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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0020028MMW 5Track Browserpublic2023-11-08 14:28
Reporterpeke Assigned To 
Status feedbackResolutionopen 
Product Version2024.0 
Target Version2024.1 
Summary0020028: Add toast message when executing playback rules actions
DescriptionIn some cases when user customize playback rules actions and then change default playback rules, it can happen that due teh custom playback rules MM execute overridden action eg. Default PLAY NOW is 'Play selected only', but Music playback rule is 'Clear list and Play selected and subsequent' then if user Select Music tracks -> Right click -> Play now -> Now playing is cleared and filled according to Music rules.

By adding toast message when executing playback action user will be noted which action is executed eg. "Default play now rule is executed" or "Music play now rule is executed".

EDIT: User suggested that it would be good is Toast also contain linked shortcut to Options panel of the rule.
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Fixed in build



2023-11-08 03:47

administrator   ~0073349

I understand the problem, but the proposed solution might also be quite annoying. e.g. everytime a movie is clicked, the toast would appear! Perhaps the popup should only appear when the track for which Play Now is initiated is a different Type than the current track?

Applying '<Type>' Playback rules . . . . . [Options]

Nonetheless, I still think that this would be annoying for most users.