00000000 0.00000000 [3968] Win7Tools - Windows 7 detected 00000001 0.00013516 [3968] Win7Tools - running on Windows Vista or later - initialize DWM 00000002 0.00017520 [3968] Win7Tools - Windows Vista DWM initialized 00000003 0.00022564 [3968] Win7Tools - Windows 7 DWM initialized 00000004 0.00027248 [3968] Win7Tools - Shell initialized 00000005 0.01591376 [3968] InstanceManager - registering class. 00000006 0.01601444 [3968] InstanceManager - creating mutex. 00000007 0.01608312 [3968] InstanceManager - creating window. 00000008 0.01657844 [3968] InstanceManager - releasing mutex. 00000009 0.01701352 [3968] Received command line: '"C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey4\MediaMonkey.exe" ' 00000010 0.01716640 [3968] Going to read brand data. 00000011 0.01732632 [3968] Going to init Application. 00000012 0.04900592 [3968] Application was inicialized 00000013 0.04928372 [3968] Version: 00000014 0.06781512 [3968] Splash screen was shown. 00000015 0.21406887 [3968] Forms: Received WM_ACTIVATEAPP 00000016 0.21537776 [3968] MainForm: NC Activate + 00000017 0.49995509 [3968] User uses Gold version (registered user) 00000018 0.50056440 [3968] Creating main form. 00000019 0.54436564 [3968] Going to read ini settings. 00000020 0.55352879 [3968] DB path: C:\Users\Rusty\AppData\Roaming\MediaMonkey\MM.DB , default: , MyDir: C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey4\ 00000021 0.55724114 [3968] Going to set a language. 00000022 0.57992488 [3968] Setting titles. 00000023 0.58002532 [3968] Strings translation: started 00000024 0.58044106 [3968] Strings translation: finished 00000025 0.58076721 [3968] Going to init tree manager. 00000026 0.60376823 [3968] Going to insert main tree nodes. 00000027 0.60441238 [3968] Updated 0 nodes in MainTree list. 00000028 0.60476440 [3968] Updated 0 nodes in SongView list. 00000029 0.60490519 [3968] Updated 0 nodes in PodcastsView list. 00000030 0.60512549 [3968] Updated 0 nodes in VSTBrowseList1 list. 00000031 0.60546231 [3968] Updated 0 nodes in VSTBrowseList2 list. 00000032 0.60570478 [3968] Updated 0 nodes in VSTBrowseList3 list. 00000033 0.60605025 [3968] Updated 0 nodes in VSTBrowseList4 list. 00000034 0.60638523 [3968] Updated 0 nodes in AlbumArtView list. 00000035 0.60752177 [3968] Going to init now playing window. 00000036 0.62377340 [3968] Now playing initialized. 00000037 0.62382114 [3968] Going to init tree history. 00000038 0.62387419 [3968] Going to init advanced error handlers. 00000039 0.62397689 [3968] Going to init covers window. 00000040 0.62920147 [3968] Going to read toolbar positions. 00000041 0.67908847 [3968] Going to load drag cursors. 00000042 0.68307894 [3968] Going to load player skin. 00000043 1.33322620 [3968] Setting PlayerSkin 00000044 1.33524275 [3968] Initializing Player Skin 00000045 1.33542299 [3968] Creating Panel Object: Rating 00000046 1.33957613 [3968] Initializing Player Skin 00000047 1.33975089 [3968] Creating StateButton Object: ContinousButton 00000048 1.34012723 [3968] Initializing Player Skin 00000049 1.34016955 [3968] Creating StateButton Object: PlaylistButton 00000050 1.34050500 [3968] Initializing Player Skin 00000051 1.34063911 [3968] Creating StateButton Object: EQButton 00000052 1.34077668 [3968] Initializing Player Skin 00000053 1.34090650 [3968] Creating StateButton Object: AutoDJButton 00000054 1.34103835 [3968] Initializing Player Skin 00000055 1.34115624 [3968] Creating StateButton Object: ShuffleButton 00000056 1.34131360 [3968] Initializing Player Skin 00000057 1.34151638 [3968] Creating Text Object: Custom2 00000058 1.34615290 [3968] Initializing Player Skin 00000059 1.34633315 [3968] Creating TrackBar Object: SeekBar 00000060 1.34739268 [3968] Initializing Player Skin 00000061 1.34759331 [3968] Creating Text Object: Custom1 00000062 1.35102367 [3968] Initializing Player Skin 00000063 1.35119236 [3968] Creating Button Object: StopAfterCurrent 00000064 1.35207617 [3968] Initializing Player Skin 00000065 1.35220122 [3968] Creating Button Object: NextButton 00000066 1.35319781 [3968] Initializing Player Skin 00000067 1.35337067 [3968] Creating StateButton Object: PlayPauseButton 00000068 1.35516977 [3968] Initializing Player Skin 00000069 1.35531187 [3968] Creating Button Object: PrevButton 00000070 1.35625935 [3968] Initializing Player Skin 00000071 1.35637724 [3968] Creating Button Object: StopButton 00000072 1.35746884 [3968] Initializing Player Skin 00000073 1.35957420 [3968] Creating TrackBar Object: VolumeBar 00000074 1.36120749 [3968] Initializing Player Skin 00000075 1.36134613 [3968] Creating StateButton Object: MuteButton 00000076 1.36238611 [3968] Initializing Player Skin 00000077 2.15809250 [3968] Removing file: C:\Users\Rusty\AppData\Local\Temp\3125292.tmp 00000078 2.15881205 [3968] Removal complete 00000079 2.19744134 [3968] Going to load format plug-ins. 00000080 2.20547533 [3968] FastMM has been installed. 00000081 2.21026349 [3968] FastMM has been installed. 00000082 2.25061965 [3968] FastMM has been installed. 00000083 2.25953317 [3968] Going to check DB exists. 00000084 2.25970554 [3968] Going to check DB version. 00000085 2.26485944 [3968] Thread has started 656 00000086 2.26496410 [3968] Thread registered, going to initialize 656 00000087 2.26529908 [3968] Thread initialized 656 00000088 2.26558614 [3968] Going to init DB:C:\Users\Rusty\AppData\Roaming\MediaMonkey\MM.DB 00000089 2.26633596 [3968] MMModuleInit 00000090 2.28841472 [3968] 656 DB open SQL: SELECT NULL FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='DBInfo' 00000091 2.28876591 [3968] 656 DB lock finished, took 7250. 00000092 2.28886199 [3968] 656 DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM DBInfo 00000093 2.28917575 [3968] 656 DB lock finished, took 6549. 00000094 2.28940749 [3968] DB: BEGIN EXCLUSIVE transaction 00000095 2.29059625 [3968] 656 DB exec SQL: UPDATE Songs SET FileModified = CASE WHEN FileModified<0 THEN FileModified ELSE FileModified--0.166666667 END, TrackModified = CASE WHEN TrackModified<0 THEN TrackModified ELSE TrackModified--0.166666667 END, LastTimePlayed = CASE WHEN LastTimePlayed<0 THEN LastTimePlayed ELSE LastTimePlayed--0.166666667 END, DateAdded = CASE WHEN DateAdded<0 THEN DateAdded ELSE DateAdded--0.166666667 END 00000096 2.29064870 [3968] 656 DB lock successful. 00000097 2.31182337 [3968] MainForm: NC Activate - 00000098 5.69715595 [3968] Forms: Received WM_ACTIVATEAPP 00000099 5.69983625 [3968] Forms: Accepted WM_ACTIVATEAPP - 00000100 5.70502186 [3968] Forms: NormalizeTopMosts: Level: 0 00000101 5.71061611 [3968] Forms: NormalizeTopMost: Starting 00000102 23.21463013 [3968] Forms: Received WM_ACTIVATEAPP 00000103 23.21467209 [3968] Forms: Accepted WM_ACTIVATEAPP + 00000104 23.21496010 [3968] Forms: RestoreTopMost: Level: 1 00000105 23.21704102 [3968] Forms: RestoreTopMost: Starting 00000106 61.88911438 [3968] MainForm: NC Activate + 00000107 61.89573669 [3968] Dialog: There was a problem querying the database: 00000108 61.89573669 [3968] Error executing SQL "UPDATE Songs SET FileModified = CASE WHEN FileModified<0 THEN FileModified ELSE FileModified--0.166666667 END, TrackModified = CASE WHEN TrackModified<0 THEN TrackModified ELSE TrackModified--0.166666667 END, LastTimePlayed = CASE WHEN LastTimePlayed<0 THEN LastTimePlayed ELSE LastTimePlayed--0.1666" : near " 00000109 61.89573669 [3968] ": syntax error (1, 1) result: 4 00000110 61.91005707 [3968] MainForm: NC Activate - 00000111 61.96562576 [3968] Forms: NormalizeTopMosts: Level: 0 00000112 61.96797943 [3968] Forms: NormalizeTopMost: Starting 00000113 66.72719574 [3968] Forms: RestoreTopMost: Level: 1 00000114 66.72727966 [3968] Forms: RestoreTopMost: Starting 00000115 66.73242188 [3968] Dialog: There was a problem querying the database: 00000116 66.73242188 [3968] Error executing SQL "UPDATE Songs SET FileModified = CASE WHEN FileModified<0 THEN FileModified ELSE FileModified--0.166666667 END, TrackModified = CASE WHEN TrackModified<0 THEN TrackModified ELSE TrackModified--0.166666667 END, LastTimePlayed = CASE WHEN LastTimePlayed<0 THEN LastTimePlayed ELSE LastTimePlayed--0.1666" : near " 00000117 66.73242188 [3968] ": syntax error (1, 1) result: 5 00000118 66.73247528 [3968] 656 DB lock finished, took 1611044694. 00000119 66.73267365 [3968] 656 DB exec SQL: UPDATE DeviceTracks SET UploadTime = CASE WHEN UploadTime<0 THEN UploadTime ELSE UploadTime--0.166666667 END 00000120 66.73271179 [3968] 656 DB lock successful. 00000121 66.74476624 [3968] Forms: NormalizeTopMosts: Level: 0 00000122 66.74508667 [3968] Forms: NormalizeTopMost: Starting 00000123 73.55152130 [3968] Forms: RestoreTopMost: Level: 1 00000124 73.55159760 [3968] Forms: RestoreTopMost: Starting 00000125 73.55687714 [3968] Dialog: There was a problem querying the database: 00000126 73.55687714 [3968] Error executing SQL "UPDATE DeviceTracks SET UploadTime = CASE WHEN UploadTime<0 THEN UploadTime ELSE UploadTime--0.166666667 END 00000127 73.55687714 [3968] " : near " 00000128 73.55687714 [3968] ": syntax error (1, 1) result: 2 00000129 73.55698395 [3968] 656 DB lock finished, took 170605455. 00000130 73.56686401 [3968] Forms: NormalizeTopMosts: Level: 0 00000131 73.56714630 [3968] Forms: NormalizeTopMost: Starting 00000132 77.03972626 [3968] Forms: RestoreTopMost: Level: 1 00000133 77.03990936 [3968] Forms: RestoreTopMost: Starting 00000134 77.05362701 [3968] Dialog: There was a problem with updating database to the newest version. result: 1 00000135 77.05414581 [3968] Going to make final callback 656 00000136 77.05474854 [3968] Thread has finished 656 00000137 77.05770874 [3968] Forms: Received WM_ACTIVATEAPP 00000138 77.05775452 [3968] Forms: Accepted WM_ACTIVATEAPP - 00000139 77.05778503 [3968] Forms: NormalizeTopMosts: Level: 0 00000140 77.05807495 [3968] Forms: NormalizeTopMost: Starting 00000141 77.06195068 [3968] We were asked to finish. 00000142 77.06278992 [3968] We are really going to finish. 00000143 77.06286621 [3968] Close auto-tag. 00000144 77.06294250 [3968] Playback stopped. 00000145 77.06298828 [3968] Termination of all threads started. 00000146 77.06304169 [3968] There is currently 0 threads running. 00000147 77.06308746 [3968] All threads were asked to terminate. 00000148 77.06314087 [3968] All threads really terminated. 00000149 77.06318665 [3968] Termination of all threads finished. 00000150 77.06420898 [3968] Terminating device handlers. 00000151 77.06438446 [3968] Revoking global interface. 00000152 77.06447601 [3968] Terminate auto-scanning. 00000153 77.06452179 [3968] Clear songlist. 00000154 77.06456757 [3968] Terminate player. 00000155 77.06461334 [3968] Going to close album browser. 00000156 77.06466675 [3968] Going to write settings. 00000157 77.09844971 [3968] Going to hide equalizer. 00000158 77.09874725 [3968] Going to free playlist window. 00000159 77.13397217 [3968] Removing Cover manager. 00000160 77.13404083 [3968] Removing Error Handlers. 00000161 77.13412476 [3968] Going to free InfoPopup and InfoPopupPreview. 00000162 77.17082977 [3968] Main form initialized. 00000163 77.17107391 [3968] Removing shell hook. 00000164 77.17270660 [3968] Going to free player. 00000165 77.17281342 [3968] Going to close pop-up windows. 00000166 77.17514038 [3968] Going to destroy the main form. 00000167 77.17527008 [3968] Going to free format plugins. 00000168 77.17534637 [3968] Going to unload C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey4\Plugins\f_WMV.dll 00000169 77.17569733 [3968] Going to unload C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey4\Plugins\f_wave.dll 00000170 77.17591858 [3968] Going to unload C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey4\Plugins\f_video.dll 00000171 77.17817688 [3968] f_video: DLL_PROCESS_DETACH 00000172 77.17863464 [3968] Going to unload C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey4\Plugins\f_ogg.dll 00000173 77.17890930 [3968] Going to unload C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey4\Plugins\f_MPG.dll 00000174 77.17925262 [3968] FastMM has been uninstalled. 00000175 77.17942810 [3968] Going to unload C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey4\Plugins\f_mpc.dll 00000176 77.18214417 [3968] Going to unload C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey4\Plugins\f_mkv.dll 00000177 77.18228149 [3968] 00000178 77.18270874 [3968] Going to unload C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey4\Plugins\f_FLV.dll 00000179 77.18306732 [3968] FastMM has been uninstalled. 00000180 77.18326569 [3968] Going to unload C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey4\Plugins\f_flac_codec.dll 00000181 77.18399811 [3968] Going to unload C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey4\Plugins\f_flac.dll 00000182 77.18424225 [3968] Going to unload C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey4\Plugins\f_AVI.dll 00000183 77.18460083 [3968] FastMM has been uninstalled. 00000184 77.18477631 [3968] Going to unload C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey4\Plugins\f_ape.dll 00000185 77.18508911 [3968] Going to unload C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey4\Plugins\f_aac.dll 00000186 77.18538666 [3968] Going to free playlist structure. 00000187 77.18547821 [3968] Going to free Destroyer. 00000188 77.18553925 [3968] Going to free all remaining structures. 00000189 77.18560028 [3968] Going to terminate SkinVisualization. 00000190 77.32106018 [3968] Closing database. 00000191 77.32415771 [3968] Going to finish application. 00000192 77.32419586 [3968] InstanceManager - window destroyed