View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0019724MMANow Playingpublic2025-01-03 11:57
Reporterpeke Assigned To 
Status feedbackResolutionopen 
Product Version2.0.0 
Target Version2.0.3 
Summary0019724: Small devices: Playing > Queue shows only 4 tracks
DescriptionIn MMA 2, the Now Playing list queue only shows 4 tracks on small devices, making it difficult to navigate the list and/or to move items around within the list.

It should be possible to display more tracks.
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files
Fixed in build


related to 0019679 feedbackmartin Small devices: little space is available to browse content 
related to 0019663 feedbackmartin Landscape view: little space is available to browse/view content 
related to 0020003 resolvedmartin Small devices: Stars block album art in Playing > Art view (regression) 
related to 0020713 closedmartin Playing: show time remaining 



2023-01-15 03:19

administrator   ~0070912

Last edited: 2023-05-08 15:12

Note that MMA 2 already has a Home > Playing Queue view that's exactly as suggested by Peke. Nonetheless, one could argue that:
- That view isn't easily discoverable from the Playing > Queue view
- That view shouldn't differ from the Playing > Queue view (the two probably should be identical in the long term)

The current approach in the Playing > Queue is designed to:
- include more controls in the Playing view (Back/Repeat/Random) since this was a common problem with MMA 1.x (one of the most common problems was 'how do enable shuffle')
- Have a common layout for metadata across all NP Tabs so that:
-- The views display consistently
-- It's possible to swipe between tracks

Maybe we can solve this without compromising on the design would be by hiding the Queue/Art/Lyrics tabs when scrolling down (as suggested at 0019679 for other views)

EDIT: per discussion, it would make more sense to hide the Action bar (rather than the Tab bar)


2023-05-08 15:13

administrator   ~0071765

Per discussion, this is too risky to include in 2.0 and will be deferred to 2.0.1.


2024-04-02 21:16

administrator   ~0074941

Further aggravation this issue is the Time remaining overlay (see 0020713). We'll want to examine optimizing that as well when we tackle this issue.