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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0021233MMW 5DB / Backuppublic2025-01-10 18:03
Reporterrusty Assigned To 
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Product Version2024.0 
Target Version2026 
Summary0021233: Wi-Fi Sync / DLNA: Parent nodes of unplayable content are presented to clients
DescriptionAt 0021220 and 0021221, we resolved issues in which MMW presented (via WiFi Sync and DLNA) unplayable YouTube content to clients. However, even with those fixes, MMW still presents the nodes containing the unplayable content, resulting in:
- WiFi Sync users expecting to sync content that doesn't exist
- DLNA users browsing through hierarchies that contain no content

For instance for youtube music videos such as Artist:Beatles > Album:Help , if there are no local tracks then when:
- Configuring Wi-Fi Sync, the Sync tree in MMA shows the hierarchy of Artist > Beatles > Help , even though no tracks will be synced when selecting that node!
- Browsing via DLNA, clients allow the user to browse through the hierarchy of Artist > Beatles > Help but then there are no tracks shown!

The solution in both cases would be to not display nodes that contain unplayable content (_just as MM shouldn't display nodes containing only inaccessible content_). As explained by Ludek, the only way to do this without a siginifcant performance impact would be to modify the database (e.g. with 'LocalTracksCount'.
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in build


related to 0021220 closedLudek WiFi Sync: Music video sync list tree (and possibly others) is incorrect regarding video 
related to 0021221 closedLudek DLNA server serves unplayable media content 


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