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0020933MMW 5Generalpublic2024-09-19 12:30
Reporterrusty Assigned To 
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version5.1 
Target Version5.1Fixed in Version5.1 
Summary0020933: Issues with TAB order and Keyboard-only usage of MM 2024
Description1) Main panel TAB navigation: Preview:
a) TAB key fails to navigate to the Preview panel menus
b) TAB key fails to navigate to the Preview window (i.e. if lookup commands are enabled OR if field editing is enabled, there's no way to do so with the keyboard only)

2) Main panel TAB navigation: UI tabs
- Arrows don't navigate to '+' to add a new tab

3) Main panel TAB navigation - Playing Panel:
- there's no way to access the menu (ellipsis)

4) Main panel TAB navigation - Browser views:
a) no way to expand/collapse lists (e.g. list of Artists, list of albums, or Top Tracks)
b) No way to edit Auto-playlists: tab controls don't start in the Info panel, and don't go through each of the buttons (Edit, Play, Play shuffled, Overflow menu)

5) Devices panel
a) On devices panel: no way to 'Show all'
b) After selecting an entry, it's possible to switch between tabs (Summary, Sync list, Sync profile) but it doesn't seem possible to configure anything within the tabs

6) Auto-tag
a) TAB focus is out of order
b) No way to open/edit individual fields

7) Tag from Filename
a) Tab focus is out of order
b) Tab focus skips 'select all'
c) No way to edit individual fields

8) Organize files
- Tab focus is out of order

9) Properties
a) Artwork: Tab focus is out of order
b) Artwork: Tab focus skips Delete, Apply to all files, Browse, Lookup image
c) Custom: Tab focus is out of order
d) Custom: Tab focus skips Extended tag buttons (Add, Edit, Delete)

10) Configuration: in all portions of the UI containing a 'Gear' icon, it doesn't seem possible to select the gear to edit the settings

11) Optimization in order to save on tab presses: In Player, instead of using TAB all the time, perhaps TAB from seekbar, to Play controls, to ratings, to toggles, to Volume.
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in build3051


related to 0018767 resolvedmichal Propertied Dialog: Tab order is not the same as in MM4 
related to 0020806 closedLudek List view doesn't tab into Rating when in-line editing 
related to 0021196 closedpetr MediaMonkey does not get focus on startup (regression) 
parent of 0020964 closedmichal Too much Tab key presses required to cycle all controls 
parent of 0020443 closedmichal Preview in Advanced layout should allow moving between fields with arrow keys when Allow edits is turned on 
parent of 0021079 closedmichal Focus is lost on track transitions (regression) 
related to 0020967 assignedmichal Issue with tab key when popup is opened in grid 
related to 0021195 assignedrusty Further improvements to TAB order / Keyboard-only usage of MMW 



2024-05-22 20:44

administrator   ~0075482

I think that this should be fixed if it's low risk.


2024-05-24 08:59

developer   ~0075531

1-3 fixed in build 3023. In 2 Tab used for navigation, arrows change active tab and "+" button is in fact separate button for adding new tab, it would be problematic to implement it for arrows.


2024-07-11 16:20

developer   ~0076266

Most of the rest fixed in build 3036. What is missing:
11) Player controls now still use TAB, we could change it in the next release, but it is quite significant change now for 2024 and could be confusing, to be discussed for the next release after 2024..
12) navigation in grouped tracklists (including the one in 6) auto-tag dialog) is confusing, because the keyboard focus is invisible by default, as it is "hidden" in grouped columns and user has to press right arrow twice to make it visible in the first "standard" tracklist column. To be fixed by Petr.
13) "Select all" checkbox in the gridview headers is now accessible after the main gridview area, not before. This is problematic to change, it is more safe to leave it now as it is, it is at least accessible now by TAB key.
14) Search/filter editor is currently quite hardcoded to use mouse and it is not possible to make it easily working from keyboard without reworking/rethinking part of functionality and it will probably need to add some special support to dropdown control. Postponed after 2024 release.


2024-07-12 14:12

developer   ~0076273

In build 3037 settings icon in menus can be "presssed" by Right arrow key.


2024-07-17 14:57

administrator   ~0076301

Last edited: 2024-07-17 17:07

Tested 3036 and noticed that:
6b) There still no way to edit individual fields in the Auto-tag dialog (f2 has no effect unless the mouse is first used to click a field)
15) When navigating to Options > Collections and Views, it takes about 15 TABs to get to the OK/Cancel buttons and it's unclear why because MM doesn't show anything getting focused in the UI

Re-assigning back to Michal.


2024-07-17 16:16

developer   ~0076304

Last edited: 2024-07-17 17:00

15) it is problem with the gridview there (every checkbox generates "fake" focus stop), not sure if I manage to fix it quickly


2024-07-17 17:27

developer   ~0076306

Last edited: 2024-07-17 17:27

15) fixed in build 3037.
6b) is caused by problem described in 12 - you need to press right arrow until getting focus to the part with track columns, then F2 works as expected.


2024-07-18 22:30

administrator   ~0076342

Tested 3037 and summarized the remaining open issues:

The following are most urgent--please Triage:
6b) You're correct that it's possible to edit edit individual fields in the Auto-tag dialog, but no user will realize how to do so since it requires pressing the RIGHT ARROW 3 times in order to the fields to become in focus

7b) Tabbing to the Rating causes the stars to become invisible (i.e. it's impossible to see what ratings are being changed)

The following are less urgent:
1c) Originally issue 4. from 0020964: In the Preview panel, the Playing/Selected toggle and layout button should not get tab stops, they should be reachable by using left/right arrow keys after Preview menu button gets focus, just like you use these keys to move between toolbar buttons in the main toolbar.

2) The '+' Tab still requires TAB (unlike other tabs which use ARROW).

4c) Originally issue 4. from 0020964: Navigation of buttons (Play, Shuffle, Overflow) in views that have the Info Panel element enabled should be able to use ARROW like other UI elements within the view.

5c) On the devices Panel, TAB must currently be used instead of ARROW to switch from Music to Music subnodes (applies to all Collection nodes)

11). Within the player there may be room to replace TABs with ARROWs except before each control that requires ARROW keys.
8. Custom Toolbar: ARROWs are now implemented, but so are TABs!

12) navigation in grouped tracklists (including the one in 6) auto-tag dialog) is confusing, because the keyboard focus is invisible by default, as it is "hidden" in grouped columns and user has to press right arrow twice to make it visible in the first "standard" tracklist column. To be fixed by Petr.
13) "Select all" checkbox in the gridview headers is now accessible after the main gridview area, not before. This is problematic to change, it is more safe to leave it now as it is, it is at least accessible now by TAB key.
14) Search/filter editor is currently quite hardcoded to use mouse and it is not possible to make it easily working from keyboard without reworking/rethinking part of functionality and it will probably need to add some special support to dropdown control. Postponed after 2024


2024-09-06 14:59

developer   ~0076878

6b) and 12) fixed in build 3051.
7b) seems to be already fixed, or please specify to what rating, where, is it referred to.


2024-09-06 15:03

developer   ~0076879

Resolving, as urgent things for 2024 version should be fixed, please test.


2024-09-06 21:38

administrator   ~0076891

Verified 6b, 7b, and 12 in build 3051.

Remaining issues are:

1c) Originally issue 4. from 0020964: In the Preview panel, the Playing/Selected toggle and layout button should not get tab stops, they should be reachable by using left/right arrow keys after Preview menu button gets focus, just like you use these keys to move between toolbar buttons in the main toolbar.

2) The '+' Tab still requires TAB (unlike other tabs which use ARROW).

4c) Originally issue 4. from 0020964: Navigation of buttons (Play, Shuffle, Overflow) in views that have the Info Panel element enabled should be able to use ARROW like other UI elements within the view.

5c) On the devices Panel, TAB must currently be used instead of ARROW to switch from Music to Music subnodes (applies to all Collection nodes)

8). Custom Toolbar: ARROWs are implemented, but so are TABs!

11). Within the player there may be room to replace TABs with ARROWs except before each control that requires ARROW keys.

13) "Select all" checkbox in the gridview headers is now accessible after the main gridview area, not before. This is problematic to change, it is more safe to leave it now as it is, it is at least accessible now by TAB key.
14) Search/filter editor is currently quite hardcoded to use mouse and it is not possible to make it easily working from keyboard without reworking/rethinking part of functionality and it will probably need to add some special support to dropdown control. Postponed after 2024


2024-09-06 21:43

administrator   ~0076892

Closing. Remaining issues tracked at 0021195.