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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0018496MMW 5Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filterspublic2025-01-17 21:08
Reporterrusty Assigned To 
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Product Version5.0.2 
Target Version2026Fixed in Version2026 
Summary0018496: Manual reloading/refreshing of Auto-Playlists
DescriptionThere was some discussion about the need to be able manually reload auto-playlists for cases where the user doesn't want to configure the playlist to 'Auto-refresh'. Also, it can be _really_ confusing to figure out how to trigger the playlist to completely reload (see 0014553.). It was proposed to use a [Refresh] or [Reload] button along with F5.

This needs to be thought through carefully because:
a) we don't want to imply that the playlist doesn't refresh on it's own--as it does. We'd probably have to review the terminology. eg.
- AutoPlaylists with the 'Select by X (Auto-refresh)' option automatically refresh the playlist each time the playlist is viewed/synced
- AutoPlaylists without 'Auto-refresh' option, automatically 'reload' tracks (?but don't refresh sort order?) when track criteria no longer match
 - manual 'Refresh'
b) F5 has a different effect wrt of refreshing a Playlist view after sorting it with a header (revert to actual play order sort).
Additional Information
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in build3402


related to 0014553 closedLudek Make auto-playlists with random order more persistent 
related to 0016622 closedmichal Now Playing: Unexpected behavior when Changing Sort order 
related to 0017102 closedLudek Playlists: Sort became permanent on Playlist change 
related to 0018528 assignedLudek Auto-Refresh fails if AutoPlaylist is not limited to x files 
related to 0019497 closedLudek Switching tabs triggers auto-refresh of a playlist 
has duplicate 0021056 resolvedLudek Add Refresh list in ⋮ menu 



2023-12-19 19:08

developer   ~0073910

Ctrl+F5 could be used as a force refresh (ie. as Auto-Refresh) like in browsers (so a random limited list would get a new random set), leaving F5 itself to revert sort order to Playlist sort.


2024-06-25 17:01

developer   ~0076163

Last edited: 2024-06-25 17:02

Ctrl+F5 would work, but users would hardly realize that Ctrl+F5 can be used to this..

So the solution could be to have [Random track (auto-refresh)] and [Random track (Ctrl+F5 to refresh)] ?
i.e. just rename
'Random track' => 'Random track (Ctrl+F5 to refresh)' where 'Ctrl+F5 to refresh' would be a new string to localize?


2024-06-25 19:26

developer   ~0076164

Last edited: 2024-06-25 19:27

Good idea, I would also add 0021056 for the users in touch screen mode in order to cover all aspects mouse way and shortcut.


2025-01-17 21:08

developer   ~0077976

Fixed in 3402