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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006722MMW v4Framework: Scripts/Extensionspublic2011-04-10 22:54
Reporterzvezdan Assigned To 
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Target Version4.1 
Summary0006722: ISDBTracksWindow::Columns and ISDBPlayer::Columns objects needed
DescriptionWe need a possibility to modify columns layout in the main tracklist and NP panel, i.e. visibility of particular columns, their width, displayed arrangement (which column is first, which is second, ...), ...
Additional Information

You should implement Columns object with Count and Item properties, as well as Column object with several properties like Width, Visible... For example:

Set objColumn = SDBTracksWindow.Columns.Item(nnn)

objColumn.Width = iii
objColumn.Order = jjj
objColumn.Visible = bbb
objColumn.Caption = sss
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in build



2011-01-23 01:40

developer   ~0022541

Isn't that similar to #6322, where you whold be able to make your own track listing?


2011-01-23 08:46

updater   ~0022544

No, it is not similar. You are suggesting that we simulate the existing tracklist using some panel and the TreeList object instead. The TreeList object is not very well realized ( and even if you consider my suggestions about it, it still cannot replace the built-in tracklist.

I really don't want to create some new panel with TreeList object and to populate all its columns and rows and to hassle with all its events when such new tracklist should be updated, if I just want to store/load settings of layout for some specific view. For example, I have some custom node for which I want to display just some columns in some specific order - nothing more and nothing less.


2011-04-10 22:46

developer   ~0024194

Triage for 4.1