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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0021202MMW 5Otherpublic2024-11-12 18:49
Reporterjiri Assigned To 
Status closedResolutionreopened 
Product Version2024.0 
Target Version2024.1Fixed in Version2024.0 
Summary0021202: Improve handling of hard drive serial numbers
DescriptionCurrently, we rely heavily on serial numbers for drive letter assignment. It's usually not that much useful as it used to be for removable media in the past.

One particular area of focus should be that the GetVolumeLabelAndSN( DrvL, DI.VolumeLabel, DI.SerialNumber); call in _UpdateDriveLetters() can be stalled (for several minutes in my case, when a network drive isn't accessible) which causes the whole MM to malfunction (not showing any track related data anywhere in the UI).

We either should get rid of the call for most cases (like for other than removable media??) or run it separatelly in a thread and thus not to block the base processing of the initial accessible media scan.
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in build3054


related to 0021345 closedpetr In certain evironments, upgraded MM installations interfere with Windows Explorer and other apps (regression) 



2024-09-14 13:47

developer   ~0076957

Fixed in 3100

@Jiri: please test whether works OK and we could potentionally merge to 2024


2024-09-16 14:42

developer   ~0076978

Fixed in 3100 and merged to 3054


2024-09-17 08:06

developer   ~0076996

Verified 3054

I have not found any regressions I even went to mounting 8 drives from NAS and Other PC, disconnecting after mounting and then starting MM.

@jiri please retest, I think this works now.


2024-09-17 09:38

administrator   ~0076998

Works fine now, closing.