View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0020934MMW 5Now Playingpublic2024-05-27 00:19
Reporterrusty Assigned To 
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version5.1 
Target Version5.1Fixed in Version5.1 
Summary0020934: Playing doesn't switch focus to the currently playing track when sort order |= play order
DescriptionIf the user initiates playback of 100 tracks and sorts the Playing list by something other than Play order (e.g. by Title), then when the next track starts playing, MM fails to switch focus to the track in the Playing panel (i.e. the Playing track is highlighted, but the list doesn't display it in view).
Additional Information (part of issue 2)
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in build3022


related to 0018988 resolvedmichal Make Shuffle mode display track order (and related improvements) 



2024-05-23 11:38

developer   ~0075485

Fixed in build 3022. It was intentional, as resorting in playing list usually means, that user is working with the list and does not want automatic scroll, but implemented, we will see.


2024-05-27 00:19

developer   ~0075556

Verified 3024