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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001545MMW v4Properties/Auto-Toolspublic2007-07-23 18:57
Reporterrusty Assigned To 
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Summary0001545: Basic Support for Classical Music
DescriptionThe following is an updated spec for how to best support classical music in MediaMonkey. 'Best' in this case means, how to support it in a manner that:
-Allow users to manage/listen to both classical music and pop music in any sitting since many listeners don't listen to one type of music exclusively
-Be compatible with existing tagging standards (ogg, id3 and ape2) and ensure consistency between the database and tags
-Be compatible for synchronization/navigation with existing portable devices (e.g. iPods use the Artist tag for the Performer/Orchestra)
-Be compatible with the manner in which metadata services store the information (e.g. MusicBrainz, Amazon, AMG, etc.)

Summary of Requested Fields:
Genre (multiple)
Composition Name (Manuscript Title)
Work Number
Primary Instrument
Catalog Nr. (Verzeichnis)
Artist (i.e. the featured artist)
Label/Recording Publisher, Number & Date

In the interest meeting the original design requirements, this list can be shortened to:
Genre: MM 3.0s support of multiple Genres meets the requirement
Composer: MM 3.0 would need to better support the composer field in the UI
Composition Name: =Manuscript Title + Movement + Work Number. All of these can be stored in the 'Title' field that is already available in MM 3.0. According to user feedback, there's no need to sort by Movement or Work Number.
Primary Instrument: This is probably not a critical requirement, nor does it appear to be supported by most tagging standards.
Catalog Nr.: I believe that MM's 'Publisher' field can meet this requirement. i.e. Publisher=Label + Catalog #
Artist: =featured artists. MM's support for multiple artists is this field should satisfy the requirement
Conductor: Already supported, though MM would need to better support this in the UI.
Orchestra/Ensemble: =Album Artist which is already supported. The Album Artist field is used by WMP to support 'Orchestra', and I believe this makes sense for all tagging formats.
Album: =Album
Label/Recording Publisher, Number and Date: Supported in 'Publisher' and/or 'Date'. The only issue is that the 'Year' field should be changed to 'Date' so that more detailed dates can be stored (this is also required for podcasts).

Based on the above, very few Classical Music-specific db/schema/tagging changes are required. The changes are limited to:
1) Composer: should be sortable
2) Conductor: should be sortable
3) Date: we need a 'Date' instead of a 'year' field (applies to podcasts as well). It should be designed so that if the user only enters a year, it will work fine, and display as a year (i.e. not 00-00-1980). It should also respect user's date format locale settings.
4) Disc#: we need to add this (though the field should be optional--i.e. if nothing is entered it should appear blank and not as '0')
5) Comments: this field should be usable for any additional information not supported by MM and thus should be displayable in some manner in the main track list (e.g. as a 'note' icon)
6) A related issue is that some fields can be removed from MediaMonkey as they are no longer required given some of the changes: Involved People, Original (Album) Title, Copyright, etc.

More significant changes are requiered to help users fill in these various fields and browse/search/organize by these fields. The suggested changes are:

7) The layout of the properties dialog needs be be made more 'Classical Music-friendly'.

File path: _______________________
Filename: _______________________

Track Title: _______________________
Genre: ___________ Rating: _________

Artist: ____________________________
Album Artist/Orchestra: ____________
Composer: __________________________
Conductor: _________________________
Album: _____________________________
Disc#: ___________ Track#: _________
Date: ___________


An alternative approach was previously suggested, but deemed too confusing. It involved dynamic adjustments to the dialog fields based on what Genre the user selects. e.g.

File path: _______________________
Filename: _______________________

Track Title: _______________________
Genre: _Anything__ Rating: _________

Artist: ____________________________
Album Artist: ______________________
Composer: __________________________
Album: _____________________________
Disc#: ___________ Track#: _________
Date: ___________

File path: _______________________
Filename: _______________________

Track Title: _______________________
Genre: _Classical_ Rating: _________

Composer: __________________________
Conductor: _________________________
Artist: ____________________________
Orchestra: _________________________
Album: _____________________________
Disc#: ___________ Track#: _________
Date: ___________ Orig. Year:______

8) The 'Details' tab could be simplified a bit from:

Involved People
Original Title
Original Artist
Original Lyricist
Original Year

To --->

Lyricist: BPM:
Involved people
Original year
Original artist
Original album title --- Note that this is a change in description
Original lyricist

Note: my only question here is whether it would make sense to add BPM to the front page.

9) Any dialog that uses masks would have to be updated to include new fields, including the alternate/equivalent description of fields (i.e. both <Album Artist> and <Orchestra> would have to appear even though both are equivalent in the db and tags). This includes:
<Orig. Year>

10) The main panel would have to:
a) allow the user to view and/or sort any of the newly added fields, the most important being conductor, composer, disc#, orig year
b) allow the user to see whether comments exist or not, and allow the user to view the comments via a popup
c) generate a slightly different view when browsing via the classical node or browsing classical-only content. e.g. the conductor, composer columns should be displayed, and the headers for Title and Album Artist should be Composition and Orchestra.
d) a new node for classical music >Composer>Orchestra (note filtering functionality would take care of limiting the collection view to 'classical')

11) I don't think any changes are required for Synchronization, other than updating the tree, but noting this just in case.

12) The Album Browser should also support 'composer'. This can be done through
a) customizability of the the browser columns
b) individualized settings for the browser for different nodes (e.g. one way for most music, a different way for 'classical' music, and another way for podcasts). This item could probably be deferred.
Additional InformationBased on bug 0000522 . A subset of functionality was chosen that would fit many but not all user's requirements.
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in build


related to 0003011 closedjiri Improvements in Properties dialog layout 



2005-11-07 17:29

administrator   ~0006193

Pushed 2.6


2006-04-18 12:28

administrator   ~0007151

Some interesting issues were raised in Assigning to Rusty for a review and possible inclusiong of ideas discussed there.


2006-04-26 13:17

administrator   ~0007168

Here is an idea that could be taken into account.


2006-05-09 14:16

administrator   ~0007228

Points out that:
-When scanning tracks, if the Orchestra tag is used, and we use the spec being discussed, then that Metadata should be entered into the Artist field of MM.
-Similarly, if we use a single profile for all music, then it _may_ be useful to give users the option of saving the Artist/Orchestra field to both Artist and Orchestra tags.


2006-05-23 06:14

administrator   ~0007273

Some more ideas are here:


2006-10-30 13:45

administrator   ~0008103

Tagging as Immediate, should be fixed (at least partially) prior the first MM 3.0 alpha release.


2006-10-31 17:37

administrator   ~0008119

note: spec has been updated based on all feedback to-date, along with some internal offline discussion.


2006-10-31 19:00

administrator   ~0008120

Assigned to Petr to implement at least 1-8, others are mostly for Ludek.


2006-11-16 00:13

developer   ~0008168

1-8 except 6 is done


2006-11-21 14:33

administrator   ~0008189

A problem: In place editing of Date field (still names as Year in tracklist) doesn't work in tracklist, i.e. I can't enter something like 1990-01-20.


2006-11-21 21:48

developer   ~0008191



2007-01-17 14:48

developer   ~0008441

points 10a and 12 is solved now


2007-02-13 20:33

developer   ~0008576

solved 1-8 (except 6), 10a,b and 12