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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0020443MMW 5Main Panelpublic2024-07-13 15:53
Reporterzvezdan Assigned To 
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version2024.0 
Target Version2024.0Fixed in Version2024.0 
Summary0020443: Preview in Advanced layout should allow moving between fields with arrow keys when Allow edits is turned on
DescriptionPreview panel in Advanced layout when Allow edits is turned on could be used to fast edit tags instead of Properties dialog box. It would be nice if moving the keyboard focus from one field to another could be done by using up/down keys, without requiring mouse for such operation.
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in build3036


related to 0020623 closedLudek Inline editable fields loose mouse cursor pointer and other skinning features 
related to 0020624 closedLudek Inline editable fields doesn't show Cut/Copy/Paste/Select All popup menu in all places 
related to 0020512 feedbackrusty Fields in Preview panel with "Allow edits" should have dropdown lists 
related to 0020964 closedmichal Too much Tab key presses required to cycle all controls 
related to 0021079 closedmichal Focus is lost on track transitions (regression) 
child of 0020933 closedmichal Issues with TAB order and Keyboard-only usage of MM 2024 



2024-07-04 18:05

developer   ~0076225

Fixed in build 3035. Arrow are used for navigation inside Preview window, F2 starts editing, Enter for confirming edited value, Esc for reverting of original value during edit. Enter also presses hyperlinks in Preview window.


2024-07-04 19:23

updater   ~0076226

Just one question. How is it now implemented start of editing by mouse?

Currently, it is enough just one click on a field, and I could start typing in it. Or, maybe it is now needed to use two slow clicks, just like the start of editing fields in the tracklists and the titles of nodes in the Tree.

I am asking this because of the mouse cursor. If it is one click enough to give keyboard focus to the field, then the mouse cursor should be the I-beam over the fields. However, if two slow clicks are needed, the mouse cursor cannot be the I-beam anymore.


2024-07-04 21:31

developer   ~0076235

I'm not seeing any navigation between fields with arrow keys in Preview (in either allow edits enabled or disabled modes). However you can't select a field in Preview in the first place like in the Filelisting.

Implementing Tab when in-line edit is on seems more useful. This is also consistent with both the Filelisting and Properties.


2024-07-05 04:00

administrator   ~0076242

LL, fyi the reason for the suggestion for not using TAB between fields is because doing so makes it difficult to navigate between all of the various sections of the UI (see 0020964). We'll leave it up to Martin to decide on the best approach here (there are technical issues as well as usability issues).

As to the implementation, it's really not working in build 3035:
- if the user has mouse-clicked a Preview field to edit it, it's not possible to switch to other fields!
- if the user has navigated using TAB to the editable Preview fields, it's possible to switch to other fields using TAB, but there's no obvious way to edit them!


2024-07-05 07:20

updater   ~0076243

I think lowlander is right and maybe Tab could be used to select another field, just like it is possible in the tracklist. However, when using the Tab key in the tracklist, there are actually two different cases.

Let say that I have Tree panel on the right, the tracklist in the middle (without Info panel or anything else), and the Playing list on the right, and let say that the Tree panel has a keyboard focus:
1-st case:
- press Tab -> the tracklist gets focus;
- press Tab -> the Playing panel gets focus.

2-nd case (again, the Tree panel has a focus):
- press Tab -> the tracklist gets focus;
- press F2 to start editing;
- press Tab -> the focus is transferred to the next field, not to the Playing list; pressing Tab again and again changes focus to the other fields (until the last one in a row);
- press Esc;
- press Tab -> the Playing panel gets focus.

Maybe the Preview panel could have the same sequence of tabs as it is implemented with the tracklist with these two different cases, and then there will not be issue with 0020964.


2024-07-09 09:49

developer   ~0076256

Improved in build 3036. Now is uses also TAB as described by zvezdan. TAB moves focus to the first item inside Preview panel, arrows move focus through the clickable and editable items then, F2 in "Allow edits" mode starts editing, then in this editing mode TAB moves focus to the next item and automatically starts editing, just like in tracklists. Enter/Esc ends edit mode. It works now also after starting edit of some field by mouse click. I.e. user can click item - edit - press TAB and edit next item - etc., and in the end press Enter and exit edit mode of items.


2024-07-12 19:00

administrator   ~0076275

Verified 3036.