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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0020688MMW 5Generalpublic2024-04-24 20:53
Reporterzvezdan Assigned To 
Status closedResolutionreopened 
Target Version2024.0Fixed in Version2024.0 
Summary0020688: Files can be dragged in Tag from filename (and similar dialogs)
DescriptionI don't think that drag&drop of files in Tag from filename dialog box has any purpose, and it should be disabled. Or, the program could move the related row in case that user drag just one file from a pair. Since files in that dialog box are displayed as a pair of rows, the current implementation could lead to some strange situations when the related rows are not one after another, e.g. if you displace just one row from a pair.

The files in Organize files and Auto-tag dialog boxes have also drag&drop ability (why?), but it doesn't have such strange effect as with the Tag from filename, since these are not represented as double rows.
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files
Fixed in build3016



2024-04-23 16:25

developer   ~0075222

Good catch, disabled D&D in all three mentioned dialogs..

Fixed in 3016


2024-04-23 17:18

updater   ~0075224

Since you are already at it, you could do the same for Auto-tag and Convert format dialog boxes, unless there is some specific reason for them to have D&D. Maybe you could do that even for Case Checker and other tracklists in dialog boxes (the tracklist in my add-on has the same unwanted thing). Or, you could make D&D configurable to listviews with a new option in data-init-params.


2024-04-23 19:19

developer   ~0075225

Last edited: 2024-04-23 19:20

Fixed for all mentioned dialogs..

The new options is:
data-init-params="{disableDragNDrop: true}


2024-04-24 20:53

developer   ~0075253

Verified on 3016, except for Case Checker which I assume needs to implement this in the Addon instead.