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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0020730MMW 5Extensions frameworkpublic2024-04-26 11:24
Reporterzvezdan Assigned To 
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Fixed in Version2024.0 
Summary0020730: clrRegular class needed (or .clrRegularText or something like that)
DescriptionI am using data-control-class="ColumnTrackList" in my script similarly to Organize dialog box. I would like to turn off the inaccessible color for particular cells, even if they belong to inaccessible files. My script already sets the itemInaccessible class to lvColumnItems using bindData only where it is needed, but the whole rows with inaccessible files are displayed as such, even if the script doesn't assign that class to the particular cell. Which is, of course, generally expected, but in case of my script is not needed.

It would be nice if we have a class that will be something like this:
.clrRegular {
    color: @textColor;

 I could use textColor class instead, but it changes background color as well. Actually, if you add the suggested class, maybe you could rewrite textColor class like this:
.textColor {
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in build3017



2024-04-25 16:55

developer   ~0075285

OK, added as suggested in build 3017
image.png (6,622 bytes)   
image.png (6,622 bytes)   


2024-04-26 11:24

developer   ~0075296

Verified 3017