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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0021349MMAUI (general)public2025-01-03 11:57
Reporterrusty Assigned To 
Status feedbackResolutionreopened 
Product Version2.0.2 
Target Version2.0.3Fixed in Version2.0.2 
Summary0021349: 'Rate MediaMonkey' appears on install (regression)
DescriptionI uninstalled MM on a device and then re-installed it and during the initial run's configuration process, immediately after granting access to folders, MM prompted to rate MediaMonkey (right before the prompt to grant permission for MM notifications)!

MM should not prompt the user to rate MM until at least x amount of time / hours used have elapsed subsequent to installation.
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in build1222



2024-11-13 14:47

developer   ~0077596

Fixed in build


2024-11-13 20:32

administrator   ~0077602

Tested 1221 and this is still occurring. I suspect that even though I uninstalled mma, residual data in the /MediaMonkey folder is causing MM to think that it's not a new install. Regardless, the 'Rate MediaMonkey' dialog should not appear in the middle of the first run configuration process.

Debug log: KBKVGJ7AHU


2024-11-14 09:12

developer   ~0077615

AppRateDialog check: days: 280, launches: 5

To show AppRateDialog the app must be used for at least 5 days and have 5 launches. Both conditions are met.
How did you uninstall the app? If you check "Keep data..." then preferences are kept.


2024-11-14 15:20

developer   ~0077626

The App Rate dialog can appear only when all launch steps are done(the home screen appears).
From the log, the AppRate dialog appeared until after all steps were finished. If not can you make a screenshot?

The weirdest thing is that you can replicate it,
because after the launch the rating time and count are updated so it should appear only once.
There must be some old persisted data(280 days).
I tried to uninstall with kept data, then install and uninstall again without kept data, but I was unable to replicate this issue because preferences were deleted correctly.

Do you have multi-user accounts on devices?
Try to uninstall and install again and send me another log.


2024-11-14 15:39

administrator   ~0077627

It's only a single user account. Video and crashlog shared.


2024-11-15 14:48

developer   ~0077646

1) Moved the AppRate dialog to appear after the notification request dialog Fixed in build

2) I am suspicious that preferences are kept because of Google/backup and backup is 280 days old.
I think you can verify it via System options/Google/Manage backup
or via System options/System/Backup.

Anyway, this is not a regression, and the Rating dialog based on data from preferences is displayed correctly.
I will test the backup behavior, but in my opinion, this issue can be closed.


2024-11-15 16:38

administrator   ~0077650

Still occurring in 1222.