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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0020685MMW 5Generalpublic2024-05-23 21:36
Reporterzvezdan Assigned To 
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version2024.0 
Target Version2024.0Fixed in Version2024.0 
Summary0020685: Album art is not alwys displayed for some tracks
DescriptionThis is random and quite irritating. It happens with Preview panel and/or mini player. Sometimes one is displayed correctly, but not another. It happens with playing tracks and selected tracks. There is also the Artwork: Lookup info row in Preview if Advanced layout is chosen. However, the track has artwork already stored in tag and it also has Folder.jpg in the same folder. When I open Properties dialog box, it can be seen on the Artwork page just fine. This happens for files already stored to the Library and for files in Folders that are not added.

I tried clearing completely the Thumbs folder form the Portable folder, restarting program multiple times, without help. Then I opened again the Properties dialog, turned off and on the "Apply to all files in the Album/Series" option, confirmed on OK and then there it appears!

Why the artwork should be assigned to all files from the same album to be seen? What if I don't want that other files are affected? Isn't enough if it is already stored in tag to be displayed? Not to mention that it has also Folder.jpg in the same folder.
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in build3021


related to 0020736 closedLudek Artwork in file tags is listed as the last and not added to DB (regression against 5.0.4) 
related to 0020686 closedLudek Folder.jpg is not displayed, but other bitmap files from the same folder 
related to 0020352 closedLudek Show dropdown in Addon dialog box doesn't work correctly, i.e. it empties the list 



2024-03-05 15:56

developer   ~0074486

I am unable to replicate :-/

BTW: " "Apply to all files in the Album/Series" option" should have no effect as in the 'Preview' panel the thumb is shown per track (not per album)

Could you please share more info?
Ideally screencast video ( plus debug log, sample tracks) so that we could replicate and fix this issue?



2024-03-05 17:49

updater   ~0074489

Again, as with another related issue, I am unable to replicate it right now either, that is why I marked this issue as random reproducibility ;)

As soon as it happens again, I will post a screencast and log, but that maybe would not happen for days.


2024-03-07 11:36

developer   ~0074518

Assigned to you for letting us when it happens again.


2024-03-28 21:57

updater   ~0074851

@Ludek, please let me know when you have downloaded the log file.


2024-04-02 18:14

developer   ~0074932

It looks like the reason is regression : 0020736

Can you confirm whether removing the affected file(s) from the library and re-scan does fix the issue?


2024-04-02 19:06

updater   ~0074936

Last edited: 2024-04-02 19:17

I just removed and added the same file, then restarted the program. Then I opened and closed the Addons dialog box 4 times. On the 4-th opening, the addon thumbnails was missing in that dialog box, and Lyrics is missing in the Properties dialog box, but it is still displayed on the main window (1-st screenshot).

After I choose Quick window reload with the Refresh Skin Shortcut add-on, Lyrics is missing in the Properties dialog and everywhere in the main window, artwork is missing everywhere in the main window, but not in Properties dialog (2-nd screenshot);

After changing the skin, everything is the same as on the second screenshot (3-rd screenshot).

After restart, everything is fine.

I just tried again the same steps, but without using Refresh Skin Shortcut add-on, to eliminate its influence, and after changing the skin I got the same situation as on the 3-rd screenshot.

Keep in mind i am using the last released version (3005), but you are mentioning 3006 in the linked issue.


2024-04-02 19:41

updater   ~0074937

If you are still missing the point of my reports, I think you should not question if the artwork is stored to the DB, since the same file is displaying its artwork after restart just fine.

The main question is why opening and closing the Addons dialog box is causing disappearance of all the mentioned elements (addon thumbnails, artowrk in some places and Lyrics in some places).

Also, I think it is unlikely that such thing as missing artwork in DB could cause disappearance of Lyrics in specific situations that i was able to reproduce.


2024-04-03 06:14

updater   ~0074947

Last edited: 2024-04-03 06:20

I noticed just now. If you look at the second and third screenshots, you will see the Preview panel completely empty, having just the svg of the unknown artwork. It has not missing only artwork, but also the other tags that you could see on the first and fourth screenshots. The layout of the Preview panel is Advanced and it is unchanged on these screenshots.

However, you are right about one thing. This all started with 5.1: it seems that didn't have this problem (I tried multiple times to open/close its Addons dialog box and nothing was missing after that), but had it. Even the problem with Show dropdown in Addons dialog box, which I mentioned in the 0020352 issue, started with 5.1.


2024-05-13 14:28

developer   ~0075405

Last edited: 2024-05-13 14:31

Fixed in build 3021. I have finally reproduced the problem with Addon dialog (causing also subsequent blocking of some tasks like loading covers) a found cause, which most probably caused also 0020352.


2024-05-23 21:36

developer   ~0075499

Verified 3021