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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0021325MMW 5Playbackpublic2025-01-17 21:20
Reporterpeke Assigned To 
PriorityurgentSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status assignedResolutionreopened 
Product Version2024.0 
Target Version2026 
Summary0021325: Some tracks Play clipped When Re Analyzed
DescriptionSome tracks Play clipped When Re Analyzed

Sample track is on FTP have correct Gain Info and clip only after re analyze.
Steps To Reproduce1. Load track in now playing -> Check Track properties Leveling that should state -1.4xxxxxx
2. Play the track and confirm that it does not play with clipping artifacts
3. Right Click on Track -> Analyze volume
4. Check Track properties Leveling and it is changed to +1.4xxxxxx
5. Play track and track plays with clipping artifacts.
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in build3072


related to 0021375 closedmichal Playback leveling do not work 
related to 0016492 newmichal ReplayGain: Support for Replaygain2 



2024-11-05 08:47

developer   ~0077499

I do not hear any clipping. Tried also analyze volume in MusicBee and the resulting coefficient was very similar to the one from MM5, I do not see any problem here. Isn't problem elsewhere? Check your "clipping prevention" setting and "Level playback volume" setting.


2024-11-05 12:44

developer   ~0077501

Last edited: 2024-11-05 13:36

So the problem is, when the user has level playback volume set too high, in this example it is 95dB (standard, used by ReplayGain library, is 89dB). Then even clipping prevention does not help.
Tested with MM4 and it is exactly the same, so nothing new, these are limits of used algorithms for leveling. We could try to find some better, but for now, I would leave it as it is, as it is done this way for ages.


2024-11-05 14:06

developer   ~0077503

Postponed to the later release, I will check, whether we could handle this situation better.


2024-11-05 17:02

developer   ~0077504

Last edited: 2024-11-05 17:04

I revised our very very old code and found bug in clipping prevention implementation, it was not working correctly for target levels different from 89dB. Fixed it and now it seems to be ok.
Fixed in build 3072.


2024-11-06 02:25

developer   ~0077512

Verified 3072


2024-11-28 14:20

developer   ~0077731

Reopening, the fixed caused 0021375.


2024-11-28 17:26

developer   ~0077734

Previous fix reverted, it did not work well and caused regression 0021375. Solution postponed to later versions, as it was such way always, any change will be risky.


2025-01-08 17:19

developer   ~0077915

I analyzed this more and the problem is not in volume analysis (few other SWs give nearly the same value), but in peak analysis. It seems standard ReplayGain algorithm we use does not give good value for this song for some reason. I checked with other SWs and in case they use ReplayGain library they have the same problem and give exactly the same peak "0.977234" like MM. Foobar allows to use "True Peak Scanner", and this gives value "1.036113", with this peak value playback in MM is correct even for target 95dB.