View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0018348MMW 5Collectionspublic2021-12-10 09:24
Reporterbarrym Assigned To 
Status feedbackResolutionreopened 
PlatformWindowsOS-OS Version10
Summary0018348: Unable to create a Collection comprised of tracks which have been synced to the Internet (Google Drive).
DescriptionThe IS operator is the only operator which is available for Collection criteria for the Source attribute.
It doesn't seem to be possible to set the criteria to select tracks which are both Local|Internet and Cloud tracks.

It is desirable to create a Collection of tracks that are synched to the Cloud,, eg. when using MM on a PC when away from home, or when designing playlists to be used when away from home.

Steps To Reproduce1) Sync some tracks to Google Drive
2) Track Source is now Drive + Google Drive
3) Try to create a Collection which contains just those tracks
4) Tracks are not selected by any Source criteria option other than Internet ..nb my track are on a NAS
5) the Collection contains all my tracks, not just tracks that were synced to the Internet location
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in build



2021-09-29 15:35

developer   ~0064907

Last edited: 2021-09-29 15:35

Just use:
Sync state | Is Synced to | Google drive


2021-09-30 04:20

updater   ~0064911

Disputing that change is not required.
1) State is really good that I know that it is there
2) but who knew that?
2a) not the person who wrote the Online Help Text
2b) is unavailable in Advanced Search (funnel) filter, not displayed in Track Properties,


2021-09-30 04:44

updater   ~0064912

whoops ... bumped the Enter key ... (any way to edit or delete a note?)

I was working towards making the point that "Sync State" is unknown.
* not available in the column list
* not available for use in normal search syntax
* not mentioned in the Help Text AFAICS

It seems to me that MM introduces a new mechanism for each new situation.
Wouldn't it be better to make Source work better?

Or at the very least fix Source so it works properly in:
* Search syntax (eg source:internet)
* and in Advanced filter Source Is Cloud
* and when I use criteria Source IS Cloud when making a Collection

BTW my Synch State checkbox picklist contains 80+ entries (?!) ... looks like every phone or hard drive that came anywhere near my PC ... most recent items are at the bottom of multiple scrolls down .. can this list be LIFO sequence

Executive Summary: Synch State is powerful, but Source is simpler and should work properly also