View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0020893MMW 5Now Playingpublic2024-05-17 17:30
Reporterzvezdan Assigned To 
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version2024.0 
Target Version2024.0Fixed in Version2024.0 
Summary0020893: Double click on file in Playing panel executes Default action (regression b3018)
DescriptionWith the 3018, double click on file in the Playing panel executes the command set in the Default action in Options dialog box (which is Edit Properties in my case). Up until now, it just started playback of that file.

Is this a feature of the new version? I think that Default action option should not apply for double clicks in the Playing panel, as it was before, even in MM<=4.
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in build3021


related to 0020864 closedLudek Playing list: Default action is not respected (Party Mode) 



2024-05-02 15:00

developer   ~0075327

Last edited: 2024-05-02 15:01

Testing MM4 and Zvezdan is right that double-click action performed on Now playing list still executes 'Play now' even if 'Edit Properties' is defined as the default double-click action in Options > Player

Is this intentional?
I would rather say that it was bug even in MM4 and the double-click action should be always respected according to Options (fix of 0020864) ?


2024-05-10 23:39

administrator   ~0075400

Last edited: 2024-05-10 23:41

I think that the MM4 behavior is correct since in the context of the Playing list, most would expect that double-clicking (or pressing ENTER on) a track would initiate playback of that track (i.e. leaving the order of the playing list as is, but playing the clicked file). Moreover, it could result in some problematic behavior in cases where the default action is Play Now / Clear list and play selected only.


2024-05-13 18:04

developer   ~0075408

So are you suggesting that 0020864 should be reverted?
Isn't it desirable in party mode with 'default action' set to 'Queue Last' that playback shouldn't be interrupted and the action should be 'Queue Last' no matter on which list it is performed?


2024-05-13 21:38

administrator   ~0075417

Yes, Player Control settings in Party mode should work the same way as they do when Party Mode isn't enabled. i.e. double-clicking a track in the Playing list should always trigger playback of the track (and not wholesale changes to the playing list).

Note: the only difference in Party Mode is that it also has an option to Disable Player controls and track reordering. If that option is enabled, then double-clicking a track in the Playing list should not change which track is playing.


2024-05-14 16:15

developer   ~0075419

ok, fixed in 3021


2024-05-17 17:30

administrator   ~0075446

Verified 3021.

Note: currently, double-clicking in the Playing [List] also plays the clicked track (some users might not expect this in the Playing [List]), though some users will expect this, so we can leave as is for now.