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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0020757MMW 5Generalpublic2024-06-04 12:25
Reporterzvezdan Assigned To 
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Fixed in Version2024.0 
Summary0020757: attributePopup lvPopup is very hard to skin
DescriptionYou should not set colors in JavaScript. These colors are very hard to be overridden in custom skins, especially when you use !important after color value.

Well, I think that I managed to override your colors for popups, but I spent several hours on that.

Why don't you use CSS custom variables to set these popup colors (and other colors set in JS)? You are already using them to set colors for Visualizer.
Fixed in build3016


related to 0020984 closedjiri Random foreground color for album pop-ups 



2024-04-24 18:23

developer   ~0075236

Fixed in build 3016. Skinning of popups reworked, so they can be defined a lot easier, standard skins adjusted, so they better correspond to other parts of each skin. JS prepares variables during opening popup bound to this popup, so skins can display colors derived from the artwork colors, they may use them at their own discretion. They are used by default by all standard skins.

Prepared colors from artwork are saved to these variables. Clr = for color/fill, BClr = for background color, Hover = for hover state, Text = for text, Icon = Icon, Select = for selected state. Nowplaying = special color for nowplaying state, Filter = contains default drop shadow for icon on hover:


2024-04-24 21:14

updater   ~0075260



2024-04-25 10:32

developer   ~0075266

Verified 3016