A tag.
  • 0018170: [Sync] Ignore album prefixes when sorting not transferred to iPod
  • 0018553: [Playback] CUE: CUE loader do not work correctly
  • 0019130: [Extensions (bundled)] Case Checker sometimes does not write changes when you press OK
  • 0019039: [General] Read-only combo boxes should not have I-beam mouse cusor when hovered
  • 0019113: [Extensions framework] isTemporary freezes the program for every node
  • 0019153: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Calculating signatures doesn't show progress
  • 0019128: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Menu: If User hides/disable menu then tabs are centered
  • 0018287: [Tracklist] Lyrics over DLNA are not shown in filelisting
  • 0019120: [Help / Docs / Localization] F1 from Options > Playing list should go to different URL
  • 0019053: [Main Panel] Equalizer button is not available as button on Player
  • 0018768: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Imported Playlists doesn't show newly added files if it was left empty
  • 0019079: [Track Browser] List by album: Context menu is missing on Album art right click
273 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
  • 0018627: [Playlists] MM creates "recently added" playlist even though I asked it not to
  • 0018389: [Extensions framework] Modified default addons are overwritten on re-install
  • 0018863: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Global search: results are sometimes case-sensitive when quoted
  • 0018712: [Playback] Garbled playback / white noise in playback with WASAPI exclusive mode "Use format of original track"
  • 0018991: [Other] Consider moving thumbnails out of temporary directory
  • 0018609: [General] Some users can't run MM5 (until HW accelaration is disabled)
  • 0018500: [Extensions framework] Check for Addon Updates: Compatibility field is ignored
  • 0019062: [Extensions framework] app.utils.getApplicationVersion(3) returns four digits instead of three
  • 0018829: [Other] Opened album popup in Albums view is rendered incorrectly after window size change
  • 0018750: [Main Panel] Deleting a selected file doesn't move selection to next file
  • 0018305: [Burning / Disc Handling] Tracks are not ripped in the right order
  • 0017855: [Now Playing] Browser view: Sort order sometimes wrong / Play order sometimes doesn't match display order
  • 0019063: [General] Crash when resuming from sleep on systems using 'Modern standby'
  • 0019008: [General] Wake from sleep 2x causes Taskbar to "progress" indefinitely and Playback to start by itself
  • 0018887: [Playlists] Playlist: <Playlist> mask can't be used on M3U or on Device Playlist
  • 0018283: [General] Crash or Black screen on resume from sleep/hibernation (5.0.2 logi ID 4AD4000)
  • 0019068: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Wiki description missing
  • 0018365: [Extensions (bundled)] Case Checker, the window does not adhere to theme
  • 0016938: [Playback] OUTPUT Plugin: ability to set consistent gaps between tracks
  • 0018860: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] Ability to auto re-connect during casting (once connection is lost temporarily)
  • 0018950: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Further metadata to import from iTunes XML file
  • 0018708: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Search: Quoted special characters result in search fail (Regression 5.0.x)
  • 0018751: [Extensions (bundled)] Capitalization fails following ‘
  • 0018292: [Extensions (bundled)] Case Checker: Allow custom strings to force capitalization
  • 0018964: [Help / Docs / Localization] Localization 5.0.3 (add Spanish + misc. issues)
  • 0017707: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Search: Disk/Track # can't be searched as String
  • 0018760: [Main Panel] Title node is missing as an option
  • 0019009: [Extensions framework] localRequirejs doesn't work correctly in install.js/uninstall.js
  • 0018953: [Extensions framework] Some COM methods not implemented
  • 0019075: [Other] Background Processes running on close should be shown for wifi Sync
  • 0018591: [Tracklist] The Folder tag does not sort correctly
  • 0016595: [General] Issues when playing to Raspberry DLNA client
  • 0018824: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Artwork lookup fails
  • 0018740: [Burning / Disc Handling] When MediaMonkey is associated with CDA Windows AutoPlay fails
  • 0019007: [Main Panel] Track browser: List view sometimes renders horizontal scroll incorrectly
  • 0018577: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Add filename to file properties window title bar
  • 0018874: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-Organize Files doesn't remember column widths
  • 0018923: [Extensions (bundled)] Services plugin: Manual configuration and connection settings for Sync
  • 0018998: [Extensions framework] Playlist event handlers are incorectly stated in API, some are missing, some are unuseful
  • 0018996: [Extensions framework] Method to get folder of installed addon needed
  • 0018678: [Extensions (bundled)] Addon to allow lyrics window text size to be adjusted independently
  • 0017807: [Burning / Disc Handling] 'Send to > Audio CD' feature (Burn2MM4 addon)
  • 0018094: [Playlists] Playlist: Add modified value for playlists to be seen in MM UI
  • 0019117: [Main Panel] Possible deadlock on sorting (regression)
  • 0019081: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Tracks from search results are sometimes not displaying
  • 0019088: [Now Playing] Activating a Playing list view doesn't show the playing track in focus if it's off screen
  • 0018977: [Extensions framework] Add app.filesystem.getFileInfoAsync method
  • 0018699: [DB / Backup] Closing the DB/Settings import dialog can eventually result in a crash
  • 0019084: [Main Panel] Track Summary allows inline edit
  • 0019085: [Main Panel] Save new order button fails to show when the sort is configured via Choose columns / sort
  • 0019077: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto Tag from filename: Large number of corrections show MM as Frozen
  • 0019086: [Now Playing] Visual preview in Options > Player > Pop-up display no longer shows [Regression]
  • 0017261: [UPnP / DLNA] MediaMonkey service failure (regression)
  • 0019070: [Sync] Apple devices: Windows x86 incompatibility
  • 0019074: [Sync] Crash when restarting MediaMonkey during wifi Sync
  • 0019002: [Help / Docs / Localization] JSDoc comments in scripts are unuseful and incorect
  • 0017897: [Extensions framework] Adding a reference to MediaMonkey5 Library in Visual Studio crashes Visual Studio
  • 0018970: [Main Panel] Background process which gets tile art dies for the tab.
  • 0018947: [DB / Backup] DBNAME and /INI File directive on startup is not being respected
  • 0019071: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Some AIFF tags can be truncated
  • 0019064: [Podcasts] Podcasts: Updating podcast break inline search
  • 0019065: [DB / Backup] "Out of memory" crash because of massive extendedTags values in database
  • 0019066: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Crash on context-sensitive search on startup
  • 0019043: [Other] Genre view: online mode doesn't display any content
  • 0019020: [Sync] Track deletion fails when deleting mix of local and cloud tracks
  • 0019059: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Extended Tags lost when editing multiple files
  • 0017641: [Now Playing] Initiating playback doesn't trigger playing to scroll to the playing track
  • 0018679: [Tracklist] Tracklist headers 'jump' when scrolling if display Scaling > 100%
  • 0019052: [Other] MM5 2620 Crashed on number of ocasions
  • 0019044: [Main Panel] List (by Album) view is slow to load for large folders with recursive content on
  • 0016960: [Main Panel] Add CTRL+Click and Scroll Wheel Click to open in new tab to Media Tree
  • 0019042: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Middle mouse click in Media Tree causes cursor to permanently display as scroll
  • 0019013: [Now Playing] Now Playing: Some apps like MM4 receive two tracks when Drag and drop (Regression)
  • 0017904: [Conversion/Leveling] Multiple dialogs when MM can't level files
  • 0018909: [Main Panel] Recursive button on Toolbar is global (?)
  • 0018987: [Other] MM5 start crashes started MM4 (on certain conditions)
  • 0018971: [Other] Artist view - online - shows only local albums and artists - regression
  • 0018822: [Main Panel] Albums in popups don't sort according to the displayed sort order
  • 0018563: [General] [Performance] Speed up SVG icon loading
  • 0018855: [Other] Improve Collection options dialog - Reset do default button
  • 0018951: [Playback] CompletePlaybackEnd event missing
  • 0019004: [UPnP / DLNA] UPnP/DLNA: MM5 do not send all the information to DLNA clients
  • 0017665: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Optimize lyrics lookup for missing/incorrect cases
  • 0017573: [Conversion/Leveling] Volume analysis error flow is confusing
  • 0018645: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Background Metadata Lookup: lyric (and Album art) lookups are repeated after user has deleted poor results
  • 0018985: [Main Panel] Folder navigation from pinned item is now broken (regression)
  • 0019027: [Now Playing] Wiki info box is not displayed in Playing - Artist Bio (regression)
  • 0018724: [Other] Regular build still outputs debug messages from some plugins
  • 0018891: [Playlists] PLA playlists not shown in Media Tree
  • 0017997: [UPnP / DLNA] DLNA: MM do not show Album/Series/Season Artwork when browsing DLNA server
  • 0018748: [Main Panel] Newly looked up image not shown in the "List (by album)" view
  • 0018992: [Burning / Disc Handling] Ghost CD showing in MM4 and MM5
  • 0018620: [Sync] Device Profile doesn't show it's disabled
  • 0018989: [Other] Accessing MM5 via web browser => crash 87990000 (regression)
  • 0018981: [Main Panel] "List (by Album)" fails to show thumbnails sometimes
  • 0018828: [Main Panel] Crash when trying to enable 'Grid (folders)' sub-view in the Year node
  • 0018816: [Sync] Device summary: On disabled device user can enable Auto Sync on Connection
  • 0018882: [General] Cannot cancel callbacks from window.requestAnimationFrameMM or window.requestFrame
  • 0018868: [Other] Several crashes related to MiniPlayer & screen coords/scaling
  • 0018818: [DB / Backup] Add SQLite's INI switch for paging to memory
  • 0018912: [Tracklist] Selecting tracks in long Playing list works sometimes wrong
  • 0018687: [Help / Docs / Localization] Strings: MicroPlayer
  • 0018736: [Main Panel] Make Artist/AA popups more visually appealing
  • 0018979: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Search including ; causes AV
  • 0018574: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: overlooks album releases for which tracks don't have time metadata
  • 0018983: [Playback] YouTube playback broken [regression]
  • 0018944: [General] Something in MM5 debug version, or crash monitoring ,or crash handling is too heavy, or is looping.
  • 0018626: [Playback] Player finishes only current track when returning from sleep
  • 0018984: [Extensions (bundled)] Case Checker: Custom strings not saved properly
  • 0018643: [Playback] Playing node: If a track is missing artwork then the auto-looked up artwork isn't used as background image
  • 0018986: [Install/Config] Output: Setting Exclusive mode in Multiple device enviroment can result in crash (regression)
  • 0018681: [Playback] Wrong Youtube player restoration when returning from sleep
  • 0018710: [General] MediaMonkey OS integration settings aren't working (regression)
  • 0018730: [Sync] Cloud sync: Some tracks are non-deletable
  • 0018797: [Reports] Text fields truncated on export
  • 0018823: [Now Playing] Vinyl Albums play out of order
  • 0018790: [Main Panel] MM5 (v crashing during navigation; PersistentID assertion error
  • 0018862: [Main Panel] "Integer overflow" for certain "Added" values in database
  • 0018636: [Extensions framework] Extensions with a period in the ID do not load properly
  • 0018660: [Sync] Enforce use of sync mask for files already on 'Google Drive' option does not take effect
  • 0018670: [Extensions (bundled)] Merge small bundled addons into core code
  • 0018975: [Skins] Zero Rating not shown in Playing window
  • 0018978: [Main Panel] Media tree icons are initially incorrect sometimes (after restart)
  • 0017377: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Paste doesn't filter Auto-Complete drop-down in multi-value fields
  • 0018967: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-Organize Files fails to move files
  • 0018972: [Main Panel] Find more from same -> 'Album artist' is missing
  • 0016370: [Track Browser] Status bar: not available in Playing & Browser views
  • 0018672: [Sync] It's not obvious how to eject a device
  • 0018634: [Podcasts] Re-subscribing podcast feed refresh issue when old episodes are not deleted
  • 0014654: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Path/Filename: "Start with" operator is missing
  • 0018934: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-Volume Analysis fails (for non-Gold users)
  • 0018965: [Other] Paste image does not work, if image file was copied from Explorer
  • 0018966: [Other] "Related Artists" subview is not shown after enabling it
  • 0018940: [Other] Paste command missing sometimes in Properties dialog
  • 0018933: [UPnP / DLNA] Check in Media Server opens wrong IP when multiple networks are available
  • 0018952: [Playback] Automatic switching of output device does not work for MMDS
  • 0018943: [Playlists] crash when using cut and paste between playlists.
  • 0018955: [Playlists] Crash when dragging an Artist from Browser view (online) into a playlist OR now playing
  • 0018956: [General] Crash after double-clicking album view header
  • 0018932: [Install/Config] Registration: 'OK' button fails to activate on mouse actions
  • 0018939: [Other] Add Paste to artwork context menu in List (by Album) view
  • 0018413: [Playback] Equalizer should show tooltip on level
  • 0018941: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Editing via Preview panel corrupts Custom10 tag
  • 0018667: [Track Browser] Tree: Dragging over tree nodes causes all subnodes to open
  • 0018446: [Main Panel] Info panel: Improve 'Choose alternate' presentation to clarify associated actions
  • 0018693: [Main Panel] Add Bit Depth to available fields in Preview window
  • 0018922: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Context Menu: Send To have long loading in case recursive show is enabled on Folders
  • 0018664: [Conversion/Leveling] Automatic volume leveling doesn't work for automatically added tracks
  • 0018914: [Main Panel] Auto-Complete doesn't see accented characters
  • 0018908: [Main Panel] 2610 - filtering in one tab, also can affect filtering in another tab
  • 0018930: [Main Panel] Device > Playlists node initially not shown sometimes (for Android devices)
  • 0018921: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-Tag crash: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'date')
  • 0018904: [Main Panel] Numeric Sort incorrect in Custom Fields with non-numeric data
  • 0018920: [Sync] Crash when clicking on Auto-conversion in device settings (log ID 8FD90000)
  • 0018901: [Main Panel] Visualization doesn't use full available window height
  • 0018917: [Other] Track info often not displayed when mouse-over micoplayer
  • 0018894: [DB / Backup] Removing large number of tracks from DB is slow when DB is located on NAS
  • 0018892: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Possible memory leak during scanning with certain settings
  • 0018889: [Other] Tooltip not hidden/reappears after switching focus to another app
  • 0018881: [Codecs] WAV: WAV conversion settings are incorrect and result in wrong song length
  • 0018888: [Main Panel] Filter syntax genre:xxx is unreliable where tracks have multiple genre tags (regression 2609)
  • 0018872: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Adding Track# or Disc# in Advanced Search gives it a default value of 10
  • 0018861: [General] Playing list is sometimes displayed over visualization
  • 0018893: [Main Panel] Filtering is broken by "Ignore Prefixes" settings when using the (default) Ignore Diacritics sort options (2609)
  • 0018883: [Tracklist] 'The H' does not find 'The Human League' (regression 2609)
  • 0018896: [Playback] Some WMA files encoded by MM causes problems during playback.
  • 0018865: [Conversion/Leveling] File extension is in uppercase for encoding to formats from some plugins
  • 0018869: [Playback] 'Remove silence at the beginning/end of track' option can't be enabled
  • 0018856: [Sync] OPUS not available in Supported Formats
  • 0018851: [Tracklist] FMFS -> Folder (Libary) do not work on unlabeled Missing media
  • 0018800: [General] Keyboard navigation dies .. affects all panels, all tabs
  • 0018821: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Right side bar: It can't be resized after hide/unhide (regression 5.0.3)
  • 0018845: [General] Crash when switching to touch mode - regression
  • 0018849: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Tabs appear centered on non-Material Design skins (regression)
  • 0018499: [Main Panel] Contextual Search not aware of deleted files
  • 0018848: [Podcasts] Not all Episodes are loaded for Hot Rod Radio Podcast
  • 0018716: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-Tag fails for Movies (Regression)
  • 0018808: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] First file fails to play on Chromecast
  • 0018530: [Sync] Sync status bar is visible only if Player panel is visible
  • 0018815: [Sync] Device summary: While in device summary screen there is no obvious way to enable/disable device
  • 0018813: [Hotkeys] Ctrl+\ Hotkey isn't saved on restart and removes Exclusive Mode from WASAPI
  • 0018784: [Now Playing] Setting Wiki language is ignored in Playing's Artist Bio
  • 0018820: [Install/Config] Crash when trying to import INI to itself
  • 0017712: [Sync] Google Drive sync: Consider update from v2 api to v3
  • 0018799: [Playback] Crash when opening files from File Explorer
  • 0018541: [Extensions framework] Addons Find Updates doesn't present updates in an easy to find way
  • 0018162: [Other] Clean up performance warnings
  • 0018843: [Sync] Possible crash when sending file to device (regression 5.0.3)
  • 0018719: [General] Dialogs / Menus / Icons display incorrectly (PrecompiledLess css should not be saved to Temp folder)
  • 0018707: [Codecs] Clipping prevention do not work on some files
  • 0018604: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Find More From Same: Playlist context submenu shows only static Playlists (regression)
  • 0018793: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] Possible "stack overflow" exception while casting (regression 2604)
  • 0018780: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] FLAC bitrate shows overall bitrate instead of audio stream bitrate
  • 0018787: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] DLNA casting to some devices (like Pioneer) does not have fluent transitions between songs
  • 0018704: [Playback] Playback is broken after failed casting
  • 0018240: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Background tasks circle icon cannot be used to terminate all tasks
  • 0016967: [Main Panel] Can't remove Collections from Pinned items
  • 0018497: [General] Edit controls' "change" events fire twice
  • 0018711: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] Chromecast doesn't disconnect when stopping casting
  • 0018773: [UPnP / DLNA] Endless recursion when browsing certain DLNA folders (including special charactrers)
  • 0018778: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] <Auto number> mask refresh issue in Auto-organize dialog
  • 0018661: [Extensions framework] Allow Addon Search to search for authors
  • 0018010: [Playlists] No obvious way to assign an image to child playlists
  • 0018498: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Classification field in Properties shows full value length after switching to different tab and back
  • 0018533: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Filtering by Source is broken
  • 0018517: [UPnP / DLNA] Possible AV in UpNp.dll after PC wake up
  • 0018752: [Podcasts] Unsubscribed Podcast offers Unsubscribe in the Context Menu
  • 0018404: [Main Panel] Pin It no longer available (regression 2507)
  • 0018705: [Main Panel] MediaMonkey unresponsive with large Lyrics content
  • 0018765: [Now Playing] Crash on Double click to play next
  • 0018714: [Podcasts] Podcasts: Browser view do not show Podcast episode Rating
  • 0018688: [Playback] Play/Pause button displays wrong state when skipping to start of track
  • 0018759: [Other] Options - Playback rules contain empty track type
  • 0018755: [Main Panel] UI: Playback rules UI Elements are misaligned
  • 0018758: [Conversion/Leveling] Conversion can create Duplicates
  • 0018739: [Other] Consider upgrading SQLite
  • 0018728: [Now Playing] MiniPlayer: doesn't display unsaved artwork
  • 0018726: [Install/Config] No way to install addons per user (as in MM4)
  • 0018732: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] Shared Content should list all Collections, even if disabled under Collections & Views
  • 0018742: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] OK in Properties during Lyrics lookup saves lyrics lookup text as Lyrics
  • 0018738: [Playback] Some streams don't play
  • 0018746: [Podcasts] Podcast Episodes download as TXT instead of MP3
  • 0018554: [Main Panel] In-Line edit of Album in Filelisting doesn't provide Auto-Complete
  • 0018717: [Conversion/Leveling] Conversion from MP3 sometimes cut few milliseconds from the beginning
  • 0018725: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Tagging of some MP4 files can cause file corruption
  • 0018706: [Codecs] DSD: Better integration of DFF/DSF
  • 0018700: [DB / Backup] Ignore MACOSX Info files
  • 0018695: [Playback] Incorrect codec on corrupted files can still trigger modal dialog, it should be moved to toast message
  • 0018462: [General] Folders node; no error reporting if unable to make a folder when user requests "New Folder"
  • 0018564: [Extensions framework] localRequirejs error: file.splice is not a function
  • 0018677: [Main Panel] Editing in the Preview window does not allow clearing the value
  • 0018669: [Sync] Lastly visited device profile not restored after restart
  • 0018653: [Main Panel] Setting Ignore Prefixes isn't applied till restart
  • 0018137: [UPnP / DLNA] Media Servers doesn't pass sub-node selection for Collection
  • 0018590: [Extensions (bundled)] File list export doesn't export on Playlist order
  • 0018675: [Other] Average album rating is missing in List (by Album) view - Summary
  • 0018579: [Help / Docs / Localization] Case checker: wording should be changed to reflect functionality
  • 0018275: [Main Panel] Duplicate entries added to MediaTree AlbumArtist sub-node while browsing
238 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
  • 0018456: [Tracklist] Sort order is lost in various cases
  •        0018519: [Main Panel] Sort order in Tracks in Browser not remembered after restart
  • 0018286: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Searching within a collection node is confusing
  • 0018644: [Sync] USB sync: Needless re-uploading of tracks (when MMA is synced with more MM5 instances)
  • 0017957: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag fails to match tracks to a single release of an album
  • 0018425: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Search mode options apply to contextual search but are configurable only for Global Search
  • 0018449: [Extensions framework] Enable skin options via info.json so skin developers don't have to write code
  • 0018236: [General] MM5 do not respect Windows Focus Assist settings
  • 0016483: [Track Browser] Folders node is confusing to new users
  • 0018347: [Main Panel] Album art is "missing" after migration to MM5
  • 0018485: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Resizing dialog with large Playing panel --> toolbar icons lost / search bar issues
  • 0018124: [Podcasts] Contextual search does not work in Podcast Browser view
  • 0018288: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Deadlock: MM5 locks on startup and crashes on closing (regression 2501)
  • 0018320: [Playlists] Playlists: Shortcut and Context menu to update playlist order is missing
  • 0018302: [Podcasts] Podcasts: Unable to manage subscriptions if Podcast colection is disabled
  • 0018216: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-Tools: Add option to prevent "." to be first character on folder/filename
  • 0018031: [Burning / Disc Handling] CD Metadata is read multiple times needlessly
  • 0018168: [UPnP / DLNA] Media Server options: Add check button to server tab
  • 0018113: [Main Panel] F5 refresh ignores contextual filter
  • 0018134: [General] Check for updates: Enabling Check for updates do not include addons
  • 0018264: [Install/Config] Firewall Rules: Auto rules needs to be tweaked in order that MM5 gets discoverable by Devices and MMA
  • 0018398: [UPnP / DLNA] Playback of wav files over UPnP --> crash C33D3070 / C33D6716
  • 0017881: [Collections] Collection is shown as 'Disabled' even when it is visible
  • 0018691: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] Change "'The %s player is turned off or inaccessible.'" from message dialog to toast message
  • 0018060: [Sync] iOS 15 support
  • 0018436: [Sync] Auto-Sync to PC folder selection not remembered
  • 0017953: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Review ... ellipsis usage in menus
  • 0011184: [General] Add support for the DSD format
  • 0018537: [Playback] DSD playback should use 88200Hz, where possible
  • 0018441: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Contextual Search doesn't work consistently for tracks section in Browser view
  • 0018474: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Playback causes contextual search results / and folders element to reset
  • 0017895: [Sync] Sync size bar isn't displayed if device isn't connected
  • 0018281: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Crash on Start when WEB node was focused on MM5 restart (regression 2501)
  • 0018145: [General] helpers/lyricsSearch.js breaks loops in arrays
  • 0018022: [Help / Docs / Localization] Auto-tag fingerprinting error refers to conversion instead of decoding
  • 0018372: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] Casting to Google Audio drops
  • 0018558: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Column Browser: Path is missing as column selection
  • 0017978: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Multiple 'Scan Results' dialogs appear & can block UI interactions (focus issue)
  • 0018050: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Can't add multiple Artworks using Browse from Lookup Image window / Add Cover disappears
  • 0018127: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Unify ';' and 'OR' operators in searching/filtering
  • 0017174: [Extensions framework] Issues with SDBApplication.Player getters and methods [COM]
  • 0018429: [General] If MM5 was started with command line then on Skin change, restart do not parse original command line
  • 0016671: [Playback] Chromecast: improved usability in case of unavailable chromecast
  • 0018034: [General] Input plugins are not loaded in Windows with Turkish region setting
  • 0018556: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] When losing connection to a Chromecast device MM5 can fail to reconnect to it later
  • 0018702: [Sync] DropBox: Creating new service stopped working
  • 0017608: [Main Panel] Years tree node Browser view missing Node List view
  • 0017890: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Lyrics Search: Found lyrics with Auto lyrics search is not propagated to track properties
  • 0018583: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Tagging of some corrupted MP4 files does not work correctly and can further corrupt them
  • 0018093: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] File paused for 45 minutes on Chromecast does not resume playback
  • 0018165: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Dialogs resize after switching between monitors
  • 0018696: [DB / Backup] Crash if Library update is closed
  • 0018685: [Now Playing] MicroPlayer doesn't work (regression)
  • 0018663: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Deleting all lyrics fails
  • 0018689: [Conversion/Leveling] 'Eject CD after ripping' and 'Verify ripped tracks' settings can't be changed (regression 5.0.2)
  • 0018690: [DB / Backup] Crash when importing MM4 db (regression 5.0.2)
  • 0018122: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Long Paths fail in Auto-Organize Files
  • 0018594: [Other] Crash 4E550000
  • 0018368: [Main Panel] Choose alternate should clarify it's on Wikipedia --> MusicBrainz updates fail to propagate quickly
  • 0018595: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Crash when lookup tracks after scan
  • 0018524: [Other] MM5 seems to have become confused and saved an (18mb) unrelated object to Folder.jpg file
  • 0017359: [Main Panel] Average album rating is missing in album grids
  • 0018646: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Background metadata lookup: Overwriting unsaved lyrics with new lyrics fails
  • 0018665: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Some tracks contain placeholder lyrics
  • 0018671: [Skins] Material Design skin description tweak
  • 0018543: [Help / Docs / Localization] Update strings for 5.0.2
  • 0018659: [Other] Main Window doesn't display when MM is activated from the taskbar [regression 5.0.2]
  • 0018658: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Contextual Search (YouTube): tracks not found / assertion failure (regression 5.0.2)
  • 0018293: [Main Panel] Removal of Filter returns to previous node instead of removing Filter
  • 0017583: [Main Panel] MM Interferes with Automatically hidden taskbar [regression]
  • 0018525: [Extensions framework] MM5 should auto-switch to default skin when the current skin is removed
  • 0018649: [Main Panel] Switching to tablet mode fails / crashes MM [regression]
  • 0018639: [Other] MediaMonkey generates an ever-growing Debug.log file (regression)
  • 0018641: [Extensions (bundled)] Make installer delete Material Design (dark) skin
  • 0018652: [Main Panel] Cancel in Properties > Artwork can result in crash (when the artwork list isn't loaded yet)
  • 0018633: [Podcasts] Some podcast feeds doesn't show image
  • 0018619: [Sync] iPod restored in the newest iTunes breaks compatibility with MM
  • 0018640: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: tracks in the 2nd or subsequent batch aren't grouped into albums
  • 0018624: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Wrong handling of artworks saved in folder under Folders node
  • 0016977: [Playback] Play status improvements
  • 0018623: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag stops working and subsequently crashes
  • 0018628: [Hotkeys] Shift+Character Hotkey also executes as character
  • 0018631: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Search history is in FIFO order
  • 0018611: [Sync] Sync: Renaming device do not update Sync List with new name
  • 0018599: [Install/Config] Active layout available while multiple layouts has been removed
  • 0018603: [Playback] Playback --> crash A14A3A6B (Uncaught error - Script Error)
  • 0018612: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Background metadata lookup: lyric lookup on startup often searches endlessly
  • 0018615: [Sync] SD card storage of Android phone not syncable via MTP (for some users)
  • 0018610: [Playlists] 'Recently added' playlist does not auto-refresh after scan sometimes (regression 5.0.2)
  • 0018608: [Main Panel] Double Click on file on Playlist in Folders removes it from view
  • 0018597: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Extended tags: Deleting selected extended tags deletes wrong one
  • 0018596: [Sync] New iPod device isn't shown in MM5 (until it is plugged while MM5 is running)
  • 0018408: [Install/Config] Users running MM continously don't receive update notiifcations
  • 0017456: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Unsaved lyrics should be saveable in the same way as unsaved Artwork
  • 0018559: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Scanning is slow when a large tracklist with Column Filter is enabled
  • 0018148: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: tracks with Album, but without Artist & Album Artist issues
  • 0017810: [Main Panel] User is not aware how to enable power scroll on Media Tree (like in MM4)
  • 0018300: [Extensions framework] Add Promise.finally() as replacement of Promise.then1()
  • 0018235: [Help / Docs / Localization] Help: F1 do not point to correct help page in File Listing
  • 0018584: [General] Task queue deadlock detected - crashlog 0AF10000
  • 0018585: [General] Ignore Proxy settings imported from MM4
  • 0018575: [Extensions (bundled)] Case Checker custom user phrases do not work for multi-word strings
  • 0018581: [Playback] Double-click to play tracks doesn't work in root nodes
  • 0018571: [Podcasts] "Unsubscribed" feeds are not auto-created upon scanning into library
  • 0018570: [Codecs] Audio is distorted for some loud IEEE float WAV files
  • 0018565: [Extensions framework] Problems with Addon Install (by direct opening MMIP)
  • 0018572: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Long value in Basic tab resizes Properties
  • 0018580: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: find more results (album) behaves strangely / status bar issues [regression]
  • 0018492: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Choose fields in Auto-Tag incorrectly states Tags to look up
  • 0018568: [Sync] Certain auto-playlists reports error while syncing
  • 0018566: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] MM5 crashes on UI/Layout changes
  • 0018578: [Tracklist] Space key does not work in inline editing of comment
  • 0018117: [Main Panel] List auto-updates are skipped for lists larger than 20000 items
  • 0018435: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: Date field doesn't appear even when it has been found / apply Album Date preferentially
  • 0018555: [Other] Wrong/unclear sorting of Albums by Album Artist
  • 0018375: [Reports] The fields exported to CSV are insufficient -- need to address loss of MM4 Reporting addons.
  • 0017963: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-Tag config Options wrongly imply that fields are displayed in a specific order
  • 0018345: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: editing fields can make it appear as if the wrong field is being edited
  • 0018447: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Changing display causes Minimize/Maximize/Close buttons to stop working
  • 0018215: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] It's easy to add many folders for scanning, but very tedious to remove
  • 0018326: [Playback] When playing files from media server and a network timeout happens then playback can stall (or crash happens)
  • 0018123: [Extensions (bundled)] Not all double quotes capitalize correctly in Case Checker Addon
  • 0017692: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Tagging read only files lead to loosing changes and slowdowns
  • 0017691: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Image lookup, and properties do not work in some specific cases and some tag fields are missing
  • 0018488: [DB / Backup] Browse for Database backup location wipes existing Path
  • 0018539: [Playback] Starting playback with very large tracklists lasts long
  • 0018538: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Track Properties: Clicking next shows 'Last played' of the previous track
  • 0018542: [Extensions (bundled)] AV when switching to Dutch language
  • 0017736: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] DLNA casting: volume settings should be communicated bi-directionally
  • 0018527: [Codecs] 5ch audio is played garbled for some formats and out_MMDS plugin
  • 0018125: [Podcasts] Added non-downloaded episode into library results in duplicate episode after the download
  • 0018167: [Extensions framework] Scripting: app.db.getTracklist does not respect SQL order
  • 0018161: [Main Panel] List xxx headings misaligned when changing View
  • 0018532: [Help / Docs / Localization] String corrections (5.0.2)
  • 0018140: [Other] Crash A14A092E - "Cannot read property 'newDataSource' of undefined" - during editing volume in grid
  • 0018067: [Other] iTunes import omits files for which location was not pre-selected
  • 0018038: [Sync] Some USB flash drives are recognized also as 'iPod Shuffle' in some environments
  • 0018316: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Metadata lookup error unclear
  • 0018332: [Other] Command line option to debug startup performance using DevTools
  • 0018232: [Playlists] Send to M3U uses absolute paths and ANSI encoding (unlike MM4)
  • 0018227: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Add/Rescan: adding hundreds of folders is slow
  • 0018394: [General] (Performance) Use asJSON instead of fastForEach in Dropdown._setAutoWidth
  • 0018422: [Extensions framework] Update less.js to enable newer features
  • 0018505: [General] Set a limit to the frequency of forced garbage collection
  • 0018502: [Main Panel] Window Activated event fires way too many times
  • 0018487: [Extensions framework] Right-hand side of Addons dialog sometimes does not react to window size changes
  • 0018523: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Play counter incorrect on multiple files in Properties (first file counted double)
  • 0018472: [Tracklist] In some cases status bar indicates many tracks selected even though only 0/1 is
  • 0018515: [Skins] Monkey Groove search box highlight not visible
  • 0017188: [Extensions framework] Root path to images (e.g. /skin/icon/play.svg) does not work for addon icons
  • 0018536: [Main Panel] Clicking "Manage Views" under Fodlers node => crash (regression 2507)
  • 0018355: [Playlists] Playlists in Folders are opened with Sort applied
  • 0017256: [Extensions framework] Addons doesn't show why Addon can't be removed
  • 0018084: [Extensions framework] MM5 Crashes when using 3D Album View
  • 0018511: [Extensions (bundled)] Swap Artist and Title does not show a warning
  • 0018478: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: album art fails to save for some tracks
  • 0018506: [Help / Docs / Localization] Skin string tweaks
  • 0018338: [Other] Major 'layout shifting' performance leak on MM startup
  • 0018203: [Track Browser] Online Track Browser: Improved track loading
  • 0018501: [Track Browser] Manual Scan performance is unreasonabely slower when scanned from folders
  • 0018364: [Extensions (bundled)] Case Checker, present options in an overlay
  • 0018401: [UPnP / DLNA] Play To Playing not showing that file is playing
  • 0018475: [Sync] Files scanned from a Media Server fails to sync when auto-conversion is enabled
  • 0018509: [Playback] Rating track in Player doesn't add it to Library
  • 0018489: [Podcasts] Podcast: Digital Podcast list trigger Downloading to show but do not list what is downloaded
  • 0018477: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Searching online crash with item.getRatingAsync is not function (regression 5.0.2)
  • 0018451: [Help / Docs / Localization] Files to Edit tooltips
  • 0018483: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Add Skin Options shortcut in View menu
  • 0018467: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Manual Scan fail if folder is already monitored/added to dialog
  • 0018052: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Add Rescan Dialog tweak
  • 0018444: [UPnP / DLNA] UPnP multi-room playback occasionally crashes
  • 0017975: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Continuous Folder Monitoring doesn't see filename change
  • 0018442: [General] Artwork Properties issues
  • 0018445: [UPnP / DLNA] UPnP multi-room playback: volume changes by itself / lyrics keep reloading (regression
  • 0018459: [Help / Docs / Localization] "Initializating" typo
  • 0018312: [DB / Backup] Import large Library from WMP and iTunes break MM scanning
  • 0016636: [Reports] Improve organization of the Reports functions
  • 0018407: [Collections] Collection Criteria can be constrained to a autoplaylist, but result is an unconstrained Collection
  • 0017991: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Allow users to right-click a column filter item to open a tracklist menu
  • 0018357: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Multiple genre values are not saved as multivalue to MP3
  • 0018420: [Main Panel] Scrolling in Grid view --> crash CF5D0000 (regression?)
  • 0018440: [Main Panel] Switching views --> crash 8738000
  • 0018130: [Sync] Sync list: Selection of root 'Playlist' node is buggy
  • 0018450: [Main Panel] Scrolling by Album through Music > All Tracks [List (by Album) --> crash 8BF90000
  • 0018476: [Playback] Playback stucks when Media server tracks are no longer accessible (regression 5.0.2)
  • 0018469: [Other] Parsing truncated MP3 can crash file
  • 0017510: [General] MM Portable Crashes when folder/subfolders are Read & execute only
  • 0018463: [Sync] Sync crashes when "Sync list (Device --> Library)" is configured
  • 0018363: [Extensions (bundled)] Case Checker, add littleWordString and forceCapString to user customizable setting
  • 0018382: [Main Panel] Drag & Drop slow in Filelisting
  • 0018437: [Main Panel] Left Panel width not duplicated on new tab
  • 0017973: [Install/Config] Multi-Value Separator setting allows entry of multiple characters
  • 0018330: [Playback] Trying to play http stream when disconnected from internet => (crash)
  • 0018438: [Main Panel] Podcast Export Subscribed export button rendered too large in toolbar / buttons perform wrong actions
  • 0018294: [Main Panel] Add Album Artist as Sort to the for Grid in Genre node for expanded Genre
  • 0017288: [Extensions (bundled)] Spotify tracks end after 30 seconds
  • 0017276: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Search mode options counterintuitive
  • 0018432: [Main Panel] Empty artist can be listed when it is also composer + artist of track in another collection
  • 0018142: [Podcasts] Podcasts: Podcast Art is not shown in Listing even RSS contain URL
  • 0018171: [Main Panel] Grid (Categories) can become available on nodes it isn't available for
  • 0017974: [Main Panel] Files removed by Add/Rescan Files not removed from Filelisting (refresh issue)
  • 0018120: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-Tag file counts incorrect in Auto-Tag Title
  • 0018443: [UPnP / DLNA] STOP fails to stop UPnP Playback of tracks that cannot be decoded
  • 0018032: [Playback] Preview window can shrink too much causing Artwork and Video artifacts
  • 0018055: [Playback] TaskBar Aero Preview does not show unsaved Album Art
  • 0018381: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Mood: Removing Mood From Tree do not refresh tree nodes
  • 0018303: [Conversion/Leveling] MediaMonkey fails to show Path of Dead Link being Volume analyzed
  • 0016956: [Playlists] Drag & Drop hover of files on Parent Playlist doesn't expand it to show Child Playlists
  • 0018282: [Collections] "Visible if content exists" doesn't work for "Podcasts" node?
  • 0018403: [General] Dropdown lists and menu windows are placed shifted to top left, when window is maximized.
  • 0018423: [DB / Backup] Rebuild database results in exception (regression
  • 0018421: [Main Panel] List view sorting freezes UI on large databases
  • 0018430: [General] Drop-downs fail to show (regression)
  • 0018416: [Sync] File location masks in Sync profile are not saved
  • 0018417: [Extensions (bundled)] Case Checker dialog does not close immediately
  • 0018411: [Conversion/Leveling] Decoding of some DSF files end with crash
  • 0018098: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] Google Cast does not restore volume from the last session
  • 0018096: [Now Playing] Playing: # column isn't displayed in the List view
  • 0018424: [Install/Config] Slow MM5 start due to large persistent.json
  • 0018426: [Main Panel] Opening "Media Properties" crashes (regression 2508)
  • 0018291: [Now Playing] MiniPlayer: opening the playing list causes the dialog size to change (or disappear)
  • 0018414: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-Tag tags fields not selected to be tagged
  • 0018298: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Removing a Playlist doesn't inform user that Child Playlists will be removed
  • 0018412: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Image Type cut-off for first image in Properties
  • 0018246: [Playback] Stop After fails to Stop [Regression]
  • 0018308: [Now Playing] Popup can display played Artwork briefly
  • 0018392: [Burning / Disc Handling] CD Metadata Lookup not done/doesn't update filelisting
  • 0018329: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Continual mass edits can result in crash
  • 0018386: [Main Panel] MediaMonkey becomes slow to respond after inline tagging
  • 0018307: [Track Browser] Online files Find more from same discrepancy
  • 0016546: [Other] Add "New Folder" button to Select folder dialog
  • 0018396: [Sync] Partial playlists aren't scanned from Spotify
  • 0018393: [Extensions framework] Now Playing layouts are not sorted by priority
  • 0017965: [Burning / Disc Handling] Choose Columns in Rip CD dialog is unnecessary
  • 0018387: [Sync] Some users are getting "Invalid characters in path" exception while syncing
  • 0018374: [Playlists] MM5 crashes when user creates custom view for a manual playlist (regression)
  • 0018362: [Extensions (bundled)] Spacing for buttons on Case Checker (regression)
  • 0018366: [Extensions (bundled)] Case Checker, allow users to determine which tags get updated
  • 0018397: [Main Panel] IN-Line edit of Comment/Lyrics activates Contextual Search
  • 0018370: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-Tag column management problems
  • 0018376: [General] Color Picker doesn't stop when you move your mouse off the edges of a dialog window
  • 0018352: [Main Panel] Switching views --> crash A14ACB40
  • 0017998: [UPnP / DLNA] UPnP: MM5 Server do not serve AA to DLNA client sometimes
  • 0018380: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Mask fields named inconsistently (Title and Artist)
  • 0018385: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag can update tags that the user has removed from the list of tags which are enabled for alteration
  • 0018030: [Podcasts] Bookmarks indicator not available in List view
  • 0018353: [Main Panel] Manage Views facility broken when creating View based upon List (by Album) view.
  • 0018341: [Other] Occasional crash when working with genres - regression
  • 0018271: [Extensions framework] No way to create folder using app.filesystem
  • 0018349: [Conversion/Leveling] Target directory in conversion dialog can sometimes double the folders
  • 0018356: [Playlists] Moving thousands of playlist can result in crash
  • 0018358: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Saving artwork with "Apply to all files in the Album/Series" does not save artwork to album with one track
  • 0018360: [Sync] Sync fails to stop when there isn't enough space on the storage
  • 0018369: [General] Color picker reset button does not always work
  • 0018335: [Track Browser] Track Browser: Extensions not available on some tree nodes like Files to edit
  • 0018272: [Main Panel] 'Show all subnodes' enabled by default
  • 0018222: [Sync] Ability to save error list
  • 0018090: [Main Panel] Groups is shown on List View when selecting Columns to be displayed (right click)
  • 0018334: [Main Panel] Initial columns width is too wide (regression 5.0.2)
  • 0018351: [Main Panel] Selection lost using Shift+Page Down/Up
  • 0018331: [Extensions framework] Addon config files do not work for zipped skins
  • 0018315: [Skinning framework] Enable configurable options for Skins
  • 0018333: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Criteria 'Rating >= 4 stars' shown as 5 stars graphic (regresison 5.0.2)
  • 0018340: [Sync] DSD/DSF missing from Support Formats options in Media Sharing/Sync settings
  • 0018062: [Tracklist] Play album by double-clicking artwork in from "List (by Album)" view
  • 0018082: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Cursor position moved to end of field when switching next/previous file in Properties
  • 0018126: [Other] source no longer available
  • 0018106: [Main Panel] New Collections fail to use custom Sub-Nodes settings
  • 0018313: [Main Panel] Zero Rating shown as 5 star Rating
  • 0018306: [General] Songs with rating 76 are interpreted as 3.5 stars (used to be 4 stars in MM4)
  • 0018164: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Delete emptied folders checkbox enabled state tweak
  • 0018136: [Playlists] Status info shows "# playlists" in Playlist view - Grid (by album)
  • 0018186: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] Casting different music to different Chromecast devices
  • 0018190: [Podcasts] Some podcasts episodes re-downloads on update (due to change of GUID leading/trailing spaces)
  • 0017503: [Main Panel] Manually Uncollapsed Album collapses when tagging files
  • 0018214: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Parent Folder is selected even when a child folder is unselected when adding a Network Location to scanning
  • 0018226: [Track Browser] Selecting range of values in column filter sometimes selects also first item "All"
  • 0018230: [Sync] Sync to Local storage (folder) may hang
  • 0018251: [Sync] iPod Nano: Podcast episode date not synced correctly
  • 0018198: [Conversion/Leveling] Some conversion settings are lost after app restart
  • 0018057: [Hotkeys] Ctrl+Arrow key triggers hotkey when inline editing
  • 0018097: [Playlists] Playlists: List view with Tree (playlists) element Mouse gesture improvements.
  • 0018327: [Playlists] Playlist export: Playlist Send to M3U fail if Playlist contain subplaylists
  • 0018324: [Now Playing] Playing node: Switching to 'Artist bio' => crash (regression
  • 0017316: [Skins] Allow customization of Monkey Groove skin highlight color
  • 0016420: [Track Browser] Years node: support browsing by original date (rather than just date)
  • 0018295: [DB / Backup] Alignment and Spacing in Manage database dialog
  • 0016235: [Main Panel] Artwork and Summary are not removable in "List (by Album)" view
  • 0018228: [Tagging framework / input plugins] Tagging of Comment of large amount of files fails
  • 0018163: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Delete emptied folders feature can delete also Desktop folder (when Desktop is empty)
  • 0018238: [Track Browser] On mouse Rating preview is lost on status bar refresh
  • 0018256: [Track Browser] Applying Filter in Duplicate Content constantly asks to analyze for duplicates
  • 0018274: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Cancelling Tagging can introduce discrepancies
  • 0018299: [Extensions (bundled)] Export all playlists can freeze for large playlists/DBs
  • 0018176: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Searching for semicolon fails
  • 0018218: [Playback] Playback start delay when opening audio from explorer
  • 0018135: [Burning / Disc Handling] CD Lookup: Better handling connection errors
  • 0018143: [Other] Command line: Command line executed before MM is fully loaded
  • 0018092: [Sync] Possible AV on closing when device config has unsaved changes to apply
  • 0018087: [Playback] If playback is stopped, NEXT does not start Playback of Next file
  • 0018224: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Optimize code for importing playlists from iTunes
  • 0018185: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] F3 Shortcut to start Search not implemented
  • 0018175: [Main Panel] Can't delete Classifications in Media Tree
  • 0018068: [Burning / Disc Handling] Auto Number mask does not work in the Rip CD (once the dialog is already started with that mask)
  • 0018091: [General] Remove "Show warning when file to be played is not accessible" option
  • 0018071: [Playback] Play now Double Click Action is slower comparing to MM4
  • 0016842: [General] WASAPI Output: Devices that do not support exclusive access throw error
  • 0018242: [Sync] Non-downloaded tracks cannot be sent to iPod
  • 0018085: [Main Panel] Column filter's columns are not (re)stored for custom views
  • 0017239: [Install/Config] Installing debug build over non-debug build leaves
  • 0018244: [Other] Possible infinite background activity after visiting "DB / Tag mismatches" node
  • 0018211: [Burning / Disc Handling] Some ripped tracks are missing date added
  • 0018258: [Main Panel] Artwork not displayed correctly in Playing node
  • 0018273: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag status is incorrect / processes unselected tracks (regression)
  • 0017806: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] Certain transcoded tracks loops end of song while Google casting
  • 0018268: [Other] Popup menu sometimes causes crash with error A14A022A
  • 0016930: [DB / Backup] Backups can take up huge amount of space without the user realizing
  • 0018128: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Tray Icon: Volume or Rating value are not shown in Context menu of Tray icon
  • 0018280: [Playlists] Toggling Play > Level Playback Volume causes silence
  • 0018259: [General] Confirmation: Delete collection should trigger confirmation dialog
  • 0018269: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] Casting: Some videos skips last 10 seconds when casting
  • 0017962: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-Tag can't select files to update when Title is disabled
  • 0018138: [UPnP / DLNA] Episode# and Season# aren't passed over DLNA
  • 0018205: [Playback] Auto-DJ tweaks
  • 0018025: [Main Panel] Web content remains visible when switched to another tab
  • 0005215: [General] Implement sort by DATEAdded (not DateTimeAdded)
  • 0018250: [Other] Playing files in "Files to Edit" makes them vanish from list
  • 0018086: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Rating doesn't show/can be set when file unrated files are in selection
  • 0018243: [Tracklist] Simplified list is obsolete and should be removed from views
  • 0018139: [UPnP / DLNA] Date (year) is passed as full date over DLNA
  • 0018252: [Playlists] Can't manually organize Playlist after Sorting
  • 0018247: [Main Panel] Carriage Return lost when in-line editing Lyrics field
  • 0018169: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] FMFS: Add Title to FMFS list
  • 0018023: [Main Panel] Decade node is slow to expand in the Year sub-node
  • 0018263: [Main Panel] 3 Dot menu remains visible in full screen visualization
  • 0018081: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Review Properties layout when multiple Types are selected
  • 0018157: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] Bookmark playing position when casting device has been turned off
  • 0018207: [Main Panel] File being played isn't moved when moving whole folders
  • 0018223: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] Casting: Failure to re-connect once Chromecast has been turned off
  • 0018204: [Main Panel] Send To: Progress bar or busy icon is not shown when using Send To
  • 0018217: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] App crashes when tagging user's M4A file
  • 0018158: [Sync] Renaming device name does not update drive label in Windows
  • 0018147: [Playback] Visualizer re-enables on Player (Metro M Skin)
  • 0018189: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] Turning off screen stops casting
  • 0018195: [Other] Some ALAC files show incorrect waveform
  • 0018132: [UPnP / DLNA] Chromecast Playback doesn't respect volume levelling
  • 0018229: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Replaygain: removing replaygain using inline edit do not remove Replaygain from tags
  • 0018231: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] Casting to 'Raspberry Pi running OSMC' may skip tracks on occassion
  • 0018188: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Embedded Artwork fails to render in Properties and Filelisting
  • 0018179: [General] Change Code and Installer signing digest algorithm to SHA2
  • 0018206: [Skins] Black Monkey skin is deleted after every update
  • 0017922: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Lookup image can apply previous applied image
  • 0017925: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Resizing Image Lookup window has results not render in full window
  • 0018213: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Lyrics Search: Result still can contain HTML elements
  • 0018219: [Main Panel] Collapse the tree hotkey works only on the first tab
  • 0018221: [Main Panel] Ctrl+W does not close tab
  • 0017840: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Confirmation dialogs are too narrow
357 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
  • 0016522: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Make it easier for users to understand what metadata fits into each field for AudioBooks
  • 0017935: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Options dialog appears in black and MM cannot be closed (focus issue?)
  • 0017939: [Main Panel] Remove Remove Duplicates from Playlist root node context node
  • 0017557: [General] Directory Choosers should display expected Windows directories
  • 0018194: [Sync] ALAC file synchronized to iPod is not played till the end
  • 0017949: [Help / Docs / Localization] Strings for accessibility improvements
  • 0017896: [Help / Docs / Localization] 5.0.1 string review
  • 0017459: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Search by 'Status' hides Artwork/Type searches where users don't expect
  • 0017861: [Sync] Sync to local folder / mapped drive auto converts tracks by default
  • 0016479: [Track Browser] Set image size: should not apply to navigation nodes
  • 0017945: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] Crash on trying to select DLNA renderer and crashes on close
  • 0017269: [Codecs] FLAC: FLAC Lib is outdated
  • 0018152: [UPnP / DLNA] Bose Soundbar 700 does not postpone to the next track when casting
  • 0017762: [Help / Docs / Localization] Missing string: Ignore files smaller than
  • 0018118: [Sync] iPod sync: "TDeviceCalculator.calcfinish: freeSpace < 0!!!" assertion
  • 0017818: [Skinning framework] Custom icon files (for a collection) do not load properly until MM is restarted
  • 0017196: [Now Playing] Playing status not shown (tracks/time remaining + auto-dj status)
  • 0017931: [Main Panel] Files to Edit > Unknown Artist always shows AV
  • 0017907: [Playback] Play In MediaMonkey fails for multiple files when MediaMonkey is closed
  • 0017799: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] Cast to chromecast mini fails when casting is initiated during playback
  • 0017856: [Playback] Keyboard play controls don't work (regression MM4)
  • 0017913: [Sync] iPod Nano files shown without Bitrate
  • 0017960: [Sync] Sync: Google Drive plugin report warning not to use app
  • 0017831: [Extensions framework] Config panels load the wrong scripts
  • 0017865: [Extensions framework] Convert VBS -> JS crashes MM5
  • 0017771: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Default directory when browsing for images
  • 0017679: [Other] Status displays inconsistently / Hourglass appears but Status bar doesn't open for some background processes
  • 0017562: [General] Prevent modal dialogs from opening with a size larger than the screen it is on
  • 0017548: [Skinning framework] Switching skins on one install causes all other installs to also change skin
  • 0018061: [UPnP / DLNA] UPnP/DLNA access / Wi-Fi sync does not work in some specific network environments
  • 0018064: [Sync] Sync stalls with "Waiting for file to convert" once 50 tracks have been already pre-converted (regresison 5.0.1)
  • 0017808: [Extensions framework] Addons categories: Merge similar category names/words into one
  • 0017642: [Main Panel] Spawned dialogs open off-screen if larger than the MM window (and can't be dragged into view in some cases)
  • 0018000: [Extensions (bundled)] Scripting: Remote controling of MM5
  • 0017912: [Codecs] Update Lame encoder to current version
  • 0016138: [Other] Waveform seekbar: Tracks Waveform is not fully calculated
  • 0017983: [Playback] Player Progress failed to show
  • 0018149: [Skinning framework] Mini Player: Mini Player Display issues (regression)
  • 0018150: [Sync] Wi-Fi sync crash when pairing specific tracks with corrupted metadata
  • 0018151: [Main Panel] Tracks with corrupted metadata can break MM5 UI
  • 0018144: [Playback] Right click on video in Preview causes AV (regression 5.0.1)
  • 0018146: [Install/Config] Sources for Metadata Lookup setting not remembered / includes 'dummy' (regression 5.0.1)
  • 0017903: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Send to and FMFS menus always flash (?regression?)
  • 0018005: [Other] MM crashes on resuming from sleep or hibernation: crashlog 87388314
  • 0017901: [Sync] Sync list configuration changes fail to save in some hierachies
  • 0018054: [Podcasts] Podcasts: List view issues
  • 0018105: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Using Hidden Main Menu can cause main/context menus to become unresponsive [Regression]
  • 0018119: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] ALT key breaks menus (regression)
  • 0018107: [Main Panel] "Max callstack size exceeded" when using 'Ctrl+A' in expanded album pop-up
  • 0018101: [Playback] Playback indicator on taskbar doesn't disappear in some cases
  • 0017795: [Track Browser] Preview [Selected] fails to update in List (by album) views
  • 0017849: [Main Panel] TAB key navigation can be confusing in the main panel
  • 0018077: [Conversion/Leveling] Conversion to ALAC/M4A does not work on clean installation
  • 0018075: [Hotkeys] Renaming folder can result in tracks rating
  • 0018035: [Tagging framework / input plugins] Tagging playing file occasionally causes inactive waveform bar
  • 0018016: [Sync] Device free space is reported incorrectly in some cases
  • 0018058: [Sync] Device sync: Format problem error is shown for files including % in filename
  • 0017858: [Main Panel] Columns widths are not restored correctly on "Metro M" skin
  • 0018056: [Extensions framework] "Find updates" run just after upgrading codec pack offers update to the same version again
  • 0018053: [Conversion/Leveling] Volume Leveling leaves an infinite process running (regression 2417)
  • 0017850: [Track Browser] Auto-scroll to the selected item in Column filter after the change
  • 0018049: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] MM5 crashes when second modal window is opened in convert dialog (crashlog id A14AA041)
  • 0018059: [DB / Backup] Accessing "Dead links" node can result in subsequent crash
  • 0013498: [Conversion/Leveling] Device sync: Our reservation isn't always enough when auto-conversion is faster than copying
  • 0018037: [Conversion/Leveling] Automated volume leveling: no status indicator displayed / crash (regression)
  • 0017891: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] Background processes / Crash on startup (ID 0AF359A7)
  • 0017766: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] Casting: Failed playback on a remote device should have a clearer error
  • 0017910: [General] Keyboard navigation does not work with screen readers on
  • 0016862: [General] MM5 creates files and folders in current location instead of Application folder
  • 0017800: [Help / Docs / Localization] Improve links to online help
  • 0017954: [Sync] Half-star rating is replaced by full star rating from iPod/iPhone
  • 0017966: [General] Invalid pointer operation
  • 0017888: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] Casting: File skips after hours of playback in some environments
  • 0018017: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] MM looses connection when casting in some environments
  • 0017905: [Other] Column filter is empty sometimes - regression
  • 0016778: [Burning / Disc Handling] Review Columns available in CD Lookup window
  • 0017979: [Sync] White screen on sync to Google Drive
  • 0017938: [Main Panel] Devices & Services: Contextual search crash A31C2D22
  • 0017927: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-Tag causes AV
  • 0017867: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Larger version of images are not downloaded from Discogs
  • 0017699: [Tracklist] "Top Tracks" / "Show all" not implemented consistently
  • 0018018: [Main Panel] Can't remove files from MiniPlayer Playing
  • 0018040: [Playback] Play state should stay stopped when using external video player
  • 0018039: [Tracklist] Sorting by track type should be by strings
  • 0017802: [Main Panel] Some artists/albums are missing thumbs in the grid view (even when tracks have artwork)
  • 0017820: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Album Art may fail to download at full size
  • 0017834: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] Adding another player to multi-zone does not work correctly when a song is already playing
  • 0017680: [Install/Config] Running installer force closes MM!
  • 0017796: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] Configuring auto-convert rules for associated player output issues
  • 0018026: [Main Panel] MM5 crash while running in the background : C7BC8314
  • 0018029: [Main Panel] Files to Edit > Unorganized files path is unreadable on some skins
  • 0018027: [Sync] Sync to local folder fails in certain configs (regression)
  • 0017956: [Sync] Sync: Sync fail on Large files that goes thru Temp Folder
  • 0018021: [Tagging framework / input plugins] Crash when tagging during playback - A14A9394
  • 0018028: [Burning / Disc Handling] Ripping Disc Replacing Existing Files Causes Crash (regression 2411)
  • 0017955: [Sync] Tracks are needlessly re-uploaded to device after rating in MM5
  • 0018014: [Main Panel] Running MediaMonkey on a secondary monitor causes the Window size to grow each time it's run
  • 0018013: [Playback] Arrow key on Volume slider only goes down to 1% instead of 0%
  • 0017999: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] "Unknown Album" is multiplied hundred of times if Artist/Album Artist is known
  • 0018006: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] "Invalid class typecast" error dialog when mousing over Play > Play To...
  • 0018007: [General] Main Menu responds inconsistently if MM is opened on a second screen (regression)
  • 0018004: [Playback] Waveform analysis data isn't retained for for certain tracks
  • 0018002: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Locate moved/missing files: always reports cloud-linked files as missing
  • 0018011: [Codecs] AAC Stream fails to play
  • 0018009: [Playback] MM5 Fail to play some radio Streams
  • 0017441: [Main Panel] "Choose columns / sort" does not show default columns in the "List (by Album)" view
  • 0017994: [Conversion/Leveling] Conversion from APE fails
  • 0017990: [Main Panel] Using Lookup image on a Playlist causes AV
  • 0017959: [Main Panel] Album Popup sometimes doesn't show full file list in Artist Browser View
  • 0017984: [General] Changing target format for (auto)conversions sometimes does not work
  • 0017985: [Codecs] PREVIOUS button doesn't work on WAV files (regression)
  • 0018001: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Locate moved/missing files: crashlog 2FABD283 (regression 2406)
  • 0017988: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Right click/Paste Artwork in Properties > Artwork causes AV (regression in 2411)
  • 0017754: [General] Hide "Analyze Waveform" menu item / Automatic waveform generation often fails
  • 0017987: [Help / Docs / Localization] "Sub-nodes" is not translated
  • 0017633: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] 'Unsaved image' label / format in Add cover dialog should be clearer/more informative
  • 0017986: [Other] Artists grid sometimes shows the same artist image for many artists
  • 0017928: [Main Panel] Change Skin caused white screen
  • 0017982: [General] Scanning same folder twice doesn't show Scan Results second time
  • 0017916: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Contextual Search on Japanese characters fails
  • 0017967: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Artwork window doesn't respond to single click
  • 0017944: [Tracklist] All Tracks / Top tracks jumps and stops working
  • 0017977: [Podcasts] Podcast download crashes for some users
  • 0017970: [Burning / Disc Handling] CD Metadata Lookup: When trying to fetch metadata for CD (FreeDB) sometimes MM5 thews No Audio CD inserted
  • 0017971: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Alternative multi-value characters show as ; after editing field
  • 0017946: [Main Panel] Find More from Same fails on Player
  • 0017844: [Main Panel] Arrow keys don't navigate between items correctly in some views
  • 0017899: [Tracklist] Enabling a new column causes tracklist columns to appear blank (refresh issue)
  • 0017733: [Now Playing] Album Popup with a large number of tracks shows multiple tracks playing at once
  • 0015763: [Main Panel] Rating Column Header has extra space in front in Filelisting
  • 0017616: [Now Playing] Save changes to the currently played track immediately
  • 0017343: [Main Panel] Switching Next in Properties can move selection in Media Tree up one node
  • 0017914: [Other] CD Verification message says no internet connection on random tracks
  • 0017915: [Extensions (bundled)] Case Checker does not work correctly for whitespace and cardinals
  • 0017382: [Skins] Skin reload dialog has no Title, doesn't warn that playback will be stopped
  • 0017911: [Sync] Selecting items to be Synced with Keyboard does not enable Apply button
  • 0017908: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Pressing ALT then using arrow keys skips playback left/right
  • 0017183: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Performance issue - Large popupmenus take up to a full second to open
  • 0017812: [Install/Config] MM fails to run for some users (after Chromium update to 90)
  • 0017318: [Help / Docs / Localization] Default Action doesn't indicate what for
  • 0017920: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto Tag from Filename: Inline manual corrections of Auto Tag do not work
  • 0017845: [Sync] Possible crash during Spotify scan
  • 0017870: [Burning / Disc Handling] Audio CD metadata lookups: CD-Text is always preferred
  • 0017363: [Sync] Spotify Sync to MM Scan Results and log mismatch
  • 0014592: [General] Upgrade to the latest Chromium
  • 0017765: [Playback] Playback attempt of audio files can cause crash, when no audio HW is present
  • 0017592: [Playback] Display more specific error in case no audio device is attached and video cannot be played
  • 0017789: [Sync] Device Sync status is misleading for Wi-Fi sync
  • 0017155: [Extensions framework] info.json parsing does not have a case for invalid JSON
  • 0016852: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Now playing: Library non accessible tracks are not loaded paired correctly
  • 0017635: [Playback] Playing: Album Art and Lyrics Context Menu do not offer save
  • 0017781: [Sync] Crash 19F86866 on Wi-Fi sync (regression 2334)
  • 0017676: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: graceful handling of unavailable server(s) so that 'file 1 of y processing' doesn't endlessly display
  • 0017875: [Conversion/Leveling] Volume Levelling process can fail to show in Status
  • 0017862: [General] MP3 file fails to scan
  • 0017452: [Tracklist] Sorting of Tracks grouped by Album fails to preserve grouping
  • 0017868: [General] Artist view does not display image collage
  • 0017866: [Main Panel] Lookup image... > [Browse] fails for artist images (regression 5.0.1)
  • 0017701: [Other] Icon improvements
  • 0017886: [Now Playing] Switching into or out of party mode doesn't work correctly (regression 5.0.1)
  • 0017872: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] Google Cast Groups are missing the associated config
  • 0017864: [Main Panel] Selection lost on sort
  • 0017863: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Copy/Paste of Playlists fails to create duplicate playlist on the same parent
  • 0017208: [Main Panel] Lyrics panel element: deleting the panel doesn't update panel settings
  • 0017879: [Install/Config] Installing newer builds over 2286 regular causes crash
  • 0017402: [Install/Config] Portable mode: should not automatically make system changes
  • 0017675: [Extensions framework] Extensions: Tooltip should be added to contain path to extension
  • 0017683: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-Tag fingerprinting fail on some Albums to pair tracks into single album
  • 0017878: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Lyrics Search: Lyrics Search stops if track title is edited
  • 0017785: [Hotkeys] Add Hotkeys missing from MM5 (that used to be in MM4)
  • 0017153: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Menu Buttons don't deselect
  • 0017780: [Other] ShowLinks Addon fails with & ampersand
  • 0017847: [UPnP / DLNA] WMV transcoded from MM5 server to MM5 client stops after 45 minutes
  • 0016530: [Main Panel] Add Play Shuffled options to Context menu of Media Tree nodes
  • 0017694: [Install/Config] Clicking 'install' often generates a warning tone
  • 0017225: [Other] Copy & Paste doesn't prompt to overwrite existing files
  • 0017303: [Other] Copy/Cut & Paste from tab to tab do not trigger refresh
  • 0017317: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Playing Node should have relevant contextual commands
  • 0017848: [General] Clicking minimize/restore/maximize buttons losing focus inside app. window
  • 0017725: [Podcasts] Refreshing number in Downloads(X) collapses manually opened album
  • 0017832: [Install/Config] Version update notifications appear even when current version is newer
  • 0017853: [Tagging framework / input plugins] Some iTunes tags ae not read from M4A/MP4 files - regression
  • 0017852: [General] Reduce size of persistent.json for release version
  • 0017668: [Skins] Now-Playing item is difficult to see on grid view with light colored backgrounds
  • 0017790: [Playback] Inconsistent behavior of player.clearPlaylist()
  • 0017776: [Main Panel] Performance issue - Loading a large album in grid view causes entire view to lag, even after it is collapsed
  • 0017561: [General] MM shows up twice in the taskbar when launching
  • 0017814: [Skins] Startup issues when the main window was maximized before last close
  • 0017854: [Now Playing] Play Shuffled triggers a change in order of AutoPlaylists set to Auto-Refresh
  • 0017688: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Some file tags do not have clear order of precedence
  • 0017828: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] Seeking fails when playing to multi-zone
  • 0017809: [Main Panel] 'Copying' text is misleading when doing Shift + D&D to folders node (to move)
  • 0017811: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Remove unavailable files dialog is shown only when Scan results dialog is enabled
  • 0017817: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Alt+Right Next doesn't work on other tabs in Properties
  • 0017813: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Auto-playlists created as 'Basic' in MM4 aren't editable in MM5
  • 0017827: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] Stop after Current file fails when casting
  • 0017821: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Track cannot be removed from playlists via Properties > Classifications (like in MM4)
  • 0017782: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Scanning - Continuous doesn't work (regression 5.0)
  • 0017794: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] DLNA/casting: Auto-converted / transcoded tracks issues (regression)
  • 0017751: [Skins] Miniplayer (Metro M skin): dragging the scrollbar handle drags the dialog
  • 0017793: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Users may not realize realize that fields in Auto-tag dialog are clickable
  • 0017745: [Now Playing] Shift+Mouse Scroll doesn't do Horizontal Scroll in Playing node
  • 0017774: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-Organize does not update linked album artwork
  • 0017778: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Properties>Artwork>Lookup>Browse: No .thm and "All Files (*.*)" options
  • 0017695: [Track Browser] Track Browser: Inline edit execute off screen if Column is larger than Track Browser width
  • 0017783: [Main Panel] (Regression) Editing items on tracklist sometimes does not display changes
  • 0017737: [Main Panel] Grid View missing for Entire Library collection
  • 0017262: [Collections] Remove 'and Views' from the Sub-nodes tab in Collection Options dialog
  • 0017753: [Install/Config] MiniPlayer: dialogs opened from within miniplayer appear in back of the miniplayer
  • 0017792: [UPnP / DLNA] Crash EFEFFECD after 10 minutes of running (in some environments - regression 2335)
  • 0017757: [Tagging framework / input plugins] Update OGG Vorbis and Opus libraries
  • 0017756: [Tagging framework / input plugins] Upgrade libmatroska and libebml sources in f_mkv tagging plugin
  • 0017749: [Hotkeys] Hotkeys: 'Star Up' and 'Star Down' hotkeys are not intuitive
  • 0017702: [Main Panel] Artwork browser does not default to tracks folder for tracks located on NAS
  • 0017469: [UPnP / DLNA] Chromecast: Save thumbnail do not work on files while casting
215 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
  • 0017655: [UPnP / DLNA] Crash on close after running for awhile (crashlog ID 8F658A3F )
  • 0015039: [General] Add option to switch smooth scrolling off.
  • 0017481: [Playlists] Addon/option to not show playlist editor when using "Send To" menu
  • 0017299: [Main Panel] Focused track gets out of view after resort (regression)
  • 0015756: [Main Panel] 'Manage views' functionality seems broken / incomplete
  •        0015584: [Main Panel] Views: Subviews should persist on a per-view basis
  • 0017016: [Sync] Auto-conversion volume leveling rules degrade audio
  • 0015879: [Playback] Player: rating tooltip persists
  • 0016885: [Now Playing] Allow users to define fields in Playing
  • 0017502: [Burning / Disc Handling] Empty/multiple dialogs shown when Rip Cancelled
  • 0017282: [Main Panel] Tablet mode: search causes UI to flash
  • 0017590: [Extensions framework] Allow addons to use custom search engines
  • 0017604: [Extensions (bundled)] Show Links: Open album in library does not work offline
  • 0017677: [Main Panel] MM won't start for some users
  • 0017600: [Help / Docs / Localization] 'Sleep settings' isn't translated
  • 0016391: [Track Browser] List views are not configured/saved per-node
  • 0017572: [Main Panel] Performance issue - Layout thrashing when switching between tabs
  • 0017577: [Conversion/Leveling] Tweak realted to error logging
  • 0017141: [Main Panel] Column Filter doesn't persist when switching Views
  • 0017508: [Sync] iPod Nano: Tracks synced from MM that are auto-converted shows length as 0:00
  • 0017488: [Main Panel] Lyrics subwindow issues
  • 0017395: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Respect diacritics breaks search operators
  • 0017409: [Now Playing] MiniPlayer: mouse interaction with the video window is broken
  • 0017408: [Main Panel] MiniPlayer: UI stops responding
  • 0016988: [Now Playing] Tracklist moves and touch menus de-activate on track transition
  • 0017248: [Main Panel] Touch mode: always starts in 'Playing'
  • 0017243: [Main Panel] Touch mode: dragging to scroll through a view triggers playback
  • 0016328: [Track Browser] Touch mode: Tap-hold selection requires release
  • 0016987: [Now Playing] Touch mode: Play controls alternately work/fail
  • 0016941: [General] Multi-monitor + resolution change causes dragging of the MM window to fail
  • 0015961: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: many tracks shown as having conflicts (regression 2198)
  • 0016388: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Mass edit: MM5 performs mass edits instead of suggesting mass edits
  • 0016742: [Burning / Disc Handling] FreeDB contains more CDs than MusicBrainz
  • 0014293: [DB / Backup] Filtering fixes and improvements
  • 0016523: [Now Playing] MiniPlayer: Tooltips lock the UI
  • 0015707: [Hotkeys] Hotkeys: HID Hotkeys usually Sends two values
  • 0014554: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Issues while scanning picture folders
  • 0015374: [Main Panel] Menu bar keyboard navigation is broken (regression)
  • 0013987: [Main Panel] Art&Details panel "selected" content changes only upon clicking particular track
  • 0016225: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Album art is not Updated in UI
  • 0016166: [Podcasts] Played mark for already played episodes
  • 0017080: [Podcasts] Podcast Options tweaks
  • 0016628: [DB / Backup] Deleted files re-show on refresh (when "Column Filter" enabled)
  • 0015239: [Sync] Minor differences in device config (MM4 vs MM5)
  • 0015191: [Other] Mapped network drives can became inaccessible (resulting in freeze logs)
  • 0015291: [Playback] Playing view: Info and Background Image issues
  • 0017186: [Main Panel] Problems with future date value
  • 0014307: [Other] Rescan time is so slow
  • 0016914: [Install/Config] Portable: Portable install should ignore Temp Setting
  • 0015447: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Album View: Few UI tweaks
  • 0017031: [Main Panel] Add album collage for artists with missing images
  • 0014587: [Playback] Chromecast fails to announce sometimes (housekeeping of old entries needed)
  • 0016760: [Tracklist] CTRL-A selection has no effect for certain views
  • 0016337: [Podcasts] Podcast list is not refreshed on some occassions
  • 0017124: [Reports] Statistics report does not count songs played outside of MM
  • 0017143: [Extensions framework] Add dedicated Addons panel in dlgOptions
  • 0016067: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Clarify Search Terminology and UI
  • 0016414: [DB / Backup] Deletion of tracks from library is slow
  • 0017520: [Playback] Preview window sometimes doesn't display / Behaves inconsistently (stopping playback) when disabled
  • 0017116: [Install/Config] Installation / Config localization requirements
  • 0014934: [Sync] Track pairing/matching tweaks
  • 0015917: [Tracklist] Tracklist/view moves by itself (sometimes continuously) [on search/filter]
  • 0015569: [Sync] Double backslashes in the configuration paths
  • 0014585: [Playback] Support playing of YouTube files to Chromecast
  • 0015071: [Track Browser] Improve handling of Column browser columns
  • 0015905: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto Organize: <Playlist> mask do not work
  • 0014924: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Video collection isn't shown after initial scan of videos
  • 0016864: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Root views are not Refreshed on Scanning
  • 0016621: [Now Playing] Playing [List]: # column can't be added
  • 0017390: [Playlists] Disordered playlist scroll out of view when a track is deleted from it
  • 0015475: [Tracklist] Dynamic sorting issues
  • 0014365: [DB / Backup] Support more Custom fields
  • 0015351: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: Combo box behaves strangely
  • 0013277: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] Add auto-conversion profile for Chromecast (adjust for ALAC)
  • 0017540: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] Casting: incompatible files are sent to the chromecast without auto-conversion
  • 0017209: [UPnP / DLNA] UAC prompt is shown after every re-install (also in Portable mode)
  • 0015327: [Codecs] AV1 Video codec support (decoder only)
  • 0010287: [General] Repeat Single Track
  • 0016467: [Main Panel] 'Sort by' in the albums grid is initially empty
  • 0016743: [Main Panel] MM5 F1 online help/what's new/Wiki Updates
  • 0016052: [Now Playing] Sorting in Playing view causes crash - regression
  • 0015131: [General] Search whole words only when in double quotes
  • 0017412: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Exact phrase searching is case sensitive (regression)
  • 0015923: [Sync] Google 'Gallery Go' contains MM Album Art
  • 0015680: [Burning / Disc Handling] CD ripping: Properties edited before ripping are lost
  • 0015382: [Tracklist] UI issues when TAB key is used in the tracklist and auto-tag dialog
  • 0015084: [Main Panel] Pressing TAB while editing playlist title (in node grid or tree) throws error
  • 0016422: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] MM Scans the wrong path if the user attempts to scan a directory after deleting files
  • 0016833: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Tree Node: Audio CD info in Tree node is not updated when info is edited in Track Browser
  • 0017194: [DB / Backup] Custom location is ignored when DB is deleted
  • 0017345: [Codecs] Conversion FLAC to AAC fail to preserve Tags
  • 0015649: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Removal of images from album art cache has no effect
  • 0014100: [General] Better Tabs naming
  • 0017074: [UPnP / DLNA] Player Seekbar jumps when playing to UPnP client
  • 0015641: [Main Panel] App can freeze on closing
  • 0015615: [Main Panel] Clicking cancel in the search bar should return to previous view
  • 0014497: [General] Dialogs open in incorrect positions
  • 0012868: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Ability to support long filepaths (> 260 chars) on Windows
  • 0017726: [Codecs] Files with Path >300 Chars fail to play and read Album art when browsed with MM
  • 0017125: [General] Developer Mode (in About dlg) does not work
  • 0016940: [Playback] Plugin in_mfaudio does not use gapeless info contained in MP3 files
  • 0014864: [UPnP / DLNA] Lyrics are not shown for UPnP tracks
  • 0016159: [Main Panel] Web node issues (including freeze)
  • 0014488: [General] Main menu random reactions to mouse click
  • 0017615: [Now Playing] Playing not focused on active file on MediaMonkey start (regression 2316)
  • 0016934: [Sync] iOS devices not syncable after update to iTunes 12.10.9
  • 0014559: [Main Panel] Visual tweak when editing auto-playlist
  • 0014965: [Tracklist] F5 on tracklist filtered by contextual search leads to inconsistant state
  • 0015029: [Sync] Deletion of library tracks stored also to the cloud
  • 0017654: [Other] Issues with new version of Eurekalog (regression)
  • 0016881: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Folder navigation using 'Tree (folders)' element switches Collections
  • 0016516: [Main Panel] "Tree (Folders)" view element does not work right for pinned folders
  • 0017515: [Sync] Supported formats on unknown devices is ""
  • 0017087: [General] 'Target extension' mask is missing
  • 0016594: [Sync] <Playlist> mask is hidden (users don't realize that it even exists)
  • 0016786: [Main Panel] Columns set in 'Auto-tag from filename' are not remembered
  • 0017173: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Searching for quoted strings with special characters fails
  • 0015357: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag will often recommend track numbers in the form A4
  • 0016164: [UPnP / DLNA] Dummy 9999999.jpg files served over DLNA with http 404 error
  • 0015614: [Podcasts] Podcasts: Episodes not downloaded in correct format
  • 0015652: [Sync] Ability to eject USB attached devices
  • 0013268: [Track Browser] Online tracks: Tracks missing when browsing online by Artist
  • 0015106: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Searching and filtering issues and crashes
  • 0016626: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Can't paste Artwork from browser [Regression]
  • 0015673: [General] Occasional crash on startup (regression?)
  • 0015648: [Track Browser] Track browser repositions on track transition
  • 0016713: [Playback] Play to devices other than the internal player fails to scrobble
  • 0016440: [Extensions framework] Extension installation: 'Restart' doesn't restart MM
  • 0016670: [Extensions framework] Extension updates may result in settings loss / multiple MM windows
  • 0017254: [Extensions framework] Add space between "no update available" and version number
  • 0017734: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] Casting over DLNA: currently playing track sometimes isn't highlighted
  • 0017102: [Playlists] Playlists: Sort became permanent on Playlist change
  • 0014553: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Make auto-playlists with random order more persistent
  • 0017059: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Typing in collection [List] view cancels the current view
  • 0017137: [Main Panel] Lyrics window doesn't lookup Lyrics / eternal searching Lyrics
  • 0015661: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: status updates all at once instead of incrementally (regression)
  • 0014132: [Track Browser] Add views for other Art collations
  • 0016558: [Sync] Local Folder Sync: Crash and issues when syncing to Local folder
  • 0015176: [UPnP / DLNA] Playing from portable version to a renderer may fail (as portable version doesn't auto-conf firewall)
  • 0017030: [General] Close to tray fails to restore
  • 0017740: [Now Playing] System tray Artwork Popup always flashes empty album art
  • 0016283: [Extensions (bundled)] Missing 4.x Extensions
  • 0016323: [Main Panel] Drag&Drop should not be possible when playlist is dis-ordered to prevent from original order loss
  •        0016412: [Playlists] Only a single song can be re-ordered in a playlist (regression 2225)
  • 0016611: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] MM Player can't be used when Chromecast/DLNA device is turned off
  • 0017206: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Lyrics are saved to the DB even if Lyrics lookup is disabled
  • 0016143: [Extensions framework] Lyrics lookup: elyrics returns a mess
  • 0015919: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Lyrics: get populated with 'unavailable' (or similar) message
  • 0017324: [Skins] Replace Black Monkey with Metro M "Classic" in the preinstalled skins
  • 0016894: [Main Panel] Can't edit Classification values in the Media Tree
  • 0015985: [Sync] Synch tree behaves incorrectly / gets corrupted
  • 0016505: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Files cannot be auto-organized until duplicates and overly long filenames are edited
  • 0016435: [Main Panel] Using Alt+Tab while a menu is opened => crash
  • 0015004: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Preserve focus during navigating Prev/Next track in Properties dialog
  • 0014964: [Hotkeys] Hotkeys are not working, when focus is in edit controls
  • 0017501: [Playback] Playback fails to start in some specific cases
  • 0016882: [UPnP / DLNA] UPnP/DLNA playback may fail with GRE tunnel (LAN devices have public IPs)
  • 0017716: [Other] Crash 9E764AA2 on resuming use of the computer after about 10 hours
  • 0015360: [Sync] Show scan log after scanning a cloud service (like GPM)
  • 0014673: [Other] Incorrect initial popup window size
  • 0017046: [Main Panel] Find more from same menu shows "Loading..." endlessly sometimes
  • 0017178: [Track Browser] 'Find more from same' in the inline popup menu does not work
  • 0016655: [Main Panel] App is getting slower with bizarre artifacts after hours of usage
  • 0017591: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Option panel opens behind the Auto-tag panel (regression)
  • 0015497: [Main Panel] Progress bar on bottom of main screen needs tweaking
  • 0016723: [Other] Add analyze waveforms feature
  • 0017291: [General] Problems with app restart/reload
  • 0017772: [Main Panel] Significant memory leak while browsing content
  • 0016884: [Main Panel] Ability to Lookup and browse metadata directly from filelisting
  • 0016349: [UPnP / DLNA] Wording changes re media sharing (because of Google Cast support)
  • 0016486: [Playlists] Copy Playlists usecases don't work
  • 0017308: [Playlists] Playlists/folders drag & drop: Only 1 item is dropped when multiple are selected
  • 0016472: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Play Now for a node can trigger Playback of tracks different than those that are displayed
  • 0017486: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Auto-Playlists selected by random (auto-refresh) don't refresh in some cases
  • 0015265: [Main Panel] Column browser: The second column isn't reset to "all" when value in the first column is changed (sometimes)
  • 0016256: [General] Improve default sites in Webnodes list
  • 0017120: [General] Remove HD tracks from MM
  • 0015020: [General] Secondary dialogs are hidden (focus issue)
  • 0014848: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Album Art: In Image search window there is no way to preview found images in larger window
  • 0017547: [Playback] Playing mm for hours (--> crash 875B000 : fixed) --> increased memory utilization
  • 0017358: [Extensions framework] Addons panel: Capitalize the first letter of the categories in "Show" dropdown
  • 0017717: [UPnP / DLNA] MM5 UPnP server often becomes inaccessible after MM5 is running for an extended period
  • 0017755: [UPnP / DLNA] Memory leak while casting to DLNA client
  • 0017742: [Playback] Tweak when switching between DLNA and Internal player
  • 0017768: [Install/Config] Uninstall often opens/closes multiple console windows
  • 0017770: [General] Unresponsive window on clean install / crash 539F6172
  • 0012769: [General] OGG: Some OGG files are not supported
  • 0017758: [Install/Config] Uninstaller is shown as being from an Unknown Publisher
  • 0017731: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] When casting the last track in Playing, NEXT has no effect
  • 0017743: [Help / Docs / Localization] Update German translation status
  • 0017728: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Scan files --> invalid pointer operation and crash 988864D9
  • 0017738: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] 'DLNA Player is turned off or inaccessible' error appears for each track
  • 0015293: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Mouse (lasso) Selection fails in several cases
  • 0017741: [Playback] Internal player gets volume of DLNA player when switching players
  • 0017482: [Main Panel] Rating applied to incorrect file
  • 0017761: [Install/Config] "Check for Updates" does not function properly
  • 0017570: [Main Panel] Sub-dialog appears in back of MM window requiring MM to be force-closed OR causing loss of menu functions
  • 0016961: [Main Panel] Selected file problem on sort in Playlists
  • 0017203: [Now Playing] Playing [Album Art|Artist Bio] : scroll wheel doesn't work in transparent window
  • 0016663: [Main Panel] "My Rating" menu leaking issues
  • 0017721: [DB / Backup] Freeze on scan certain OGG files
  • 0013665: [General] Playing non-library tracks to external renderer fails
  • 0017634: [DB / Backup] Freeze after DB maintenance
  • 0015837: [General] Wi-Fi sync may not work correctly when another UPnP/DLNA client on the network is accessing MMW server at the same time
  • 0017653: [Main Panel] Infopanel date metadata doesn't update in some cases
  • 0017703: [Sync] Invalid pointer on sync
  • 0017541: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] Casting file starts playing twice in some cases
  • 0017612: [Now Playing] Playing 'List' Columns can become unadjustable
  • 0017724: [Conversion/Leveling] Files with unset attributes can't be tagged or organized (regression)
  • 0017719: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Deleting a playlist accessed via Global Search --> crash 14D1FC2F
  • 0017700: [Now Playing] MiniPlayer's Playing list doesn't render when dragged from the bottom of the screen
  • 0015572: [Burning / Disc Handling] Possible EPathTooLongException when ripping CDs
  • 0016791: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Remove ID3V1 & V2 from FLAC can fail (AV)
  • 0017689: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Inline edit not working for some views but available in context menu
  • 0017723: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Esc on Context Menu in Search results also executes Back command
  • 0017483: [Track Browser] Track views don't refresh correctly on edits (regression)
  • 0017652: [Other] Update api to get internet connection state
  • 0017697: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Info panel: updating album art appears to fail (refresh issue)
  • 0017698: [Sync] Devices & Services shows endless hourglass on USB key
  • 0017687: [Playback] Player has artifacts when no tracks are loaded
  • 0017690: [Tracklist] Right-click > Rename always fails
  • 0017685: [Other] Open URL or File dialog is malformatted
  • 0016289: [Track Browser] Selection anomalies when Right-clicking selected tracks (regression?)
  • 0017177: [Install/Config] Options: languages not listed in alphabetic order
  • 0017305: [Install/Config] Player options: Popup display slow fade out setting is not persistent and reset to empty value
  • 0017678: [Main Panel] FMFS > Playlist ... endless Loading on some databases
  • 0017669: [Main Panel] Properties dialog freeze when selecting a track from a large list (regression 2304)
  • 0017613: [Sync] Sync: Apple device d_iPod sync Fail with a crash (due to Eureka false positive report)
  • 0017664: [Main Panel] Elements (Preview window/Player) sometimes disappear
  • 0017646: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Field equals X - attribute selection/editing issues
  • 0017684: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: count becomes incorrect after tagging large numbers of tracks
  • 0016906: [Now Playing] Now Playing position is not saved (in some cases)
  • 0017670: [Podcasts] Crash while podcasts are downloading BE860E44
  • 0017667: [General] Access Violation when attempting to open non-portable instance while a portable instance is open
  • 0017666: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Linked artwork isn't removed from the folder in some cases
  • 0017661: [Playback] Clicking NEXT to play through numerous tracks --> failed playback error OR crash C000005
  • 0017660: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Using the Add/Rescan command doesn't initiate a scan by default
  • 0017657: [Main Panel] MediaMonkey shows 'loading' endlessly on startup
  • 0015782: [Burning / Disc Handling] Rip Track Pre-Selection lost
  • 0016578: [General] Menu buttons sometimes stop responding
  • 0017630: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Properties: Editing linked artwork causes failed artwork updates (linked and tagged)
  • 0017662: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Lyrics lookup takes too long
  • 0017659: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Crashlog C00000FD
  • 0017656: [UPnP / DLNA] Devices & Services: clicking + to add a media server temporarily removes an existing server
  • 0017643: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Duplicate thm images are added after deleting the last thm
  • 0015493: [Tracklist] In-place editing: multiple attribute handling auto-completes the wrong attribute
  • 0016429: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Search: Advanced Search/Filter UI Tweaks
  • 0017644: [UPnP / DLNA] Crashlog F1FF000 on startup
  • 0017647: [General] Playback with visualization in Preview panel displays two player controls - regression
  • 0017650: [Podcasts] Accented Characters fail to show in Podcast Subscriptions
  • 0017619: [Sync] Wi-Fi sync timeout for large sync lists (regression MM4)
  • 0016101: [Main Panel] Artwork lookup performed even when there is no internet connection
  • 0017649: [Main Panel] Choose Fields rendered with insufficient width
  • 0017632: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Linked album art is always saved as folder.jpg
  • 0017628: [Other] Endless 'hourglass' in MM after about a minute (regression 2318)
  • 0017636: [DB / Backup] Pinned list is broken after 'Rebuild database' action (until MM5 is restarted)
  • 0017637: [DB / Backup] DB folders are removed from Pinned node after Rebuild Database action
  • 0017622: [Other] Crash after play/pause and STOP: 5AF7C231
  • 0017621: [Now Playing] Tray icon Playing list displays 'Track#' instead of Playlist order#
  • 0017558: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] On a wide screen it can be difficult to tell which '-' button is associated with which criteria
  • 0017556: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Auto-Playlists display graphical artifacts when the criteria extends to the scrollbar
  • 0017631: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Properties: changing image type of linked images creates duplicates
  • 0016480: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Album Art: image handling issues for 'unsaved images'
  • 0017620: [Now Playing] Track re-ordering is broken (Regression 2316)
  • 0017618: [Extensions framework] Addons installation temporarily freezes
  • 0017609: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Add/rescan dialog: Always show location checkmark
  • 0017603: [Podcasts] Podcasts: Some podcasts shows no Episodes
  • 0017582: [Now Playing] Info panel 'Play' button adds tracks to Playing in an unclear order
  • 0017593: [Other] Drag and Drop from MM5 to MM5 Now Playing fails (Regression)
  • 0017061: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Tray Icon: Play/Pause on click not working (regression MM4)
  • 0017536: [Install/Config] Playing list changes don't save when setting changes are made
  • 0017400: [Main Panel] Playing YouTube video causes MM to terminate slowly and to lose UI settings
  • 0017588: [Playback] Random crash 82BD0000 (during scanning) - regression 2313
  • 0017605: [Skins] Metro M: Library/Online Artifact on Album Info
  • 0017584: [General] Interface performance optimizations
  • 0017598: [Skins] Tracklist column misalignment on Material and Metro M
  • 0017387: [Help / Docs / Localization] Language updates (Greek/Slovenian) and duplicate solvenian entries
  • 0017597: [General] Doubleclicking MMIP sometimes opens a new instance of MM
  • 0017223: [Other] Track# shows incorrect in Auto-Tag from Filename
  • 0014945: [Tracklist] Ability to restore default sorting
  • 0016437: [Main Panel] Views: refreshing reverts sorting / columns / column order in several cases
  • 0016545: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] File Operation: Basic Drag and Drop, Copy/Paste issues in MM5
  •        0014429: [Main Panel] Drag and Drop to another app fails
  •        0016000: [Main Panel] Copy & Paste of files problems
  • 0014084: [Playback] Add Play Random option on multi file selection ('Play to' option missing)
  • 0016016: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Multiple Missing Codec Pack dialogs cause loss of focus
  • 0017579: [Playback] Miniplayer: metadata for streaming content displays very briefly
  • 0017539: [Now Playing] Video Playback: whole window streaming can trigger 'grey screen'
  • 0017578: [Help / Docs / Localization] Change Catalan translation to non-Beta
  • 0017566: [Help / Docs / Localization] Change Dutch translation to non-Beta
  • 0017392: [Codecs] Codec: For WAV Files Disable crossfade is ignored
  • 0017581: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Maximizing Album Art causes contextual dialogs to flicker and resize
  • 0015526: [Tracklist] Next/previous in the file propertes dialog should change selected track in related tracklist
  • 0017170: [Codecs] Convert WEBM/VP9 video file Crashes MM5
  • 0017559: [Sync] Tracks with failed auto-conversion are copied anyway (as originals)
  • 0015937: [General] Play/Shuffle buttons in view headers and popups do not respect rule for Play now action
  • 0017567: [Main Panel] Folders under Location node don't list all files (on some databases)
  • 0017568: [Main Panel] Shift+Arrow select doesn't scroll the window when the selection moves off current view (regression)
  • 0017309: [General] Unclear crash message for data-init-params=""
  • 0017574: [Main Panel] Add Tab button becomes non-responsive after changing nodes
  • 0017563: [Main Panel] System buttons cannot be moused over or clicked on certain monitor scaling settings
  • 0017564: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Crash when attempting to drag a tab down to Pinned in the media tree
  • 0017576: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: some fields can get emptied even when filled correctly
  • 0017118: [General] Performance issue - Extreme layout thrashing when tooltips fade in and out
  • 0017552: [General] Modal windows appear on the primary display when second display is above main
  • 0017553: [Sync] Using Home/End keys when configuring sync location
  • 0017545: [Hotkeys] Hotkeys: Focus to curent Track do not work (regression)
  • 0017551: [Codecs] AVs when Syncing AVI and MP4
  • 0017542: [Conversion/Leveling] Rip/Conversion share settings
  • 0017045: [Main Panel] Auto-focused media tree node is often out of view (regression in 2270)
  • 0017009: [Track Browser] Track Browser: Selection Using keyboard do not scroll View
  • 0016194: [Playback] Playing node (List) does not auto-scroll into playing track (unlike Playing panel on the right)
  • 0017531: [UPnP / DLNA] Ability to rename client devices
  • 0017338: [Other] Toast messages cut off in MicroPlayer
  • 0017534: [Playback] MMDS - automatically plays next track when current audio device is disconnected during pause
  • 0017533: [General] Remove Inspect Element and Chrome Devtools links from non-debug builds
  • 0017521: [Playback] Moving the Preview window from the Right Panel to the Left Panel can cause the frame to render incorrectly + crash
  • 0017530: [Main Panel] Preview window size is no longer 'locked' / fails to persist
  • 0017513: [Burning / Disc Handling] CD extra browsing/rip issues
  • 0017435: [UPnP / DLNA] Client name is empty after initial access in server's clients list
  • 0017527: [General] Non replicable crash on startup 00CF7918
  • 0013538: [UPnP / DLNA] MM doesn't update IP addresses of allowed clients
  • 0017522: [Main Panel] Changing Preview layout --> crash A04CD014
  • 0017523: [Main Panel] Changing preview layout during playback --> crash A04CCA84
  • 0017526: [Main Panel] Crash when trying to download a podcast (regression in 2304)
  • 0017446: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Closing MM5 while tagging tracks can result in crash
  • 0016030: [Tagging framework / input plugins] Add support for multiple values in extended tags in MP3 files
  • 0017383: [Now Playing] MicroPlayer's Playing list fails to display currently playing tracks
  • 0017381: [Skins] Player Progress overlaps horizontal scrollbar in Filelisting if no Statusbar is shown
  • 0016920: [General] Various crashes because insufficient system disc space
  • 0017147: [Install/Config] Installer overwrite warning is too severe for some cases
  • 0017192: [Playback] Incorrect tooltip shown for Target volume for leveling tracks
  • 0017489: [Main Panel] Main window disappears sometimes
  • 0017449: [Main Panel] Toggling Tracks and Related Artists can stop showing content
  • 0017454: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Video: Thumbnails don't update for many files / disappear on playback
  • 0017077: [Playback] Video playback: Some MP4 files plays choppy
  • 0017426: [Now Playing] Crash on Drag and drop ALAC files with MP4 extension
  • 0017497: [Main Panel] 'Loading...' item in Options/Media tree
  • 0017453: [UPnP / DLNA] Some videos played over DLNA fails to stream
  • 0017405: [Main Panel] Preview window sizing is incorrect (regression)
  • 0017514: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Auto-Playlist is scrollable even if combo-boxes are open
  • 0017506: [Burning / Disc Handling] Inline editing CD track metadata adds the track into library
  • 0017504: [Install/Config] Overwrite installation do not clear all installed MM4 plugins
  • 0017365: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] The new "Selected by" option is limited
  • 0017500: [Playlists] Playlist window size resets incorrectly when a window is closed
  • 0017498: [Playlists] Playlists: tracks fail to delete after another playlist operation is performed
  • 0017493: [Burning / Disc Handling] 'Downloads' node briefly appears while ripping
  • 0017472: [Main Panel] Albums element missing from Browser view for Artists (Regression)
  • 0017491: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Search doesn't work when using localized search attributes
  • 0017490: [Playlists] Playlist window size resets unexpectedly
  • 0017465: [Now Playing] Playing list in MiniPlayer/MicroPlayer don't focus on Playing track (regression MM4)
  • 0017492: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: attempting to open a field for a track edits the wrong track
  • 0017496: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Auto-tag: tracks don't scroll in tandem with albums
  • 0017494: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Properties: Changes to fields that have Auto Complete suggestion always default to first suggestion on Enter Key
  • 0016900: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] DropDown Selection should Auto select first match
  • 0017213: [Track Browser] Grouped views such as 'List (by album)' / 'List (by series)': track metadata doesn't scroll in sync with album/series metadata
  • 0017473: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Classifications lack options in Search/AutoPlaylist Criteria
  • 0017485: [Other] Background processes warning occurs when cancelling out of a scan>locations dialog
  • 0017389: [Main Panel] Duplicate content view is not refreshed after signature calc (for some users)
  • 0017478: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Fingerprinting fails for a significant portion of tracks / generates incorrect lyrics for failed lookups
  • 0017484: [Track Browser] Artist/Author node missing from AudioBooks in default config
  • 0017475: [Main Panel] Playing node > Lyrics view is missing Context menu
  • 0017416: [Skinning framework] Waveform: Waveform representation do not followTrack volume (Regression)
  • 0017470: [Install/Config] Player Options: Player options dialog gray controls and do not allow other interaction (Regression)
  • 0017480: [Tagging framework / input plugins] Thumbnails don't generate for .m4v / .mp4 files
  • 0017487: [Help / Docs / Localization] Catalan translation
  • 0015777: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Auto-Playlists: 'Selected by' doesn't support all fields that users would expect
  • 0017376: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] Music video is casted as audio
  • 0014760: [Install/Config] MicroPlayer: Check If MM5 MicroPlayer is registered
  • 0017403: [General] Install as service not working in some specific environments
  • 0017357: [Other] First start Wizard, scan result dialog can end in background crashing MM5
  • 0017327: [Main Panel] Auto Tag: Auto Tag Dialog behavior change
  • 0017438: [Main Panel] Automatic column width does not work correctly in "List (by Album)" view
  • 0017421: [Now Playing] MiniPlayer / MicroPlayer mode is broken by video playback (regression 2296)
  • 0017444: [Main Panel] Elements has a lot of blank space when Configure View dialog is given lots of height
  • 0017461: [Main Panel] MediaMonkey Steals focus on Video playback transitions
  • 0017455: [Tracklist] Editing track properties causes tracks to be removed from Artist nodes (refresh issue)
  • 0017466: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: lyrics fail to look up (regression)
  • 0015178: [Main Panel] When 'automatic column width' is enabled then there remains black area after closing playlist editor
  • 0017436: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Found lyrics are not saved to tag in properties dialog
  • 0017422: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] MM steals focus soon after track transitions (regression 2296?)
  • 0017407: [Playback] MiniPlayer: Minimize video breaks video playback
  • 0017433: [Main Panel] Dummy YouTube links appears after changes in monitored folders
  • 0017445: [Now Playing] Online file can't be removed from Playing
  • 0017447: [Main Panel] Find more from same Actor is missing
  • 0017431: [General] Micro Player / Tray Icon don't give up focus in some cases (Regression)
  • 0017442: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Check box selection is reset when Editing existing Criteria in an AutoPlaylists (regression)
  • 0017439: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Match within words and search whole words in Browser view
  • 0017437: [UPnP / DLNA] MM5 is repeatedly asking to grant access after every restart
  • 0017451: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Lyrics lookup isn't working correctly (regression)
  • 0017450: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Generating a thumbnail for the playing video causes video to freeze
  • 0017341: [Main Panel] FMFS doesn't show Type relevant tags for videos
  • 0017232: [Help / Docs / Localization] Add KB article for casting issues
  • 0017396: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] ..value results problem
  • 0017418: [Conversion/Leveling] Volume analyzis fails on Music Videos
  • 0017429: [Sync] Track volume always shown as -1.0 db for tracks on the iPod/iPhone
  • 0015656: [Main Panel] Double click on selected track often execute edit instead of Playnow
  • 0017423: [Skins] Metro M: Skin issues
  • 0017406: [Now Playing] MicroMonkey not working on clean install of MM5 Portable
  • 0017413: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] FMFS displays fields incorrectly for Music videos
  • 0016130: [Playback] Plackback: Spacebar causes focus to switch to MediaMonkey on track transitions
  • 0016991: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] MediaMonkey steals focus
  • 0017414: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] MediaMonkey context menus steal focus
  • 0017419: [Now Playing] MiniPlayer: clicking album art displays incorrect artwork
  • 0017420: [Now Playing] MiniPlayer: focus anomaly re. Artwork
  • 0017038: [Skinning framework] Loud tracks with negative normalization show too thin waveform
  • 0017391: [Main Panel] Window position not restored correctly when taskbar is on top
  • 0017384: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Using keyboard to Rate from Context Menu in Playing switches Playing file
  • 0017062: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] b&w tray icons that vary depending on mode
  • 0017386: [Now Playing] Pop-up stops displaying artwork after track that's missing artwork
  • 0017388: [Playback] Playback of YT video only opens Explorer, if using external videoplayer
  • 0014089: [Track Browser] Breadcrumbs truncated suboptimally for small screens
  • 0017398: [Install/Config] 'Open with' and 'Default' apps can have multiple near-identical entries for 'MediaMonkey'
  • 0017230: [General] MediaMonkey takes 25s to close (regression 2286)
  • 0017271: [General] MM5: Crash on Close if YouTube track was last played
  • 0017378: [Main Panel] List (by Album): Last 5 tracks can be grouped incorrectly
  • 0017373: [Main Panel] Editing a file in Playing looses edits on file change in Player
  • 0017334: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Duplicate content functionality is broken for tracks analyzed in MM4
  • 0017351: [Help / Docs / Localization] Developer mode text corrections
  • 0017298: [Sync] MTP Freeze dialog can show multiple times
  • 0017369: [General] Crash on close of MM5 Portable
  • 0017311: [Tracklist] Tracklist sometimes goes invisible when the headers extend past the horizontal width of the listview
  • 0017379: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Menu disappears when mouse moves over an item that displays a sub-menu
  • 0017350: [Skins] Metro M: Status bar overlaps with the rest of the controls
  • 0017356: [Main Panel] Custom 6-10 add Z0 when used in Track Summary
  • 0017199: [DB / Backup] Locate Moved/Missing Files not including all files/finding wrong results
  • 0017367: [Playback] Playback of FLAC file from OneDrive fails and can result in freeze/crash
  • 0017371: [Other] Crashlog dialog is formatted incorrectly, obscuring crashlog ID
  • 0017370: [Main Panel] Wikipedia metadata lookup fails and leads to crash
  • 0017331: [General] Update year to 2021
  • 0017325: [Extensions framework] Add support for files
  • 0016521: [Sync] Spotify addon for syncing playlists
  • 0017284: [Main Panel] Show path instead of just filename when moving files
  • 0017300: [Main Panel] Welcome screen can overlap player on first start with high res Screen
  • 0017294: [Install/Config] D&D of Collections onto Column Headers moves them down
  • 0017306: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Possible crash 7D750000 during scan
  • 0017301: [Main Panel] Dropping folder to itself in "Grid (folders)" view element results in rampage recursion
  • 0017307: [Main Panel] Track disappears from composer node in List view after editing
  • 0017326: [General] Timeout on MM5 close
  • 0017330: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Crash during auto-tag
  • 0016543: [General] D&D: Drag and Drop MM4 -> MM5 Now playing do not work
  • 0017292: [General] Tools>Options>General does not load when computer is offline
  • 0017342: [Sync] Limited auto-playlists does not retain sort order over DLNA (or when syncing)
  • 0017285: [General] Hide unused telemetry setting
  • 0017332: [General] COM server not registered even when installed as non-portable
  • 0017302: [Playback] Playback of non supported or missing codec files locks UI
  • 0017328: [Podcasts] Podcasts: Add to now playing and D&D do not work correctly most of time
  • 0017323: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Context Menu shows play shuffled and rename options as enabled when no file is selected
  • 0014877: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag dialog prevents use of Main Panel even though focus can rest on the main panel
  • 0017057: [General] Sony A55 sync: When full sync is done no playlists are created on device
  • 0016674: [Help / Docs / Localization] License.txt should be updated to 2020
  • 0017168: [Install/Config] Localization: freeze and loss of language options upon selecting a previously installed language
  • 0017244: [Main Panel] Editing Album Properties: file disappears from view on editing Album name
  • 0016329: [Sync] Deleting content from USB-attached device --> crash
  • 0015185: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Scroll to match doesn't find all matches (and improvements)
  • 0016740: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: Original track numbers show as 'undefined'
  • 0017140: [Main Panel] Search Current View cause AV/Crash when in Web
  • 0017014: [Skinning framework] Ratings: Rating representation on UI can be clear
  • 0016981: [Main Panel] List (Playlists) Panel develops empty area when moving Playlists
  • 0017052: [Main Panel] Grid views are not loaded gradually
  • 0016379: [Track Browser] Creating custom views causes View corruption / other issues
  • 0017251: [Main Panel] FMFS on node that's disabled breaks Media Tree
  • 0017217: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-Tag can fail to match some tracks to the associated Compilation
  • 0017273: [Main Panel] Accessing a FLAC folder under Folders node can result in "out of memory"
  • 0017233: [DB / Backup] Import settings does not import database from MM4 (regression in 2282)
  • 0017280: [General] Text fields trigger appearance of software keyboard (regression 2289)
  • 0017277: [Install/Config] Run of build 2289 --> crash! (regression)
  • 0017242: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Touch mode: Send to always crashes
  • 0017245: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Touch mode: 'Find more from same...' context menu doesn't work
  • 0017270: [General] UAC dialog is hidden (until user clicks shield icon on taskbar)
  • 0017259: [UPnP / DLNA] Remote server added manually fails to browse
  • 0016468: [Install/Config] 'Manage Views' via Collection Options > Sub-nodes & Views fails
  • 0016022: [Install/Config] Wizard fails to update if user enters registration info via Options
  • 0017135: [Main Panel] D&D of Player window can fail in Panel settings
  • 0017211: [UPnP / DLNA] Start Media Server only after Setup Wizard is closed
  • 0017146: [Playback] Fullscreen Playback: Video played in fullscreen do not block Screensaver and crash
  • 0017224: [Extensions framework] Addons configuration is broken when config.html is specified
  • 0017226: [Main Panel] Duplicate Content Analysis prompt has no Title
  • 0017207: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Lyrics panel element: Save button doesn't appear when lyrics are looked up
  • 0017157: [Extensions (bundled)] sometimes does not send scrobble after finishing track
  • 0017106: [Main Panel] UI lag when switching view with 'Column Filter' enabled
  • 0016826: [Burning / Disc Handling] Audio CD: Auto-Tag Not working and is slow
  • 0016776: [Burning / Disc Handling] Disc# is added when lookup doesn't show it
  • 0016825: [Sync] Device Options: Profile Manage settings can Miss Device Image
  • 0016801: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-Tag Status Disappears leaving no Feedback that lookup is complete
  • 0015681: [General] Provide user feedback in cases of failed tagging / playback
  • 0014904: [UPnP / DLNA] UPnP: Search and whole library listing need optimization for large libraries
  • 0016301: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Scan: MM5 still fail to detect TV Series
  • 0014693: [Sync] Numerous commands fail for tracks stored to the Cloud
  • 0015410: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Improve auto-tagging granularity (albums vs singles and field selection)
  • 0017166: [Install/Config] Upgrade to 5.x from 4.x: Artwork may fail to shown on first run
  • 0017165: [General] Crash after reloading window when device sync preferences have been changed
  • 0017205: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Help Menu entries are missing
  • 0017218: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Set Sources missing TheTVDB
  • 0017181: [Tagging framework / input plugins] Prefer faster metadata lookups checkbox is always disabled (regression 2276)
  • 0017182: [Main Panel] Scrolling is broken in large inline pop-up (regression)
  • 0017184: [Collections] Certain custom collections are imported incorrectly from MM4
  • 0017195: [Help / Docs / Localization] Options: install language even when it's not changed when language id contains upper case characters (like es_CL)
  • 0017191: [Playback] Play > Level Playback Volume not connected to Option
  • 0017193: [DB / Backup] Some users are experiencing crash when importing MM4 database
  • 0017219: [UPnP / DLNA] Blocked connection dialog is shown before user even accepts the import settings from MM4 dialog
  • 0017139: [General] UAC Dialog Shows even on MM5 portable if MM5 is used alongside with MM4
  • 0014799: [Sync] Remote drive isn't scanned on 'Sync' if so configured
  • 0017011: [Sync] Sync list tree is truncated if the window size is initially small
  • 0015302: [DB / Backup] DB from custom location is not imported (2145/6 regression)
  • 0017119: [Install/Config] Start Wizard: On some ocassions Start wizard is not rendered correctly.
  • 0016527: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Filter: extension is equal to multiple attributes fails
  • 0017134: [Main Panel] Remove obsolete checkboxes from options
  • 0017127: [General] Global hotkeys don't work in some cases
  • 0017159: [General] Playback attempt of inaccessible file can cause crash
  • 0017144: [Install/Config] Language installation usability
  • 0017161: [Main Panel] Tooltips are not shown with some specific persistent.json
  • 0017081: [Main Panel] Open in Explorer missing from Location and Folders in Media Tree
  • 0017175: [Install/Config] Installer Properties should be up-to-date
  • 0017163: [Extensions framework] MMIP is shown as track under location nodes
  • 0017156: [Extensions framework] Invalid addon config scripts cause crash
  • 0017142: [Skins] Visual improvement to dlgOptions panel
  • 0017154: [UPnP / DLNA] Playlists fail to show over DLNA
  • 0017085: [Skins] Tiny UI glitches related to animated checkboxes in Material Design skins
  • 0017169: [Main Panel] Radio buttons and checkboxes with intermediate state looks ugly on non-MD skins
  • 0017172: [Playlists] Criteria Date between 2020/10/1 and 2020/11/1 fails
  • 0017167: [Install/Config] Language installation via the Options dialog has a confusing/overly complex workflow
  • 0017070: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Locate Moved/Missing files performance is slow
  • 0017145: [General] Crash on close
  • 0015618: [Main Panel] Drop tracks to collection in media tree start scan
  • 0017150: [Main Panel] List (by Albums) missing from Genre sub-nodes
  • 0017149: [Reports] Statistics report shows incorrect values for Avarages > Played
  • 0017148: [Playlists] "List (by Album)" is slow in playlist nodes
  • 0016913: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Menus are cut off when text size is 120%
  • 0015926: [Tracklist] Improvements to navigation of Playlist/Folder hierarchy
  • 0015024: [Main Panel] Album+Tracks view is very slow to load in some location subnodes
  • 0017111: [Other] Glitchy appearance in Options and AddonInstall dialogs
  • 0017130: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Properties: Artwork is tagged even when unchanged
  • 0017117: [General] MMIPs have no icons when registered to MM5
  • 0017136: [Playlists] Crash when large playlist was shown in List (by Album) view
  • 0017128: [Main Panel] Opening a menu item and clicking title bar to close menu issue
  • 0016443: [Main Panel] Menu remains opened when title bar is clicked
  • 0017122: [Playback] L/R balance/panning does not work on WASAPI output
  • 0017114: [Playback] Switching audio output within Windows settings does not properly change (WASAPI only)
  • 0017123: [Playback] UI freeze when auto DJ source is a large auto-playlist
  • 0017121: [Sync] Update Dropbox API to use refresh tokens
  • 0017101: [General] About Dialog: MM5 logo is incorrectly rendered
  • 0017108: [Main Panel] List (Folders) panel keeps reloading
  • 0015456: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Properties: Artwork. Support for cached images and other tweaks
  • 0017100: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Dead Links: Reading of dead links can't be canceled
  • 0017096: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Auto Tag: Auto Tag Dialog fail to close if user click cancel
  • 0017104: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Possible crash when using search and switching from 'List' to 'Grid'
  • 0017082: [Track Browser] List (by Album) display issues/memory leak
  • 0017103: [Sync] Syncing two devices at once can result in a deadlock
  • 0017109: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] Possible crash on close when MM is installed as service
  • 0017112: [General] Make equalizer reset button also reset L/R balance
  • 0017110: [Other] Fix for dlgTrackInfo artwork thumbnail sizing + positioning
  • 0017115: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Tagging videos is inconsistent (Multi-editing some video tags does not take effect)
  • 0017078: [Main Panel] Add arrows to flip through track's artwork images
  • 0017068: [Main Panel] Folders > Playlist shows playlist name in List (Folders) panel
  • 0017098: [Other] Improvement to sliders on laptop trackpads
  • 0015812: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Deleted Comment remains on multi-file edit
  • 0016766: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Using Column Filter with Contextual Search yields incorrect search results
  • 0016457: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Column Filter fails to update correctly when filters are enabled
  • 0015762: [Main Panel] Context Menu seems to remove items after drawn
  • 0015815: [Main Panel] Editing Album value in Album node leaves Filelisting empty
  • 0015580: [Sync] Sync: Manual MMS add and scanning results in slow adding and crash
  • 0014665: [Sync] Cloud storage metadata issues
  • 0015014: [Sync] After MMS sync, album art views aren't updated
  • 0017036: [General] Options: Streaming options not working correctly
  • 0017060: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Global search shows only track entities
  • 0016475: [General] Alt key doesn't expand main menu
  • 0016958: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Enable Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab in Properties window to switch tabs
  • 0017067: [Install/Config] MM fails to re-install when closed to tray (regression)
  • 0015970: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Items in Read-only trees can be dragged
  • 0016093: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Scan Tracks Dialog: deletion of folders fails (when list is emptied)
  • 0016367: [Track Browser] Radio stations/Webnodes not viewable if Tree isn't shown
  • 0017069: [Main Panel] D&D of file onto Playlist in Folders fails
  • 0017075: [UPnP / DLNA] First file fails playback to UPnP client
  • 0017055: [Playback] Scroll wheel in Seekbar crash when playback is paused (MMDS only) - regression
  • 0017079: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-Organize Files can replace playing file with 1 of organized files
  • 0015754: [Install/Config] Scroll bar present on Location selection screen in Setup Wizard
  • 0017092: [Main Panel] Crash after using Setup Wizard
  • 0017088: [General] Removing folder from Location node fails to remove folder from drive
  • 0017083: [DB / Backup] Clear Database Fails (regression)
  • 0016706: [Extensions framework] Plugins: Restart do not work correctly in some cases
  • 0016759: [Tracklist] Clicking a directory in Music > Location selects the wrong directory when 'Grid (Folders)' are enabled
  • 0016761: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: Albums not suggested or recommended (regression?)
  • 0016705: [Track Browser] Custom Views: edit button fails for inapplicable views
  • 0016694: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] CD Metadata lookup: multiple dialogs & crash
  • 0015344: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: Dynamic Sorting makes it difficult to edit tracks
  • 0016476: [General] Micro player do not work after latest update for Windows 10 1909
  • 0015900: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Create Multi-Artist Albums: optimize workflow
  • 0014405: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag can freeze in some cases
  • 0014408: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto tag Crashes if MediaMonkey is blocked by fiirewall
  • 0014639: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] AutoTag From Web: Flickers and shows invalid results Even Correct one are found
  • 0014758: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Strange messaging re tagging status
  • 0014849: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Properties dialog saves wrong cover type when "Not specified" is selected
  • 0016531: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] D&D to tag can add value multiple times with CTRL
  • 0016828: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Wrong size shown for hi-res covers in properties dialog
  • 0014527: [Tagging framework / input plugins] Album Art tagging UI blocks other functionality
  • 0014922: [Tagging framework / input plugins] Slow parsing of AIFF files.
  • 0015592: [Tagging framework / input plugins] Crash on close after tagging numerous tracks
  • 0014526: [Tagging framework / input plugins] Some tracks report incorrect length, bitrate and sample rate
  • 0014733: [Tagging framework / input plugins] Editing properties of multiple files --> endless tagging files thread
  • 0014814: [Tagging framework / input plugins] Two tagging processes launch for mass tagging operations
  • 0014817: [Tagging framework / input plugins] Tagging read-only tracks may result in a crash
  • 0014972: [Tagging framework / input plugins] Added broader support for tag fields
  • 0015713: [Tagging framework / input plugins] Add support for multivalue in multiple MP4 atoms
  • 0014953: [General] Enable remote debugging port for all builds
  • 0014995: [Extensions framework] Add app.removeValue
  • 0016943: [Main Panel] Playing files from iPhone causes metadata to disappear
  • 0016850: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Editing/Creating Playlists caused AV Crash
  • 0015770: [Main Panel] Playing Window Rating problem on small width window
  • 0015428: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] Chromecast: multizone issues
  • 0014737: [Sync] Memory utilization grows during sync (regression)
  • 0017035: [Install/Config] Some player options strings are not clear enough what they represent
  • 0017048: [Main Panel] Full Screen Video Playback causes MMW5 to be 'always on top'
  • 0017049: [Burning / Disc Handling] Trying to add Audio CD to library fails
  • 0017051: [Burning / Disc Handling] Find more from same on CD not in library does not work right when there is a custom collection
  • 0017047: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Accompanied files are not moved during auto-organize (when a CUE file is presented)
  • 0016133: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Mouse click fails to elicit action if context menu is open
  • 0017042: [Codecs] Tooltips in plugin configuration are shown twice
  • 0017043: [Main Panel] Media tree loses focus when navigating using keayboard with 'Show all subnodes' enabled
  • 0017037: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Can't remove files from Playlist in Grid (Album) mode
  • 0017023: [Burning / Disc Handling] Ripping tweaks
  • 0015983: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-Organize: Compliment files are not always moved along files
  • 0016995: [Now Playing] Now playing: Playlist position view not persistent on D&D
  • 0015650: [Skinning framework] Skinning: Waveform Progress Bar
  • 0016869: [Now Playing] Now Playing missing tags
  • 0016887: [Conversion/Leveling] Certain MP3 Auto-Conversion presets fail when set
  • 0016849: [Now Playing] Now Playing (node & window) show no Files
  • 0017033: [Main Panel] Image grids are slow to load (regression)
  • 0015744: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Albums Tree Node: Do not Show Album Artist Sufix in Tree nodes
  • 0017026: [Codecs] Codec Pack: Installing Codec Pack do not update list of available codecs (regression)
  • 0017012: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] & Ampersand in tag shows incorrectly with Find More from Same
  • 0015996: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto Tag: Fails in cases where Albums are already tagged corectly
  • 0015991: [Sync] Sync: white-screen on large sync operation
  • 0016019: [Tagging framework / input plugins] MOV files created by Olympus TG-5 could be destroyed by tagging
  • 0016336: [Sync] USB drive appears with incorrect drive letter name
  • 0016091: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Selection: Context menu action applies to all tracks in an album even though only 1 is shown selected
  • 0015638: [Track Browser] Renaming a genre sometimes causes selection to be reset
  • 0016147: [Main Panel] Duplicate content functionality is incomplete
  • 0014457: [General] Tabs naming
  • 0014683: [General] Performance problems of A+T view
  • 0016452: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Search Tab do not reflect searched term
  • 0016859: [Main Panel] AV when inline tagging
  • 0016768: [General] Black window on start and high CPU
  • 0014761: [Sync] Cloud tracks (not downloaded) cannot be Wi-Fi synced to MMA
  • 0012369: [General] Finish Hotkeys handling
  • 0016976: [Track Browser] View configuration (Grid): sort by terminology should match field names
  • 0016957: [Main Panel] MM showed small part of menu as window size on restart
  • 0016729: [Main Panel] Windows sometimes render incompletely / can become partially/fully undrawn
  • 0017024: [UPnP / DLNA] UPNP Search shows empty results for Albums and Artists
  • 0017021: [Tracklist] Sorting by Initial key tag does not work
  • 0017019: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Playlist: Drag and Drop Playlist File to Player adds two UNDO steps Instead one
  • 0017003: [Playback] Remove PlaybackControl Numeric Keypad from ini
  • 0016807: [Playback] Add Shift + Scroll to adjust Volume by 1% instead of default 5%
  • 0016970: [Playback] Double Click on Column Browser item doesn't add files to Now Playing in sort order in Filelisting
  • 0017007: [General] Calling Properties on artist node can cause crash 0x998CC5A4 - regression
  • 0017006: [Conversion/Leveling] Do not read volume leveling info from Xing header
  • 0017004: [Playlists] Playlists: Right click on Empty Playlist fail silently
  • 0014634: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Add support for WPL Playlist format
  • 0016899: [Playback] Playback continued on Pause
  • 0016973: [Playback] Playback: MM crash on sound card settings change
  • 0014147: [General] Remove 'Show Links in File List' option
  • 0016764: [Track Browser] Double-clicking item in Column filter should run play action for related tracklist
  • 0014477: [Track Browser] TV Series: Simple View positions are wrong
  • 0016534: [Playlists] Playlists should have Playlist name when exported
  • 0016964: [Main Panel] Tooltip doesn't update when mouse scroll is used
  • 0016996: [Track Browser] Show all Nodes: Artist Show all nodes do not expand if Artist is only on Compilation album
  • 0016965: [Install/Config] Default Action instead of Double Click Default Action
  • 0016969: [Main Panel] Mouse doesn't scroll on Browser in Filelisting
  • 0016999: [Now Playing] Playback rules' 'Display Format' doesn't apply to the Playing list
  • 0016870: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] iTunes DB do not import correctly
  • 0017000: [Sync] Spotify sync: HTTP error 429 when syncing large amount of playlists
  • 0016589: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Crash A04C0CC1 with Multiple Search Tabs and CD
  • 0016737: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: Lookup via fingerprint --> crash 775273BC
  • 0016083: [Podcasts] Podcasts update may cause deleting of unrelated directories
  • 0016128: [Sync] Initial cloud service scanning is much slower than used to be
  • 0016102: [Other] MM5 crashes on close while video is playing
  • 0015765: [Main Panel] Orange screen when context menu for Podcasts node is shown
  • 0016155: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: can get stuck in an infinite loop
  • 0016171: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Crash in Scan Dialog for Google Drive (A04CFDAE)
  • 0016160: [Main Panel] Party mode: keyboard is not working when "Disable repositioning of dialogs and controls" is enabled (regression on Win7)
  • 0016955: [Main Panel] Shift+Home and Shift+End fail
  • 0016984: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Lookup Image --> MediaMonkey freezes (regression 2268)
  • 0016951: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Podcast: Truncated descriptions should show in Tooltip or be expanded on podcast click
  • 0016972: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Manage views: Add columns sometimes crashes MM
  • 0014668: [Sync] Tweak Cloud profiles so that they're not so 'device' centric.
  • 0014983: [Sync] Cloud sync: further sync/scan sub-options
  • 0014959: [Sync] GPM playlist sync is slow
  • 0016134: [Sync] Initial "Scan log" dialog for "Google Play Music" appears broken
  • 0016214: [Main Panel] Google play music tracks fail to show track info in the Preview window (regression in 2212)
  • 0016276: [Sync] GPM scan performance is degraded in recent builds
  • 0016935: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Multi Modal Dialogs: First time Second Modal dialog shows it can show below original modal dialog
  • 0016954: [Main Panel] Can't D&D on tab after restart
  • 0016918: [Extensions framework] Some extensions cannot be installed
  • 0016975: [UPnP / DLNA] Possible false showing of "Media server could not start: port is already in use."
  • 0016966: [Main Panel] Pinned Items don't show until restart
  • 0016968: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Views settings are not persistent in some cases
  • 0013437: [Track Browser] Browser view: position changes / scrolls by itself [on track edit]
  • 0016623: [Tracklist] Touch mode: multi-selection sometimes fails
  • 0016937: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Podcast: Podcast description font size is too small and hard to read on higher resolutions
  • 0016931: [Main Panel] Drop of parent playlist to its children creates ghost playtlists
  • 0016932: [DB / Backup] Malformed DB: In case of malformed DB error We should offer user to Rebuild DB
  • 0016933: [Install/Config] Setting File Associations can cause crash
  • 0016891: [Playback] Popup: 'only when inactive' setting is ignored in most cases.
  • 0016946: [Track Browser] View configuration: Elements list is hardly visible
  • 0016944: [Skins] pausePulse button overwrites the seekbar
  • 0015050: [UPnP / DLNA] Browsing a media server is slow
  • 0014831: [Sync] Sync with auto-conversion stalls if there's a missing codec
  • 0015720: [Tracklist] Wrong column is selected when clicking too close to the line top or bottom border
  • 0015010: [Sync] MM5 often freezes when attempting to sync DB with MMS
  • 0015857: [Sync] Sync iPod Nano --> 'Not all close query events are finished'
  • 0016911: [Main Panel] Slow start when there are a lot of files in the temp directory
  • 0016600: [Main Panel] Summary format for Art view ignored
  • 0015881: [Skins] Changing skin while auto-tag dialog open causes MM to freeze
  • 0016771: [Main Panel] Play/Pause hover overlays Statusbar
  • 0016905: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Context Menu sub-menus open off-screen
  • 0012748: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Invisible Playlists can be synced
  • 0014498: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Crash when selecting online album in search results
  • 0016116: [Track Browser] All x tracks: x doesn't dynamically update
  • 0016928: [Main Panel] Auto-playlist criteria is not shown for custom views with 'Info Panel' disabled
  • 0016921: [Main Panel] Refresh issue when renaming genres in a grid
  • 0016424: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Hotkeys: Hotkeys Columns can't be sorted
  • 0016858: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Properties dialog opens with missing fields/incomplete
  • 0016915: [Main Panel] Issue with 2 instances of same song in a playlist
  • 0016765: [Now Playing] Ability to save the Playing list as an existing Playlist
  • 0015522: [Main Panel] New auto-playlist cannot be created without 'Info panel' sub-view shown
  • 0016912: [Main Panel] Accessing Rating node => crash (regression 2265)
  • 0016509: [Other] Status bar shows wrong info in some views
  • 0016561: [Sync] Ability to copy M3U playlists to cloud
  • 0016597: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Properties/Auto-Tag: Auto-Tag tries to tag incorrectly correctly tagged album
  • 0016400: [Main Panel] Menus: Checkboxes are vertically misaligned with icons
  • 0016712: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-Tag: Auto-tag on rescan doesn't distinguish recommendations from existing tag
  • 0016741: [Extensions framework] Posting lastFM scrobbles causes errors in Chromium console.
  • 0016733: [Playlists] Can't move files between playlists
  • 0015998: [Tracklist] Sort indicators are missing/labelled incorrectly outside of music views
  • 0016893: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-Organize Files not available on multi-file in Properties
  • 0016897: [Main Panel] Removing all Columns from Filelisting doesn't provide a method to add Columns
  • 0016895: [Burning / Disc Handling] Genre = 0 on CD Lookup should be ignored
  • 0016736: [Burning / Disc Handling] CD-Text: Handling Genre IDs and Text
  • 0016892: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Folder Monitoring settings lost on restart -- regression 2264
  • 0016888: [Install/Config] Settings are lost on MediaMonkey restart
  • 0016907: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Tweak re the new auto-organize auto-resolving duplicates feature
  • 0016886: [Sync] Changing Auto-Conversion rules doesn't update sync status bar
  • 0016898: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] At higher DPI menu/window elements appear out of place
  • 0016908: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Devices and services UI truncate Device name due to size of font (Monkey Groove skin)
  • 0016588: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Browser View: Album Pop-ups should display Artists for Compilation Albums
  • 0016277: [Main Panel] Create reports and statistics feature is missing
  • 0016788: [Main Panel] Constant Loading message in Filelistings
  • 0016811: [Main Panel] Filelisting Loading loses editing state of inline editing
  • 0016773: [General] Sort By doesn't work in Artist view
  • 0016273: [Playback] Playback: Track playback starts delayed
  • 0014618: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Add support for detection and playback of HEVC H.265 format via third-party codecs
  • 0016270: [Playback] Playback Stops
  • 0016173: [Sync] Play data not synced back from iOS 13 devices
  • 0015806: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Multi-value doesn't show properly with in-line editing and not handled correctly in properties
  • 0015502: [General] YouTube: Properties Dialog do not work and not consistent with properties for normal tracks
  • 0015023: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Ability to show to which remote locations track is stored
  • 0014815: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Main panel border obstructs Properties dialog
  • 0014689: [Sync] Initiate scan of Google Drive --> Crash
  • 0014690: [Sync] Failed Manual Sync to Google Drive / Uncaught error: "Cannot read property 'id' of undefined"
  • 0014686: [Sync] Sync to Google drive --> crash
  • 0016856: [Burning / Disc Handling] Unlike Audio CDs that are shown In tree CD Extra Disks are not shown on disc insert
  • 0016234: [Main Panel] Exception on windows restart/shotdown
  • 0016872: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Alternative Lookup changes tags irreversibly and immediately which can result of metadata loss
  • 0016851: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Inline edit of Playlist name in Tree adds leading space
  • 0016876: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Maximized dialogs display offscreen (offset to the right) in some cases
  • 0016697: [Playback] MicroPlayer: fails to respond on video playback
  • 0016827: [Burning / Disc Handling] Audio CD: Adding Audio CD into LIbrary --> crash
  • 0016779: [Burning / Disc Handling] Genre's retrieved for CDs are all lower case
  • 0016874: [Track Browser] Compilations when viewed online do not show artists and results in wrong track playing
  • 0016824: [Sync] Other Locations keep getting re-selected
  • 0016266: [Main Panel] "Grid (by Album)" view is missing from some views
  • 0016311: [Main Panel] Grids sorting issues
  • 0016485: [Main Panel] Various custom views issues
  • 0014980: [Sync] Cloud tracks are no longer presented under Location subnode once scanning of the cloud locations is disabled
  • 0015070: [Tagging framework / input plugins] Metadata: Custom Support of Metadata Fields
  • 0014531: [General] QUnit issues
  • 0014645: [UPnP / DLNA] Chromecast audio not as streaming option
  • 0015698: [General] Crash on close: re. Func:_mousestatechangedHandler
  • 0016202: [Main Panel] Right click Properties on Location sub-node stops access to MediaMonkey
  • 0016198: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] Pressing NEXT / BACK multiple times causes loss of connection to the server
  • 0015712: [Main Panel] "Art View", "Browser View", "Grid View" - why different names for the same view
  • 0016192: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Auto-playlist editing is problematic on large databases
  • 0016180: [Track Browser] Network shares aren't discovered
  • 0016784: [Burning / Disc Handling] No feedback to user about CD Lookup
  • 0015025: [Sync] Selecting a track from a cloud drive can trigger a crash
  • 0014383: [Sync] Change text: Auto-sync new files and playlists from the device to the PC
  • 0015075: [General] Switching to tab with opened Folder view is slow
  • 0015078: [Main Panel] Never ending 'Getting album image' task
  • 0015081: [Main Panel] Meterial design skins: editing node title in nodes grid is misaligned
  • 0014672: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Manage Database: While MM5 do Manage Database like rebuild main window can't be minimized
  • 0015083: [Main Panel] Right-click of item in node grid nearly after app start doesn't show context menu
  • 0015087: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Adding Google Drive Service --> uncaught error
  • 0014050: [General] Optimization: Faster internal notifications of changes
  • 0015019: [Sync] Auto-conversion dialog doesn't initially display codec settings
  • 0013281: [General] Use API for faster touch scrolling
  • 0015134: [Podcasts] MM freezes when using it while podcasts are downloading
  • 0014475: [General] Image size configuration affects also font size
  • 0014841: [Playback] Playback isn't initiated until whole tracklist is loaded
  • 0015093: [Sync] Google Play Music: Duplicates are created (in some specific cases)
  • 0015317: [Sync] GPM sync: Some specific playlists fails to sync and generates crash log
  • 0015676: [Sync] Sync to GPM is broken until MM5 is restarted (in some environments)
  • 0015850: [Sync] GPM sync crash when GPM library is cleared totally right before the first MM5 sync
  • 0015849: [Sync] GPM sync: Split config for metadata syncing into two directions
  • 0015130: [Sync] Crash when reading GPM content (regression on Czech locale only)
  • 0015129: [Main Panel] Google Play Music > All tracks listing is getting slower with amount of tracks being shown
  • 0015201: [Sync] Uploading to Google Play Music: possible MAX_PER_MACHINE_USERS_EXCEEDED error
  • 0015219: [Playback] Crash after skipping tracks played from GPM
  • 0015250: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Browsing: Crash while browsing library or editing properties
  • 0015340: [Sync] Possible SQL error when deleting cloud tracks from library
  • 0015397: [Sync] Uploading to Google Play Music: possible MAX_LIMIT_REACHED error
  • 0016057: [Track Browser] Database fails to update on scan / Locations node refresh issues
  • 0015832: [Sync] FLAC/M4A files uploaded into Google Play Music are not playable (non-gold users only)
  • 0016835: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Press Play menu --> crash A04CE9E2
  • 0016817: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Main menu sometimes disappears
  • 0016836: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Add auto-dj to Playing menu
  • 0016774: [Burning / Disc Handling] Edit Tags options disabled for CD
  • 0016821: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Cannot add files to the library via drag and drop
  • 0016832: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Preview: Images are not scaled correctly
  • 0016837: [Main Panel] Track Details keeps opening in Grid (by Album) View
  • 0015875: [Sync] Deleting device folder silently fails (for MTP devices)
  • 0015936: [Track Browser] Video > All (Grid view) display issues
  • 0015949: [Other] Lower default values in Options > Performance
  • 0015981: [Main Panel] Editing custom collection makes the collection invisible
  • 0015976: [Playlists] Importing m3u8 created by iTunes skips files with international characters in the path
  • 0016261: [Playlists] Playlists: New Playlists should be first in tree till refresh / focus issue with prompt for playlist name at top of List
  • 0016172: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Files on Google Drive not shown / not scanned
  • 0016174: [Sync] Google Drive > All tracks does not include metadata (regression)
  • 0016168: [Sync] Cloud sync (Google drive) can crash (18A4D6D1)
  • 0016800: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-Tag crashes with (100+) sets of files
  • 0014101: [Sync] Sync: New device Detected Sync wizard
  • 0015063: [Playback] There is a lot of blinking when playing/pausing YT video
  • 0015073: [Main Panel] Context menu shown behind the main window when the window is dragged by title bar
  • 0015836: [Sync] iPod nano: Last played value is not synced back from the iPod (while Played# is)
  • 0015795: [Collections] Custom collection with criteria for bitrate generates wrong SQL query for Multiple Artists Albums node
  • 0015735: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Crash on Mass Edit of Track Properties (build 2181)
  • 0015609: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] Crash while MM5 is 'Synchronizing MediaMonkey Server'
  • 0015621: [Tracklist] Tracklist status bar sometimes displays wrong info
  • 0015646: [General] Artworks are looked up even though automatic lookup is switched off - regression
  • 0015620: [Tracklist] Wrap text in Summary column in Album&Tracks view
  • 0014935: [Main Panel] 'Source' column and other default columns for list views
  • 0014896: [Other] Google Play Music scanning fails on tracks that were not uploaded by MediaMonkey
  • 0015396: [Sync] Playlists synced to GPM are duplicated when synced back to local library
  • 0015294: [Sync] GPM sync: SendTo GPM/synchronize (Regression)
  • 0015237: [Skins] Skin/Theme issue: disabled button appears enabled
  • 0015666: [Tagging framework / input plugins] Tagging FLACs in long paths sometimes fails
  • 0015625: [Sync] MMS: MM5 Asks for credentials on each access try
  • 0015739: [Playback] Online Track Playback: Some Tracks can't be played
  • 0015321: [Playback] End of songs getting cut off when streaming from Google Play Music
  • 0014833: [Codecs] Attempt to install MM5 codec pack --> crash
  • 0015803: [Other] Popup in grid view auto-scrolls unintentionally after opening inner popup
  • 0016806: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Folder Monitoring Startup Scan fails on Drive
  • 0015230: [Sync] Leaving device/storage sync config without clicking [Apply] does not show the warning (unlike MM4)
  • 0015504: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Adding files to the library triggers podcast scan
  • 0016822: [Track Browser] Browser View: Year fails to update for Albums (refresh problem)
  • 0016802: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-Tag shows Track x of y processed
  • 0016818: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Artwork cut-off at bottom of full size Artwork of Artwork Lookup/Properties
  • 0016810: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] 2260 Artwork shown really small in Artwork Lookup & Artwork tab of Properties (Regression)
  • 0016805: [Tracklist] Artwork (embedded) fails to show in list/grid by Album
  • 0016816: [Playlists] Cannot drop file to the first position of playlist
  • 0016814: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Colums resize: List by album view looses focus on column resize
  • 0016809: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] YouTube video playing leak thru artifacts on Full window playback
  • 0015579: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Update Tags on edit can make MM5 much Slower
  • 0015208: [Sync] Windows won't sleep after syncing
  • 0016507: [Skins] Changing skins --> blank screen
  • 0015034: [Main Panel] Tray icon Popup menu displaced
  • 0014853: [Now Playing] Very high CPU utilization during playback in Now Playing > 'Large Lyrics' layout
  • 0015140: [Sync] Crash when syncing to 'Google Drive'
  • 0015138: [Sync] Tracks with unknown rating fails to upload to Google Play Music (regression in 2126)
  • 0015079: [Main Panel] No way to rename album and genre
  • 0015145: [Sync] Cloud tracks removed externally are not removed from MM library on re-scan
  • 0015149: [Main Panel] GPM: cannot log in to GPM service
  • 0015173: [Playback] Fallback to other search result in case of Youtube playback failure does not work
  • 0015192: [General] Running MM5 as Windows service clears UI settings (persistent.json)
  • 0014593: [Now Playing] Playing track isn't auto-scrolled into view when auto-dj is enabled
  • 0015731: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Contextual search freezes / crashes on editing search term
  • 0015539: [Main Panel] Folder management tweaks
  • 0015692: [General] Context menu on player miss Properties item sometimes.
  • 0015703: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Closing contextual search opens Genres view
  • 0015700: [Main Panel] Filtering (funnel) does not work for multiple tabs (sometimes)
  • 0015694: [General] Crash on close "Uncaught Error: ""Cannot read property 'createSharedList' of undefined "
  • 0015693: [Sync] Error handling when syncing to unavailable could location (internet connection interrupted)
  • 0015133: [Sync] Downloading from cloud issues
  • 0015589: [General] Switchig to full window/full screen does not work correctly after moving art&detail panel to the left
  • 0015530: [Main Panel] Art & Detail window: Artwork should appear at the bottom
  • 0015444: [Tracklist] Location folders: often flashes incorrect artwork
  • 0015662: [Sync] Attempt to delete 24K of tracks from iPhone => crash
  • 0015112: [Other] Missing features in some views
  • 0013404: [Track Browser] Choose Columns configuration doesn't work well
  • 0016725: [Burning / Disc Handling] Artwork lost on CD Rip
  • 0016762: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Contextual Search collapses breadcrumbs incorrectly causing UI buttons to be obscured
  • 0016770: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Drop Table errors
  • 0016726: [Install/Config] Ignore prefixes: settings aren't displayed
  • 0016777: [Burning / Disc Handling] Columns enabled in CD Lookup results are not remembered
  • 0016718: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] MM5 can upgrade MM4 database when DBName is specified in INI
  • 0016789: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Add/Rescan: Missing files are not pre-selected
  • 0016792: [Main Panel] Space bar scrolls down the list when no track is selected
  • 0015048: [Playback] Video Playback: Enhancements
  • 0016794: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Browsing: Scrolling Large Library using List by Album can crash MM5
  • 0016769: [Main Panel] Filelisting refreshes/duplicates
  • 0015068: [Playback] YouTube playback fails whenever user switches to remote player and back
  • 0016803: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Fingerprinting doesn't complete
  • 0016660: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: lookups stall consistently after a certain amount of time/operations (until restart)
  • 0013443: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] "Create public access" feature on media server
  • 0006597: [] Integrate scrobbler into MM
  • 0015002: [Sync] Review default auto-convert rules for synchronization
  • 0015072: [Sync] Device profile / sync target cannot be renamed in the media tree
  • 0014444: [General] Album & Tracks view: support truncated tracklist per album
  • 0015027: [Main Panel] Switching nodes triggers crash
  • 0015015: [Skinning framework] Volume slider isn't aligned with volume hash marks
  • 0015006: [Tracklist] Double-click track in tracklist --> error/freeze
  • 0014997: [General] Remember last selection of Wiki header language
  • 0014716: [General] Failing to send whole folder
  • 0014697: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Art & Details panel can't toggle between selected and playing
  • 0014696: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Lyrics Panel doesn't work
  • 0014699: [General] Art & Details: "Side by side" layout doesn't show image sometimes (regression)
  • 0014692: [General] Slow A&D window resizing
  • 0016717: [Burning / Disc Handling] CD metadata lookup refresh issue
  • 0016732: [Burning / Disc Handling] CD Lookup doesn't retrieve featured Artists
  • 0016750: [Burning / Disc Handling] MusicBrainz: Multi-disc albums are not looked up correctly
  • 0016303: [Main Panel] [Online] tab shows tracks duplicated for many albums/artists
  • 0016346: [Playback] Waveform is not shown when streaming content from cloud or via DLNA
  • 0016744: [Extensions framework] Ability to disable reporting tools when scripting
  • 0016756: [Install/Config] Uninstaller does not close all MM processes before uninstall
  • 0016754: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Clarify 'Failed to import' value in scan results dialog
  • 0016734: [Other] Splash Screen is shown when disabled
  • 0016755: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Double Nested Match All Fails
  • 0016757: [Extensions framework] Crash when server response is HTTP 204 "No Content" for app.utils.web.getURLContentAsync
  • 0016730: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Track:9 fails to return results
  • 0016763: [Other] Tooltips are not sometimes shown with Windows scaling >100 %
  • 0015734: [Main Panel] Contextual search does not work right when 'Column Browser' is opened after the search
  • 0014573: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Scanning the active folder is very cumbersome
  • 0016625: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: changing settings requires too many steps / status bar issues
  • 0014943: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Scan results log: *.jpg, *.txt, *.sfv, *.nfo files are shown as skipped
  • 0016243: [Burning / Disc Handling] Add MusicBrainz alternative to FreeDB
  • 0016735: [Burning / Disc Handling] Handling Incorrect Sony Disc# from CD-Text
  • 0016728: [Burning / Disc Handling] CD lookup duplicates file and doesn't update all
  • 0016707: [Hotkeys] Freeze after addon install and restart
  • 0016533: [Burning / Disc Handling] Default CD listing view/sort order improvements
  • 0016720: [Extensions (bundled)] Options panel should show info about logged user
  • 0016676: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: fails on loading lyrics (regression)
  • 0016641: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-Tag: Include Disc# field
  • 0016716: [Extensions (bundled)] Crash 819EEA7D: Failed to get data for 'CodecPackVersion' (regression 2256)
  • 0016687: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: Artist collaborations not looked up correctly (regression?)
  • 0016701: [General] Register MediaMonkey Gold: purchase dialog is much too small
  • 0016684: [Main Panel] Clipboard is blocked for 5 seconds after context menu (or dialog) usage
  • 0016466: [Tracklist] Recently used columns not updated after changes in Choose Columns dialog
  • 0016695: [Playback] MiniPlayer: video playback crash A04C167F
  • 0016688: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Playlist panel duplicated each time a file is added to the Playlist
  • 0016686: [Sync] Sync to local folder: playlists are never deleted
  • 0016690: [Sync] Sync: Not all devices types should have same options
  • 0016702: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] View > Main Panel View contains 'Cancel Selection' command
  • 0016699: [Extensions framework] Plugins: Extension dialog issues (missing icons / double-entries)
  • 0016703: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Locate Moved/Missing Files: UI fails to respond
  • 0016708: [Burning / Disc Handling] Audio CD: Issues with detection and refresh of CD content
  • 0016709: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Key navigation: Navigating MM menus with arrow keys can crash MM (regression)
  • 0016662: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-organize: Exclude folders does not work for quoted strings
  • 0016680: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: column order can't be changed (regression)
  • 0016677: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: Album Art lookup fails for some albums with a symbol in the Album Title
  • 0016668: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Non accessible tracks gets into current track listing
  • 0016665: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Crash related to tagging files in Locations node
  • 0016682: [Sync] Sync to local storage folder: file deletion scope is too large
  • 0016645: [Sync] Editing Sync settings during sync --> crash
  • 0016644: [Sync] Changing playlist settings --> sync initiates by itself
  • 0015884: [Track Browser] Pasting to an empty directory fails
  • 0016681: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Properties: ALT-Forward Arrow doesn't advance to the next track
  • 0016658: [Playback] Some MP3 are played extremely distorted until analyzed volume
  • 0016672: [Sync] MMA<->MM5 track pairing process on the first sync can fail with specific MM5 search settings
  • 0016650: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-Tag from Filename: Choose columns contain Checkmark column
  • 0016614: [Main Panel] Managing the active view forces the user through too many extra steps
  • 0016257: [Playlists] Copy / Paste keyboard shortcuts don't work for playlists
  • 0016647: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: duplicate tracks confuses the auto-tagging algorithm for full albums
  • 0016396: [General] Crash reporting: 'Restart' button never works
  • 0016657: [Playback] Changing audio output device does not change it for currently playing track.
  • 0016669: [Playback] Play next do not work if PLay single is enabled in some cases
  • 0015157: [Now Playing] Now Playing list view
  • 0016646: [Sync] Local Folder Sync: Cancel initial Folder selection MM5 still created profile
  • 0016639: [Now Playing] Now Playing: Playing tracks from the Auto-tag dialog results in incorrect status re. Playing tracks
  • 0016654: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Some characters do not render correctly in UI
  • 0016642: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-Tag: Editing Album Attributes UI issues (incorrect status / disappearing UI)
  • 0016649: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-Tag: "Genre" recommendation for Genre field should be ignored
  • 0016618: [Other] Masks: Better wording for mask <Skip> and clarification of uses.
  • 0016635: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-Organize fails to delete emptied folders (on scan)
  • 0016643: [Sync] Sync fails (crash D80F0000) when extended tags includes bad JSON
  • 0016327: [Track Browser] Touch mode: checkbox / artwork alignment issues
  • 0016585: [Now Playing] Context menu: Playing [Album Art / Lyrics / Artist Bio] > Choose layout has a 'Select all' option
  • 0016632: [Sync] 'Set as sync target' prompts the user to set the target twice (regression 2246)
  • 0016331: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto Tag: Crash on Album/TV Series change
  • 0016120: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Adding/Removing second album art image to all tracks on an album fails / crashes
  • 0016294: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto Tag: Auto Tag various issues
  • 0016627: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Filter: editing filter triggers crash 7C07504E
  • 0016624: [Track Browser] Manage views: Home node view issues
  • 0016638: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: Incorrect recommendations for full albums (regression)
  • 0016610: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Actions can be executed on wrong Artwork in Artwork tab of Properties
  • 0016634: [Tagging framework / input plugins] Album tag not read from M4A files
  • 0016637: [Install/Config] On clean install standard seekbar should be used by default
  • 0016132: [Main Panel] Composes pop-ups don't show Composer name
  • 0016580: [UPnP / DLNA] DLNA: MM5 sometimes fails to see some DLNA Servers
  • 0016528: [Main Panel] Find More from Same > Folders (My Computer)
  • 0016526: [General] Can't D&D AVI and WEBM onto Player/NP
  • 0016612: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] MM5 can crash during opening of Context menu can crash with specific clipboard content
  • 0016537: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Filter doesn't become active after criteria is set
  • 0016615: [Track Browser] Improved access to sort order configuration
  • 0016606: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Image Lookups are delayed / result in crashes
  • 0015061: [General] MM5 Icon issues
  • 0016602: [Main Panel] Scrolling is broken sometimes
  • 0016506: [Tracklist] Column Width resets after the View is edited in Manage Views
  • 0016326: [Track Browser] Touch mode: track selection results in the wrong track being selected (regression?)
  • 0016620: [Tracklist] Manage views for Playlists: # sorting doesn't work / # column disappears
  • 0016590: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Playlist: # column is only available under Context menu not in customize
  • 0016583: [General] More clear setting for manual Add Media Server Dialog
  • 0016603: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] List of YouTube links suggestions in the Properties dialog shows unescaped characters
  • 0006229: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Media Properties: S/N not Assignable anymore
  • 0016607: [Podcasts] Duplicate podcast episodes can appear in a feed when podcast folder is monitoring
  • 0016591: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Properties dialog: Alt-right / Alt-left keyboard shortcuts not working
  • 0016581: [Main Panel] CD Rip: tracks are not pre-selected in certain cases
  • 0016550: [Other] Saving artwork from List (By Album) view does not allow setting cover file name.
  • 0016565: [Playback] Video Playback: player controls repeatedly hide/reappear
  • 0016464: [Install/Config] 'Choose columns' has two 'Artwork' entries
  • 0016358: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Artwork: Covers without saved artwork show artwork as 'Stored in tag'
  • 0016566: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Crash on editing search criteria
  • 0016570: [Playback] Playing: Album art View is missing Original Album art option
  • 0016579: [Other] Crash on MM start after install
  • 0016577: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Using Lookup on Artwork doesn't use edited value from Basic tab
  • 0016386: [General] Party Mode: Optimization Bugs
  • 0016568: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Playlists: Playlist Edit feature tweak
  • 0016569: [Install/Config] Startup wizard: Entering key in startup wizard do not remove register gold menu
  • 0015896: [Other] Crashlogs often not sent
  • 0016556: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] DB: Crash (23700000 ) when updating database from MM4
  • 0016554: [Playback] Ability to choose custom output device
  • 0016557: [Other] Mode switcher buttons are sometimes not shown during YT playback
  • 0016542: [Main Panel] Ability to show multiple playlist edit panels at once
  • 0016548: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Tabs are unnecessarily re-loaded in some specific scenarios
  • 0016518: [Main Panel] Non-library cloud tracks with empty path fails to send to a playlist sometimes
  • 0016559: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Force Import Settings dialog as Top Most Dialog
  • 0016442: [Now Playing] Right-clicking currently playing track in Playing panel and select Play Next does nothing
  • 0016549: [Main Panel] Staus bar is showing 2000 files until all tracklist is read
  • 0016538: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Editing filter criteria breaks the attribute selector
  • 0016536: [Now Playing] Can't switch from Artist Image to Album Art in Album Art View of Now Playing
  • 0016539: [Sync] GPM Sync: After Creating Account and Authorizing MM to Access GPM MM5 Crash on Sync
  • 0016532: [Install/Config] Move WebM from Audio to Video for formats to be scanned
  • 0016529: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Search for † character fails
  • 0016525: [Playback] Player Button settings don't propagate to video Player
  • 0001687: [Other] Drag and Drop of Folders into MM doesn't iterate subdirectories
  • 0014411: [Track Browser] Drag and drop within same track browser window throw error
  • 0016497: [Sync] Do not allow MM5/MM4/MMS on same PC use same Port for DLNA/Sync
  • 0016512: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Column Browser: Column Browser size do not persist after restart
  • 0016524: [Track Browser] View element settings don't save (regression)
  • 0016503: [Collections] Configure View: fields disappear from the column selector
  • 0016508: [Other] Crash when closing tab with global search
  • 0016478: [Now Playing] MiniPlayer: Visual tweaks
  • 0016477: [Playback] Simplify the player time indicator
  • 0016290: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Context menu fails to close in modal dialogs
  • 0016441: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: Not possible to select the last Album Artist entry
  • 0016090: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] 'Lookup Image' doesn't work correctly in several cases
  • 0016499: [Install/Config] Installation: Summary screen includes a question
  • 0016504: [Track Browser] View Configuration fails for all but the last-configured view
  • 0016430: [General] Custom Views: Use In issue
  • 0016481: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Album art save: Saving Album art for a single track replaces all Album arts in a multi-artist album by default
  • 0016484: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Preview: Unsaved art status isn't shown
  • 0016489: [Main Panel] Thumbs are not shown for custom temp locations (regression 2235)
  • 0016474: [Other] Popup in (album) artist view sometimes shows wrong albums
  • 0016482: [Main Panel] Tag editing under Folders node is broken (for files already in the library)
  • 0016488: [Codecs] MP3: MM5 Fail to play some files while MMW plays them without any problem
  • 0016487: [Playlists] Playlist edits get applied to multiple playlists
  • 0016495: [Conversion/Leveling] Attempt to open video conversion settings crashes application - regression
  • 0016449: [General] Optimize startup time
  • 0016465: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Properties dialog opens with strange data in the various fields
  • 0016162: [Main Panel] 'Add to library' context menu in Folders subnode adds duplicate tracks into library
  • 0016405: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Grid View: Image size customization
  • 0016461: [Playback] EQ: Setting EQ do not reflect playback till playback restart
  • 0016462: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Combine 'Advanced tag management' and 'Edit tags'
  • 0016469: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Sync Tags: Advanced Tag management is missing sync tags Option
  • 0015226: [Sync] Synchronize tags feature is confusing with regard to cloud tracks in MM library
  • 0016458: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: Empty checkbox is presented when no genre is found
  • 0016460: [Main Panel] Manage Views --> crash A04C4C01 (regression)
  • 0016262: [Main Panel] Clicking Music > Albums node in the breadscrumb => crash C491F329 (regression 2220)
  • 0014564: [Playback] Visualization Performance issues
  • 0016451: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Device configuration: UI behavior
  • 0016448: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Right click 'Send to' on Pinned item --> crash
  • 0016427: [Main Panel] Custom views: column browser issue
  • 0014320: [Main Panel] Navigation via folders sometimes fails
  • 0014335: [Playback] MM can crash sometimes when starting of remote file playback
  • 0014468: [General] Pinning improvements
  • 0016445: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Add Location fails in Add/Rescan Files dialog (regression 2233)
  • 0016428: [Podcasts] "Sync 10 oldest unplayed episodes" sends 10 newest epsides instead
  • 0016380: [UPnP / DLNA] DLNA: videos represented incorrectly in various views
  • 0016085: [General] UI Controls: Input steppers stop working after arrows are pressed quickly
  • 0016374: [Track Browser] Configure View Dialog: cosmetic tweaks
  • 0016433: [Main Panel] Removing songs in the Playlist edit panel auto-scrolls up
  • 0016322: [Main Panel] View configuration: Sort config doesn't match sort order
  • 0015818: [General] WAV: WAV files with ID3 tag fail to play
  • 0014650: [General] WMA: ID3 written in front to WMA header make WMA unplayable
  • 0016431: [General] Scanning and mass edit is slower on some databases (regression 2230)
  • 0016423: [Track Browser] Displaying folders recursively causes Folder view element to stop working
  • 0014880: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Sync Tags: Sync tags fail in some cases
  • 0014839: [Playback] Playback from 'Google Play Music' no longer works
  • 0014836: [Sync] Crash (on Sync ?)
  • 0014168: [Skinning framework] Issues with borderless skins
  • 0014828: [Sync] Crash during sync
  • 0014812: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Deletion of files --> crash
  • 0014805: [Tagging framework / input plugins] Implement setting unassigned/unknown rating.
  • 0014768: [Main Panel] Borderless window cannot be moved
  • 0014769: [Skins] Issues with skin borders
  • 0015982: [Main Panel] 'Album artists' shows artists (regression 2220)
  • 0016425: [DB / Backup] DB: Loading Large DB Can Crash MM5
  • 0014918: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Slow scan of files with >1 covers
  • 0014323: [DB / Backup] "Out of memory" errors when working with very large databases
  • 0016421: [Track Browser] Collection Browser buttons stop working
  • 0014327: [Playback] YT playback can't be controlled from Now Playing view
  • 0014331: [General] Fullscreen issues
  • 0014343: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Option to focus curent track
  • 0016410: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Properties: Fields are not editable once artwork is added
  • 0016411: [Track Browser] Manage views: Changing image size --> crash A04CB0C2
  • 0016372: [Now Playing] Now Playing [Lyrics]: ability to configure font size
  • 0016377: [Sync] Improved messaging on initial connection of Android device
  • 0016365: [Track Browser] Subviews --> View Elements
  • 0016376: [Sync] Clarify 'File locations' settings
  • 0014552: [Install/Config] Errors when first running build 2083
  • 0014007: [Install/Config] Welcome Wizard, allow users to remove selected folders
  • 0014494: [General] Quick-filter problems
  • 0014688: [Sync] Sync list config can fail silently
  • 0014637: [Other] AV when playing track on startup
  • 0013562: [Track Browser] Inconsistencies in Artwork display
  • 0013084: [General] Limit maximum width of text
  • 0014568: [Sync] Device sync crashes for some devices (regression in 2083)
  • 0016378: [Install/Config] Options > Collections & Views > Collection Options > Sub-nodes & Views should by orderable via d&d
  • 0016387: [Sync] USB Sync: multi-attribute Tagging options are ignored
  • 0016360: [Main Panel] Status bar issues
  • 0016395: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Edit auto-playlist --> crash A04C8183
  • 0016319: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Toolbar: prev/next view button is missing dropdown
  • 0016404: [Main Panel] GridView.restoreColumns can take more than 6 seconds in some cases
  • 0014464: [General] Home and Collection views need improvements
  • 0014471: [General] Nested pop-ups result in an infinite high CPU utilization
  • 0014463: [Playback] App crashes on close when YouTube playback was used
  • 0014427: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Context search: 'v' button to the right doesn't seem to serve any purpose
  • 0014461: [Main Panel] Search results view is auto-scrolled to first track item
  • 0014460: [General] Album # mismatch
  • 0016320: [Playback] Video playback: MM can't be resized in full-window mode
  • 0015760: [Other] MediaMonkey tray icon is small
  • 0016335: [Main Panel] Column filter columns are not persistent if the sub-view is turned off and on again (regression)
  • 0015086: [Main Panel] Hiding and re-showing sub-view resets the sub-view to the default state
  • 0016324: [Sync] Albums node in device config is no longer expandable (regression)
  • 0016351: [Sync] Device sync-list config: Network folders fails to sync silently
  • 0016366: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Properties: Previous/Next don't always move to the expected track
  • 0016373: [Track Browser] Manage views: Add sort --> crash A04CEC1F
  • 0016384: [Main Panel] View toggle button is buggy
  • 0016383: [General] Crash On startup: MM5 Crash on Startup if Artists was last open node (regression 2228)
  • 0016368: [General] Crash A04CCD5A on switching views
  • 0016389: [Conversion/Leveling] Converting FLAC to ALAC could lead to crash
  • 0016392: [Track Browser] Tabs: "Close tab' improvements
  • 0014659: [Tracklist] Column headings for List View does not persist sometimes for collection
  • 0016361: [Playback] Playback of 'More videos' from youtube --> crash 3f326e64
  • 0016313: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Podcasts: menu entries are missing / displayed inconsistently
  • 0016285: [General] Menus render incorrectly upon changing resolution
  • 0016343: [Main Panel] Dialog position issue in non-standard DPI
  • 0016255: [General] Radio functionality missing/broken
  • 0016353: [Playlists] Playlist pinning doesn't work
  • 0016356: [Main Panel] Certain album artists are shown in a custom collection although it shouldn't
  • 0016354: [Now Playing] Now Playlist is missing 'Save Playlist...' command
  • 0016341: [General] Image Search dialog shows no result
  • 0016350: [General] It is unclear what half-checked state for a collection/node means + wording changes
  • 0016359: [Track Browser] Crash on Manage Views for Playlists ( 93E6211D )
  • 0016357: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Album Art in Folders [Grid] view is incorrect
  • 0016292: [Other] Track edit/playback triggers a View refresh when contextual search is active
  • 0016338: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Switching from global to advanced search => crash BBF7B7C9 (regression in 2226)
  • 0016333: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Add/REscan to library: Results dialog not shown if MM5 Minimized
  • 0016340: [Sync] Andorid devices: Empty folders are not removed upon deletion of files
  • 0016342: [Main Panel] Mouse scrolling issues with non-default mouse settings
  • 0013002: [General] Optimize title bar / toolbar layout
  • 0016165: [General] Horizontal scrolling with touchpad gesture buggy in some views
  • 0016279: [Main Panel] Genre grid not updated after property change
  • 0016307: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Play now: Right click to play now do not play tracks in shown order
  • 0016316: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Scan dialog should show always all monitored folders
  • 0016186: [Podcasts] Podcast episodes can miss tags after download (when auto-scanner is active)
  • 0016312: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Tree Node: Navigating TV Series with Show all Subnodes enabled end with wrong subtree
  • 0016298: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] TV Series: Wikipedia or muzicbrainz info is shown for TV Series (Regression)
  • 0016330: [Playback] Play / Pause --> crashlog id CEAB0000 (regression)
  • 0016178: [Install/Config] LIbrary Reset: There is no way to reimport library and keep settings
  • 0016315: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Artist tracks: Online browsing artist tracks can crash MM5
  • 0016308: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Auto-Playlists: 'Selected by' doesn't support Initial Key
  • 0016295: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] 'Remove unavailable items' option does not work when "At startup" monitoring is chosen
  • 0016300: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Masks: There is no <Skip> mask in DropDown
  • 0016304: [General] Missing titles in some pop-ups, e.g. in composer and conductor views
  • 0016310: [Playback] Radio streaming: PAUSE triggers an endless loop
  • 0016318: [Now Playing] Preview Window: 'Playing' mode can be in Full-Screen / Full Window -- no way to exit
  • 0016325: [General] Crash when MM isn't doing anything CCFE0000
  • 0016321: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag (video): endless lookups due to fingerprinting
  • 0015866: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Combo-boxes should open right-justified
  • 0016275: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Monkey Groove Skin: Selected Playing track color is hard to see
  • 0016306: [Track Browser] Browser View: Selection of Albums issues
  • 0016208: [Tracklist] Track deletion sometimes fails to refresh the view
  • 0016309: [Playback] Radio streams: initiating playback often results in stuttering audio
  • 0014755: [Playback] In windowed mode, videos don't play within the Windows size / player displays incorrectly
  • 0012371: [General] Search bar functionality
  • 0014280: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] TV Series: My library TAB
  • 0016286: [Tracklist] Crash (A04C9ACD) when changing views for Music > Albums
  • 0016297: [Burning / Disc Handling] Audio CD metadata is automatically looked up only when CD is inserted after MM start
  • 0016296: [Podcasts] Podcast URL is not auto-pasted in the Subscription dialog
  • 0015814: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Delete empty folders doesn't remain checked with Auto-Organize Files
  • 0016288: [UPnP / DLNA] DLNA/UPnP client fails to browse artists with special unicode characters
  • 0016287: [General] MediaMonkey is repeatedly trying to generate Video thumbnails (for files that always fail to gen thumb)
  • 0016217: [Playlists] Copy/Paste/Move Playlist --> tree nodes get mixed up
  • 0016268: [Main Panel] DLNA tracks are out of order in "List (by Album)" view
  • 0016260: [Install/Config] ShowAllNodes.mmip Script should be removed on installation
  • 0015813: [Main Panel] Find More From Same: Slow Behavior
  • 0016281: [General] Language setting shows only English (on non-portable installs)
  • 0016284: [Sync] MM Deletes the wrong device
  • 0016272: [Playback] Playback Position in Now Playing incorrect after restart
  • 0016278: [UPnP / DLNA] DLNA containers are not dragable
  • 0016269: [Playback] Stop After Current doesn't show status
  • 0016267: [Track Browser] Manage views --> crash [93E6211D]
  • 0016263: [Main Panel] Info panel shows nonsense info for "Various Artists"
  • 0016199: [Playback] Playback of Youtube content can result in a crash
  • 0016231: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Switching windows by alt+tab back and fort causes loosing focus from element
  • 0016182: [General] Unnecessary EL crash on locked files
  • 0016239: [Main Panel] Weird grouped tracklist selection
  • 0016210: [Sync] USB Auto-sync: failed conversions sync as 0B files
  • 0016209: [Codecs] M4A conversion fails non-deterministically (regression 2219)
  • 0016274: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Playing view: Playing view Mode Album art
  • 0016240: [General] Playback: Playback fail on all tracks
  • 0015288: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Search Info: Artist Bio search should not exclude THE in Artist name
  • 0015626: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Location Node: Sort is incorrect
  • 0015909: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Column configuration: context menu gets stuck in certain dialogs
  • 0016175: [UPnP / DLNA] Manual sorting does not take effect when browsing DLNA/UPnP servers
  • 0016197: [Main Panel] Deleting Playlist causes tree focus to shift to the Playlist parent resulting in the view scrolling.
  • 0016216: [Playlists] Add Option to Hide Unselected Items to Playlist Criteria
  • 0015546: [Main Panel] Collapsing node with thousands of children can freeze
  • 0016259: [General] Range selection by Shift+Click in gridview sometimes does not work.
  • 0016253: [General] Selection state strangeness on click (regression 2220)
  • 0016258: [Main Panel] "Show all subnodes" does not work for 'Album Artists' node (regression 2220)
  • 0016140: [Now Playing] Playing View: If Artist Bio is selected MM5 show blank page
  • 0016248: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] <Original Date> tags as Date with Auto-Tag from Filename
  • 0016254: [Playback] CD player spins up on playback
  • 0016226: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Foreign Artists bio sometimes completely misses Bio search on WikiPedia
  • 0016212: [Tracklist] F5 fails to refresh Location folder
  • 0016215: [Playlists] Playlist Criteria doesn't show partial selection for Parent Playlists where some Child Playlists are selected
  • 0016191: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Genre Tree Node: Expanding Genre tree node Do not show all Genres
  • 0016190: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Tree Node: Expand Icon is missing on some nodes
  • 0016196: [Main Panel] AutoPlaylist Criteria add can't be canceled before confirmation of adding.
  • 0016193: [Playback] List connection technology for external players
  • 0016188: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Improved tree navigation in cases where 'showallnodes' is enabled
  •        0016252: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Tree node: Three Dots menu
  • 0016204: [Main Panel] Playlists list is not scrollable in the List view
  • 0016201: [Tracklist] Horizontal scroll bar is missing in Years view
  • 0016223: [Skinning framework] Window is not dragable in case that tabs occupy all titlebar
  • 0016232: [Main Panel] Refresh option in folders not working when there are no other sub-folders already
  • 0016224: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] MM5 report froze if left Idle and crashes in browsing
  • 0016206: [Sync] Device browsing: folders don't display alphabetically
  • 0016241: [Playback] Double-clicking output plugin does not open configuration
  • 0014447: [Playlists] Simplify Send to Playlist... structure
  • 0016245: [Sync] Set destination wizard shouldn't have [Browse] button when setting sync target paths
  • 0016156: [Podcasts] Password shown in clear text
  • 0016161: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Auto-playlists: Random album selection does not sort tracks by Track#
  • 0016167: [Main Panel] Party mode: many edit actions are presented
  • 0016169: [Main Panel] Find more from same album does not work correctly when initiated from a Composer or Conductor
  • 0016105: [Other] Drag and Drop Video file to Now Playing set it as Audio Type
  • 0015766: [Main Panel] 'Configure Collections and nodes...' menu is missing from context-menu of some first level nodes
  • 0016062: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Search: filters always switch to List view
  • 0016157: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Advanced search: Initiating Advanced search is not unified
  • 0016137: [Now Playing] Playing View: Artist info is not refreshed on track change
  • 0016170: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Backup: Backup library can crash MM
  • 0016183: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Mass edit: clearing volume leveling values doesn't work
  • 0016185: [Main Panel] Spacebar ignored when editing auto-playlist conditions
  • 0016177: [Playback] Play to: Player selection should have Icon showing type of connections
  • 0013962: [Extensions (bundled)] Addon to show album/artist/genre subnodes in the media tree
  • 0015056: [Main Panel] Media tree: Genres node shouldn't have subnodes when showAllNodes script is not installed
  • 0016001: [Tagging framework / input plugins] Removing Track and Album Volume fails
  • 0015386: [General] Eurekalog Send log dialog UI issues
  • 0015389: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: when existing metadata doesn't match lookup, MM recommends incorrect Title/Artist tags
  • 0016125: [Sync] Duplicate device profile can be created when the device is in unreadable state
  • 0014381: [Other] AddOn to mimic MM4 incremental search
  • 0015077: [Main Panel] Improve incremental search
  • 0015885: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: gets stuck on certain files
  • 0016141: [] Last.FM: Fail to scrobble
  • 0016129: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-organize Rules: Config UI not fully implemented
  • 0016099: [Track Browser] Editing Artist metadata fails in some cases
  • 0016150: [General] Quick changing of playing track could lead to GUI freeze or crash, when waveform is displayed
  • 0016148: [Conversion/Leveling] WMA settings dialog is missing
  • 0016145: [Playback] Online playback: Playing online track fail to stop
  • 0016144: [Extensions framework] Selected lyrics sources does not persist
  • 0016142: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] Install as Service available in Portable Install
  • 0014351: [Track Browser] PlaylistName / Folder / Search results: list view only contains title
  • 0016115: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Duplicate Titles is missing duplicates
  • 0015181: [Now Playing] Repeated unnecessary lookups in Now Playing immersive mode
  • 0015878: [Sync] Device config clearness issues
  • 0016135: [Playback] Crash when Auto-DJ is enabled and track ends (regression in 2214 ?)
  • 0016005: [Install/Config] Options: Tweaks regarding Skins and Layout accessability
  • 0016123: [Playback] Using Left+Right arrows on volume bar causes also seek bar to move
  • 0016119: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: some tags fail to look-up (when contained on compilation albums)
  • 0016121: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Play now: Tweaking play now options --> Poor performance with large number of tracks
  • 0016127: [Track Browser] Activating Column filter under Genres - Grid (categories) - Grid (Albums) causes crash
  • 0016110: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Switch between search types --> crash
  • 0016092: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Images move around in Lookup Image dialog
  • 0016111: [General] Switching from fullscreen video to audio does not restore window
  • 0016107: [Other] Waveform seekbar does not work for AIFF files.
  • 0016094: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Crash on Browsing scanned results (image lookup issues)
  • 0016095: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Scan Never finishes resulting in freeze (image lookup issues)
  • 0016098: [Main Panel] INIFILE parameter doesn't work
  • 0016080: [Playback] CD playback crashes when 'waveform' bar is enabled
  • 0016113: [Tagging framework / input plugins] Tagging untagged FLAC with some specific path length could fail.
  • 0016066: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Name of the Preview window is unclear
  • 0016117: [Playback] Video Playback Full Window: user is locked out of MM when playback stops
  • 0016109: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Pressing [Next] in Properties dialog updates file tag even when no change was made
  • 0016073: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Not always clear how to configure MM5 views/layout
  • 0016087: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Crash while hovering over Albums in Artist view
  • 0016088: [General] Crash Upon Completion of CD Rip
  • 0016089: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] The wrong context menu can appear when navigating between nodes
  • 0016103: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] List by Album icon can be improved
  • 0016078: [Sync] Some devices appear with a 'broken' image
  • 0016112: [Sync] Synch tree fails to update and crashes
  • 0015959: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] CTRL-F triggers a view switch before the search is initiated
  • 0016082: [Main Panel] Delete confirmation dialog not accurate for auto-playlists
  • 0016081: [Main Panel] Devices & services: Dummy device profiles when DB is imported from fresh MM4 install
  • 0015841: [Now Playing] Preview window: switching to 'Selected' when video is playing has no effect
  • 0016060: [Now Playing] Now Playing: Sorting changes can't be undone
  • 0016074: [Main Panel] Global search loses focus while typing (when the last view was a playlist)
  • 0016071: [Main Panel] 'Devices & Services' view isn't searchable
  • 0016064: [Track Browser] Folders: Album art issues in Folders browser
  • 0016070: [Tracklist] Choose columns dialog crashes when changing columns visibility - regression.
  • 0015761: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Improve access to Player and Panel layout config
  • 0016044: [General] Automatic artwork lookup should not be active under Folders node
  • 0015910: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Advanced search does not give accurate results sometimes
  • 0015267: [Main Panel] Optimize animations to be less CPU intensive
  • 0016051: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] UI: Editing Track Value of focused tree node
  • 0015942: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: issues with foreign language tracks / incorrect coloring of fields
  • 0016032: [General] Album artist node sometimes does not fetch all related tracks
  • 0016048: [Main Panel] Endless dummy progress tasks (regression in 2206)
  • 0016041: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Contextual Search: auto-suggest text is misaligned
  • 0016035: [Main Panel] Selected view type for artist isn't restored (regression 2204)
  • 0016046: [Tagging framework / input plugins] Auto-tag from filename: Crash 5017DC17 when "Update empty fields only" is choosen
  • 0016045: [Other] Setting ignoring prefix for fields Custom6-10 leads to crash.
  • 0016037: [Track Browser] Position in grid isn't preserved for some nodes
  • 0015730: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Contextual search auto-suggest UI issues
  • 0015971: [Playlists] Playlist: Available Playlists are not listed in Folder browser
  • 0016034: [Main Panel] Subnode of 'Artists' shows only content of the artist (not album artist)
  • 0016020: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Duplicate track prevention in playlists causes non-duplicates to fail to add
  • 0016021: [Main Panel] Focus problem: Modal Registration dialog appears behind other windows [forced restart required]
  • 0016014: [Main Panel] Move in Location node prompts deletion of files dialog
  • 0016018: [Sync] Syncing to OneDrive no longer works
  • 0016012: [Sync] Sync config: Adding new auto-conversion rule does not make the [Apply] button enabled
  • 0015574: [Tagging framework / input plugins] MOV videos created by Olympus Tough TG-5 camera are not tagged
  • 0015074: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Some toolbar buttons are positioned incorrectly (sometimes)
  • 0015965: [Main Panel] Issues with configuring new collection order
  • 0015995: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: Close MM with auto-tag window open --> flashing window
  • 0015482: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: Lyrics issues
  • 0015986: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Playlists cannot be renamed to include a space
  • 0015948: [Track Browser] Tree: freezes and problematic behavior 'Devices & Services' / CD / Folders nodes (regression 2198)
  • 0015963: [Track Browser] Clicking a node can result in the wrong node-view being activated because the nodes are rendered incorrectly
  • 0015704: [Sync] Plugging in iPod Nano causes 2 different devices to appear in the Devices & Services list
  • 0015984: [Now Playing] Right panel can't be collapsed after video playback
  • 0015980: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Some tracks always appears in Files to Edit > DB / Tag mismatches
  • 0015969: [Track Browser] Video grouping breaks [?regression? 2199]
  • 0015987: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: sometimes doesn't recommend the oldest instance of an album
  • 0015464: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: dialog can't be used effectively while lookups are in progress
  • 0015966: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: Poor recommendations are sometimes made (even when high confidence levels are required)
  • 0015956: [Extensions framework] Script "Show all nodes" sometimes does not show subnodes and tracks of Album Artist
  • 0015972: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Nodes in the tracklist don't display Tooltips
  • 0015951: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: include existing metadata as suggestions for Album Artist
  • 0014270: [Track Browser] In-place editing: positioning is incorrect
  • 0015974: [Sync] Devices are sometimes not recognized
  • 0015400: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: ability to automatically restrict / more easily edit suggested genres
  • 0015958: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: many auto-tagged tracks are saved with tags that don't match the DB
  • 0015962: [Playlists] Send To -> M3U/XSPF playlist or Email does not work for whole playlists
  • 0015957: [Sync] Possible crash during sync (when hundreds of items are selected on sync-list)
  • 0015964: [Sync] Crash when using "Safely remove device"
  • 0015938: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag list refreshes by itself in some cases
  • 0015941: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: recommends album artist from the next track for the current track
  • 0015968: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag crashes (regression 2199)
  • 0015946: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Auto-playlist / Filters: Ratings selector doesn't close logical operator selector
  • 0015953: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Ctrl+A Select All fails in Search Bar
  • 0015960: [Collections] Home view doesn't refresh on Collection changes
  • 0015633: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-Tag: Auto-Tag on larger number of files can result in Freeze
  • 0015939: [Track Browser] Double-click of thumbnails in grid views opens pop-up
  • 0014838: [General] Album Artists node does not work properly
  • 0015518: [DB / Backup] Rebuild DB do not create complete DB location browsing is missing paths
  • 0015943: [General] Double-clicking item in grid sometimes does not trigger double-click action.
  • 0015944: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Enabling filter triggers crash on node switch
  • 0015945: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Filter from MRU list fails
  • 0015738: [Main Panel] Subview: Playlist tree doesn't work for the selected Playlist
  • 0015928: [Track Browser] Breadcrumbs / History getting mixed up (regression 2195)
  • 0015924: [Main Panel] Mask [Configure...] button does nothing when database has no tracks
  • 0015852: [Main Panel] Menu windows incorrect size in multi monitor
  • 0015859: [Now Playing] Extra (unselected) tracks are removed from Now Playing
  • 0015935: [Tracklist] Video node: thumbnail issues
  • 0015932: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Find Moved/Missing files --> crash (regression 2195)
  • 0015934: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] In view config overwrites the Player
  • 0015933: [Skinning framework] MD skins do not display selected tracks properly in popups
  • 0014496: [General] Video: Playback of some files play them as inverted ignoring rotate metadata
  • 0015929: [Main Panel] Track Properties: rating is visible only for a first time window opened
  • 0015930: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: changing Album --> Album Artist isn't filled in in some cases
  • 0015940: [Track Browser] Clicking back arrow and breadcrumbs bar --> crash
  • 0015808: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] After MM restart Custom 1-5 are duplicated in Custom 6-10
  • 0015695: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Problems (including several path-related issues) migrating content/DB to a new disk
  • 0015897: [Sync] Sync: Deletion status is vague / inaccurate
  • 0015874: [Now Playing] Preview Window: checking field in Advanced > Settings causes list to move
  • 0015916: [Skins] Switching skin during playback --> crash (?regression 2193?)
  • 0015912: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: In some cases, all tracks get auto-tagged with the same artwork
  • 0015861: [Main Panel] Windows Handling: focus on Window is lost on track deletion
  • 0015858: [DB / Backup] MM4 vs MM5 database compatibility issues
  • 0015911: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Advanced search: Undesired auto-scrolling after changing a criteria
  • 0015906: [Install/Config] Confirmation Settings: Confirmation settings is missing checkbox for results dialog
  • 0015914: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Selection of tracks in Artist:AristName --> Not all close query events are finished
  • 0014579: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] 'Loading...' appears endlessly
  • 0014574: [DB / Backup] Issues in Locations node: 'loading' endlessly, duplicate images, and errors
  • 0015915: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag sometimes mis-identifies tracks that are missing all metadata
  • 0015908: [Collections] Collections: configuration doesn't list Video/TV fields correctly
  • 0015901: [Burning / Disc Handling] Disc Ripping dialog layout issues
  • 0015902: [Conversion/Leveling] Ripping / Conversion doesn't work, possibly because masks are ignored (regression 2192)
  • 0015893: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Skin: on Groove Skin Now playing Track if selected text is non readable
  • 0015892: [Podcasts] Volume Analyze: Volume analyze sometimes fail when direct podcast stream is playing
  • 0015880: [Skins] Player: some items rendered/positioned incorrectly
  • 0015867: [Main Panel] Single-click sometimes initiates video playback unexpectedly
  • 0015903: [Conversion/Leveling] Crash upon initiating conversion
  • 0015799: [Burning / Disc Handling] Ripping CD: Issues with destination target path
  • 0015758: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Functionality of the Preview Window unclear (due to Title bar heading?)
  • 0014459: [General] A&D menu missing toggle
  • 0015886: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: fingerprint lookup initiates metadata search for a different file
  • 0015862: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: Album selection window appears high and then low
  • 0015887: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: fields with recommended metadata don't always display tooltip
  • 0015883: [Podcasts] Unsubscribing podcast does not work once user selects to not delete episodes
  • 0015864: [Skins] Selection: CTRL-deselection isn't visible
  • 0015860: [Now Playing] Now Playing Tracks aren't highlighted correctly when selected
  • 0015877: [Main Panel] FLAC files does not show file metadata over MTP under the Device > Folders subnodes
  • 0015876: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Mass edit of date fails (updates just the year part)
  • 0015865: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] ESC doesn't close context menu
  • 0015872: [Tracklist] Composer suggestion linked incorrectly in inline edit
  • 0015869: [Other] User cannot choose active layout in Options - Library - Layout.
  • 0015771: [Now Playing] Preview window: advanced layout config field selection fails
  • 0015830: [Now Playing] Editing in preview window can cause change in track selection
  • 0015854: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Preview Window: if possible 'v' Arrow should be moved bit to left so that 'x' do not overlap
  • 0015855: [Tracklist] Tracklist ('subviews') have title and controls that are misaligned
  • 0015856: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: changing Title --> crash
  • 0015451: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: Context menu issues
  • 0015737: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: some pre-existing entries appear as new suggestions
  • 0015838: [General] Maximizing and closing dialogs causes various anomalies
  • 0014847: [Main Panel] Find more from same album/artist is terribly slow (regression)
  • 0015848: [Track Browser] Column filter selection reset after double click
  • 0015833: [Tagging framework / input plugins] Auto-Tag: album get's updated even when album field is not checked in options
  • 0015846: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Tree Node: Audio CD Info in Tree node is not updated
  • 0015851: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Mass edit resets played values to zero
  • 0015853: [Playback] Start playback from Network location can result in Crash
  • 0015823: [Playback] Plugging in/Removing a chromecast device that is part of a group --> crash
  • 0014813: [Track Browser] Selection of multiple folders --> collapse of tree
  • 0015829: [Other] Crash after merging two artists or composers by renaming
  • 0014572: [General] HTTPS Radio stations fail to play (regression)
  • 0015751: [Playback] Some https video streams fails to play
  • 0015817: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Toolbar Player: After Windows 10 1903 update toolbar player disappear if use click Start
  • 0015792: [Main Panel] Regressions in Arts&Details panel
  • 0015465: [General] Album Art Cache anomalies for tracks with no Album assigned
  • 0013406: [Track Browser] NP Art & Details dialog improvements
  • 0015549: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Contextual Search (Filter): Collection nodes searches shouldn't appear in Global Search bar
  • 0014300: [General] 'Reading files...' progress can stay forever
  • 0015810: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Monitored folders can be deleted from scan dialog but they still execute on startup
  • 0015811: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Add/Rescan: Issues with manual input of network locations
  • 0015805: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Location Node: Location Tree node is not updated on Change
  • 0015819: [Main Panel] Edit Collection issues
  • 0015728: [Track Browser] Can't delete unused file path
  • 0015822: [Conversion/Leveling] Checkbox in header fails to uncheck all checkboxes (regression)
  • 0015369: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Scanning Album Art fails to refresh the Location directory
  • 0015500: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Adding some network M4A files to library is slow
  • 0015809: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] MM5 Crash if last tree node before close was root Artist
  • 0015750: [UPnP / DLNA] DLNA: Browsing MM4 server for video Files fail and crash MM5 on close
  • 0015779: [Podcasts] Podcast update: 'Not all close query events are finished' freeze
  • 0015786: [UPnP / DLNA] DLNA: Playing Non Accessible track from MM4 crash MM5
  • 0014070: [Main Panel] View Mode shows no checkmark for selected mode
  • 0015797: [Track Browser] Column filter height cannot be changed - regression
  • 0015796: [General] Automatic search for artists images does not work - regression
  • 0015793: [Conversion/Leveling] Nodes under Files to Edit node should be filtered based on collection
  • 0015790: [General] Bugs in Entire library media tree node handling.
  • 0015791: [Sync] Artwork is lost on sync when 'Level volume' sync option is enabled
  • 0015784: [UPnP / DLNA] DLNA: renderer playback A/V
  • 0015788: [Codecs] Playback: MM5 Crash on Playback of some files
  • 0015767: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Add cover issues
  • 0014982: [Sync] Issues with syncing to external HDDs
  • 0015802: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Starting MM in search node --> freeze/crashlog
  • 0015733: [Other] Wrong restored size of art window, when MM window is maximized and Windows scaling is 125%
  • 0015772: [Track Browser] GenreName (grid view) sometimes goes blank
  • 0015764: [Tracklist] Remove Year column, leave only Date.
  • 0015746: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] FMFS: Find More From Same is missing Year if Date is available in track properties
  • 0015769: [Extensions framework] Make main menu customizeable by addons
  • 0015755: [General] Tools > Options > Library &changed label issue
  • 0015748: [Now Playing] AutoDJ: If AutoDJ is set to retain less num of tracks than all playback focus is lost
  • 0015749: [Skinning framework] Skins: Status bar Should be wider
  • 0015732: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Online search results are missing the (show X items) expanders
  • 0015722: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Art and Details view doesn't refresh in response to Album Art Updates
  • 0015736: [Main Panel] Auto-tag: moving dialog causes the dialog to flash non-stop and become non-responsive
  • 0015741: [Now Playing] Deletion of currently playing track fails
  • 0015745: [Main Panel] "Multiple Artist Albums" node doesn't list any albums in the grid view
  • 0015689: [Track Browser] Renaming Genre repeatedly causes loss of thumbnail
  • 0015717: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: change Album --> crash
  • 0015685: [Podcasts] Podcast issues
  • 0015669: [Main Panel] Art & Details panel resizes after minimizing into taskbar (in some layouts)
  • 0015709: [Skinning framework] Player Context menu: Add Analyze Volume in Context menu
  • 0015705: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Properties: can't manually edit paths of inaccessible files
  • 0015702: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] List View: Rating Inline mouse Edit need additional click
  • 0015719: [Main Panel] Monkey Groove skin opens up a white window which sits over the top of MM5 (regression)
  • 0015715: [Other] Separate setting for automatic look up for artist images
  • 0015725: [Main Panel] Context menu is gone after F5 (view refresh)
  • 0015639: [Track Browser] In some cases, tiled album art images are missing component albums
  • 0015671: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: Metedata is modified for unchecked items
  • 0015699: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Locate Moved/Missing Files dialog fails in some cases
  • 0015697: [Hotkeys] Hotkeys for "media rewind" and "media forward" cannot be defined
  • 0015696: [General] Locations node does not sometimes display tracks, when DB migrated from MM4
  • 0015691: [Playback] Show time when hovering seekbar.
  • 0015672: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] 'Reading files' / 'Loading' sometimes displays for awhile and at the same time
  • 0015548: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Contextual Search (Filter): Clicking on search in the breadcrumb bar causes search results to ignore view settings
  • 0014481: [Install/Config] Sorting: Ignoring "The" fail in some cases
  • 0014476: [Other] Crash: Chash on Close
  • 0014174: [Now Playing] Crash during Playback with Now Playing view active
  • 0014456: [Main Panel] Player keeps reappearing
  • 0014378: [Playback] YouTube video playback keyboard issue
  • 0015603: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Locate Moved/Missing tracks: Prepare track list takes too long
  • 0015605: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Locate Moved/Missing tracks: Updating Located File path is slow
  • 0015524: [Now Playing] Issues with 'Locate moved/missing files...'
  • 0015336: [Tracklist] Dragging column headers doesn't work well
  • 0015690: [Other] Contextual search: Failure to search for special characters
  • 0015688: [Track Browser] Deletion of Album field causes track to temporarily disappear
  • 0015478: [General] M4P: Syncing M4P files can crash MMW
  • 0015677: [Other] Keyboard navigation: TAB Reset view
  • 0015686: [Main Panel] Focus can be stolen by "invisible" components
  • 0015683: [Main Panel] Auto-tag from filename: not recognizing date in format yyyy-mm-dd
  • 0015538: [General] MM crash on windows restart/shutdown
  • 0015551: [General] MaskEdit config improvements
  • 0015372: [General] Attempts of generating thumbnails for audio files with video extension last too long
  • 0015667: [Sync] Crash on sync when file is unsupported by the device
  • 0015678: [Podcasts] Podcasts: Podcast Subscription context menu is incorrect
  • 0015492: [General] Performance: dialog opening is slow
  •        0015611: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] Config of MM Server migration --> Uncaught Error: "setVisibility can be called only on element in DOM tree!"
  • 0015223: [Podcasts] MediaMonkey crashes on startup / experiences performance issues
  • 0015452: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Mass edit of 46 MP3 files --> freeze
  • 0015446: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: playing tracks causes operations to take MUCH longer
  • 0015619: [General] MM crashes on termination (not doing anything)
  • 0015476: [Tagging framework / input plugins] Application can throw EPathTooLongException, when path long enough contains unicode characters
  • 0015657: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Rescan: Remove Missing tracks do not return focus to main panel
  • 0015660: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Add/Re-scan: Path changes when schedule is changed from 'Manual' to 'Continuous'
  • 0015659: [Sync] Crash when adding new cloud profile (regression 2174)
  • 0015658: [General] Lost artwork when path contains apostrophe
  • 0015653: [Sync] "Requires MediaMonkey for Android" should highlight the full product name
  • 0015449: [General] App/Dialogs appears partially after PC sleeps
  • 0015642: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Possible crashes in Auto-tag dialog
  • 0015643: [Playback] Cloud tracks in 'Now Playing' that are not part of library are not playable after MM restart
  • 0015644: [Playback] Re-ordering of 'Now Playing' list isn't preserved after MM restart
  • 0015636: [Burning / Disc Handling] AudioCD node does not appear in Media tree - regression
  • 0015448: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Startup: Closing MM5 while Audio CD is inserted makes MM5 crash on start
  • 0015645: [Playback] Video Playback: cursor on screen --> playback bar repeatedly fades in/out
  • 0015631: [Playback] Video playback: full screen mode windows fails after first time
  • 0014747: [Sync] Selection fails for Artist & Album Artists (regression)
  • 0015455: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Choose Fields: Choose Fields Dialog should be more consistent as Modal Dialog
  • 0015617: [Main Panel] Remove drive from Collection/Location can cause crash
  • 0015627: [Now Playing] Normal Install: Now Playing Undo do not work if MM5 is open from explorer
  • 0015613: [Podcasts] Podcasts: No manual refresh of podcast info pulling after Credentials are entered
  • 0015624: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-Organize: Mask <AutoNumber> do not work
  • 0015628: [Other] Portable install: portable status lost after MM4 settings import
  • 0015586: [Playback] Clicking 'Next' on a video locks the user out of the UI
  • 0015616: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Trying to edit path in the Properties => crash (regression 2169)
  • 0015610: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Filter: filtering video in Location mode --> crash
  • 0015602: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] MM crash on startup (cast to chromecast enabled)
  • 0015604: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Locate Moved/Missing tracks: Scan result do not select all tracks for update
  • 0015608: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] MM5 crashes when playing from MMS 0.3.1
  • 0014802: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Editing multiple tracks in My Folders --> crash
  • 0015339: [Sync] Tags like 'Album artist' and Track# are often lost after download from GPM
  • 0015459: [Playback] Crash in in-player visualizer
  • 0015515: [Main Panel] Improper view icon on the toolbar sometimes remains
  • 0015534: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: changing album after lookup completes --> endless hourglass (regression 2165)
  • 0015560: [Track Browser] Text tweak: re. collapsing albums
  • 0015598: [] Problem with scrobbling of tracks with special characters in title
  • 0015607: [Tagging framework / input plugins] Parsing MP4 larger than 4GB fails
  • 0015606: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Album Art: Crash on album art from unavailable path
  • 0015599: [Sync] MMS: Manual Adding of MMS do not trigger Migration wizard
  • 0015600: [Sync] MMS: Manual Adding of MMS is not available under Storage and services
  • 0015597: [Main Panel] Crash when searching in 'Art view' and 'Column browser' is enabled at the same time
  • 0015596: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Scanning: Manual Type selection is overridden on scanning
  • 0015590: [Other] Wikipedia Artist Metadata doesn't appear for some artists (caused by 'another artist' function)
  • 0015601: [Playlists] Playlists display out of order on startup
  • 0015521: [Main Panel] Confusing caption upon clicking [Browse] folder button (and redundant checkboxes)
  • 0015319: [Main Panel] Party mode: Full screen mode shows title bar and task bar (regression)
  • 0015528: [Main Panel] Paths from inaccessible media starts with '?'
  • 0015527: [DB / Backup] MM4 > MM5 upgrade never finishes on some corrupted databases
  • 0015503: [General] YouTube: Right click Copy Tracks do not do nothing
  • 0015395: [Main Panel] Main menu appear on different monitor when app is maximized
  • 0015519: [Main Panel] Ignoring "The" prefix is not applied in Column Browser
  • 0015477: [UPnP / DLNA] 'Unknown cast message type: DEVICE_UPDATED' exception when casting to Chromecast Audio
  • 0015422: [Sync] USB sync issues
  • 0014993: [Main Panel] Popup menu is misplaced when MM is maximized on non-primary monitor
  • 0015585: [Sync] Improve performance of synchronization
  • 0015561: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Send to Playlist: tracks display out of order in Edit Playlist window
  • 0015576: [General] Renaming title of artist/album after selecting it from Wrong artist/album menu should be optional
  • 0015594: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-organize dialog fails to open / triggers crash (regression)
  • 0015587: [Playback] Attempting to play videos that don't exist (dead links) causes MM to freeze
  • 0015595: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Properties dialog sometimes fails to open and MM crashes (regression)
  • 0015566: [General] Search results: Should not show AA like track is selected
  • 0015582: [General] Crash on Close while MMS sync initialize is in progress
  • 0015577: [General] File IO operation: MM5 Deletes files directly not thru Recycle Bin
  • 0015462: [General] Context menu can get orphaned
  • 0015593: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Windows can appear offscreen (regression?)
  • 0015588: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Find More from Same folder (Explorer) fails silently for deadlinks
  • 0015591: [Tracklist] Scrolling causes tracks to appear in duplicate in the tracklist (regression)
  • 0015568: [Playback] Seek bar is jumping during seek
  • 0015563: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Prevent duplicates when renaming Genres
  • 0015490: [Tracklist] In place editing results in wrong metadata being shown + subsequent freeze
  • 0015565: [Sync] Crash while syncing MMS metadata
  • 0015567: [General] At MM startup got Write lock retrieved after Read lock!! (regression)
  • 0015562: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] UI shows casting as disabled even when enabled
  • 0015330: [Sync] Server (UPnP or MMS) content not browseable in certain views
  • 0013745: [General] Add possibility to rename artist
  • 0015557: [UPnP / DLNA] MMS: Manually enter MMS address creates double MediaMonkey Server
  • 0015532: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Directory configuration dialog optimization (auto-organize / convert )
  • 0015555: [General] 2166 - skin change doesn't work and can freeze (regression)
  • 0015552: [General] Crash when added custom tag
  • 0015354: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Drag & Drop: User can't D&D directly to Playlist from File explorer
  • 0015558: [Sync] MediaMonkey attempts to sync to MMS even when disabled
  • 0015553: [Install/Config] Database not imported from MM4 (regression)
  • 0015439: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: in a large list, checking a track --> it gets checked, unchecked, and then checked
  • 0015537: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Unnecessary view buttons in some cases
  • 0015540: [Sync] Scan 'MM Server' content to the local database --> crash
  • 0013681: [Track Browser] It's difficult to view artwork details of multiple tracks in MM5
  • 0015533: [Main Panel] Nodes in 'Home' can't be seen because they don't 'wrap'
  • 0015535: [General] Columns settings under Folders node are lost sometimes.
  • 0015442: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: issues with minimizing the dialog
  • 0015373: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: Multiple-artist tracks often get incorrect Album Artist (and consequently Album) recommendations
  • 0015506: [Track Browser] Auto-tag: MM freezes if > 1 track is tagged (regression)
  • 0015520: [Main Panel] Window maximize/minimize buttons overlay tabs bar
  • 0015525: [General] Crash on run (regression build 2164)
  • 0015443: [Tracklist] Some Location subnodes show 'Loading' indefinitely (regression)
  • 0015516: [Main Panel] Incorrect icons in [Music > Rating] sometimes
  • 0015441: [General] Output Plugin: WaveOUT Plugin Ca'nt be configured
  • 0015274: [Install/Config] UI inconsistency due to MM4 license being imported even when user chooses not to import settings
  • 0015445: [Main Panel] Tab close button is visible only on hover
  • 0015510: [Main Panel] Art view: "Sort by" attribute is not persistent
  • 0015514: [Main Panel] Possible crash when adding new cover
  • 0015513: [Main Panel] Using collection search limits the search results to a particular collection even for subsequent global search (regression)
  • 0015512: [General] Rescan dialog: folder schedule change doesn't persist when dialog is canceled
  • 0015509: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Network: System folders are not browsable in MM5
  • 0015501: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto Tag: Multi Artist wrongly Suggested with including Feat.
  • 0015463: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Global search results are sometimes incomplete
  • 0015485: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Search (Online): if search term is too general, MM can crash
  • 0015483: [General] Youtube: ability to copy url
  • 0015496: [General] Invalid pointer error related to Podcast updates
  • 0015495: [Sync] Build 2161: Cut off labels in device profile settings
  • 0015481: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: Remove 'Collapse' album functionality
  • 0015489: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Video Playback Layer is not positioned correctly if MM5 Window is maximized
  •        0015488: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Right panel Resize is not possible if Video is playing
  • 0015362: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Freeze in auto-tag dialog when changing recommended album
  • 0015471: [General] Crash on startup: setVisibility can be called only on elements in DOM tree!
  • 0015460: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Global Search online: causes multiple status bar entries
  • 0015472: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: crash during lookup 'Uncaught error "Cannot read property 'id' of null"
  • 0015030: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Find more from same folder (computer) and sometimes (library) fails
  • 0015474: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Renaming Genres can lead to crash "All items must have persistentID unique"
  • 0015353: [Sync] Sync: Add Local folder device creation while browsing folders (syncToFolder.mmip)
  • 0015469: [Main Panel] Inaccessible tracks are not shown in grey (besides Now Playing list)
  • 0015468: [Other] Mini player sometimes cannot be moved
  • 0014958: [Sync] Random UI freeze when scanning/syncing with GPM library
  • 0014969: [Track Browser] Updating tracklist (F5) with column browser on adds duplicates to the tracklist
  • 0014975: [Hotkeys] Hotkeys like 'Window: Switch for MiniPlayer \ Maximize' are missing
  • 0014933: [General] Google play music tracks are shown under Location > YouTube
  • 0014971: [Playback] Auto-update feature with combination of Now Playing Undo causes gaps between tracks to be played
  • 0014973: [DB / Backup] Optimize full text search index rebuilding
  • 0014981: [Sync] Local version of cloud track is always preferred for playback (even if inaccesible)
  • 0014992: [Other] 2166: track.asJSON return incorrect JSON string
  • 0014994: [Main Panel] Right-click on empty NP window crash
  • 0014987: [DB / Backup] Failed termination of MediaMonkeyEngine.exe/MediaMonkey64Helper.exe --> errors on startup
  • 0014986: [Install/Config] Crash on run after install (notifyReady timeout)
  • 0014996: [General] Add "More from same composer" and related Composer view with Wiki header
  • 0014998: [Main Panel] Dialogs size and position does not persist in some cases
  • 0014928: [Codecs] AIFF encoder/decoder
  • 0015466: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Navigating using the Back/Forward buttons causes a dropdown menu to appear
  • 0015301: [Main Panel] Back/forward navigation buttons tweaks
  • 0015461: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: Performance decreases disproportionately to the # of tracks
  • 0015346: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-Tag: Sometimes looks up incorrect Title
  • 0015458: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Properties dialog is missing title
  • 0015457: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: duplicate albums sometimes appear upon selecting an album
  • 0014846: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Crash during auto-tag operation (tag/artwork-related)
  • 0015417: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tagging certain tracks --> Uncaught RangeError
  • 0015345: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-Tag will often not recommend the original Album
  • 0015434: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: Album Art recommendation is incorrect
  • 0015401: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: Issues Editing Album / Album Artist fields
  • 0015419: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Issues with Artist image search
  • 0015438: [Main Panel] Tab sequence ends on seekbar when playback is stopped
  • 0015437: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Crash when trying to F2 edit the 'New Path' column in the 'Auto Organize' dialog (regression in 2153)
  • 0015432: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] UI is frozen when adding new tracks into library (regression)
  • 0015424: [Playback] GPM tracks sometimes do not play till the end of the track
  • 0015423: [Sync] GPM sync: upload fails for some specific filenames
  • 0013431: [General] Web node takes focus from Media Tree
  • 0015430: [General] Maximized state is sometimes not restored after start
  • 0015431: [Main Panel] Rating in A&D window opens image window
  • 0015283: [Sync] Sync incomplete (due to locked DB)
  • 0015433: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Navigation hierarchy is broken (regression 2155)
  • 0015427: [General] Toast messages sometimes appear partway offscreen
  • 0015416: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-Tag: Clicking Album Name (next to artwork) triggers artwork lookup
  • 0015440: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: editing a track's Album field can cause the wrong track to be edited
  • 0015349: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-Tag: album art often fails to get looked up
  • 0015337: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Performing other operations during autotag --> freeze
  • 0015418: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: Clicking Album combo-box can trigger crash
  • 0015347: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-Tag: Album Artist gets erroneously recommended
  • 0015350: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: Manual Art lookup fails in some cases
  • 0015415: [General] Edit context menu is missing for texareas.
  • 0006364: [General] Support for AIFF and AIFC audio formats
  • 0009036: [UPnP / DLNA] Ability to control more remote players at once (from a single instance of MediaMonkey)
  • 0015409: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tagging text tweaks to clarify usage
  • 0015363: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Deleting the Date field changes the value of the Year field to -1
  • 0015392: [Tagging framework / input plugins] CPU Utilization is sometimes very high for very long for tagging operations
  • 0015426: [Track Browser] Navigating 'Back' to certain subnodes goes to the parent node instead
  • 0015042: [Main Panel] Art & Details: Clicking artwork should bring artwork in separate window
  • 0015412: [Main Panel] Searching on Music > Years results in crash
  • 0015407: [Now Playing] Album Artwork is sometimes not changed in NP view for tracks not in DB
  • 0015403: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Crash during auto-tag lookup: callstack dlgAutotag.js; Func undefined, Row 963 column 32
  • 0015406: [Tagging framework / input plugins] Some specific MP3 file corruption in ID3 tags can lead to crash during reading tags
  • 0015398: [General] Initial scan does not scan all known extensions by default
  • 0015376: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] Crash when discovering remote players out of LAN
  • 0015358: [Main Panel] Files with a field longer than 30 characters appears in out-of-date tag node
  • 0015361: [Burning / Disc Handling] Crash when any audio CD with CD-text is inserted (regression in 2149)
  • 0015359: [Main Panel] Settings not saved to disc when closed Options
  • 0015356: [Collections] Collection rule is not persist
  • 0015276: [Install/Config] Registration dialog layout should be improved
  • 0015272: [Conversion/Leveling] CD ripping fails
  • 0015259: [DB / Backup] Add optimizing URL request cache to DB optimization task
  • 0015253: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] Unicode chars in Chromecast name are incorrectly decoded (when Chromecast is found via mDNS)
  • 0015247: [Sync] 'Failed conversion' for some tracks during sync
  • 0014345: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Issues scanning network folders to the library
  • 0015387: [Sync] Navigating 'back' to a deleted sync location --> crash
  • 0015391: [Playback] Track notification appears in system tray even when track isn't playing
  • 0015414: [Main Panel] Import database dialog can be shown behind main window
  • 0015413: [Main Panel] Track disappears upon playing from [Music > Years > 1980s > 1982] tracklist
  • 0015348: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: Year fields appear to get mixed up
  • 0015384: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Image search dialog: Pressing ENTER causes the dialog to close (focus issue)
  • 0015390: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: image from clipboard is added to auto-tagged track (regression?)
  • 0015394: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Empty fields fail to update if there's no change in Title/Artist/Album
  • 0015393: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: searched image doesn't appear immediately
  • 0015365: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: some tracks fail to indicate a track number
  • 0015364: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: recommended changes aren't highlighted (regression)
  • 0015383: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: Choosing album art requires unnecessary steps
  • 0015368: [Main Panel] Right-click folder > Add/Rescan does not pre-select correct folder (in node grid view)
  • 0015367: [] Add possibility to logout from, to allow login with different username.
  • 0015080: [Main Panel] Navigation: Focus is lost after using back button
  • 0015381: [Sync] Terminating device sync task => progress on the player does not disappear (regression in 2149)
  • 0015380: [Sync] 'Auto-Sync as soon as device is connected' option doesn't work
  • 0015366: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag: Some fields fail to update in response to manually changing the Album
  • 0015318: [Burning / Disc Handling] No automatic pop-up windows when CD is inserted
  • 0015334: [Main Panel] Party Mode: Exiting party mode Material Design (Non Dark) crashes MM5
  • 0015341: [DB / Backup] Crash (this cannot be called from JS thread assert) when using funnel filter with "Genre equals" criteria
  • 0015332: [Sync] 'The media transfer process on "(X)" appears to be frozen' message can appear for HDDs too
  • 0014347: [Burning / Disc Handling] Shift+Ctrl+R starts filtering instead of launching Rip dialog
  • 0015113: [UPnP / DLNA] Chromecast: MM5 2123 Fail on Nexus player
  • 0015289: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Touch Mode: Material Design Skin Artifacts
  • 0015312: [Main Panel] Freeze when pressing space while a track is selected in large tracklist
  • 0015311: [Podcasts] Podcast title has redundant brackets suffix in the Info panel sub-view
  • 0015310: [Other] Command line option to start in party mode does not work in MM5
  • 0015308: [Tagging framework / input plugins] Multiedit of Original Date and sorting by Original date does not work
  • 0015307: [Track Browser] Column browser is not displayed, when it should (Regression)
  • 0015306: [Tagging framework / input plugins] Artwork is not saved to audio file sometimes, even if "Lookup missing artwork" and "Update tags" are checked
  • 0015304: [Tracklist] Year subnodes open multiple status indicators
  • 0015322: [Burning / Disc Handling] When CD is inserted, MM reads its content periodically (endlessly)
  • 0015331: [Sync] Sync list: Scrolling to a sync item by typing does not work when "Filter matches" is selected in options
  • 0015182: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Contextual search should apply to the NP Window
  • 0015255: [Main Panel] Renderer process crashes (white screen remains)
  • 0015281: [Podcasts] Podcasts: sort by date fails
  • 0015282: [General] Crash on startup
  • 0015305: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-organize dialog is missing browse button (unlike MM4)
  • 0015286: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Properties: Add Bit Depth to Track properties
  • 0015300: [Main Panel] No thumbs are visible once user defined custom temp directory to another drive
  • 0015275: [Install/Config] On clean install of MM Portable, there's no prompt to import MM4 data/settings (regression 2144)
  • 0015263: [Playlists] "Warn when duplicate files are added" does not work
  • 0015260: [Main Panel] Loading of large tracklists is not canceled when switching views
  • 0014720: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Various CPU intensive triggers --> Uncaught Error: "We haven't got lock for 3 seconds!"
  • 0015268: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tagging progress bar disappears prematurely
  • 0015258: [Main Panel] CPU Utilization sometimes stays at 50% on certain nodes
  • 0014878: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag dialog often crashes when the user clicks 'Auto-tag'
  • 0015174: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tagging takes huge or infinite amount of time
  • 0014608: [Main Panel] Focus persistence issues when deleting tracks
  • 0015197: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Searching / auto-playlists: Entering non-integer values to integer fields results in SQL errors
  • 0015257: [Tagging framework / input plugins] id3lib library returns success even in case tagging fails
  • 0015231: [Sync] Unplugging USB device while syncing can crash
  • 0015243: [Sync] Sync config: Genres node has missing expand indicator (regression)
  • 0015240: [Sync] WiFi-sync sometimes mistakenly deletes large auto-playlists (regression?)
  • 0015238: [Sync] Media sync: USB sync issues and crashes
  • 0015232: [Install/Config] Install: Installation of MM5 do not clean old Chromium Version
  • 0015234: [Main Panel] Layout: hidden panel cannot be shown after skin change
  • 0015057: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Now Playing: Label Inconsistency confuse functionality
  • 0015224: [Sync] Media Sync: Metadata is not updated for newly uploaded tracks (regression)
  • 0015206: [Main Panel] Crash when playback is running and user change skin
  • 0015194: [Sync] Device/cloud sync: Issues with 'Settings profile'
  • 0015215: [Tagging framework / input plugins] ID3v2.x Genre TAG: Numeric Genre Tags in TCON frame could be Translated according to Genre Table
  • 0015214: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] Cast menu should show items gradually
  • 0015212: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] MediaMonkey no longer runs as service (regression in recent builds)
  • 0015211: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] UPnP playback always fails (regression)
  • 0015209: [Sync] Issues with device config
  • 0015204: [Main Panel] Rating set using My Rating menu is not commited
  • 0013292: [Playback] Focus shifts to MM5 on each track transition (regression)
  • 0015207: [Sync] iPod name is incorrect sometimes
  • 0015159: [Now Playing] Unsaved artwork fails to display in Now Playing 'full list' view
  • 0014641: [Other] Aero preview of MM5 is Black rectangle
  • 0013916: [Install/Config] Installer closes MM4 (Portable) without warning
  • 0015193: [Main Panel] 'Edit' is missing from context menu for auto-playlists
  • 0015195: [Sync] Sync is initiated after clicking [Apply] even if sync schedule is set to 'Manual'
  • 0015190: [Other] Track properties: auto tools doesn't work well in some cases
  • 0015189: [Other] Edit collection dialog improvements
  • 0015188: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Track properties: Enter key (to confirm dialog) does not work in Basic tab
  • 0015156: [Now Playing] Right column behaves strangely in Now Playing mode
  • 0014517: [Tracklist] Progress circle saying "Reading files ..." could sometimes fail to end.
  • 0015184: [Main Panel] Add 'List view' to collection nodes
  • 0015160: [Now Playing] Change NP view names
  • 0012710: [Conversion/Leveling] '[x] Level Volume when converting audio' levels also tracks that didn't match any convert rule
  • 0015177: [Main Panel] Playlist re-ordering issues
  • 0015179: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Searching: Issues when switched to Online search
  • 0015170: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] MM crashes in auto-tag dialog
  • 0015175: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tagging status doesn't indicate any progress
  • 0015169: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag Album Art selector should indicate resolution
  • 0015171: [Main Panel] Search bar looses focus when search is initiated from artist view
  • 0014658: [DB / Backup] SQLite: Upgrade full-text search engine from FTS3 to FTS5
  • 0015147: [Tagging framework / input plugins] ID3 v1 tags containing international characters are read as Chinese
  • 0015150: [Main Panel] App starts with main window shrinked into small bar
  • 0015146: [Now Playing] NowPlaying: Wrong Album art can show sometimes
  • 0015164: [Sync] Device sync: Option to remove artwork from file tags crashes synchronization
  • 0015165: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Looked up image isn't saved to tag when 'Apply to all files in the Album/Series' is unchecked (regression)
  • 0015163: [Now Playing] Now Playing Artist Bio is incorrectly positioned
  • 0014823: [Playback] Crash on rating playing tracks
  • 0015158: [Playback] Rating (tagging) the currently playing track while podcasts are downloading --> audio playbock repeats
  • 0015117: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] NowPlaying: Removing Playing track from NowPlaying set current playing track wrongly
  • 0015148: [Main Panel] 2127: Crash when maintaining database
  • 0015127: [Main Panel] Close to tray not work
  • 0014735: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Panel can't be disabled if video/visualization is playing
  • 0015135: [Main Panel] View isn't restored correctly after startup (in certain cases)
  • 0014984: [Main Panel] Crash when double-clicking album on some users databases
  • 0015139: [Sync] Issues when changing skin or closing app during synchronization
  • 0015082: [Main Panel] Windows 7: Dbl-click on caption bar does not maximize app
  • 0012442: [General] Listview mouse selection
  • 0013788: [General] Installer: information about required space is not correct
  • 0014652: [General] Windows timer resolution
  • 0014669: [Main Panel] Media tree navigation: Node content isn't shown sometimes (when using arrows keys for navigation)
  • 0015098: [General] Scanning: Lookup enabled cause crash during scan
  • 0015107: [Track Browser] F5 in view with column browser disrupts filtering
  • 0015109: [Main Panel] 'Status Bar' is not showing when 'Column Browser' is enabled
  • 0015119: [Main Panel] 'Column browser' state doesn't persist when switching between 'Grid View', 'ListView', 'Album & Tracks'
  • 0015097: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Album art: Looked Album art image is not shown in some cases
  • 0015121: [UPnP / DLNA] Configuring media server changes IP config from 'Automatic' to the first available IP address
  • 0015123: [Codecs] in_wav is stealing playback of AIFF files - regression
  • 0015122: [Codecs] Encoding to 24bit and 32bit AIFF generates corrupted files
  • 0015124: [Other] Automatic update of folder doesn't update the view correctly sometimes
  • 0015116: [Skinning framework] Skin Change: Crash on Skin Change
  • 0015125: [General] Problems with Search suggestions in the main Search bar
  • 0015128: [Main Panel] Focus is moved to the menu bar when Alt+Shift is pressed during typing
  • 0014412: [Track Browser] List view columns should be customized per type
  • 0015099: [General] Add 'My Rating' option to track popup menu
  • 0015100: [Main Panel] Main tab close button displayed on hover should not be displayed for the last and not closable tab.
  • 0015101: [Track Browser] Column browser should be case insensitive
  • 0015103: [General] Crash when trying to navigate hidden Home
  • 0015104: [Other] Deleting track while playing does not work as expected
  • 0015111: [Tracklist] Sorting tracklist by rating does not sort correctly zero and empty values
  • 0015110: [General] Tracklist is not initially sorted correctly
  • 0015076: [Main Panel] 'Include subfolders' toolbar button and 'Subfolders' sub-view options are confusing
  • 0014955: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] It is unclear what '[x] Lookup track information' checkbox in Add/Rescan dialog means
  • 0015114: [Main Panel] View remains filtered after using 'Column Browser' and switching view type (regression)
  • 0015108: [Main Panel] F5 doesn't work as expected in some cases
  • 0015115: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Filtering is broken in 2123 (regression?)
  • 0015005: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Refreshing a contextual search yields partial search results
  • 0014513: [General] Selection isn't shared among views
  • 0014773: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Some functions fail when tracklist contains Google Drive content
  • 0015095: [Skins] Add optional rating control to player control for default skins
  • 0015094: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] 'Remove Unavailable Files?' dialog always appears for some folders
  • 0015092: [General] Add/Rescan: Clicking [View log] button on the 'Scan Results' dialog takes 10 or more seconds to bring the dialog
  • 0014010: [Main Panel] Scanning Tooltip shows part of Path
  • 0015089: [UPnP / DLNA] MM5 enters sleep mode when streaming
  • 0015096: [Sync] Device profile for Android devices has empty name
  • 0015060: [DB / Backup] Rebuild: Rebuild Should skip Errors and continue rebuild
  • 0015036: [Main Panel] Improve sorting for classical music
  • 0014861: [Main Panel] Lite version of doReload
  • 0015040: [Main Panel] Layout issues
  • 0015045: [Sync] Sync profile: [Reset settings] button does nothing
  • 0014989: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Related Artists: Various Artists should not be ever listed in related Artists
  • 0015028: [Track Browser] Filtering by certain fields is inaccessible
  • 0015035: [Sync] Send to > Device needs to be queued
  • 0015049: [Other] Add/Rescan dialog sometimes does not keep last Media Type setting
  • 0015008: [Main Panel] Send to > Playlist -- MRU list is missing
  • 0015055: [Main Panel] Album in collection view shows all tracks regardless collection settings
  • 0015052: [Other] Moving file displayed in art&window sometimes leads to crash
  • 0015003: [Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)] Sharing: Wrong artwork is served for album items
  • 0014978: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Make volume level values editable
  • 0015007: [Main Panel] Change default view from 'Genre Categories' to 'Genres'
  • 0015013: [Other] 'Save Image as' cause MM to crash
  • 0015012: [Conversion/Leveling] Remember last conversion format used in converison dialog
  • 0015016: [Other] Find more from same artist/composer cannot handle multivalues correctly
  • 0015017: [Conversion/Leveling] Convert file(s) replacing originals does not delete original files
  • 0015009: [DB / Backup] Clean install of MM5 fails due to DB issues
  • 0014968: [Main Panel] Object cannot be unpined in some views
  • 0014974: [Hotkeys] 'Ctrl+Q' and 'Ctrl+R' no longer work to bring corresponding dialogs
  • 0014976: [Main Panel] Tab on the main panel should be closed by mouse middle button
  • 0014977: [Playback] Using media buttons can cause crash
  • 0014979: [Main Panel] Popup menu can show in incorrect position
  • 0014985: [UPnP / DLNA] Media server: Tracks are shown duplicated when accessing them via Artists > Artist1 > Album1
  • 0014946: [UPnP / DLNA] Media sharing: Every artist is shown twice in foobar2000
  • 0014954: [Now Playing] Add Now Playing Track Properties action for use as hotkey
  • 0014874: [Tracklist] Deletion of non-contiguous tracks leads to unexpected scrolling
  • 0014948: [Playback] Crash after playing some MP3 files.
  • 0014947: [UPnP / DLNA] Grant remote access can appear for clients form the same PC (when there is more network interfaces)
  • 0014929: [UPnP / DLNA] Return Date over UPnP for albums
  • 0014939: [Other] Crash when deleting files.
  • 0014942: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Clicking [Locate moved/missing files] on 'Remove unavailable files ?' dialog has no effect
  • 0014941: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] [Save log] button is missing in 'Scan results' dialog
  • 0014932: [Hotkeys] New default hotkeys and hotkeys added by scripts are not added once user manually modified hotkey list
  • 0014770: [Skinning framework] Window doesn't behave like standard Windows vis a vis the OS
  • 0014937: [Main Panel] Crash when dragging column
  • 0014930: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] XSPF playlists cannot be loaded
  • 0014925: [Main Panel] Window cannot be resized by the top edge (top edge isn't draggable)
  • 0014901: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Crash during scanning
  • 0014907: [Sync] Clicking [Sync now] button in Add/Rescan > Add location > Cloud storage dialog crashes randomly
  • 0014873: [DB / Backup] Starting in files to edit > duplicate titles ---> crash
  • 0012801: [General] Add more controls to video playback
  • 0014902: [Main Panel] Auto-organize editor issues
  • 0014900: [General] Crash on import settings from MM4
  • 0014893: [Other] [Copy log ID] button gives incorrect ID value
  • 0014891: [Conversion/Leveling] Convert files dialog: format chooser is truncated
  • 0014909: [Playback] Playback stalls on unplayable files
  • 0014908: [UPnP / DLNA] IP port extraction failure for:
  • 0014917: [Other] Add/Rescan: All subfolders of selected parent folder are added
  • 0014914: [Main Panel] Media tree can disappear suddenly
  • 0014913: [Main Panel] Auto-organize can cause list resort
  • 0014911: [Other] Can't Scroll Horizontally in Genre view - tracklist as List view
  • 0014919: [Main Panel] Separator in scan path can cause folders mismatch in scan dialog
  • 0014920: [Skinning framework] Navigation bar is unnecessarily wide
  • 0014923: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Scanning: Media type config doesn't take effect for cloud and media server locations
  • 0014748: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Monkey Groove: Tree node expand icon is too close to left edge
  • 0014876: [Main Panel] Javascript error: called zoom out
  • 0014871: [Now Playing] Now Playing shows the wrong track as playing
  • 0014872: [DB / Backup] Deletion of 30 files can take several minutes (or stalls completely)
  • 0014868: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Back/forward arrows are missing in the Properties dialog
  • 0014856: [Codecs] Codec Install: UI Is restarted after Codec pack install
  • 0014348: [General] MicroPlayer implementation
  • 0014869: [Skins] Seek Bar overlaps horizontal scroll bar (when status bar is hidden)
  • 0014844: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Art and Details: Layout Album Art Only shows washed out image (regression)
  • 0014857: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Album Art Lookup: Some Images Can't be downloaded
  • 0014810: [Track Browser] Selection changes / tracklist scrolls by itself in some cases
  • 0014779: [Track Browser] Album mode: For certain artists albums don't initially display
  • 0014840: [DB / Backup] Library scan Fail in some cases
  • 0014855: [Main Panel] Tooltips duplicate status indicator
  • 0014850: [Track Browser] Folders fail to refresh on tag update
  • 0014863: [Main Panel] Cloud and online YouTube tracks are listed between deadlinks
  • 0014862: [Other] Changing found online artist by "Wrong artist" dropdown does not work
  • 0014854: [Track Browser] Screen updates should be hidden during certain DB operations
  • 0014851: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Library scan Throw error on Scan
  • 0014852: [Playback] MPC files not playable
  • 0014837: [Playback] Crossfade: Setting crossfade in Output plugin do not take effect
  • 0014832: [General] Closing application during starting video playback leads to crash
  • 0014428: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Some Artist Artwork fails to lookup
  • 0014843: [Tracklist] Tracklist clears itself when track edits cause any track in the view to no longer match the view criteria
  • 0014835: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Attempting to select (and edit) multiple items --> crash
  • 0013727: [Track Browser] Most views are missing artwork
  • 0014822: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] TV Series: Listing do not show when switching views
  • 0014751: [Playback] Switching from Chromecast playback to Internal player --> crash
  • 0014750: [Skins] Monkey Groove: menu bar hover is 1-pixel off
  • 0014818: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Uncaught error: when editing date in-place
  • 0014819: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Properties of the currently playing track should be editable via the player
  • 0014787: [General] Crash on first run after clean install
  • 0014777: [General] Leaking *.tmp and *.xml files in the temp directory
  • 0008196: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Add <Media> as Mask for Auto-Organize
  • 0014803: [Track Browser] Uncaught error: upon navigating to TV series
  • 0014781: [Main Panel] Large tooltips displaying badly
  • 0014392: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Editing properties that aren't saved to tags triggers tag update
  • 0014346: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Press INS --> takes > 1s for the Add/Scan dialog to open
  • 0014794: [Podcasts] Podacasts context menu has an empty menu item
  • 0014792: [Track Browser] Uncaught error: Cnnot read property 'objectType' of undefined
  • 0014793: [Podcasts] Uncaught error: when updating all podcasts in podcasts view
  • 0014795: [Playback] Switch skins while video plays: video stops displaying
  • 0008155: [Tracklist] Column Browser: Missing features
  • 0014801: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Crash on initial run following DB import (was Crash during scans)
  • 0014767: [Other] Crash On close: Crash if close MM5 when Thumbs are created
  • 0014738: [Skins] Skin change crashes MM5
  • 0014771: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Video Windowed mode: navigation/breadcrumb bar artifacts
  • 0014776: [Main Panel] Borderless skins: Window cannot be moved by dragging the title bar
  • 0014006: [Main Panel] Customization and Tweaks re. management of in-app windows
  • 0014780: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Hovering over searchbar doesn't show search tip (legend) like in MM4
  • 0014324: [DB / Backup] "Out of memory" error when rebuilding very large database
  • 0014752: [Track Browser] Youtube: Clicking an album can result in an Uncought Error crash
  • 0014765: [Main Panel] Crash in Google Drive > All tracks (regression in 2100)
  • 0014754: [Playback] Videos aren't centered within the A&D window
  • 0014728: [Tracklist] Tracklist contents can appear off the left margin
  • 0014757: [Main Panel] Downloads node is visible only on the first tab
  • 0014764: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Folder Browser: Crash on views that still loads
  • 0014743: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-Suggestion in Multi-File edit can trigger crash
  • 0014746: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] First scan on clean install stalls
  • 0014718: [Playback] Instability when playing/navigating youtube tracks (regression)
  • 0014744: [General] Play Album => 0. track in taskbar
  • 0014161: [General] Now Playing button functionality
  • 0014703: [Now Playing] Show/Hide Now Playing actually is Right Panel Toggle
  • 0014731: [Main Panel] Make borderless as a default
  • 0014742: [Sync] Auto-sync list: selecting all playlists fails
  • 0014730: [Sync] Minor UI issues in Sync configuration panels
  • 0014736: [General] Crash on termination
  • 0014727: [General] Error: Last known Callstack: Script:file:///controls/popupmenu.js
  • 0014723: [Tracklist] UI fails to respond to double-click in tracklist (youtube)
  • 0014732: [Playback] Crash when switching skins and a track is playing
  • 0014721: [General] Rebuild database progress dialog is much too big (regression)
  • 0014722: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Contextual search fails when apostrophe is included
  • 0014729: [Sync] 'Set formats' for Google Drive --> Uncaught error: Parameter types of function indexOf don't match
  • 0014725: [General] Double-clicking title bar doesn't maximize/minimize as expected
  • 0014702: [Skinning framework] View headers misaligned
  • 0014713: [Playback] Crash when closing app and YouTube track is playing
  • 0014719: [Track Browser] Never-ending hourglass related to Google Drive (regression)
  • 0014674: [Skinning framework] Issues when switching skins
  • 0014685: [General] Slow NP rendering
  • 0014678: [Playlists] Track ordering problems in 'Playlists Panel'
  • 0014680: [Podcasts] Uncaught Error: "ListView.restoreState: dataSource unassigned !"
  • 0014679: [Playlists] Wording change re. playlist editing
  • 0014675: [Now Playing] 'Always show tray icon' doesn't work
  • 0014664: [Sync] Crash on sync to Google Drive
  • 0014667: [Skins] Tabs and Headers formatting
  • 0014666: [General] Add tab --> crash
  • 0014670: [General] Playlist title edit don't work well
  • 0014671: [Track Browser] Uncaught Error: "ListView.restoreState: dataSource unassigned !"
  • 0014646: [General] Crash in Options > Hotkeys (for no longer existing actions)
  • 0014635: [Playback] Player Quick Switch: there should be a way to Quick Switch player output
  • 0014369: [General] Unite Album image menus
  • 0014648: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] EQ: UI is not complete
  • 0014469: [General] Album view doesn't reflect track changes
  • 0014655: [Main Panel] Add popups to other persons (like Composer)
  • 0014657: [Main Panel] Add Album & Tracks view into playlist
  • 0014656: [General] Crash on filter by Playlist
  • 0014610: [Podcasts] Editing podcast results in duplicate (regression)
  • 0014591: [Main Panel] "Renderer is killed" exceptions when main window is closed while a (non-modal) dialog is opened
  • 0014582: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Error during scan of network drive (videos)
  • 0014578: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Navigation of paths in the breadcrumbs bar is cumbersome because it takes up so much space
  • 0014588: [General] Sub-menus often fails to open
  • 0014584: [General] Crash on startup
  • 0014586: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Scanning from Google Play Music no longer works (regression)
  • 0014616: [General] Album view: tracks does not respect collection condition
  • 0014511: [General] Repeated right-click doesn't work well
  • 0014470: [General] Button alignment is wrong
  • 0014516: [Main Panel] Art & Details window: Advancing to next playing track changes artwork also in the 'Selected' mode
  • 0014580: [Main Panel] Opening in Music --> 'Cannot read property of 'btn' of undefined error'
  • 0014575: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Difficult to navigate 'up' a directory level (or node) when paths are truncated
  • 0014577: [Track Browser] Media Tree settings are lost and errors occur
  • 0014555: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Art And Details: Resizing crashes MediaMonkey
  • 0014562: [General] App startup crash when using old persistent.JSON
  • 0014561: [Playlists] Autoplaylist sort direction functionality can disappear
  • 0014569: [Playback] MM crashes on close when video playback is near to end
  • 0014565: [Install/Config] Scan options: missing text in 'Set Formats' settings
  • 0014567: [Sync] Clicking [Apply] on another tab then Summary causes device name to disappear
  • 0014566: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Default auto-playlists are outdated
  • 0014560: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Changing auto-playlist sort rules causes endless 'reading files...' threads
  • 0014558: [Other] Errors when first running build 2084
  • 0014546: [DB / Backup] Scanning for files has no effect (regression)
  • 0014503: [Other] Thumbs are sometimes saved in full resolution (regression)
  • 0014328: [Playback] Now Playing view needs view switcher
  • 0014509: [Main Panel] Crash when switching to Touch mode
  • 0014525: [General] Auto-Organize doesn't persist Copy/Move selection
  • 0014524: [Track Browser] Selection fail to update the Art and Details dialog
  • 0014522: [General] Random crash in Folders
  • 0014523: [General] Find more from... crash
  • 0014512: [Sync] Remove 'Grant Remove Access' where it doesn't make sense
  • 0014529: [General] Chromecast no longer works
  • 0014541: [Main Panel] View selector disappears on tab close
  • 0014542: [Conversion/Leveling] Convert files using replace originals results in crash and file lost!
  • 0013579: [General] Options > Metadata Lookup isn't respected
  • 0014425: [Playback] Crashes/Freezes when tagging artwork while playing
  • 0014549: [Main Panel] Renaming a folder doesn't update file paths in listing
  • 0014500: [General] Tree Configuration problems
  • 0014446: [General] Artists view isn't updated
  • 0014330: [General] Filtering is reset sometimes
  • 0013573: [Now Playing] Visual bookmark indicator like in MMA
  • 0014377: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Search results presentation
  • 0014445: [Main Panel] Album+Tracks: artwork can get truncated
  • 0014458: [General] Art&Details doesn't work well with multiple tabs.
  • 0014453: [Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters] Search string should be cleared after use
  • 0014451: [Main Panel] Tracklist has sometimes empty lines
  • 0014450: [General] Automatic Column Widths shouldn't be global
  • 0013899: [Main Panel] Horizontal scroll at bottom of Filelist in Browser View
  • 0014426: [Playback] Attempting to play track with dead links fails in unexpected ways
  • 0014443: [Main Panel] Art & Details: "Side by side" layout shows artwork only for the first track of an album (regression)
  • 0014441: [DB / Backup] Rebuild database cause crash
  • 0014431: [Track Browser] Albums view: AlbumArtistName appears as AlbumName if Album Artist is unknown
  • 0014439: [Extensions framework] trackModified and artworkModified properties are not accessible from JS
  • 0014421: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Using properties option on Empty track list crashes MM
  • 0014424: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Contextual search can shift menu-breadcrumb bar making Home|Forward|Back inaccessible
  • 0014430: [Main Panel] Uncaught error: "Cannot read property 'controlCLass' of undefined"
  • 0014410: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto tag is not available on tree nodes
  • 0014406: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Exiting properties UI can crash
  • 0014407: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Changing Type Can cause crash
  • 0014403: [Playback] Initiating of cloud playback takes long time
  • 0014404: [Main Panel] MM can freeze when opening dialog
  • 0014391: [General] Non-library content don't show thumbs
  • 0014396: [Main Panel] Cannot read properties 'then 1' error on startup
  • 0014376: [Playlists] Generate image doesn't work for auto-playlists
  • 0014111: [General] Youtube tracks handling
  • 0014363: [Playback] Playback: Playback should continue from Seek Bar position
  • 0014380: [Playback] Taskbar Thumbnail Distorted on Windows 10 Creators Update
  • 0014356: [Sync] "Send to > Device" sends only tracks (not playlist)
  • 0014371: [DB / Backup] Filtering persistence problem
  • 0014368: [Other] Esc doesn't work in 'No Audio CD found' dialog
  • 0014362: [Extensions framework] Scripting: Cover objects return invalid json
  • 0014352: [Track Browser] Performance / stability issues when navigating Folders nodes
  • 0014199: [FileMonitor / Find Missing] Adding To library: Using INS to scan single folder to library also scans previous selection folders
  • 0014342: [Main Panel] Crash on switch between List and Browser view
  • 0014341: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Auto-tag from web isn't working
  • 0014321: [Main Panel] In place editing fails / breaks selection
  • 0014332: [General] Generic Filtering and in-view Filtering conflicts
  • 0014317: [Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus] Album View: MM Crashes when openning Album details if PC is offline
  • 0014318: [Main Panel] Duplicate content view does not work
  • 0014308: [Main Panel] Tracklist sort order not remembered in view history
  • 0014302: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Scan continuously does not appear to work right
  • 0014298: [Tracklist] Newly defined tracklist columns are not visible until deleting old persistent.json
  • 0014273: [Playback] Playback: Playing video files can crash MM (regression)
2100 issues View Issues
  • 0019522: [General] Add Bomb Icon replacement instead of 0 stars
1 issue View Issues
  • 0018722: [Tagging / Organizing] 3D Album View: Crash on view change for playlist, when tracklist is enabled
  • 0018744: [Tagging / Organizing] Extra Large Font Size 1.0 addon crashes MM5
2 issues View Issues
  • 0018614: [Tagging / Organizing] Split Multi Value fields addon do not Have Icon
  • 0017830: [General] Edit tag script: Clean multiple attributes
  • 0017829: [General] Edit tag script: Split Artists from Title
  • 0018521: [General] Split Artist from Title addon do not Have Icon
  • 0017880: [General] Material Design Compact: Add compact mode in a setting accessible in the View submenu
  • 0018512: [General] Split Featured Artist from title to Artist gets confused when "Left" is in the title
6 issues View Issues
  • 0017882: [General] Add further sources to showLinks addon
  • 0017873: [General] ShowLinks fails in Playing
2 issues View Issues
  • 0017190: [General] Arrows in the showLinks addon look bad in material design skins
1 issue View Issues
Not Yet Released
  • 0017950: [Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)] Freedb Lookup is broken (MM Server issue)
1 issue View Issues
  • 0019126: [General] Crash during ALAC file conversion
  • 0019221: [General] Codec pack Icon is rendered incorrectly
2 issues View Issues
  • 0017718: [General] Update LAV filters in codec pack
  • 0018377: [General] M4A: Some downloaded M4A can crash MM
2 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
  • 0017569: [General] Convert WEBM/VP9 video file Crashes MM5
  • 0017002: [General] Volume leveling hangs for specific track
  • 0015640: [General] M4A: M4A files with Id3 tag fail to play and crash MM
3 issues View Issues