View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0021060MMW 5Main Panelpublic2025-01-31 20:50
Reporterzvezdan Assigned To 
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Product Version2024.0 
Target Version2024.2 
Summary0021060: Web view sometimes overlaps other parts of program
DescriptionI am not using the Web node, I am just forwarding the report by another user. He says the web view sometimes overlaps:
1. the player on the bottom of window (especially problematic with skins like Material Design having seek bar on the very top of the player);
2. the progress bar displayed on the center of window when doing database operations like Optimize.

There is another user in Forum having the same issue:
Additional Information
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files
Fixed in build



2024-06-28 22:25

developer   ~0076211

Last edited: 2024-06-28 22:30

Looks like Embed Browser is not positioned and rendered correctly:
1. Save attached HTML file
2. Add bookmark on MM web node to file (example "file:///C:/Users/Peke/Desktop/WEBBrowser%20size%20Embed%20test.html")
4. Open bookmark in WEB View
5. Check position of that window
6. As seen in attached image position is not centered and overlaps Seekbar
7. Right click on seek bar -> Customize (Player)
8. Select Waveform Bar -> OK
9. Web Browser Overlaps Wave bar

NOTE: My screen res is 2560x1440
WEBBrowser size Embed test.html (139 bytes)   
<!DOCTYPE html>

<html style="background-color: #FF00FF">


positions.jpg (164,942 bytes)   
positions.jpg (164,942 bytes)   
overlaps.jpg (165,444 bytes)   
overlaps.jpg (165,444 bytes)   


2024-06-28 22:27

developer   ~0076212

Last edited: 2024-06-28 22:29

Increased priority and set for fix in 5.1

@Zvezdan Can you confirm this behavior and is what you meant for this bug?


2024-06-29 03:58

updater   ~0076213

@Peke: I think that is it. According to the reports, this happens with every skin and every site, even MM.

If you take a look at the screenshots that the user posted in Forum, you will see even larger displacement and overlapping, and browser is even truncated on the right and bottom sides of window. Here is its reduced version:


2024-07-04 20:55

developer   ~0076230

I don't see this bug, assigned to Petr whether he has an idea as it is "window management issue"...