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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0020020MMAAndroid Autopublic2025-01-03 11:57
Reporterrusty Assigned To 
Status feedbackResolutionopen 
Product Version2.0.0 
Target Version2.0.3 
Summary0020020: Android Auto: Switch Shuffle and Repeat toggle buttons
DescriptionIn 0019804, both ratings buttons were moved to the overflow menu, and the Shuffle button was moved to the Playing menu. I would suggest that as part of this implementation, for both MMA and MMA/AA, the repeat function should be on the left since:
- that's the layout in MMW and in most other players
- it limits the possibility of accidentally enabling shuffle in AA which can cause changes in the track position that aren't easy to revert while driving.
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in build


related to 0019804 closedmartin Android Auto: Rating functionality isn't usable 
related to 0019979 closedmartin Android Auto Rating doesn't work (ratings jump) 



2023-05-26 18:15

developer   ~0072102

Before I change it all over again:

1) e.g. VLC, YouTube Music have "Shuffle" button on the left side

2) Isn't the more common use case that the user later decides to play randomly rather than repeat a song?

3) Our views are currently unified now(NP, Widgets, AndroidAuto).

I'm just wondering if these changes are really desirable.