00000000 0.00000000 [2848] FastMM has been installed. 00000001 0.06368080 [2848] Win7Tools - Windows 7 detected 00000002 0.06378520 [2848] Win7Tools - running on Windows Vista or later - initialize DWM 00000003 0.06385144 [2848] Win7Tools - Windows Vista DWM initialized 00000004 0.06388772 [2848] Win7Tools - Windows 7 DWM initialized 00000005 0.06393144 [2848] Win7Tools - Shell initialized 00000006 0.08065820 [2848] InstanceManager - registering class. 00000007 0.08081476 [2848] InstanceManager - creating mutex. 00000008 0.08189608 [2848] InstanceManager - creating window. 00000009 0.08339944 [2848] InstanceManager - releasing mutex. 00000010 0.08369200 [2848] Received command line: '"C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey\MediaMonkey.exe" ' 00000011 0.08387420 [2848] Going to read brand data. 00000012 0.08443724 [2848] Going to init Application. 00000013 0.12875360 [2848] -------------------------------------------------------- 00000014 0.12875360 [2848] New exception: 00000015 0.12875360 [2848] Exception code: 2460516 00000016 0.12875360 [2848] Exception flags: 1677721600 00000017 0.12875360 [2848] Number of parameters: 1360477 00000018 0.12875360 [2848] (no debug info) Find error: E58B0000 00000019 0.12875360 [2848] 00000020 0.17716911 [2848] Application was inicialized 00000021 0.17750484 [2848] Version: 00000022 1.12075090 [2848] Forms: Received WM_ACTIVATEAPP 00000023 1.13929558 [2848] Splash screen was shown. 00000024 1.49923086 [2848] Going to read ini settigs. 00000025 1.50549376 [2848] DB path: C:\Users\Rusty\AppData\Local\MediaMonkey\MM.DB , default: , MyDir: C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey\ 00000026 1.50946689 [2848] User doesn't use Gold version. 00000027 1.50951195 [2848] Going to set a language. 00000028 1.51752639 [2848] Setting titles. 00000029 1.51758111 [2848] Strings translation: started 00000030 1.51837468 [2848] Strings translation: finished 00000031 1.51914334 [2848] Going to init tree manager. 00000032 1.57521057 [2848] Going to insert main tree nodes. 00000033 1.57529807 [2848] Updated 0 nodes in MainTree list. 00000034 1.57557619 [2848] Updated 0 nodes in SongView list. 00000035 1.57565045 [2848] Updated 0 nodes in PodcastsView list. 00000036 1.57568848 [2848] Updated 0 nodes in VSTBrowseList1 list. 00000037 1.57570565 [2848] Updated 0 nodes in VSTBrowseList2 list. 00000038 1.57574356 [2848] Updated 0 nodes in VSTBrowseList3 list. 00000039 1.57598948 [2848] Updated 0 nodes in AlbumArtView list. 00000040 1.57909596 [2848] Going to init now playing window. 00000041 1.60693443 [2848] Now playing initialized. 00000042 1.60696959 [2848] Going to init tree history. 00000043 1.60701573 [2848] Going to init advanced error handlers. 00000044 1.60710502 [2848] Going to init covers window. 00000045 1.61327052 [2848] Going to read toolbar positions. 00000046 1.62332463 [2848] Going to load drag cursors. 00000047 1.68549299 [2848] Going to load player skin. 00000048 1.85137677 [2848] Setting PlayerSkin 00000049 1.85376370 [2848] Initializing Player Skin 00000050 1.85405791 [2848] Initializing Player Skin 00000051 1.85469806 [2848] Creating Panel Object: Visualization 00000052 1.85495055 [2848] Initializing Player Skin 00000053 1.85511339 [2848] Creating Panel Object: StatusPanel 00000054 1.85523582 [2848] Initializing Player Skin 00000055 1.85536587 [2848] Creating StateButton Object: PlaylistButton 00000056 1.85547101 [2848] Initializing Player Skin 00000057 1.85559165 [2848] Creating StateButton Object: EQButton 00000058 1.85567653 [2848] Initializing Player Skin 00000059 1.85584509 [2848] Creating StateButton Object: ShuffleButton 00000060 1.85590518 [2848] Initializing Player Skin 00000061 1.85602534 [2848] Creating StateButton Object: ContinousButton 00000062 1.85611486 [2848] Initializing Player Skin 00000063 1.85629010 [2848] Creating Text Object: Custom4 00000064 1.86212802 [2848] Initializing Player Skin 00000065 1.86230946 [2848] Creating Text Object: Custom3 00000066 1.86381340 [2848] Initializing Player Skin 00000067 1.86402464 [2848] Creating Text Object: Custom2 00000068 1.86545730 [2848] Initializing Player Skin 00000069 1.86567771 [2848] Creating Text Object: Custom1 00000070 1.86699629 [2848] Initializing Player Skin 00000071 1.86711323 [2848] Creating Text Object: SongTitle 00000072 1.86840641 [2848] Initializing Player Skin 00000073 1.86858749 [2848] Creating Text Object: KbpsDisplay 00000074 1.86988389 [2848] Initializing Player Skin 00000075 1.87007618 [2848] Creating Text Object: TimeDisplay 00000076 1.87157285 [2848] Initializing Player Skin 00000077 1.87173426 [2848] Creating Panel Object: Rating 00000078 1.88074303 [2848] Initializing Player Skin 00000079 1.88109565 [2848] Creating StateButton Object: MuteButton 00000080 1.88129115 [2848] Initializing Player Skin 00000081 1.88156068 [2848] Creating TrackBar Object: VolumeBar 00000082 1.88170338 [2848] Initializing Player Skin 00000083 1.88198125 [2848] Creating TrackBar Object: SeekBar 00000084 1.88212228 [2848] Initializing Player Skin 00000085 1.88240337 [2848] Creating Button Object: StopButton 00000086 1.88254333 [2848] Initializing Player Skin 00000087 1.88282287 [2848] Creating Button Object: NextButton 00000088 1.88295889 [2848] Initializing Player Skin 00000089 1.88323855 [2848] Creating Button Object: PrevButton 00000090 1.88338494 [2848] Initializing Player Skin 00000091 1.88368928 [2848] Creating StateButton Object: PlayPauseButton 00000092 1.88450420 [2848] Initializing Player Skin 00000093 1.98945022 [2848] Removing file: C:\Users\Rusty\AppData\Local\Temp\249570929.tmp 00000094 1.99002099 [2848] Removal complete 00000095 2.06978512 [2848] Going to check DB exists. 00000096 2.06999159 [2848] Going to init DB. 00000097 2.07005572 [2848] DB - Going to Open. 00000098 2.07010698 [2848] DB - Opened. 00000099 2.07160139 [2848] Going to check DB version. 00000100 2.08133316 [2848] Thread has started 1568 00000101 2.08181596 [2848] Thread registered, going to initialize 1568 00000102 2.08219337 [2848] Thread initialized 1568 00000103 2.08551788 [2848] MMModuleInit 00000104 2.12148285 [2848] 1568 DB open SQL: SELECT NULL FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='DBInfo' 00000105 2.12188816 [2848] 1568 DB lock finished, took 8109. 00000106 2.12197542 [2848] 1568 DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM DBInfo 00000107 2.12229109 [2848] 1568 DB lock finished, took 6493. 00000108 2.12264132 [2848] 1568 DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM Medias WHERE TurnedSN<>0 00000109 2.12321258 [2848] 1568 DB lock finished, took 9068. 00000110 2.12340450 [2848] Going to make final callback 1568 00000111 2.12351894 [2848] Thread has finished 1568 00000112 2.12365341 [2848] Going to do the first time actions. 00000113 2.12371874 [2848] 3344 DB open SQL: SELECT IdMedia FROM Medias WHERE DriveType = 12345 00000114 2.12432599 [2848] 3344 DB lock finished, took 12859. 00000115 2.12437868 [2848] 3344 DB open SQL: SELECT IdMedia FROM Medias WHERE DriveType = 12346 00000116 2.12469220 [2848] 3344 DB lock finished, took 6378. 00000117 2.12522507 [2848] Going to start drive update thread. 00000118 2.12804818 [2848] Going to read DB structures. 00000119 2.12818384 [2848] 3344 DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM Medias ORDER BY Medias.IDMedia 00000120 2.12954998 [2848] 3344 DB lock finished, took 12367. 00000121 2.12959242 [2848] 3344 DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM Lists WHERE IDListType = 1 ORDER BY SortOrder 00000122 2.13038325 [2848] 3344 DB lock finished, took 15747. 00000123 2.13061452 [2848] Thread has started 3940 00000124 2.13066816 [2848] Thread registered, going to initialize 3940 00000125 2.13082218 [2848] Thread initialized 3940 00000126 2.13108134 [2848] 3344 DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM Lists WHERE IDListType = 2 ORDER BY SortOrder 00000127 2.13145542 [2848] 3344 DB lock finished, took 7445. 00000128 2.13267207 [2848] 3344 DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM Lists WHERE IDListType = 3 ORDER BY SortOrder 00000129 2.13341832 [2848] 3344 DB lock finished, took 14138. 00000130 2.13440824 [2848] 3344 DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM Lists WHERE IDListType = 4 ORDER BY SortOrder 00000131 2.13491201 [2848] 3344 DB lock finished, took 7794. 00000132 2.13590407 [2848] Going to update background. 00000133 2.25595307 [2848] Going to init help file. 00000134 2.26738000 [2848] Going to init tray icon. 00000135 2.29705834 [2848] Going to init scripts. 00000136 2.29796886 [2848] Scripts: Read script - &Statistics 00000137 2.29807305 [2848] Scripts: Read script - Track List (&HTML) 00000138 2.29818845 [2848] Scripts: Read script - Track List (&XML) 00000139 2.29826522 [2848] Scripts: Read script - Track List (CS&V) 00000140 2.29835057 [2848] Scripts: Read script - Track List (&Excel) 00000141 2.29843879 [2848] Scripts: Read script - Auto-&increment Track #s... 00000142 2.29853058 [2848] Scripts: Read script - &Swap Artist and Title 00000143 2.29871917 [2848] Scripts: Read script - Case Checker... 00000144 2.29885340 [2848] Scripts: Read script - Export all Playlists... 00000145 2.29959226 [2848] Scripts: Read script - Export subscribed Podcasts... 00000146 2.29971194 [2848] Going to init hotkeys. 00000147 2.30054951 [2848] Going to init hotkeys. 00000148 2.30265498 [2848] 3344 DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM Filters ORDER BY Pos 00000149 2.30407548 [2848] 3344 DB lock finished, took 29809. 00000150 2.30830646 [2848] Hotkeys: Going to install hotkeys hook: 00000151 2.30841136 [2848] RIDEV_EXINPUTSINK registered successfuly 00000152 2.30857921 [2848] Going to set default hotkeys. 00000153 2.30866122 [2848] Going to set menu shortcuts. 00000154 2.30873942 [2848] Going to init popup menu handler. 00000155 2.38602185 [2848] 3344 DB prepare SQL: SELECT IDGenre, GenreName FROM Genres 00000156 2.38617134 [2848] 3344 DB query prepare finished, took 2218. 00000157 2.38621211 [2848] 3344 DB open SQL: SELECT IDGenre, GenreName FROM Genres 00000158 2.38654017 [2848] 3344 DB lock finished, took 6828. 00000159 2.39391947 [2848] 3344 DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM OrganizeRules ORDER BY Pos 00000160 2.39506960 [2848] 3344 DB lock finished, took 9237. 00000161 2.46867609 [2848] Main form initialized. 00000162 2.46932411 [2848] Player: Going to start plugin engine. 00000163 2.46938920 [2848] Winamp simulation window received messsage 36 00000164 2.47001076 [2848] Winamp sim - message left to the default processing 00000165 2.47007608 [2848] Winamp simulation window received messsage 131 00000166 2.47021270 [2848] Winamp sim - message left to the default processing 00000167 2.47026134 [2848] Winamp simulation window received messsage 1 00000168 2.47104692 [2848] Winamp sim - message left to the default processing 00000169 2.47114563 [2848] Winamp sim - message left to the default processing 00000170 2.47165132 [2848] Winamp sim - message left to the default processing 00000171 2.47178459 [2848] Winamp sim - message left to the default processing 00000172 2.47245026 [2848] Winamp sim - message left to the default processing 00000173 2.47402143 [2848] Going to load input plugin C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey\Plugins\in_ape.dll 00000174 2.47429490 [2848] Going to load input plugin C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey\Plugins\in_mpc.dll 00000175 2.47629333 [2848] Going to load input plugin C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey\Plugins\in_vorbis.dll 00000176 2.47709250 [2848] Going to load input plugin C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey\Plugins\in_wav.dll 00000177 2.47821307 [2848] Going to load input plugin C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey\Plugins\in_wma.dll 00000178 2.47958899 [2848] Going to load input plugin C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey\Plugins\in_wmp3.dll 00000179 2.48401475 [2848] Going to load output plugin C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey\Plugins\out_MMDS.dll 00000180 2.48713851 [2848] FastMM has been installed. 00000181 2.53733659 [2848] Going to load output plugin C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey\Plugins\out_wave.dll 00000182 2.53866959 [2848] Going to load DSP plugin C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey\Plugins\dsp_DeFX.dll 00000183 2.53959990 [2848] Winamp sim - WM_USER message 603 00000184 2.53967929 [2848] Winamp sim - WM_USER message 603 00000185 2.54325461 [2848] Going to init playlist window. 00000186 2.54367161 [2848] DSP - Going to update DSP module list. 00000187 2.54371548 [2848] DSP - Module list updated. 00000188 2.55746818 [2848] Going to start auto-scanner. 00000189 2.55808616 [2848] Going to load format plug-ins. 00000190 2.61625004 [2848] Going to init encoding settings. 00000191 2.62404203 [2848] Player: Setting current track: K:\My Documents\My Music\My Downloads\The Charlatans-Melting Pot Best Of 1900-1997(Darkside_RG)\02 - Then.mp3 00000192 2.62497258 [2848] Thread has started 1148 00000193 2.62517095 [2848] Thread registered, going to initialize 1148 00000194 2.62524104 [2848] Thread initialized 1148 00000195 2.67870188 [2848] Winamp simulation window received messsage 12 00000196 2.68885374 [2848] Winamp sim - message left to the default processing 00000197 2.69144583 [2848] 3344 DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM Devices WHERE PluginName='' 00000198 2.69478250 [2848] 3344 DB lock finished, took 16074. 00000199 2.69755459 [2848] FastMM has been installed. 00000200 2.69797015 [2848] 3344 DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM Devices WHERE PluginName='d_iPhone.dll' 00000201 2.70585704 [2848] 3344 DB lock finished, took 16227. 00000202 2.70908642 [2848] FastMM has been installed. 00000203 2.75617790 [2848] 3344 DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM Devices WHERE PluginName='d_iPod.dll' 00000204 2.75646973 [2848] iPhone: Loading library: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support\bin\iTunesMobileDevice.dll 00000205 2.75675011 [2848] 3344 DB lock finished, took 16347. 00000206 2.90041089 [2848] 3344 DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM Devices WHERE PluginName='d_iRiverH.dll' 00000207 2.90158653 [2848] 3344 DB lock finished, took 14929. 00000208 2.94436359 [2848] 3344 DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM Devices WHERE PluginName='d_USBMass1.dll' 00000209 2.94512796 [2848] 3344 DB lock finished, took 15042. 00000210 2.95558429 [2848] FastMM has been installed. 00000211 3.01886249 [2848] 3344 DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM Devices WHERE PluginName='d_WMDM.dll' 00000212 3.01989913 [2848] 3344 DB lock finished, took 15143. 00000213 3.02062559 [2848] WMDM: Inializing WMDM 00000214 3.02346182 [2848] WMDM: Queueing action id:0 00000215 3.02377343 [2848] 3344 DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM Filters WHERE ID=0 00000216 3.02415133 [2848] 3344 DB lock finished, took 11474. 00000217 3.02469826 [2848] WMDM: Starting action id: 0 00000218 3.02482200 [2848] WMDM: Creating Dev Mgr 00000219 3.02915192 [2848] 3344 DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM Filters WHERE ID=0 00000220 3.02958846 [2848] 3344 DB lock finished, took 10779. 00000221 3.02979541 [2848] WMDM: Geting auth interface 00000222 3.03014827 [2848] WMDM: End of IU 00000223 3.03340578 [2848] WMDM: Authenticating 00000224 3.03532743 [2848] Player initialized. 00000225 3.03541732 [2848] Forms: Received WM_ACTIVATEAPP 00000226 3.03547096 [2848] Forms: Accepted WM_ACTIVATEAPP - 00000227 3.03732872 [2848] Forms: NormalizeTopMosts: Level: 0 00000228 3.03774261 [2848] Forms: NormalizeTopMost: Starting 00000229 3.03783679 [2848] Winamp sim - ignoring. 00000230 3.03788805 [2848] Winamp simulation window received messsage 28 00000231 3.03936267 [2848] Winamp sim - ignoring. 00000232 3.03983045 [2848] Going to run application. 00000233 3.04261279 [2848] WMDM: Creating Notifications 00000234 3.16006660 [2848] Win7Tools - Taskbar COM object initialized 00000235 3.19515491 [2848] 3344 DB prepare SQL: SELECT Playlists.IDPlaylist, Playlists.PlaylistName FROM Playlists WHERE Playlists.IDPlaylist IN (SELECT PlaylistSongs.IDPlaylist FROM PlaylistSongs WHERE PlaylistSongs.IDSong IN (SELECT ID FROM Songs ORDER BY LastTimePlayed DESC LIMIT 200) GROUP BY PlaylistSongs.IDPlaylist) LIMIT 10 00000236 3.19547582 [2848] 3344 DB query prepare finished, took 5092. 00000237 3.19554806 [2848] 3344 DB open SQL: SELECT Playlists.IDPlaylist, Playlists.PlaylistName FROM Playlists WHERE Playlists.IDPlaylist IN (SELECT PlaylistSongs.IDPlaylist FROM PlaylistSongs WHERE PlaylistSongs.IDSong IN (SELECT ID FROM Songs ORDER BY LastTimePlayed DESC LIMIT 200) GROUP BY PlaylistSongs.IDPlaylist) LIMIT 10 00000238 3.20930052 [2848] 3344 DB lock finished, took 339457. 00000239 3.47719169 [2848] Forms: Received WM_ACTIVATEAPP 00000240 3.47727489 [2848] Forms: Accepted WM_ACTIVATEAPP + 00000241 3.47733498 [2848] Forms: RestoreTopMost: Level: 1 00000242 3.47738433 [2848] Forms: RestoreTopMost: Starting 00000243 3.47778082 [2848] Winamp sim - ignoring. 00000244 3.47798014 [2848] Winamp simulation window received messsage 28 00000245 3.48003268 [2848] Winamp sim - ignoring. 00000246 3.77962375 [2848] Winamp simulation window received messsage 799 00000247 3.78003526 [2848] Winamp sim - message left to the default processing 00000248 3.78029346 [2848] Winamp sim - message left to the default processing 00000249 4.50098228 [2848] GetFileInfo: K:\My Documents\My Music\My Downloads\The Charlatans-Melting Pot Best Of 1900-1997(Darkside_RG)\02 - Then.mp3 00000250 4.50108814 [2848] 3344 DB prepare SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.IDMedia=? AND Songs.SongPath=? 00000251 4.50191832 [2848] 3344 DB query prepare finished, took 16947. 00000252 4.50202894 [2848] 3344 DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.IDMedia=? AND Songs.SongPath=? 00000253 4.50255871 [2848] 3344 DB lock finished, took 10818. 00000254 4.50313187 [2848] MP3.ReadHeader K:\My Documents\My Music\My Downloads\The Charlatans-Melting Pot Best Of 1900-1997(Darkside_RG)\02 - Then.mp3 00000255 4.50321388 [2848] MP3.ReadHeader - File size 6705152 00000256 4.50331545 [2848] MP3.ReadHeader - Found ID3v2, length: 28696 00000257 4.50338984 [2848] MP3.ReadHeader framestarts: 28706, 28706 00000258 4.50346231 [2848] MP3.ReadHeader finished 00000259 4.50359058 [2848] MP3: Going to read tag from K:\My Documents\My Music\My Downloads\The Charlatans-Melting Pot Best Of 1900-1997(Darkside_RG)\02 - Then.mp3 00000260 4.50932884 [2848] MP3: Tag read from K:\My Documents\My Music\My Downloads\The Charlatans-Melting Pot Best Of 1900-1997(Darkside_RG)\02 - Then.mp3 00000261 4.52748394 [2848] Winamp simulation window received messsage 12 00000262 4.52759504 [2848] Winamp sim - message left to the default processing 00000263 4.56052589 [2848] Assoc: AssociateOnlyExts starting 00000264 4.56056404 [2848] Assoc: PrepareAssociation starting 00000265 4.56385517 [2848] -------------------------------------------------------- 00000266 4.56385517 [2848] New exception: 00000267 4.56385517 [2848] Exception code: 2460516 00000268 4.56385517 [2848] Exception flags: 1677721600 00000269 4.56385517 [2848] Number of parameters: 1360477 00000270 4.56385517 [2848] (no debug info) Find error: E58B0000 00000271 4.56385517 [2848] 00000272 4.56390476 [2848] Error during file associating: Failed to set data for 'AppID' 00000273 4.56394863 [2848] Assoc: PrepareAssociation autoplay handlers installed 00000274 4.56496525 [2848] -------------------------------------------------------- 00000275 4.56496525 [2848] New exception: 00000276 4.56496525 [2848] Exception code: 2460516 00000277 4.56496525 [2848] Exception flags: 1677721600 00000278 4.56496525 [2848] Number of parameters: 1360477 00000279 4.56496525 [2848] (no debug info) Find error: E58B0000 00000280 4.56496525 [2848] 00000281 4.56500769 [2848] Error during file associating: Failed to set data for '' 00000282 4.56504631 [2848] Assoc: PrepareAssociation media client installed 00000283 4.56587887 [2848] -------------------------------------------------------- 00000284 4.56587887 [2848] New exception: 00000285 4.56587887 [2848] Exception code: 2460516 00000286 4.56587887 [2848] Exception flags: 1677721600 00000287 4.56587887 [2848] Number of parameters: 1360477 00000288 4.56587887 [2848] (no debug info) Find error: E58B0000 00000289 4.56587887 [2848] 00000290 4.56591129 [2848] Error during file associating: Failed to set data for 'ApplicationName' 00000291 4.56595087 [2848] Assoc: PrepareAssociation default programs installed 00000292 4.56598759 [2848] Assoc: Associating: mmip 00000293 4.57784557 [2848] -------------------------------------------------------- 00000294 4.57784557 [2848] New exception: 00000295 4.57784557 [2848] Exception code: 2460516 00000296 4.57784557 [2848] Exception flags: 1677721600 00000297 4.57784557 [2848] Number of parameters: 1360477 00000298 4.57784557 [2848] (no debug info) Find error: E58B0000 00000299 4.57784557 [2848] 00000300 4.57795811 [2848] Error during file associating: Failed to set data for '' 00000301 4.57802200 [2848] Assoc: SetActionForFolders starting - action 1 00000302 4.58217239 [2848] -------------------------------------------------------- 00000303 4.58217239 [2848] New exception: 00000304 4.58217239 [2848] Exception code: 2460516 00000305 4.58217239 [2848] Exception flags: 1677721600 00000306 4.58217239 [2848] Number of parameters: 1360477 00000307 4.58217239 [2848] (no debug info) Find error: E58B0000 00000308 4.58217239 [2848] 00000309 4.58225965 [2848] Error during file associating: Failed to set data for '' 00000310 4.58232164 [2848] Assoc: SetActionForFolders finished - action 1 00000311 4.58237362 [2848] Assoc: SetActionForFolders starting - action 2 00000312 4.58485651 [2848] -------------------------------------------------------- 00000313 4.58485651 [2848] New exception: 00000314 4.58485651 [2848] Exception code: 2460516 00000315 4.58485651 [2848] Exception flags: 1677721600 00000316 4.58485651 [2848] Number of parameters: 1360477 00000317 4.58485651 [2848] (no debug info) Find error: E58B0000 00000318 4.58485651 [2848] 00000319 4.58499432 [2848] Error during file associating: Failed to set data for '' 00000320 4.58510780 [2848] iPhone: LoadLibrary() finished 00000321 4.58516264 [2848] Assoc: SetActionForFolders finished - action 2 00000322 4.58623600 [2848] iPhone: iTunesMobileDeviceSupport loaded 00000323 4.58710957 [2848] Assoc: SetActionForFolders starting - action 3 00000324 4.58742285 [2848] iPhone: AMSInitialize : 0 00000325 4.59006643 [2848] -------------------------------------------------------- 00000326 4.59006643 [2848] New exception: 00000327 4.59006643 [2848] Exception code: 2460516 00000328 4.59006643 [2848] Exception flags: 1677721600 00000329 4.59006643 [2848] Number of parameters: 1360477 00000330 4.59006643 [2848] (no debug info) Find error: E58B0000 00000331 4.59006643 [2848] 00000332 4.59018040 [2848] Error during file associating: Failed to set data for '' 00000333 4.59144592 [2848] Assoc: SetActionForFolders finished - action 3 00000334 4.59220982 [2848] Going to check for a new version. 00000335 4.59650946 [2848] iPhone: AMDeviceNotificationSubscribe : 0 00000336 4.75667429 [2848] 3940 DB prepare SQL: SELECT ID FROM Albums WHERE Tracks=0 00000337 4.76234484 [2848] 3940 DB query prepare finished, took 2883. 00000338 4.76503325 [2848] Thread has started 1544 00000339 4.76912498 [2848] 3940 DB open SQL: SELECT ID FROM Albums WHERE Tracks=0 00000340 4.77208614 [2848] Thread registered, going to initialize 1544 00000341 4.77452850 [2848] 3940 DB lock finished, took 53906. 00000342 4.78230381 [2848] Thread initialized 1544 00000343 4.78905439 [2848] 3940 DB prepare SQL: SELECT ID FROM Artists WHERE Tracks=0 AND Albums=0 AND Authors=0 AND Conducts=0 AND Lyrics=0 00000344 4.79400969 [2848] GetFileInfo: K:\My Documents\My Music\My Downloads\The Charlatans-Melting Pot Best Of 1900-1997(Darkside_RG)\01 - The Only One I Know.mp3 00000345 4.79844427 [2848] 3940 DB query prepare finished, took 3825. 00000346 4.80239248 [2848] 1148 DB prepare SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.IDMedia=? AND Songs.SongPath=? 00000347 4.80865717 [2848] 3940 DB open SQL: SELECT ID FROM Artists WHERE Tracks=0 AND Albums=0 AND Authors=0 AND Conducts=0 AND Lyrics=0 00000348 4.81337881 [2848] 1148 DB query prepare finished, took 15441. 00000349 4.81626701 [2848] 3940 DB lock finished, took 105904. 00000350 4.81964207 [2848] 1148 DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.IDMedia=? AND Songs.SongPath=? 00000351 4.82631922 [2848] GetFileInfo: K:\My Documents\My Music\My Downloads\The Charlatans-Melting Pot Best Of 1900-1997(Darkside_RG)\02 - Then.mp3 00000352 4.82987642 [2848] 1148 DB lock finished, took 18789. 00000353 4.83369493 [2848] 3940 DB prepare SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.IDMedia=? AND Songs.SongPath=? 00000354 4.83879471 [2848] GetFileInfo: Found in DB 00000355 4.84135962 [2848] 3940 DB query prepare finished, took 11902. 00000356 4.84363127 [2848] GetFileInfo: K:\My Documents\My Music\My Downloads\The Charlatans - forever, the singles(with covers) a DHZ.Inc Release\cd\01. Indian Rope.mp3 00000357 4.84654236 [2848] 3940 DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.IDMedia=? AND Songs.SongPath=? 00000358 4.85166025 [2848] 1148 DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.IDMedia=? AND Songs.SongPath=? 00000359 4.85232019 [2848] 3940 DB lock finished, took 10447. 00000360 4.85952044 [2848] 1148 DB lock finished, took 16178. 00000361 4.86323643 [2848] GetFileInfo: Found in DB 00000362 4.86612082 [2848] GetFileInfo: Found in DB 00000363 4.86916304 [2848] Going to make final callback 3940 00000364 4.87002707 [2848] 3344 DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM Filters ORDER BY Pos 00000365 4.87088490 [2848] GetFileInfo: K:\My Documents\My Music\My Downloads\The Charlatans - forever, the singles(with covers) a DHZ.Inc Release\cd\16. Try Again Today.mp3 00000366 4.87844896 [2848] DB: Deleting prepared query: SELECT ID FROM Albums WHERE Tracks=0 00000367 4.88451290 [2848] 3344 DB lock finished, took 33886. 00000368 4.88865900 [2848] 1148 DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.IDMedia=? AND Songs.SongPath=? 00000369 4.88912678 [2848] DB: Deleting prepared query: SELECT ID FROM Artists WHERE Tracks=0 AND Albums=0 AND Authors=0 AND Conducts=0 AND Lyrics=0 00000370 4.89346838 [2848] 3344 DB prepare SQL: SELECT Songs.ID FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? AND ( Songs.TrackType=1 ) 00000371 4.89411497 [2848] 1148 DB lock finished, took 20740. 00000372 4.89847422 [2848] DB: Deleting prepared query: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.IDMedia=? AND Songs.SongPath=? 00000373 4.89898968 [2848] 3344 DB query prepare finished, took 2960. 00000374 4.89910412 [2848] GetFileInfo: Found in DB 00000375 4.89973259 [2848] Thread has finished 3940 00000376 4.90002441 [2848] 3344 DB prepare SQL: SELECT Songs.ID FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? AND ( Songs.TrackType=2 ) 00000377 4.90045261 [2848] 3344 DB query prepare finished, took 2754. 00000378 4.90058231 [2848] 3344 DB prepare SQL: SELECT Songs.ID FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? AND ( Songs.TrackType=0 ) 00000379 4.90093994 [2848] 3344 DB query prepare finished, took 1562. 00000380 4.90107679 [2848] 3344 DB prepare SQL: SELECT Songs.ID FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? AND ( ( mediaaccessible( Songs.IdMedia) OR Songs.CacheStatus=1) ) 00000381 4.90142727 [2848] 3344 DB query prepare finished, took 1655. 00000382 4.90167379 [2848] 3344 DB prepare SQL: SELECT Songs.ID FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? AND ( ((Songs.IDMedia=16 AND Songs.SongPath like ':\Users\Rusty%')) ) 00000383 4.90180016 [2848] 3344 DB query prepare finished, took 1605. 00000384 4.90261793 [2848] 3344 DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM Filters WHERE ID=0 00000385 4.90574408 [2848] 3344 DB lock finished, took 16843. 00000386 4.93157625 [2848] GetFileInfo: K:\My Documents\My Music\My Downloads\The Charlatans - forever, the singles(with covers) a DHZ.Inc Release\cd\17. Blackened Blue Eyes.mp3 00000387 4.93164682 [2848] 1148 DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.IDMedia=? AND Songs.SongPath=? 00000388 4.93236017 [2848] 1148 DB lock finished, took 13497. 00000389 4.93250608 [2848] GetFileInfo: Found in DB 00000390 4.93772173 [2848] GetFileInfo: K:\My Documents\My Music\My Downloads\The Charlatans-Melting Pot Best Of 1900-1997(Darkside_RG)\02 - Then.mp3 00000391 4.93775702 [2848] GetFileInfo: readPictures=spAlways 00000392 4.93783188 [2848] GetFileInfo: K:\My Documents\My Music\My Downloads\The Charlatans-Melting Pot Best Of 1900-1997(Darkside_RG)\02 - Then.mp3 00000393 4.93809032 [2848] Added Cover Lists: 1 00000394 4.93826485 [2848] MP3.ReadHeader K:\My Documents\My Music\My Downloads\The Charlatans-Melting Pot Best Of 1900-1997(Darkside_RG)\02 - Then.mp3 00000395 4.93831253 [2848] MP3.ReadHeader - File size 6705152 00000396 4.93841028 [2848] MP3.ReadHeader - Found ID3v2, length: 28696 00000397 4.93846607 [2848] MP3.ReadHeader framestarts: 28706, 28706 00000398 4.93851709 [2848] MP3.ReadHeader finished 00000399 4.93862295 [2848] MP3: Going to read tag from K:\My Documents\My Music\My Downloads\The Charlatans-Melting Pot Best Of 1900-1997(Darkside_RG)\02 - Then.mp3 00000400 4.94208145 [2848] Added Covers: 1 00000401 4.94219160 [2848] MP3: Tag read from K:\My Documents\My Music\My Downloads\The Charlatans-Melting Pot Best Of 1900-1997(Darkside_RG)\02 - Then.mp3 00000402 4.94227791 [2848] 3344 DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.IDMedia=? AND Songs.SongPath=? 00000403 4.94272614 [2848] 3344 DB lock finished, took 9241. 00000404 4.94276762 [2848] Added Cover Lists: 2 00000405 4.94286871 [2848] Added Covers: 2 00000406 4.94305038 [2848] Remaining Covers: 1 00000407 4.94308662 [2848] Remaining Cover Lists: 1 00000408 4.94315624 [2848] GetFileInfo: Found in DB 00000409 4.94321537 [2848] 3344 DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM Covers WHERE IDSong=16894 ORDER BY CoverOrder 00000410 4.94388437 [2848] 3344 DB lock finished, took 12794. 00000411 4.94392729 [2848] Added Covers: 2 00000412 4.94398832 [2848] Remaining Covers: 1 00000413 4.94413900 [2848] Added Covers: 2 00000414 4.94425249 [2848] Added Covers: 3 00000415 4.95495653 [2848] Winamp simulation window received messsage 12 00000416 4.95501328 [2848] Winamp sim - message left to the default processing 00000417 4.95539904 [2848] GetFileInfo: K:\My Documents\My Music\My Downloads\The Charlatans-Melting Pot Best Of 1900-1997(Darkside_RG)\03 - Opportunity Three.mp3 00000418 4.95546722 [2848] 1148 DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.IDMedia=? AND Songs.SongPath=? 00000419 4.95598555 [2848] 1148 DB lock finished, took 10557. 00000420 4.95678902 [2848] GetFileInfo: Found in DB 00000421 4.95830965 [2848] GetFileInfo: K:\My Documents\My Music\My Downloads\The Charlatans-Melting Pot Best Of 1900-1997(Darkside_RG)\04 - Over Rising.mp3 00000422 4.95844364 [2848] 1148 DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.IDMedia=? AND Songs.SongPath=? 00000423 4.95891857 [2848] 1148 DB lock finished, took 9472. 00000424 4.95929384 [2848] GetFileInfo: Found in DB 00000425 4.95954037 [2848] GetFileInfo: K:\My Documents\My Music\My Downloads\The Charlatans - forever, the singles(with covers) a DHZ.Inc Release\cd\10. Forever.mp3 00000426 4.95964193 [2848] 1148 DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.IDMedia=? AND Songs.SongPath=? 00000427 4.96019554 [2848] 1148 DB lock finished, took 11308. 00000428 4.96036482 [2848] GetFileInfo: Found in DB 00000429 4.96057653 [2848] GetFileInfo: K:\My Documents\My Music\My Downloads\The Charlatans - forever, the singles(with covers) a DHZ.Inc Release\cd\11. My Beautiful Friend.mp3 00000430 4.96065044 [2848] 1148 DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.IDMedia=? AND Songs.SongPath=? 00000431 4.96113634 [2848] 1148 DB lock finished, took 9429. 00000432 4.96129560 [2848] GetFileInfo: Found in DB 00000433 4.96150398 [2848] GetFileInfo: K:\My Documents\My Music\My Downloads\The Charlatans - forever, the singles(with covers) a DHZ.Inc Release\cd\12. Impossible.mp3 00000434 4.96157169 [2848] 1148 DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.IDMedia=? AND Songs.SongPath=? 00000435 4.96199942 [2848] 1148 DB lock finished, took 8426. 00000436 4.96214533 [2848] GetFileInfo: Found in DB 00000437 4.96241665 [2848] GetFileInfo: K:\My Documents\My Music\My Downloads\The Charlatans - forever, the singles(with covers) a DHZ.Inc Release\cd\13. Love Is The Key.mp3 00000438 4.96244335 [2848] 1148 DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.IDMedia=? AND Songs.SongPath=? 00000439 4.96283293 [2848] 1148 DB lock finished, took 7877. 00000440 4.96297455 [2848] GetFileInfo: Found in DB 00000441 4.96315098 [2848] GetFileInfo: K:\My Documents\My Music\My Downloads\The Charlatans - forever, the singles(with covers) a DHZ.Inc Release\cd\15. Up At The Lake.mp3 00000442 4.96321535 [2848] 1148 DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.IDMedia=? AND Songs.SongPath=? 00000443 4.96355391 [2848] 1148 DB lock finished, took 6934. 00000444 4.96368837 [2848] GetFileInfo: Found in DB 00000445 4.96392059 [2848] GetFileInfo: K:\My Documents\My Music\My Downloads\The Charlatans - forever, the singles(with covers) a DHZ.Inc Release\cd\18. You're So Pretty, We're So Pretty(Version '06).mp3 00000446 4.96401691 [2848] 1148 DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.IDMedia=? AND Songs.SongPath=? 00000447 4.96438694 [2848] 1148 DB lock finished, took 7524. 00000448 4.96453142 [2848] GetFileInfo: Found in DB 00000449 4.96470261 [2848] GetFileInfo: K:\My Documents\My Music\My Downloads\The Charlatans-Melting Pot Best Of 1900-1997(Darkside_RG)\11 - Jesus Hairdo.mp3 00000450 4.96482372 [2848] 1148 DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.IDMedia=? AND Songs.SongPath=? 00000451 4.96526480 [2848] 1148 DB lock finished, took 9089. 00000452 4.96548653 [2848] GetFileInfo: Found in DB 00000453 4.96568489 [2848] GetFileInfo: K:\My Documents\My Music\My Downloads\The Charlatans-Melting Pot Best Of 1900-1997(Darkside_RG)\15 - Just When You're Thinkin' Things Over.mp3 00000454 4.96575642 [2848] 1148 DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.IDMedia=? AND Songs.SongPath=? 00000455 4.96619797 [2848] 1148 DB lock finished, took 9241. 00000456 4.96634340 [2848] GetFileInfo: Found in DB 00000457 4.96651793 [2848] GetFileInfo: K:\My Documents\My Music\My Downloads\The Charlatans-Melting Pot Best Of 1900-1997(Darkside_RG)\16 - One To Another.mp3 00000458 4.96658325 [2848] 1148 DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.IDMedia=? AND Songs.SongPath=? 00000459 4.96698380 [2848] 1148 DB lock finished, took 7932. 00000460 4.96713352 [2848] GetFileInfo: Found in DB 00000461 4.96861935 [2848] GetFileInfo: K:\My Documents\My Music\My Downloads\The Charlatans-Melting Pot Best Of 1900-1997(Darkside_RG)\17 - North Country Boy.mp3 00000462 4.96875429 [2848] 1148 DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.IDMedia=? AND Songs.SongPath=? 00000463 4.96923733 [2848] 1148 DB lock finished, took 10239. 00000464 4.96938658 [2848] GetFileInfo: Found in DB 00000465 4.96959448 [2848] GetFileInfo: K:\My Documents\My Music\My Downloads\The Charlatans - forever, the singles(with covers) a DHZ.Inc Release\cd\09. Tellin' Stories.mp3 00000466 4.96965981 [2848] 1148 DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.IDMedia=? AND Songs.SongPath=? 00000467 4.97020817 [2848] 1148 DB lock finished, took 11074. 00000468 4.97036648 [2848] GetFileInfo: Found in DB 00000469 4.97056866 [2848] GetFileInfo: K:\My Documents\My Music\My Downloads\The Charlatans-Melting Pot Best Of 1900-1997(Darkside_RG)\05 - Sproston Green (US Version).mp3 00000470 4.97064304 [2848] 1148 DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.IDMedia=? AND Songs.SongPath=? 00000471 4.97100878 [2848] 1148 DB lock finished, took 7490. 00000472 4.97115135 [2848] GetFileInfo: Found in DB 00000473 4.97133446 [2848] GetFileInfo: K:\My Documents\My Music\My Downloads\The Charlatans-Melting Pot Best Of 1900-1997(Darkside_RG)\06 - Weirdo.mp3 00000474 4.97142029 [2848] 1148 DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.IDMedia=? AND Songs.SongPath=? 00000475 4.97186375 [2848] 1148 DB lock finished, took 8247. 00000476 4.97202110 [2848] GetFileInfo: Found in DB 00000477 4.97222376 [2848] GetFileInfo: K:\My Documents\My Music\My Downloads\The Charlatans-Melting Pot Best Of 1900-1997(Darkside_RG)\07 - Theme From The Wish.mp3 00000478 4.97229052 [2848] 1148 DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.IDMedia=? AND Songs.SongPath=? 00000479 4.97266197 [2848] 1148 DB lock finished, took 7562. 00000480 4.97284842 [2848] GetFileInfo: Found in DB 00000481 4.97305107 [2848] GetFileInfo: K:\My Documents\My Music\My Downloads\The Charlatans-Melting Pot Best Of 1900-1997(Darkside_RG)\09 - Can't Get Out Of Bed.mp3 00000482 4.97310162 [2848] 1148 DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.IDMedia=? AND Songs.SongPath=? 00000483 4.97346592 [2848] 1148 DB lock finished, took 7407. 00000484 4.97361374 [2848] GetFileInfo: Found in DB 00000485 4.97402000 [2848] GetFileInfo: K:\My Documents\My Music\My Downloads\The Charlatans-Melting Pot Best Of 1900-1997(Darkside_RG)\10 - I Never Want An Easy Life If Me & He Were Ever To Get There.mp3 00000486 4.97411633 [2848] 1148 DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.IDMedia=? AND Songs.SongPath=? 00000487 4.97454643 [2848] 1148 DB lock finished, took 8601. 00000488 4.97469330 [2848] GetFileInfo: Found in DB 00000489 4.97499752 [2848] GetFileInfo: K:\My Documents\My Music\My Downloads\The Charlatans-Melting Pot Best Of 1900-1997(Darkside_RG)\12 - Crashin' In.mp3 00000490 4.97506666 [2848] 1148 DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.IDMedia=? AND Songs.SongPath=? 00000491 4.97542667 [2848] 1148 DB lock finished, took 7432. 00000492 4.97556496 [2848] GetFileInfo: Found in DB 00000493 4.97572517 [2848] GetFileInfo: K:\My Documents\My Music\My Downloads\The Charlatans-Melting Pot Best Of 1900-1997(Darkside_RG)\13 - Just Lookin'.mp3 00000494 4.97582960 [2848] 1148 DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.IDMedia=? AND Songs.SongPath=? 00000495 4.97616959 [2848] 1148 DB lock finished, took 6990. 00000496 4.97630978 [2848] GetFileInfo: Found in DB 00000497 4.97647190 [2848] GetFileInfo: K:\My Documents\My Music\My Downloads\The Charlatans-Melting Pot Best Of 1900-1997(Darkside_RG)\14 - Here Comes A Soul Saver.mp3 00000498 4.97653723 [2848] 1148 DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.IDMedia=? AND Songs.SongPath=? 00000499 4.97685814 [2848] 1148 DB lock finished, took 6545. 00000500 4.97699118 [2848] GetFileInfo: Found in DB 00000501 4.97714758 [2848] GetFileInfo: K:\My Documents\My Music\My Downloads\The Charlatans - forever, the singles(with covers) a DHZ.Inc Release\cd\08. How High.mp3 00000502 4.97720718 [2848] 1148 DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.IDMedia=? AND Songs.SongPath=? 00000503 4.97752380 [2848] 1148 DB lock finished, took 6426. 00000504 4.97765589 [2848] GetFileInfo: Found in DB 00000505 4.97783279 [2848] GetFileInfo: K:\My Documents\My Music\My Downloads\The Charlatans - forever, the singles(with covers) a DHZ.Inc Release\cd\14. A Man Needs To Be Told.mp3 00000506 4.97789574 [2848] 1148 DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.IDMedia=? AND Songs.SongPath=? 00000507 4.97821760 [2848] 1148 DB lock finished, took 6546. 00000508 4.97835112 [2848] GetFileInfo: Found in DB 00000509 4.97850895 [2848] GetFileInfo: K:\My Documents\My Music\My Downloads\The Charlatans-Melting Pot Best Of 1900-1997(Darkside_RG)\08 - Patrol (The Chemical Brothers Mix).mp3 00000510 4.97856998 [2848] 1148 DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.IDMedia=? AND Songs.SongPath=? 00000511 4.97893572 [2848] 1148 DB lock finished, took 7399. 00000512 4.97907591 [2848] GetFileInfo: Found in DB 00000513 4.98784351 [2848] 3344 DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.ID FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? AND ( Songs.TrackType=1 ) 00000514 4.98824072 [2848] 3344 DB lock finished, took 8273. 00000515 4.98829651 [2848] 3344 DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.ID FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? AND ( Songs.TrackType=2 ) 00000516 4.98849916 [2848] 3344 DB lock finished, took 3898. 00000517 4.98854828 [2848] 3344 DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.ID FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? AND ( Songs.TrackType=1 ) 00000518 4.98874378 [2848] 3344 DB lock finished, took 3757. 00000519 4.98879433 [2848] 3344 DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.ID FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? AND ( Songs.TrackType=2 ) 00000520 4.98898506 [2848] 3344 DB lock finished, took 3654. 00000521 4.98958254 [2848] Going to make final callback 1148 00000522 4.98995018 [2848] DB: Deleting prepared query: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.IDMedia=? AND Songs.SongPath=? 00000523 4.99002552 [2848] Thread has finished 1148 00000524 5.11342764 [2848] Going to make final callback 1544 00000525 5.12396622 [2848] Thread has finished 1544 00000526 8.12063122 [2848] WMDM: Notifications ok. 00000527 8.12074184 [2848] WMDM: Looking for device changes... 00000528 8.12077808 [2848] WMDM: Finished action id: 0 00000529 16.48481178 [2848] Thread has started 3216 00000530 16.48484039 [2848] Thread registered, going to initialize 3216 00000531 16.48488808 [2848] Thread initialized 3216 00000532 16.48495674 [2848] ComboHelper::FillThread - lastPart = "t"; len = 1 00000533 16.48553276 [2848] Going to make final callback 3216 00000534 16.48554802 [2848] Thread has finished 3216 00000535 16.54807472 [2848] Thread has started 596 00000536 16.54817963 [2848] Thread registered, going to initialize 596 00000537 16.54823112 [2848] Thread initialized 596 00000538 16.54830933 [2848] ComboHelper::FillThread - lastPart = "ta"; len = 2 00000539 16.54871941 [2848] Going to make final callback 596 00000540 16.54894447 [2848] Thread has finished 596 00000541 16.64929581 [2848] Thread has started 2936 00000542 16.64932060 [2848] Thread registered, going to initialize 2936 00000543 16.64936638 [2848] Thread initialized 2936 00000544 16.64943314 [2848] ComboHelper::FillThread - lastPart = "tak"; len = 3 00000545 16.64974022 [2848] Going to make final callback 2936 00000546 16.64976311 [2848] Thread has finished 2936 00000547 16.73660469 [2848] Thread has started 2552 00000548 16.73670578 [2848] Thread registered, going to initialize 2552 00000549 16.73676491 [2848] Thread initialized 2552 00000550 16.73684692 [2848] ComboHelper::FillThread - lastPart = "take"; len = 4 00000551 16.73724937 [2848] Going to make final callback 2552 00000552 16.73746490 [2848] Thread has finished 2552 00000553 16.88163757 [2848] Thread has started 3192 00000554 16.88170433 [2848] Thread registered, going to initialize 3192 00000555 16.88173866 [2848] Thread initialized 3192 00000556 16.88197708 [2848] ComboHelper::FillThread - lastPart = "take "; len = 5 00000557 16.88233566 [2848] Going to make final callback 3192 00000558 16.88248634 [2848] Thread has finished 3192 00000559 16.98628044 [2848] Thread has started 828 00000560 16.98638535 [2848] Thread registered, going to initialize 828 00000561 16.98643684 [2848] Thread initialized 828 00000562 16.98652077 [2848] ComboHelper::FillThread - lastPart = "take a"; len = 6 00000563 16.98738480 [2848] Going to make final callback 828 00000564 16.98763847 [2848] Thread has finished 828 00000565 17.07419968 [2848] Thread has started 2844 00000566 17.07422638 [2848] Thread registered, going to initialize 2844 00000567 17.07428360 [2848] Thread initialized 2844 00000568 17.07433891 [2848] ComboHelper::FillThread - lastPart = "take a "; len = 7 00000569 17.07465935 [2848] Going to make final callback 2844 00000570 17.07467842 [2848] Thread has finished 2844 00000571 17.21811295 [2848] Thread has started 3596 00000572 17.21821785 [2848] Thread registered, going to initialize 3596 00000573 17.21826935 [2848] Thread initialized 3596 00000574 17.21835327 [2848] ComboHelper::FillThread - lastPart = "take a c"; len = 8 00000575 17.21877289 [2848] Going to make final callback 3596 00000576 17.21919441 [2848] Thread has finished 3596 00000577 17.32130241 [2848] Thread has started 3548 00000578 17.32137680 [2848] Thread registered, going to initialize 3548 00000579 17.32141495 [2848] Thread initialized 3548 00000580 17.32147789 [2848] ComboHelper::FillThread - lastPart = "take a ch"; len = 9 00000581 17.32168961 [2848] Going to make final callback 3548 00000582 17.32182693 [2848] Thread has finished 3548 00000583 17.37393570 [2848] Thread has started 3160 00000584 17.38225365 [2848] Thread registered, going to initialize 3160 00000585 17.38516045 [2848] Thread initialized 3160 00000586 17.38853264 [2848] ComboHelper::FillThread - lastPart = "take a cha"; len = 10 00000587 17.39131355 [2848] Going to make final callback 3160 00000588 17.39539337 [2848] Thread has finished 3160 00000589 17.45722580 [2848] Thread has started 1012 00000590 17.45729446 [2848] Thread registered, going to initialize 1012 00000591 17.45739937 [2848] Thread initialized 1012 00000592 17.45747566 [2848] ComboHelper::FillThread - lastPart = "take a chan"; len = 11 00000593 17.45779228 [2848] Going to make final callback 1012 00000594 17.45806885 [2848] Thread has finished 1012 00000595 17.53737259 [2848] Thread has started 4064 00000596 17.53742218 [2848] Thread registered, going to initialize 4064 00000597 17.53744698 [2848] Thread initialized 4064 00000598 17.53751373 [2848] ComboHelper::FillThread - lastPart = "take a chanc"; len = 12 00000599 17.53769493 [2848] Going to make final callback 4064 00000600 17.53779793 [2848] Thread has finished 4064 00000601 17.62489700 [2848] Thread has started 3576 00000602 17.62495804 [2848] Thread registered, going to initialize 3576 00000603 17.62499619 [2848] Thread initialized 3576 00000604 17.62505722 [2848] ComboHelper::FillThread - lastPart = "take a chance"; len = 13 00000605 17.62524986 [2848] Going to make final callback 3576 00000606 17.62533760 [2848] Thread has finished 3576 00000607 17.82132721 [2848] Node Library going to clear SongList. 00000608 17.89265060 [2848] Node Contains: "take a chance" going to clear SongList. 00000609 17.89282417 [2848] Node Contains: "take a chance" starting. 00000610 17.89286613 [2848] Node Contains: "take a chance" going to clear SongList. 00000611 17.90164948 [2848] Thread has started 2628 00000612 17.90186310 [2848] Thread registered, going to initialize 2628 00000613 17.90239525 [2848] Thread initialized 2628 00000614 17.90529442 [2848] Going to make final callback 2628 00000615 17.90542793 [2848] Thread has finished 2628 00000616 18.14412117 [2848] Node Contains: "take a chance" starting. 00000617 18.14619446 [2848] Node Contains: "take a chance" going to clear SongList. 00000618 18.14908218 [2848] Thread has started 1788 00000619 18.14925957 [2848] Thread registered, going to initialize 1788 00000620 18.14997673 [2848] Thread initialized 1788 00000621 18.15299225 [2848] 1788 DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* 00000622 18.15299225 [2848] FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH ' take* a* chance* ') 00000623 18.23290062 [2848] 1788 DB lock finished, took 2037886. 00000624 18.23425484 [2848] Going to make final callback 1788 00000625 18.23608398 [2848] Thread has finished 1788 00000626 18.33238792 [2848] GetFileInfo: C:\Users\Rusty\Music\Aimee Mann and Michael Penn\ABBA\Gold\3 - ABBA - Take A Chance On Me.mp3 00000627 18.33243942 [2848] GetFileInfo: readPictures=spAlways 00000628 18.33247948 [2848] GetFileInfo: C:\Users\Rusty\Music\Aimee Mann and Michael Penn\ABBA\Gold\3 - ABBA - Take A Chance On Me.mp3 00000629 18.33269882 [2848] Added Cover Lists: 2 00000630 18.33289909 [2848] MP3.ReadHeader C:\Users\Rusty\Music\Aimee Mann and Michael Penn\ABBA\Gold\3 - ABBA - Take A Chance On Me.mp3 00000631 18.33294678 [2848] MP3.ReadHeader - File size 3913856 00000632 18.33303261 [2848] MP3.ReadHeader - Found ID3v2, length: 1621 00000633 18.33307266 [2848] MP3.ReadHeader framestarts: 1631, 1631 00000634 18.33310890 [2848] MP3.ReadHeader CheckMoreHeaders started 00000635 18.33314514 [2848] MP3.ReadHeader CheckMoreHeaders Endtest: 4703 00000636 18.33318138 [2848] MP3.ReadHeader CheckMoreHeaders finished 00000637 18.33324051 [2848] MP3.ReadHeader finished 00000638 18.33329964 [2848] MP3: Going to read tag from C:\Users\Rusty\Music\Aimee Mann and Michael Penn\ABBA\Gold\3 - ABBA - Take A Chance On Me.mp3 00000639 18.33670998 [2848] MP3: Tag read from C:\Users\Rusty\Music\Aimee Mann and Michael Penn\ABBA\Gold\3 - ABBA - Take A Chance On Me.mp3 00000640 18.33708572 [2848] 3344 DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.IDMedia=? AND Songs.SongPath=? 00000641 18.33722115 [2848] 3344 DB lock finished, took 8913. 00000642 18.33726883 [2848] Added Cover Lists: 3 00000643 18.33738327 [2848] Remaining Cover Lists: 2 00000644 18.33744431 [2848] GetFileInfo: Found in DB 00000645 18.33749962 [2848] 3344 DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM Covers WHERE IDSong=21123 ORDER BY CoverOrder 00000646 18.33797646 [2848] 3344 DB lock finished, took 10063. 00000647 32.56243896 [2848] Thread has started 1948 00000648 32.56256104 [2848] Thread registered, going to initialize 1948 00000649 32.56259918 [2848] Thread initialized 1948 00000650 32.69900131 [2848] Going to make final callback 1948 00000651 32.69908142 [2848] Thread has finished 1948 00000652 32.93757629 [2848] 3344 DB prepare SQL: SELECT NULL FROM Songs WHERE IDMedia=? LIMIT 1 00000653 32.93766785 [2848] 3344 DB query prepare finished, took 2919. 00000654 32.93834686 [2848] 3344 DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM Medias ORDER BY DriveType, isAudioCD, ShowLabel 00000655 32.93863297 [2848] 3344 DB lock finished, took 14203. 00000656 32.93896103 [2848] 3344 DB open SQL: SELECT NULL FROM Songs WHERE IDMedia=? LIMIT 1 00000657 32.93912506 [2848] 3344 DB lock finished, took 6009. 00000658 32.93931961 [2848] 3344 DB open SQL: SELECT NULL FROM Songs WHERE IDMedia=? LIMIT 1 00000659 32.93952179 [2848] 3344 DB lock finished, took 3223. 00000660 32.93968964 [2848] 3344 DB open SQL: SELECT NULL FROM Songs WHERE IDMedia=? LIMIT 1 00000661 32.93984222 [2848] 3344 DB lock finished, took 2716. 00000662 32.94009781 [2848] 3344 DB open SQL: SELECT NULL FROM Songs WHERE IDMedia=? LIMIT 1 00000663 32.94036865 [2848] 3344 DB lock finished, took 4122. 00000664 32.94056702 [2848] 3344 DB open SQL: SELECT NULL FROM Songs WHERE IDMedia=? LIMIT 1 00000665 32.94113922 [2848] 3344 DB lock finished, took 2944. 00000666 32.94146729 [2848] 3344 DB prepare SQL: SELECT ID,TrackCount FROM Folders WHERE IDMedia=? AND IDParentFolder=? AND Folder=? 00000667 32.94155502 [2848] 3344 DB query prepare finished, took 5255. 00000668 32.94218445 [2848] 3344 DB open SQL: SELECT ID,TrackCount FROM Folders WHERE IDMedia=? AND IDParentFolder=? AND Folder=? 00000669 32.94231033 [2848] 3344 DB lock finished, took 12612. 00000670 32.94256973 [2848] 3344 DB open SQL: SELECT ID,TrackCount FROM Folders WHERE IDMedia=? AND IDParentFolder=? AND Folder=? 00000671 32.94265747 [2848] 3344 DB lock finished, took 4792. 00000672 32.94292831 [2848] 3344 DB open SQL: SELECT ID,TrackCount FROM Folders WHERE IDMedia=? AND IDParentFolder=? AND Folder=? 00000673 32.94304276 [2848] 3344 DB lock finished, took 4407. 00000674 32.94361496 [2848] 3344 DB open SQL: SELECT NULL FROM Songs WHERE Songs.IDFolder in (SELECT IDChildFolder FROM FoldersHier WHERE IDFolder=4843) LIMIT 1 00000675 32.94496918 [2848] 3344 DB lock finished, took 11710. 00000676 32.94541168 [2848] 3344 DB open SQL: SELECT ID,TrackCount FROM Folders WHERE IDMedia=? AND IDParentFolder=? AND Folder=? 00000677 32.94580078 [2848] 3344 DB lock finished, took 12069. 00000678 32.94604874 [2848] 3344 DB open SQL: SELECT ID,TrackCount FROM Folders WHERE IDMedia=? AND IDParentFolder=? AND Folder=? 00000679 32.94623184 [2848] 3344 DB lock finished, took 7015. 00000680 32.94664764 [2848] 3344 DB open SQL: SELECT ID,TrackCount FROM Folders WHERE IDMedia=? AND IDParentFolder=? AND Folder=? 00000681 32.94736099 [2848] 3344 DB lock finished, took 6371. 00000682 32.94849014 [2848] 3344 DB open SQL: SELECT NULL FROM Songs WHERE Songs.IDFolder in (SELECT IDChildFolder FROM FoldersHier WHERE IDFolder=0) LIMIT 1 00000683 32.94975662 [2848] 3344 DB lock finished, took 21755. 00000684 32.94990540 [2848] NodePath: C:\Users\Rusty\Music\Aimee Mann and Michael Penn\ABBA\Gold\3 - ABBA - Take A Chance On Me.mp3 00000685 32.94999695 [2848] MyDocPath: C:\Users\Rusty\Documents\ 00000686 32.95011139 [2848] MyMusicPath: C:\Users\Rusty\Music\ 00000687 32.95019531 [2848] NodePath: C:\Users\Rusty\Music\Aimee Mann and Michael Penn\ABBA\Gold\3 - ABBA - Take A Chance On Me.mp3 00000688 32.95027542 [2848] MyDocPath: C:\Users\Rusty\Documents\ 00000689 32.95512390 [2848] MyMusicPath: C:\Users\Rusty\Music\ 00000690 48.18500519 [2848] We were asked to finish. 00000691 48.19028473 [2848] We are really going to finish. 00000692 48.19940186 [2848] Forms: Received WM_ACTIVATEAPP 00000693 48.19982910 [2848] Forms: Accepted WM_ACTIVATEAPP - 00000694 48.19997787 [2848] Forms: NormalizeTopMosts: Level: 0 00000695 48.20108795 [2848] Forms: NormalizeTopMost: Starting 00000696 48.20249557 [2848] Winamp sim - ignoring. 00000697 48.20260239 [2848] Winamp simulation window received messsage 28 00000698 48.20265579 [2848] Winamp sim - ignoring. 00000699 48.20331192 [2848] Close auto-tag. 00000700 48.20338058 [2848] _Stop: started 00000701 48.20610046 [2848] _Stop: finished 00000702 48.20837784 [2848] Playback stopped. 00000703 48.20840454 [2848] Termination of all threads started. 00000704 48.20845032 [2848] There is currently 0 threads running. 00000705 48.20848465 [2848] All threads were asked to terminate. 00000706 48.20852280 [2848] All threads really terminated. 00000707 48.20855713 [2848] Termination of all threads finished. 00000708 48.21302795 [2848] Terminating device handlers. 00000709 48.21311951 [2848] Devices: Unloading C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey\Plugins\d_WMDM.dll 00000710 48.21315765 [2848] WMDM: Closing WMDM 00000711 48.21320343 [2848] WMDM: Queueing action id:0 00000712 48.21327972 [2848] WMDM: Starting action id: 0 00000713 48.21339035 [2848] WMDM: Waiting for queued actions to terminate 00000714 48.21343613 [2848] WMDM: Closing Notifications 00000715 48.21359634 [2848] WMDM: Closing Notifications 2 00000716 48.21373367 [2848] WMDM: Closing Notifications 3 00000717 48.21385574 [2848] WMDM: Closing Dev manager 00000718 48.21431351 [2848] WMDM: Waiting for queued actions to terminate 00000719 48.21995163 [2848] WMDM: All is terminated 00000720 48.22013855 [2848] WMDM: Finished action id: 0 00000721 49.22109604 [2848] WMDM: All is finished 00000722 49.22114182 [2848] Devices: fQuit called 00000723 49.22120667 [2848] WMDM: Finalization started 00000724 49.22125244 [2848] WMDM: Finalization finished 00000725 49.22845840 [2848] FastMM has been uninstalled. 00000726 49.22948074 [2848] Devices: Unloading C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey\Plugins\d_USBMass1.dll 00000727 49.22957230 [2848] Devices: fQuit called 00000728 49.22982025 [2848] Devices: Unloading C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey\Plugins\d_iRiverH.dll 00000729 49.23006439 [2848] Devices: fQuit called 00000730 49.23033524 [2848] Devices: Unloading C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey\Plugins\d_iPod.dll 00000731 49.23040390 [2848] Devices: fQuit called 00000732 49.23805237 [2848] FastMM has been uninstalled. 00000733 49.23883057 [2848] Devices: Unloading C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey\Plugins\d_iPhone.dll 00000734 49.23916245 [2848] Devices: fQuit called 00000735 49.23921967 [2848] FastMM has been uninstalled. 00000736 49.23965836 [2848] Revoking global interface. 00000737 49.24017334 [2848] Terminate auto-scanning. 00000738 49.24024200 [2848] Clear songlist. 00000739 49.24123001 [2848] Terminate player. 00000740 49.24148178 [2848] Going to save the main playlist. 00000741 49.24298096 [2848] Going to close album browser. 00000742 49.24302292 [2848] Going to write settings. 00000743 49.33612442 [2848] Going to hide equalizer. 00000744 49.33647537 [2848] Going to free playlist window. 00000745 49.38343430 [2848] Removing Cover manager. 00000746 49.38349152 [2848] Remaining Cover Lists: 1 00000747 49.38354874 [2848] Removing Error Handlers. 00000748 49.38359451 [2848] Going to free InfoPopup and InfoPopupPreview. 00000749 49.38622284 [2848] Posted WM_QUIT 00000750 49.38626480 [2848] Removing shell hook. 00000751 49.38631058 [2848] Going to free player. 00000752 49.38634872 [2848] Player: Going to remove player plugins object. 00000753 49.38638306 [2848] _Stop: started 00000754 49.38655853 [2848] _Stop: finished 00000755 49.38768005 [2848] SynchronizingAfterTagging finished 00000756 49.38771057 [2848] TWAPluginEngine.Stop - going to stop input plugin 00000757 49.38774872 [2848] TWAPluginEngine.Stop - input plugin stopped 00000758 49.38796616 [2848] Winamp sim - WM_USER message 603 00000759 49.38807678 [2848] Going to quit DSP plugin C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey\Plugins\dsp_DeFX.dll 00000760 49.38811874 [2848] Going to quit output plugin C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey\Plugins\out_wave.dll 00000761 49.38815308 [2848] Going to unload C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey\Plugins\out_wave.dll 00000762 49.38824844 [2848] Going to quit output plugin C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey\Plugins\out_MMDS.dll 00000763 49.38828278 [2848] MMDS: Terminating 00000764 49.38831711 [2848] MMDS: All actions finished 00000765 49.38835907 [2848] MMDS: All data destoyed 00000766 49.38840103 [2848] MMDS: MMInterf disconnected 00000767 49.38843536 [2848] Going to unload C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey\Plugins\out_MMDS.dll 00000768 49.39506149 [2848] FastMM has been uninstalled. 00000769 49.39562607 [2848] Going to quit input plugin C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey\Plugins\in_wmp3.dll 00000770 49.39566422 [2848] Going to unload C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey\Plugins\in_wmp3.dll 00000771 49.39615631 [2848] INWMP3: Close() started 00000772 49.39620209 [2848] INWMP3: Close() 1 00000773 49.39623260 [2848] INWMP3: Close() 2 00000774 49.39628220 [2848] INWMP3: Close() 3 00000775 49.39631271 [2848] INWMP3: Close() finished 00000776 49.39672089 [2848] Going to quit input plugin C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey\Plugins\in_wma.dll 00000777 49.39697266 [2848] Going to unload C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey\Plugins\in_wma.dll 00000778 49.39712524 [2848] Going to quit input plugin C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey\Plugins\in_wav.dll 00000779 49.39716721 [2848] Going to unload C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey\Plugins\in_wav.dll 00000780 49.39735413 [2848] Going to quit input plugin C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey\Plugins\in_vorbis.dll 00000781 49.39739609 [2848] Going to unload C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey\Plugins\in_vorbis.dll 00000782 49.39749527 [2848] Going to quit input plugin C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey\Plugins\in_mpc.dll 00000783 49.39752960 [2848] Going to unload C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey\Plugins\in_mpc.dll 00000784 49.39764404 [2848] Going to quit input plugin C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey\Plugins\in_ape.dll 00000785 49.39767838 [2848] Going to unload C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey\Plugins\in_ape.dll 00000786 49.39852905 [2848] Player: Going to remove player scanning object. 00000787 49.39857864 [2848] Player: Going to remove player entries. 00000788 49.39881134 [2848] Going to close pop-up windows. 00000789 49.39952087 [2848] Going to destroy the main form. 00000790 49.39962006 [2848] Going to free format plugins. 00000791 49.39968491 [2848] Going to unload C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey\Plugins\f_wave.dll 00000792 49.39992142 [2848] Going to unload C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey\Plugins\f_ogg.dll 00000793 49.40034103 [2848] Going to unload C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey\Plugins\f_mpc.dll 00000794 49.40770721 [2848] Going to unload C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey\Plugins\f_flac_codec.dll 00000795 49.40834427 [2848] Going to unload C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey\Plugins\f_flac.dll 00000796 49.40846634 [2848] Going to unload C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey\Plugins\f_ape.dll 00000797 49.40864563 [2848] Going to unload C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey\Plugins\f_aac_codec.dll 00000798 49.40913773 [2848] Going to unload C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMonkey\Plugins\f_aac.dll 00000799 49.40942383 [2848] Going to free playlist structure. 00000800 49.40948105 [2848] Going to free VTmanager and Destroyer. 00000801 49.40964508 [2848] Going to free all remaining structures. 00000802 49.40969467 [2848] Going to terminate help. 00000803 49.47131729 [2848] Remaining Covers: 2 00000804 49.47137451 [2848] Remaining Covers: 1 00000805 49.47141266 [2848] Remaining Covers: 0 00000806 49.47144699 [2848] Remaining Cover Lists: 0 00000807 49.50292587 [2848] Closing database. 00000808 49.50306702 [2848] DB: Deleting prepared query: SELECT IDGenre, GenreName FROM Genres 00000809 49.50316620 [2848] DB: Deleting prepared query: SELECT Playlists.IDPlaylist, Playlists.PlaylistName FROM Playlists WHERE Playlists.IDPlaylist IN (SELECT PlaylistSongs.IDPlaylist FROM PlaylistSongs WHERE PlaylistSongs.IDSong IN (SELECT ID FROM Songs ORDER BY LastTimePlayed DESC LIMIT 200) GROUP BY PlaylistSongs.IDPlaylist) LIMIT 10 00000810 49.50336075 [2848] DB: Deleting prepared query: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.IDMedia=? AND Songs.SongPath=? 00000811 49.50547791 [2848] DB: Deleting prepared query: SELECT ID,TrackCount FROM Folders WHERE IDMedia=? AND IDParentFolder=? AND Folder=? 00000812 49.50593567 [2848] Going to finish application. 00000813 49.50596237 [2848] InstanceManager - window destroyed 00000814 49.54564667 [2848] FastMM has been uninstalled.