View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0020250MMW 5Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)public2024-02-18 18:55
Reporterrusty Assigned To 
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version5.0.4 
Target Version2024.0Fixed in Version2024.0 
Summary0020250: Audiobooks: Author field maps to composer
DescriptionThe Properties dialog correctly indicates fields for audiobooks:

Title (title, episode title)
Artist(s) (narrator; performer)
Album (book title; performance)
Album Artist(s) (author; performer)

BUT, the tracklist shows Author for the Composer field! (if anything, Author should replace the Album Artist field for Audiobooks)!
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in build2817


related to 0016522 resolvedLudek Make it easier for users to understand what metadata fits into each field for AudioBooks 
related to 0020284 resolveddrakinite 'Edit tags' menu throws error [Regression 2817] 



2023-09-22 13:15

developer   ~0072854

I don't get it.

1) In tracklist the 'Author' and 'Composer' fields are identical AFAIK
2) What exactly do you mean by "Author should replace the Album Artist field for Audiobooks"
Are you referring only in the Properties dialog? Shouldn't be rather Composer replaced by Author in Properties (for audiobooks)?
And what about tracklists with mixed content, I guess 'Album Artist' needs to be consistent column for mixed content (like Playlist).

So I guess the only change needed is to replace Composer(s) by Author (in Properties for Audiobooks?)


2023-09-22 14:48

administrator   ~0072859

Sorry for the lack of clarity--I meant something completely different:
1) Yes--the fact that they're identical is the bug. i.e. the Properties dialog is correct and the tracklist headers are incorrect.
2) I meant that in the Tracklist:
- We can delete the Author field (since in the Properties dialog uses 'Album Artist' for authors)
- OR if we decide to retain it for Audiobooks views, the Author field should display the contents of the 'Album Artist' field (rather than the 'Composer' field).


2023-09-22 16:10

developer   ~0072860

ok, so removed the 'Author' column and left only 'Composer' there

=> Fixed in 2817


2024-02-18 18:55

developer   ~0074310

Verified 2834