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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0021039MMW 5Install/Configpublic2025-01-19 21:30
ReporterLudek Assigned To 
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version5.0 
Target Version2024.1Fixed in Version2024.1 
Summary0021039: Volume mixer: Indistinguishable MM volume controls
DescriptionAs requested in [Ticket # 7249] the icon for MediaMonkeyVHelper is missing..

This results in no icon in Windows volume mixer (Ctrl + Windows + V)

Note to replicate: You need to play a video file..
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in build3102


related to 0021049 feedbackpetr Missing Icons in MM related EXE Files 
related to 0021089 closedmichal MediaMonkey volume meter doesn't apply to both Audio and Video volume 



2024-06-20 17:11

developer   ~0076072

image.png (36,585 bytes)   
image.png (36,585 bytes)   


2024-06-20 18:27

administrator   ~0076075

btw, it's not just an issue of the icon. Exposing text 'MediaMonkeyVHelper' to the user isn't really professional. It could be 'MediaMonkey Video' or 'MediaMonkey', or something else meaningful, but not such a technical term.


2024-06-20 18:53

developer   ~0076076



2024-06-20 20:21

administrator   ~0076079

This is still problematic because:
a) in the compressed mixer screen, there's no difference between the 2 MM icons! Suggestion: overlay a video icon on the MM logo.
b) in the full mixer screen it's unclear what MediaMonkeyVHelper is! Suggestion: 'MediaMonkey Video'

Please triage.
image-2.png (191,724 bytes)   
image-2.png (191,724 bytes)   
image-3.png (41,901 bytes)   
image-3.png (41,901 bytes)   


2024-06-20 22:09

developer   ~0076086



2024-06-21 20:49

developer   ~0076125

Verified 3033


2024-07-12 14:04

administrator   ~0076272

I just looked at 3036 and it shows two duplicate entries for 'MediaMonkey 2024'. Should one of them be for 'MediaMonkey 2024 - Video' (otherwise it just looks like a bug that there are 2 identical entries). OR am I misunderstanding the implementation and this is a test error (since I have a regular and portable installation on my device), and if so, does that mean that audio and video are now combined into a single output setting (which is fine--I just want to know)?


2024-07-18 09:58

developer   ~0076309

Strange. I've just installed 3036, start video playback and opened mixer ...
Mixer.png (39,715 bytes)   
Mixer.png (39,715 bytes)   


2024-07-18 14:47

developer   ~0076313

Can you retest with latest build as we cannot reproduce two entries with same name and icon.


2024-07-18 16:34

administrator   ~0076317

Last edited: 2024-08-15 14:31

The 'issue' described by Peke isn't a bug--it's expected that the video player has a second/different icon. This bug is about duplication of the labels/icons.

Tested 3037 and I'm able to replicate by playing youtube video. e.g.

1 Load trackA (audio), trackB (video), trackC (youtube) into the Playing queue
2 When trackA plays
--> 'MediaMonkey 2024' appears in the mixer (permanently)
3 When trackB plays
--> 'MediaMonkey Video Helper' appears in the mixer (for the duration of the video playback)
4 When trackC plays
--> A second instance of 'MediaMonkey 2024' appears in the mixer (permanently)!

- A temporary fix would be for the instance associated with YouTube audio to appear as 'MediaMonkey 2024 (YouTube)' so that it can be distinguished from the other instance.
- A more permanent fix is described in 0021089 in which a single volume control appears for MM (that issue also tracks the fact that the YouTube-related volume control is permanent)


2024-08-29 14:42

developer   ~0076772

Last edited: 2025-01-07 15:14

Fixed in build 3100 (2024.1), all volume controls grouped to one, fix from 0021089.


2025-01-19 21:30

developer   ~0077994

Verified 3103