View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0021140MMADBpublic2024-09-30 22:08
Reporterpeke Assigned To 
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version2.0.1 
Target Version2.0.1Fixed in Version2.0.1 
Summary0021140: MMA nags user to scan for updated content on each MM start (regression)
DescriptionSome users report that after the recent MMA updates it always asks me "Scan for updated media files?" for my SD card each time MMA starts.

NOTE: I am unable to replicate such constant prompt on SDcard, but it normally asks me for rescan on OTG storage connection.
Additional Information
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in build1210


related to 0020918 resolvedmartin Make MMA function without Video/Photo access 
related to 0021187 closedmartin Scan options / Prevent MMA rescan option on device reboot/MMA re-install 
related to 0021179 closedmartin Grant Access request appears on every launch for some devices (regression) 



2024-08-12 00:56

developer   ~0076630

User at has sent us LogID: E9TVPNJLHQ


2024-08-12 12:28

administrator   ~0076631

Last edited: 2024-08-13 01:49

Note: the issue is actually more severe than just prompting for a scan--in some environments, MMA prompts for a scan and then often crashes (see the forum report for details).

This regression is related to #14521: a sync file detected during initialization, and the file observer not stopping correctly and repeatedly launching synchronization with the mediastore.


2024-08-13 13:42

developer   ~0076636

Steps for testing:
1) Unmount the SD card from the phone
2) Use a card reader and plug into the PC
3) Sync some files or playlists to the card from MM5
4) Plug the card back into the phone
5) When storage is loaded, a confirmation dialog to scan files should appear (or a permission dialog if access to required folders is missing).

Also, OTG storage can be used if it is supported.

Fixed in build


2024-08-13 17:17

administrator   ~0076638

Tested 1206, and the endless popups are solved. However, after the scan dialog appeared and I clicked 'Check' , then each time I exited MMA (without closing it) and re-entered the app --> the dialog re-appeared! e.g.
1 Start MM
2 Click 'Check' on the dialog
3 Open another app
4 Go back to MMA via the recent-apps in Android
--> the dialog reappears!!
Debug log: W71HSDY8W1

Note: this only happened for the first few minutes after initiating the scan (i.e. I suspect that what was happening is that MM was showing the dialog even as the scan was occurring in the background but not yet completed).


2024-08-19 14:53

administrator   ~0076686

I can replicate the situation reported by some users in which MM repeatedly requests 'Scan for updated media files?'

Per the comments / steps at 0021140:0076638 , the scan dialog re-appears, but it also reappears whenever the user:
- restarts MMA or opens MMA after a screen timeout or app switch
- Switches to the home view
- Navigates to root nodes in the home view
- Navigates to the menu or between menu options
- Exits menu options
It doesn't continually re-appear when navigating between tabs within a node (e.g. switching between Music > Artists and Music > Albums doesn't trigger the dialog)

Debug log: 2XX96QDX7L


2024-08-19 21:37

administrator   ~0076689

Last edited: 2024-08-19 21:49

The behavior in build 1207 is the same as in build 1206 as described at 0021140:0076686

Debug log: RABGYTZB97

EDIT: it's not exactly the same as in 1206. The debug log above shows how MMA 1207 repeatedly prompts the user to Scan even after having already initiated a scan. Users would expect that if they initiate a scan once for a given set of changes, then MMA wouldn't again prompt to initiate the scan!

Note: if the user clicks 'Postpone' then MMA doesn't seem to prompt for the scan again. However, it's unclear what 'Postpone actually does and whether the changes will ever be scanned if this is clicked. i.e. if the user clicks 'Postpone' then MMA never seems to prompt to scan for the changes. Until when does 'Postpone' take effect?


2024-08-22 20:28

developer   ~0076714

Last edited: 2024-08-23 17:22

I see it too on 1 device with SD card (not the other though): EBQV23APYS & V8FAWYRYX1


2024-08-27 19:03

developer   ~0076749

The bug was that V3 sync was permitted only in debug mode and not in the release build, so the "Check" button was not working in the release build.
Improved behavior in 1208:
if no v3 files are detected -> only a notification(no dialog) for MediaStore sync appears (if changes are detected).
Fixed in build


2024-08-27 23:34

developer   ~0076751

Quickly verified 1208 in my car with External HDD and there was only one prompt when I connected HDD but no nags afterwards.


2024-08-28 00:01

developer   ~0076753

Verified 1208


2024-09-03 02:44

administrator   ~0076811

Last edited: 2024-09-03 17:01

This is still occurring for some users with build 1208.
EDIT: Here's the log associated with the forum post: Log ID: BWD35B4374

LL reported that it occurs for
Samsung tablet: Log ID: YQ5TNC14NH
Asus device

And that the issue also results in BT playback not working


2024-09-04 09:54

developer   ~0076819

Fixed in build


2024-09-04 18:54

developer   ~0076828

Last edited: 2024-09-04 18:59

Although it does not NAG on each MM start it CHECK/POSTPONE shows each time device is restarted on MMA first start LOG ID: SXT2UTIB5V

EDIT: It also shows CHECK/POSTPONE on first start after update from 1210

EDIT2: I suspect that SDcards are mounted later during System bootup so MMA detect it as newly inserted Storage, or ???


2024-09-04 21:44

developer   ~0076832

Logistical explanation:

1) the storage is mounted (this also happens when the device is restarted)
2) MMA will check the access permissions to the required folders, if any are missing -> shows dialog *2
3) a) MMA will retrieve the sync timestamp from MediaMonkey/meta_files/v3/info.json, if the timestamp is newer it will ask a user for sync confirmation 3*
3) b) No V3 files -> MediaStore sync If any changes are detected.
The immediate sync can be confirmed by a user via notification or is processed every 30 minutes if MMA is in the foreground.

2* The permissions dialog:
It appears when MMA is in the foreground or comes from the background.
If users dismiss this dialog, they can later set permissions in Options/Library & Sync/Grant access to external storage.
Also, if MMA was not active during mounting, permissions are handled using the startup wizard as usual.

3* The Confirmation dialog:
It has two buttons "scan" and "postpone". If the user clicks "postpone", the dialog will be postponed for 24 hours.

The dialog (Permission or Confirmation) will reappear after a storage is remounted.


2024-09-04 22:19

developer   ~0076836

Last edited: 2024-09-04 22:22

All seams logical, THX.

Only thing I would change is that for SDCards and OTG storage there is FLAG in info.json to have setting for DON NOT ASK AGAIN (Additional setting in Library settings for storage) eg. to be able to manually initiate CHECK in Library settings and TICK Do not ask again for that storage in order to avoid 1) and both 3a)/3b). Which I think is users complain.

I am finding this logical as Internal storage is auto CHECK on same conditions?

EDIT: Personally I would like to have that option to set and do not worry about that Storage anymore MMW have Confirmation options and also in each profile Auto Sync on connection (Mounting USB Storage/MTP)


2024-09-05 01:11

administrator   ~0076838

If I'm understanding the current logic, the main usability issues with it are that:
a) Users get prompted (following app update or device boot) to grant access to folders that they may not want to grant access to (e.g. /Video) because they don't want to use them with MediaMonkey.
b) As Peke indicated, 'Monitoring' is enabled for all folders by default (with a 'postpone' prompt), and some users may not want to regularly 'postpone'.

Re. a) Would it be feasible that if the user skips granting access to a path 2x, then they wouldn't be prompted again and they could resolve this via the Options > Library folders dialog? e.g. Options > Library folders would show missing permissions and include the possibility of granting access.

Re. b) Similarly, would it make sense for the Options > Library folders dialog to include a configuration option re. whether a given folder is continually 'monitored'?

Note: I don't think that either of these issues is urgent for 2.0.1.


2024-09-05 08:41

developer   ~0076839

Last edited: 2024-09-05 08:42

Yes, that is what I though, but not per folder but per storage in order not to show notification CHECK/POSTPONE. After adding 0020918 in equation it is good to resolve both thru same UI.

eg. Example what UI can LOOK for each folder and Storage after GRANT ACCESS
SETTINGS Button would contain radio options (similar to MMW)
[ ] Manual
[x] Monitor
[ ] Ignore
image.png (16,010 bytes)   
image.png (16,010 bytes)   


2024-09-05 08:42

developer   ~0076840

image-2.png (15,549 bytes)   
image-2.png (15,549 bytes)   


2024-09-05 13:18

developer   ~0076844

Re. a) Rusty, currently a user is asked only once.
A user is asked again only when storage is newly mounted/phone restarted. Do you mean this scenario?
In this scenario, I'd prefer to add a checkbox "Do not ask again".

Regarding Access permissions, there is no issue with that, because users can set it later in "Options/Library & Sync/Grant access to external storage."
Regarding scan confirmation, there is a problem, because there is no other way how to start V3 sync manually.

re b)
Peke, your proposed UI is missing the delete buttons for folders and the add button must be for each storage so it cannot be in the screen header.
However, I agree with you that the scan setting should be for entire storage and not for individual folders.

To solve all issues above at once I prefer to add all these settings to a separate option screen called "Scan options".
I have created a separate issue for it 0021187.

I agree with Rusty, all these features are nice to have, but not necessary(for 2.0.1).

The original issue is fixed so let's continue in 0021187 or create a separate issue.


2024-09-05 13:57

administrator   ~0076845

Re. a) Yes--I was referring to the user being prompted to grant access again each time the phone is restarted. 'Do not ask again' is fine to prevent this-- but only if there's a means of manually triggering the permissions to be granted (e.g. via Options > Library folders).


2024-09-05 15:21

developer   ~0076847

re 0021140:0076845: I was also meant like Martin said that it is set per storage and I agree it should be in 0021187 for global setting.

re 0021140:0076844:
- Settings can have [ ] Ignore and [ ] Delete in context menu along proposed settings and it should be there in order so that User can tell MMA to ignore that folder, but not whole storage
- Reason for adding Add (+) to header is because File browser on Devices have selection of Storage so no need to separate it per storage (attached images)
image-3.png (84,821 bytes)   
image-3.png (84,821 bytes)   
image-4.png (32,577 bytes)   
image-4.png (32,577 bytes)   


2024-09-30 22:08

developer   ~0077151

Verified 1214