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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0020801MMW 5Generalpublic2024-04-25 10:42
Reporterzvezdan Assigned To 
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Fixed in Version5.1 
Summary0020801: listview classes or data attributes for grid views and simplified lists needed
DescriptionlvItems that are inside grid views have griditem class and could be skinned easily as such. However, the listviews don't have any unique identification if they contain a grid, which could help in skinning these listviews differently than those that contain rows.

I suppose that one listview could contain only one kind of items, e.g. one listview cannot have both grid items and row items. So, it makes that the listviews have a class or data attribute which could tell what kind of listview is.

Currently, my skin is using bunch of data-id's of listviews that have a grid view, something like:
[data-id$=Grid], [data-id$=GridView], [data-control-class=NodeListView]:not([data-id$=_RowNodeList]), [data-id=viewControl_albumlist]

but I am sure there are many others that I am missing.

Well, maybe I could use :has() pseudo-class to determine if a listview contains any lvItem having griditem class, but that wouldn't be any simpler than my current solution and, in that case, my skin wouldn't work properly with MM having Chromium < 105.

The simplified lists, as in Playing panel and playlist editor, could also have their own classes or data attributes that could tell what kind of list is inside them.
Fixed in build3016


related to 0020790 closedmichal Margins of Grid view cannot be skinned properly 



2024-04-22 11:38

developer   ~0075189

Fixed in build 3016. Added new classes:
'grid' - Listview containing items of type 'griditem' (instead of standard 'rowitem')
'onerow' - added to 'grid' when limited to one row (used in browser views)
'nodelist' - Listview displaying icon nodes, like rating, folders, decades, classifications
'smallitems' - added to 'nodelist', if grid is displaying smaller icons instead of standard size, used for Media Nodes in collections.
'simpletracklist' - simplified tracklist used in Playlist panel or in 'Playing'
'multirow' - simplified tracklist in multirow mode (one item in 2 rows)
'onerow' - simplified tracklist in one row mode
'fixedcols' - simplified tracklist in one row mode displaying values to separated columns


2024-04-22 13:19

updater   ~0075191



2024-04-25 10:42

developer   ~0075274

Verified 3016