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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002754MediaMonkey AddonsSkinspublic2007-05-30 20:27
Reporterrusty Assigned To 
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Summary0002754: Misc skin issues (Casino Blue)
DescriptionThere are a couple of minor issues that should be resolved before we can start sharing alpha builds with partners. They're all trivial issues, but they impact first impressions:

1) When a clean install is done, the toolbars should appear in an orderly manner. eg Standard bar, View bar, Search bar (ideally search bar should be right-aligned)
2) The correct backgrounds should be included in the skins
3) The new skin should have a name e.g. Royal Blue or Deep Blue
4) The track title should be left-aligned with the Artist
5) The album art window should be sized correctly (X:Y) for Album art (by default is opens with almost no vertical space)
6) Icons aren't all of the most recent ones (I recently sent a complete updated set)
7) Properties dialog uses 'old' icons
8) Auto tag, auto organize, auto tag from amazon, rip/convert dialogs all have graphical glitches related to placement of title bars/headers/checkboxes
9) Combobuttons such as that within the searchbar don't display correctly--the dropdown button has a 1 pixel edge around it causing it to not appear flush with the searchbar (originally described in item 3 of the skin issues document, but moved to mantis since this is solely a development issue.
10) The Auto-tag from Amazon dialog has right/left alignment problems. The UI element at the top containing the [search] [options] buttons is not aligned correctly on the right side with other UI elements.
TagsNo tags attached.



2007-01-12 20:50

developer   ~0008425

resolved all except 5


2007-01-18 23:01

administrator   ~0008458

Tested 1013 using the latest mskn file from clever (the version that I'd sent to you for the build didn't have all their fixes). It's looking good.

Note that the latest version from clever is probably missing a couple of the elements that you'd added such as:
-For the bottom right corner between Horizontal and Vertical Scrollbars: use NCArea sub-object of ScrollBar object
-For the tree dialogs such as Add Folders: define "VirtualTree" object with "Panel" subobject (for defining virtual tree border).

Remaining and new issues:
5) As described, this issue is still open
6) Some icons still aren't updated: burn and convert
11) The background for Now Playing doesn't align correctly with the text (I'm not sure why but this doesn't seem to be a problem in the main tracklist.
12) Square between the horizontal/vertical bars isn't skinned
13) Add folders dialog isn't skinned correctly. The box containing the tree isn't shadowed the same way the boxes above and below are, and therefore appears unaligned on the right side.
14) Buttons that appear on menu dropdowns still have artifacts at their corners. e.g. click the 'view' menu to see.
15) Equalizer dialog has artifacts at the upper left, lower left, and lower right corners.
16) The header in the tracklist seems to have a wider upper margin than the bar atop the tree causing the two boxes to be 1 pixel off in terms of vertical alignment.
17) The light blue background of the bar atop of the tree causes it to not be aligned with the menu bar above. Is there any way to make the 2 consistent?


2007-01-19 12:18

developer   ~0008468

with Anton we're solved this points :

6, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15.


2007-01-19 16:20

administrator   ~0008471

Other issues:
18) When Album Art is missing we should use the new square missing album art png file from Anton. I'll send that in case you don't have it yet.
19) The background of the Album Art window doesn't match other colours in the theme (it should probably be white like the tree.
20) The horizontal lines in the Now Playing list clash with the horizontal lines in the main tracklist in the default layout. I'm wondering if there's any way around this (either make the lines line up, OR perhaps use a much softer background for the Now Playing list)
21) The tone of blue in the player is nice. The tone of blue in the Title bar and scroll bars is a bit harsh in comparison. Is it possible to make it a bit softer (more like the player)
22) The status bar that appears e.g. when ripping tracks is a bit too dark, causing text to be difficult to read.
23) The colors for tracks that were highlighted but not in focus are the same as for tracks that are in focus. That shouldn't be the case. e.g. select track in tracklist, then select track in Now Playing --> both have the same background color!
24) When minimized to mini monkey:
a) There's almost no room for track metadata. I'd suggest moving it over to the left a bit, and using slightly smaller fonts
b) I'd suggest shrinking the size of the player by removing the four big buttons on the right side


2007-01-19 23:48

developer   ~0008478

solved points 18, 19, 20 and 24


2007-01-23 01:10

developer   ~0008487

solved all except 5 (my issue) and 21-23 (i have described it to Anton).


2007-02-14 21:04

developer   ~0008587

solved all issues


2007-02-27 19:12

administrator   ~0008647

Verified. There are a couple of issues still open, however, they are specific to code rather than to skins, and will be opened in another bug.


2007-02-27 19:15

administrator   ~0008648

Scratch that. Two issues remain:

19) The background of the Album Art window doesn't match other colours in the theme (it should probably be white like the tree, instead of the off white colour that it currently is).

20) The horizontal lines in the Now Playing list clash with the horizontal lines in the main tracklist in the default layout. I'm wondering if there's any way around this (either make the lines line up, OR perhaps use a much softer background for the Now Playing list)


2007-02-27 23:47

developer   ~0008658

will be fixed in next build


2007-03-01 20:49

administrator   ~0008690

Last edited: 2007-03-07 22:30

Verified that 19) is fixed.

Still to be done:
20) The horizontal lines in the Now Playing list clash with the horizontal lines in the main tracklist in the default layout. I'm wondering if there's any way around this (either make the lines line up, OR perhaps use a much softer background for the Now Playing list)

21) Re. the buttons, I'd just suggest a small layout change for the buttons:
[Shuffle] [Auto DJ] [Eq]
[Repeat] [NP] [Open File]

Re. Auto-DJ button, it should be based on the Now Playing button. i.e. Auto DJ = Now Playing + Magic Wand except that the final track in the Now Playing list (on the button) should be highlighted, since Auto-DJ causes tracks to be automatically added to the list.

22) Lastly, the mockup shows two timers (a forward and backward timer) that aren't implemented in the skin. In terms of the mockup, I wonder if it's possible to achieve a slightly more symmetrical layout (e.g.
would it look better if they were a) on the two edges of the display b) at the two edges of the seek bar ). Artist feedback required.

23) Correctly skinned micro-player

24) Correctly skinned mini-player (just a question of revising the buttons so that the Now Playing button actually uses the new Now Playing graphic once it's completed).

25) The 'close' button is missing from the caption bar (e.g. Now Playing Window, Album Art window).

26) Player variant that includes album art (mockup was already done)


2007-03-15 21:56

administrator   ~0008820

Last edited: 2007-03-16 05:35

Tested 1022 and noticed the following are still open:
20)a) For some reason, the NP window occasionally displays an incorrect background. Rusty to investigate.
   b) NP node should not trigger a change in background in the tracklist (i.e. tracklist should always have the same background for tracks)
21) Shuffle and Now Playing actions are assigned to the wrong buttons
23) Correctly skinned micro-player missing
24) Correctly skinned mini-player (update with new player skin design + correct NP button)
26) This isn't done, but needs discussion with Petr re. how to implement (e.g. if Album Art window is disabled, then show player with Album Art).
27) Get rid of the Royale Blue plugin (Casino Blue is a replacement)
28) Auto-DJ button: doesn't trigger a message in the player 'Auto-DJ Enabled'
29) The 'Close' button on the Panel objects looks strange (a bit too large, coloring is a bit off, and it's misaligned too far to the right)
30) The text in the kbps indicator doesn't seem to be aligned correctly.


2007-03-15 22:50

developer   ~0008821

re 21) fixed
re 23) waiting for Levi's visuals
re 24) fixed
re 28) fixed


2007-03-16 19:55

administrator   ~0008833

Tested 1023, and the following are still open:
20)a) It appears that the problem of inconsistent skin backgrounds was specific to 1022 installed non-cleanly. That said, the NP background included in the skin with build 1023 is the light-blue skin that we had previously gotten rid of! (see the Royal Blue skin for the correct tone)
   b) NP node should not trigger a change in background in the tracklist (i.e. tracklist should always have the same background for tracks)
23) Micro-player still missing
27) Royal Blue skin is still included in the installer.
29) The 'Close' button on the Panel objects looks strange (a bit too large, coloring is a bit off, and it's misaligned too far to the right)
30) The text in the kbps indicator doesn't seem to be aligned correctly in the MiniPlayer.
31) The title bar seems to have somehow regressed to the coloring in which it clashes with the other title bars. See the Royale Blue skin for the correct color.


2007-03-17 14:00

developer   ~0008835

20)a) backgrounds in the skin look same as in Royal Blue :-/
   b) can't reproduce
23, 27, 29, 30) fixed
31) i think it's for Levi


2007-03-22 18:30

administrator   ~0008881

Tested build 1023 and the following items are still open:

20) a) The color of NP bars look incorrect. It's the light blue that we'd previously rejected. I'll forward this to Levi.
    b) Clicking the NP node still triggers a change in the background of the tracklist. It shouldn't. This is Petr's I believe.
23) The microplayer is now included, however there are still a couple of issues for Levi:
    a) It is missing a Maximize button (upper right)
    b) It is missing a Close button (lower right)
    c) The horizontal space occupied by the seek bar is still too much. Options are:
     i) Leave it at this width but add scrolling text
     ii)Reduce the width somewhat so it doesn't unnecessarily take up space in the tray area
30) The Kbps indicator in the mini player is still aligned incorrectly (the number isn't the same height as 'Kbps')
31) The title bar seems to have somehow regressed to the coloring in which it clashes with the other title bars. See the Royale Blue skin for the correct color. Levi needs to look into this.


2007-04-16 21:41

administrator   ~0009022

Remaining issues:
20a) The color of the horizontal lines in the NP window are a sickly baby blue.
23cii) can you make the desk player narrower? (The blue area can take up half the space that it currently uses).
30a) the kbps indicator in the main player is misaligend (numbers are 1 or 2 pixels too low).
30b) the kbps indicator in the mini player is misaligend (numbers are a couple of pixels too far to the left--they're on top of the box)
31) The title bar coloring is still off


2007-04-16 22:17

developer   ~0009023

23cii, 30a and 30b are fixed


2007-04-20 01:16

developer   ~0009057

20a) The color of the horizontal lines in the NP window are a sickly baby blue.

31) The title bar coloring is still off


2007-05-10 19:55

administrator   ~0009133

20a) The coloring of the horizontal bars in Now Playing still looks like a weird light-blue that clashes with the rest of the UI. Sending an image by email.

31) What I mean is that the color of the Title bar is a darker shade of blue than all of the other blues in the UI. I would have thought that it could have the same shade of blue as the player/horizontal scrollbar/internal windows.

32) In the micro-player, the numbers need to be shifted 2 pixels to the right (they currently overlap the left edge of the seekbar).


2007-05-15 01:31

developer   ~0009146

20a) Fixed - Needs to be checked and the BG doesn't scroll with the window.
31) Fixed
32) Fixed (Needs testing)


2007-05-16 13:13

administrator   ~0009157

everything is fixed except:
20a) The background colors are correct however, they don't move in tandem with the background. This is because a background image has been used instead of a background color in the theme. To fix this, get rid of the background image and instead assign colors to the background using the Virtual Tree objects--here's the relevant excerpt from the skinning documentation:
Defines the look of the VirtualTree (TrackList, MainTree etc.)
Panel - for defining border
DragSelection - selection color for mouse-use drag selection
DragTarget - selection color for dagging target node
TrackListOdd - background image for odd rows in tracklist
TrackListEven - background image for even rows in tracklist
NowPlayingOdd - background image for odd rows in now playing
NowPlayingEven - background image for even rows in now playing


2007-05-30 20:27

administrator   ~0009219

Remaining issues appear to have been resolved in build 1036.