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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0021304MMW 5Playbackpublic2025-01-07 17:28
Reporterrusty Assigned To 
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Product Version5.0.4 
Target Version2024.1Fixed in Version2024.1 
Summary0021304: Playback: starts by itself on wake
DescriptionIf MediaMonkey is playing when the machine goes to sleep, depending on the machien it'll often resume playback when the machine wakes.

Possible solutions:
a) leave things as is -- some people expect playback to resume on Wake
b) STOP playback just before the PC goes to sleep, since it's annoying for it to start automatically on Wake especially in cases when the PC wakes unexpectedly
c) add a Player option for 'Default behavior on wake':
On startup: Stop | Pause at last position | Resume playback

(note: the 'Resume playback' option should only resume playback if the machine had been playing when it went to sleep)
Additional InformationReported at:
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in build3102


related to 0018626 closedmichal Player finishes only current track when returning from sleep 
related to 0018681 closedmichal Wrong Youtube player restoration when returning from sleep 



2024-10-29 09:10

developer   ~0077397

Option b) is already implemented, we save current state and try to stop playback before sleep. Resuming playback on wake up is caused by restoring the saved state.


2024-11-27 17:28

developer   ~0077727

Fixed in build 3100. I, hopefully, fixed current behavior, where - in some special situations and specific timing - it resumed paused playback after wake-up. It happened, because some closed laptops could sometimes wake-up for just a small fraction on time, and this ruined our previous handling. Now it should work better.
So the solution is combination of a) and b). We save current state (stopped/playing/paused at time XY) and stop playback just before sleep, and resume the saved state after wake-up.